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Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life: Creating your own  reality of success by the Power of thinking
Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life: Creating your own  reality of success by the Power of thinking
Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life: Creating your own  reality of success by the Power of thinking
Ebook315 pages3 hours

Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life: Creating your own reality of success by the Power of thinking

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What I intend to do in this book is to simply suggest a pathway to being exceptional and successful. In reading this book you will be forced to come out of the status quo by raising your standards. By so doing you will set in motion the cause and effect principle that will lift you into prominence and success.

Release dateJul 27, 2019
Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life: Creating your own  reality of success by the Power of thinking

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    Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life - Chris K. Hammond



    Chris Hammond

    Copyright 2019

    Chris Hammond

    Publishdrive Edition

    All rights reserved

    Published by Speed Marketing Services

    Cover design by Integrity media

    Reproduction, copy, or transmission of this book whether in whole or in part without written consent is strictly prohibited. In accordance with the copyright law. Anyone who commits any unauthorized act in respect to this publication may be liable for criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.

    Published July 2019

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    From inception to production, this book has been a collaborative project. I would like to thank those who share my passion for creativity and ministry, and who have supported me throughout this effort. I am also grateful for all the help I have received from all those who have supported me one way or the other to make this book possible. You all know who you are. Thank you so much.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1 Your Thoughts Have Power      .....

    Chapter 2 Change Your Thoughts and create your new reality...................

    Chapter 3 Think Without Limits...................................................................

    Chapter 4 Change Your Life..........................................................................

    Chapter 5 Be determined to make it............................................................

    Chapter 6 Engage the Power of Concentration............................................

    Chapter 7 Renew Your Mind……………………..................................................

    Chapter 8 Manage your Energy through Meditation ……………………............

    Chapter 9 Change Your Attitude to change Your Altitude…………………………

    Chapter 10 Develop a Positive Mental Attitude……………………......................

    Chapter 11 Employ the Power of Imagination……………………........................

    Chapter 12 Entertain wealthy thoughts……………………..................................

    Chapter 13 Embrace Positive Change………………...........................................

    Chapter 14 Think like a Genius………..………………...........................................

    Chapter 15 Change Your Paradigm………..……………….....................................

    Chapter 16 Change Your Level………..………………...........................................

    Chapter 17 Maintain a Positive Desire to succeed………..……………….............

    Chapter 18 Dream Big…………………………………………………..……………….............

    Chapter 19 Focus on Your Dream…………………………………………………..………..

    Chapter 20 Make Good Use of Your Time…………………………………………………

    Chapter 21 Keep Moving Forward…………………………………………………………….

    Chapter 22 Employ the Power of Words…………………………………………………..

    Chapter 23 Go for Knowledge…………………………………………………..………………

    Chapter 24 Unleash Your Potential…………………………………………………..……….

    Chapter 25 Some Success Stories…………………………………………………..………….

    Chapter 26 Believe In Yourself…………………………………………………..………………

    Chapter 27 Commit to Excellence…………………………………………………..…………

    Chapter 28 Don’t Quit…………………………………………………..………………..…………

    Chapter 29 Perseverance until you make it………………………………………………

    Chapter 30 Follow Your Passion………………………………………………………………..

    Chapter 31 Live By Design………………………………………………………………..………

    Chapter 32 Believe You Can………………………………………………………………..…….

    Chapter 33 Failure is not an option……………………………………………………..……


    This book is a must read for all those who want to take their own destiny into their hands and change their life’s circumstances. You are holding in your hands a complete compass that will help you navigate your world into your bright future. Change your thoughts change your life shows you how to discover your extraordinary gifts and talents in order to maximize your potential. You will learn how you can attract into your life all the people and resources you need in order to achieve your goals, realize your dreams and fulfill destiny. Robert collier said, There is nothing on Earth that you cannot have-once you have mentally accepted the fact that you can have it.

    The Power of thoughts in the life of humans can no longer be underrated. Emerson made us to understand that thought is a spiritual power. Thoughts are things in the sense that thoughts are tangible. The world, nations, communities and individuals are in their present state as a result of the thoughts they have entertained over time. Thought power is the greatest power available to mankind that God gave us right from Adam. You were wired for great success. You were designed by God to use all the talents and abilities you were naturally endowed with to succeed in life. You are exceptionally and wonderfully made to enjoy a better life here on Earth. You are a bundle of miracles awaiting manifestation. You were fearfully and wonderfully made by God.

    The first chapter, Your Thoughts Have Power makes you aware of the power of your thoughts. The second chapter Change Your Thoughts and create your new reality helps you change your thoughts and create your reality. Chapter three talks about Think Without Limits. You need to think without limits.

    Your body is not really who you are; you are more than that. In fact that is why it is so hard for people to fully understand and appreciate who they are. I wish to state that in this book, Change your thoughts, change your life, an attempt is made to show the  reader how to lift himself or herself from the present low estate of lack and poverty, to the realm of abundance and prosperity by changing negative thoughts and mindset into that of positive constructive thoughts.

    I wrote this book specifically to help people to succeed in life. When this is accomplished your life will flourish like the palm tree and you shall grow like the cedars of Lebanon as written in Psalm 92:12. Keep reading; your life will never remain the same. When you change your thoughts you change your life. Have Good Success! 

    Chapter 1

    Your Thoughts Have Power

    For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: .... Proverbs23:7.

    Years ago, a reporter posed a question to the late Nobel prize-winning Dr. Albert Schweitzer, Doctor, what’s wrong with men today? The great doctor was silent a moment, and then he said, Men simply don’t think! Yes I thoroughly agree with him. We live in an age with great challenges and yet many opportunities. It is what I refer to as the golden age of business.

    The power of thoughts is incredible

    The power of thoughts is incredible. A lot of literature has been written on the power of thoughts in the past and presently and yet a lot of people really either do not understand it or underestimate its power in determining their circumstance in life. The role the power of thoughts play in a man’s life can no longer be underestimated. Norman Vincent Peale said, Change your thoughts and you change your world. He also said, If you think in negative terms, you will get negative results. If you think in positive terms, you will achieve positive results. He developed a positive thinking philosophy that has helped change the mindset and attitudes of many people around the world. He recounted that when he was growing up he had the worst inferiority complex of all. It was his lack of confidence in himself that led him to develop his philosophy which has inspired many people around the world to develop positive thinking.

    Choose thoughts that reflect that which you want to see

    Changing your thoughts can definitely change circumstances in your life. Believe it or not your thought does not only create your own reality, they also influence the reality of people around you. Choose thoughts that reflect that which you want to see and experience in your life. Be the reflection of your dream life and watch it manifest before your very eyes. You can easily manifest the power of your thoughts and become what you dream to become in future. You were wired by God for success. You cannot afford to fail because you were programmed for success.

    Our life is a true reflection of our thoughts.

    What is thought like?

    Some make ask, What is the nature of thought? What is thought like? Is the phenomenon of thought reserved for a selected few? Can anyone engage in the process of thought? Although thought is a fundamental human activity familiar to everyone, there is no generally accepted agreement as to what thought is or how it is created. Somehow, thoughts arise in the mind from the product of subconscious brain processing. Willie Nelson Said, Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results." This implies that the way we think affects our outcome. If you think positively your outcome will be positive, and if you think negatively your outcome will be negative. It was Mahatma Gandhi, who said these words, 

    "Watch your thoughts, they become words,

    Watch your words, they become actions,

    Watch your actions, they become habits,

    Watch your habits, they become your character,

    Watch your character, it becomes your destiny."

    Mahatma Gandhi clearly stated that, A man is but the product of his thoughts; what he thinks, he becomes. Our life is a true reflection of what dominates our thoughts. Make sure your dominant thoughts are very positive and results oriented. This is captured in the statement of, Soren Kierkegaard, Our life always expresses the result of our dominant thoughts. Wade Boggs also stated that, A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes. It is a catalyst and it sparks extraordinary results. Alexander Graham Bell also lays emphasis on the power of concentration saying, Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun's rays do not burn until brought to a focus.  The power of concentration is very important in achieving your dreams and stated goals. You are a powerful force on this Earth and the world system will submit to you if you know how to harness and appropriate the power of your mind.

    Positive thoughts yield positive results

    Think about the series of events in your life, and try to remember the kind of thoughts that you entertained that brought it into your life.  What is the connection between your thoughts and the events that have occurred in your life? How many times, did something happen in your life and you said: I knew this was going to happen. That is the power of thoughts. The event occurred when you entertained it in your mind. We don’t only attract what we think about; we become what we think about. Positive thoughts yield positive results. When you think negatively, your mind goes into a defensive mode. You start anticipating that things will go wrong. You focus on what threat will come your way next to set you back again. You continue to believe that life is not fair and your life is difficult.

    Thoughts influence your success

    Your thoughts and feelings depending on the type can either attract or repel success. They shape your belief system and expectations about your success or failure. Thoughts have wings like birds, too often they come and go and change direction like the wind. They influence your mind in the direction that they go. In one moment you might be thinking one thing or see things from a certain viewpoint, and a moment later this can change. When you think big and pursue your dream you surely realize your big dreams as stated by H. Jackson Brown, Jr., Think big thoughts but relish small pleasures. When your thoughts, feelings and moods are steady and under your control, your attitude, actions and life also comes under your control. You become the captain, not the victim of exogenous factors, influences or negative moods.

    You can be whatever you aspire to be

    You can be whatever you aspire to be in life. You could be like Bill Bartmann who went from being homeless, broke, an alcoholic and paralyzed at the age of 17 to become the 25th richest person in the USA, or Mahatma Gandhi who freed India from The British Empire. The question is what do these incredible people have in common? They believed in themselves and they took action. They realized they had a giant inside them; an incredible force that we all have, the power of thought. The only difference is that these people have awoken the giant within them; this force inside. They have realized the power of thought. Just like in Pavlov’s experiment they have conditioned themselves to act, behave and think in a certain way. When they see the results it reinforces their belief in themselves and they accomplish more and more. They have completely and positively changed their way of thinking and they are action oriented. You can also awaken this giant inside, just like Anthony Robbins talks about in his book; Awaken the Giant within.

    Negative words reinforce negative thoughts

    John, 71 years old, has been a Christian for about forty years. He grew up with a father who verbally abused him. You are good for nothing! You will not amount to anything! And the damage still hangs on even though he is now a married man, a minister of the gospel, a school teacher and the head of his family. Negative words have the power of paralyzing your thought and making you take the path of least resistance. Don’t accept negative words or negative thoughts. 

    Choose your thoughts

    You have the power to choose your own thoughts. God endowed humans with the power of choice. You need to know how to choose the kind of life you want to live. It must be the ultimate future you look forward to. What do you think about most of the time? Do you ever think about your circumstances and how you can change it? What informs your thoughts? The question is, Do you know that you can choose your thoughts? The answer is a big YES! That might seem strange, but the truth is that many people don't realize they can choose what they think about every day. It is important for us to choose our thoughts carefully because our thoughts have a lot to do with our paradigm, perceptions, perspectives and attitude in life.

    Action exercise

    Think about negative thoughts that come into your mind and learn how to discard them.

    What are the keys you need to transform your thinking? Find them and use them.

    Think about how you can change your belief systems in order to make it in life.

    Think about how you can apply your faith to lift you from where you are to where you belong. 

    Chapter 2

    Change Your Thoughts and create your new reality

    Change your thoughts and you change your world. Norman Vincent Peale.

    The key to failure and success lies in the nature of our thoughts. We become what we think about. It has been accepted by many up to date that the mind plays a great role in determining what you become in life. Our actions are the practical manifestations of our thoughts. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, A man is what he thinks about all day long. Marcus Aurelius, the great Roman Emperor, said: A man’s life is what his thoughts make of it. King Solomon wouldn’t have stated it better in Proverbs 23:7, For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: ...." Your dominant thoughts create your reality. What you believe will surely materialize just as what you fear will also surely come to pass. That is why it is important to choose your thoughts carefully.

    William James said, The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind If you think about wealth and wish to be wealthy you will become wealthy. If you think about poverty and wish to be poor you will be poor. If you think positively you will receive positive results. If you think negatively you will yield negative results. If you think about nothing you become nothing.

    How to awaken possibilities within you

    There are great possibilities of success in everyone. How to awaken that possibility within you is a task you must achieve. You must first understand that the power of thought will awaken great possibilities in you that you

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