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Blessing of the Bride: a Westmore Family Short
Blessing of the Bride: a Westmore Family Short
Blessing of the Bride: a Westmore Family Short
Ebook50 pages33 minutes

Blessing of the Bride: a Westmore Family Short

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Haylie Westmore was able to convince her domineering-but-adoring father to approve of her older fiance, but it came with some strings attached. One of them is the blessing of the marriage by their family pastor. The Westmores are prominent members of the congregation at St. Luke's, and it simply won't do for Jim Westmore's oldest daughter to have an illicit wedding without the traditional, loving support of their parish.

Father Stephen Blake has overseen the spiritual and moral direction of the precocious Haylie for many years, and they have always had a caring if complicated relationship. But now at 24, Haylie doesn't expect to be treated like a little choir girl. She's an adult, and can handle difficult conversations, so she goes to see Father Blake alone to make her confession and ask for his blessing. Haylie was able to persuade her real father to see things her way... how hard can his church counterpart be?

But Stephen Blake isn't going to let a captive audience go to waste. He understands Haylie's darkest secret needs, and will use every ancient and sacred tool at his disposal to ensure that she performs thoroughly, in order to be absolved of her sins. Their private counseling and prayer session will take a lot out of them both... but will Haylie tell her pastor the whole truth about her engagement? What forbidden acts will happen in the secret chambers of St. Luke's? What secrets will be kept... or created?

Release dateDec 8, 2018
Blessing of the Bride: a Westmore Family Short

Anna Elizabeth Avila

Anna Avila is an American lady who travels far too much for work, and enjoys writing smut for thinking people in her downtime. She specializes in taboo, incest and family relationships. Other subjects of interest are female domination, exploration of chastity, power dynamics in general, and fantasy-world erotica.After years of a hedonistic sex life, Anna settled down and became “respectable”— but her real experiences inform her erotic fiction, and many have an autobiographical element, although names and identifying details are always masked to protect actual participants.

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    Book preview

    Blessing of the Bride - Anna Elizabeth Avila

    Blessing of the Bride: a Westmore Family Short

    Anna Avila

    Copyright 2018 Anna E. Avila

    Published by Mysterion Media at Smashwords

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1: Come Sit With Me

    Chapter 2: Before I Said Yes

    Chapter 3: A Child of God

    Chapter 4: The Tree of Knowledge

    Chapter 5: Psalm 139

    Chapter 6: Fearful and Wonderful

    Chapter 7: Agonies of the Flesh

    Chapter 8: Have Mercy Upon Us

    Chapter 9: Let Us Pray Together

    Chapter 10: A Plot Twist

    Chapter 11: All Will Be Fine

    Other Books by Anna Avila

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    About Mysterion Media

    Chapter 1: Come Sit with Me

    Haylie turned off the ignition and looked over the playground. It had been upgraded since she was here last. When was that? Last Christmas? She couldn’t quite remember.

    The bell tower of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church rose high in the afternoon sun. Haylie had gone to pre-school here, had sung in the children’s choir, had been baptized here. She had many warm memories of this building.

    The parking lot was nearly empty, no surprise on a random Thursday. Only one car she recognized: a tan sedan that was as staid and practical as it had been a decade ago, and parked in the same reserved space as ever. She smiled at the memory of a ride in that car.

    Haylie Westmore opened the side door and stepped inside her family’s church.

    The sights, smells and sounds were instantly familiar. Flowers from the arrangements in the vestibule… dust floating high in the air on pale sunbeams. Voices, faintly, in harmony, warming up in the choir loft on the hymns for evensong service later.

    There was no one to be seen in the corridor, but she didn’t need to be greeted or guided. She went around a corner and straight up the stairs.

    Her knuckles were a soft tap on the door to the clergy office. She took a deep breath for courage as the wood gave way, swinging inward. The priest rose from his desk and smiled pleasantly. Haylie.

    Her blond lashes fluttered down toward a shy smile, out of habit. She always wanted to seem angelic in the eyes of the Reverend Stephen Blake. He was tall like her dad, though with a lean, rangy build, and

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