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The Great Secret Of Holy Death
The Great Secret Of Holy Death
The Great Secret Of Holy Death
Ebook488 pages3 hours

The Great Secret Of Holy Death

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

What is Santa Muerte (the Holy Death)? Why are we afraid of her? Santa Muerte is the practice of a religion that originates in Mexico in which the dead are worshipped. This practice has spread to other parts of the world. It is another way of understanding faith and religion. Unknown to many and feared by others, many lies have been said about Santa Muerte and her cult. It is an ancient religion which has been passed down from parents to children.
This book aims to inform about Santa Muerte so that we lose our fear, we understand her, and we know her: the great secret and misunderstanding. We only cease fearing something when it is no longer unknown. Maga Beth with her vast experience in the esoteric world, in different religions and also in Santa Muerte, explains the cult in detail so that the reader gets to know it and demystifies all the dark and negative things that have been unfairly said about it; since every day Santa Muerte has more followers.
This work is a guide that can be used by anyone who wants to make a request, a ritual, or say a prayer, a novena prayer, for love, health, work, money, economy, family, protection, etc. As the reader will see, the ingredients recommended are simple and can be easily found in any part of the world; but, the author also provides a very simple and easy guide on how to make the ingredients that cannot be found yourself.
Apart from the history and cult of Santa Muerte, this book also includes an extensive and specific compilation for every topic you may need: love, money, work, health, family, protection, etc. providing the reader with a lot of rituals, works, prayers, novena prayers, etc. for each topic.
This is another book by Maga Beth, unpublished in its sector, that will certainly leave no one indifferent. More information: Color pictures owned by the author.

PublisherMaga Beth
Release dateJan 31, 2019
The Great Secret Of Holy Death

Maga Beth

María Isabel Pedrera Pérez más conocida como la MAGA BETH nació un 9 de febrero de 1970 en Barcelona.De profesión hereditaria, su abuela y bisabuela la introdujeron en el mundo de la alta magia; mostrando de bien pequeña una predilección hacia todo lo esotérico.Cursó educación reglada, la cual amplió con estudios superiores diplomándose en educación infantil y puericultura. Especializándose en varios cursos de :-Educador para personas con dificultades de aprendizaje - Autismo.-Necesidades Especiales - Dislexia.-Estimulación y desarrollo en educación con discapacidades.-Trastornos psicopáticos en la infancia-Logopedia-El educador ante el fracaso escolar.-Musicoterapia-Movimiento y el juego en la práctica docente.Compaginó ambos estudios especializándose en parapsicología, hipnosis, ocultismo y astrología ; realizando un Master en Control de Calidad y Medio Ambiente.Como buen acuario su alma inquieta le llevó a seguir experimentando pero esta vez en el mundo natural, diplomándose en naturopatía, flores de Bach, Sales de Schüssler, dietética y nutrición, drenaje linfático, reflexología y quiromasaje.Autora de varios libros:- El mágico mundo de las pirámides- Piramidología práctica y esotérica- Runas, símbolos mágicos- Diccionario de santería- Eshú y Pomba Gira, más allá del bien y del mal- El Gran Secreto de la Santa Muerte- El Mundo de Eshú y Pomba Gira.A lo largo de éstos años, ha colaborado en varios programas de radio y ferias esotéricas, impartido charlas y conferencias, cursos de Tarot, runas y Alta Magia; participando en el Primer Congreso de Mediums celebrado en España.Actualmente sigue formando en diversos campos divulgando sus conocimientos.-------------María Isabel Pedrera Pérez, better known as MAGA BETH, was born in Barcelona on February 9, 1970.With an inherited profession, her grandmother and great grandmother introduced her in the world of High Magic; she showed, at an early age, a preference towards esotericism.María Isabel attended basic and high school education and completed higher education with a diploma in Infant Education and Childcare, specialising her studies with the following courses:-Educator for people with learning difficulties - Autism.-Special needs - Dyslexia.-Stimulation and development in education with disabilities.-Psychopathic disorders in childhood.-Speech Therapy.-The teacher in school failure.-Music therapy.-Movement and play in the teaching practice.She combined both studies and also specialised in parapsychology, hypnosis, occultism and astrology; and completed a Master in Quality Control and Environment.As a good Aquarius, her restless soul led her to continue gaining experience but this time in the natural world, and earned a diploma in Naturopathy, Bach Flowers Remedies, Schüssler Salts, Dietetics and Nutrition, Lymphatic Drainage, Reflexology and Chiromassage.María Isabel is the author of several books:-El mágico mundo de las pirámides- Piramidología práctica y esotérica.-Runas, símbolos mágicos.-Diccionario de santería.-Eshú y Pomba Gira, más allá del bien y del mal.- The Great Secret of Holy Death.- The World of Eshú and Pomba Gira.Throughout these years, María Isabel has collaborated in several radio programmes and esoteric fairs, has given lectures and conferences, and many Tarot, Runes and High Magic courses; and also participated in the First Congress of Mediums held in Spain.Currently, she continues working in different fields spreading her knowledge.------------María Isabel Pedrera Pérez, plus connue sous le nom de MAGA BETH, est née le 9 février 1970 à Barcelone.Profession héréditaire, sa grand-mère et arrière grand-mère l'ont introduite dans le monde de la haute magie; montrant une petite prédilection pour tout ce qui est ésotérique.Elle a suivi une éducation formelle, qu'il a élargie avec un diplôme d'enseignement supérieur en éducation infantile et en garderie. Spécialisé dans plusieurs cours de:-Educatrice pour les personnes ayant des difficultés d'apprentissage - Autisme.- Besoins spéciaux - Dyslexie.-Stimulation et développement dans l'éducation avec des incapacités.Troubles psychopathiques dans l'enfance-Logopédie-L'éducateur face à l'échec scolaire.-La thérapie musicale-Mouvement et le jeu dans la pratique de l'enseignement.Elle a combiné les deux études spécialisées en parapsychologie, hypnose, occultisme et astrologie; faire un Master en contrôle de qualité et environnement.Comme bon verseau son âme agitée l'a amené à continuer à expérimenter mais cette fois dans le monde naturel, diplôme en naturopathie, fleurs de Bach, sels de Schüssler, diététique et nutrition, drainage lymphatique, réflexologie et quiromassage.Auteur de plusieurs livres:-Le monde magique des pyramides - Pyramidologie pratique et ésotérique-Runes, symboles magiques-Dictionnaire de Santeria-Eshú et Pomba Gira, au-delà du bien et du mal-Le Grand Secret de La Sainte Mort-Le monde d’Eshú et Pomba Gira.Au cours de ces années, il a collaboré à divers programmes de radio et à des foires ésotériques, donné des conférences et des conférences, des cours de Tarot, des runes et des High Magic; participer au premier congrès des médiums organisé en Espagne.En ce moment elle continue à se former dans divers domaines en dévoilant ses connaissances.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Very wonderful book I love its details and very precise instructions. The writer was awesome at editing and spelling ! Again Great work from a brother in faith to la santisima Muerte