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Apparition begins with the attempted suicide of Simon Cross; a man plagued with the tragedy of losing his wife. Instead of escaping his sorrow, he awakes from a coma four years later only to find himself completely paralyzed. Incapable of moving, or even speaking, he becomes the prisoner of his own body.

Still plagued with the loss of his wife, his only occupation in life is imagining her standing at the foot of his bed. Over time, the image of his wife gradually comes to life, sometimes appearing no different than a physical person. At first, he thinks his imagination is simply growing more acute. But this assumption is soon shattered on one fateful night when she, (the image of his late wife), arrives with open arms, inviting him to join her. Separating from his physical body, Simon is finally free from the prison of his mortal shell.

From this moment on, Simons perception of reality is turned upside down. His escapades as an apparition traverse the spectrum of emotion. The horror of demonic encounters, the humor of the ultimate pranks, and the wonder of the unknown, all become a part of Simons everyday life.

A physicist by trade, Simon quickly begins to study his abilities, testing by trial and error. These tests become an integral part of his new life. He quickly discovers that there are many inherent properties in a spirit body. Universal language translation through ESP, several different modes of travel, an odd relationship with matter, and an immunity to the effects of gravity, weather, and the atmosphere itself, are just a few. (Every test is accompanied with an unpredictable story).

Armed with his knowledge of physics and creative imagination, Simons tests eventually lead him to see what the effects of electrical shock produce on his spiritual body. To his delight, he discovers that electricity has a healing property that enables him to regenerate his physical body; specifically, his spinal cord! It isnt long after this that Simons physical body rejuvenates, and Simon once again becomes a participant in the world.

Unknown to Simon is the interest hes attracted from individuals in covert government agencies. These individuals introduce themselves to Simon shortly after he re-enters society. Though their motives appear altruistic, their main interest in Simon is getting his help to produce a top-secret military weapon. This weapon, if produced, would enable the person wearing it to kill anyone, anywhere, anytime, completely undetected. Secrets could not be kept from him, plots could not be made against him, and no one would be safe from him. He would be like a demon unleashed on the earth, with all humanity to devour as he pleases.

This synopsis, by far, doesnt encapsulate the entirety of Apparition. Simons romance with the nurse he falls in love with while in the hospital, his narrow escapes from the powers of darkness, his personal journey to faith, and his many friendships, are all an integral part of this thought provoking tale. I hope this summary is enough to arouse curiosity, but not enough to dispel the joy of not knowing whats around the next corner.

P.S. Check out my latest unpublished manuscript - titled THE PARANORMAL CHRISTIAN - at

PublisherXlibris US
Release dateNov 19, 1999

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    Book preview

    Apparition - John W. Milor


    (Seeking Out Death)

    We never had children, Simon wept bitterly, as he lay in a fetal position on top of his wife’s grave. The gray winter day scattered drops of rain upon him. He clutched the grass in his fist, digging his fingers into the soil. Rain melted into his tears as he shivered on the cold ground.

    A passerby noticed his pathetic state. She approached from behind and gazed with a curious expression at the name on the head stone. She then looked at Simon, and took a deep breath. Sharing in Simon’s sorrow, she laid a single white flower down beside him. Simon still wasn’t aware that anyone was near him.

    The woman gazed up at the sky, and closed her eyes for a moment, as if in prayer. The wind caressed her face as she raised her chin; she gave a slight smile in response to the wind. She then lowered her gaze, and shook her head in a saddened expression. Quietly, she departed without ever being detected.

    Simon wandered back home, holding the white flower, looking at it periodically. As soon as he entered his home, he leaned against a chair in his kitchen, then stared at the living room fireplace. A brief glimpse of blankets spread out in front of the fireplace flashed in his mind. He often made love with his wife in the warm glow of firelight.

    The phone suddenly rang, breaking the spell. In a flash, another memory jolted Simon. The last time the phone rang, he heard the words, There’s been an accident… The words echoed in Simon’s mind every time the phone rang, reminding him of the auto accident that took his wife’s life just a week prior.

    Acting on impulse, Simon grasped the chair he was leaning against, and swung it at the phone. The chair shattered as it smashed the phone, knocking the phone to the floor. The phone produced one more pitiful ring before Simon bashed it with his foot. He then looked up to see his reflection glaring back at him from an antique piece of furniture. Still in a rage, he grasped the furniture, and knocked it to the floor, shattering the mirror. After the devastation, he staggered backward a few steps, surprised at his own reaction. I don’t break things, he whispered to himself. Why did I do that? he questioned in his mind, confused. The side of his mouth twitched.

    Simon gripped his head, and paced frantically throughout his home. I can’t go back to work tomorrow, he thought. I can’t. He ended up sitting on his bed staring at his deceased wife’s picture on the nightstand. He then looked at a picture that hung on the wall. It was a picture of him and his wife, on one of the piers on the West Coast.

    My life began with you there, Simon whimpered while staring at the picture. Pier 37. He then opened the bed stand and pulled out a handgun.

    After a three hour non-stop drive to Pier 37, he got out of his car and walked swiftly to the beach. It was about seven o’ clock in the morning, and not a soul inhabited the area.

    Thick rifts of fog loomed over the damp sand in a dreary mist about Simon’s feet; dim sunlight spanned through the mist spreading forth heat. Were Simon to wait, the mist would dissipate, destroying the gloomy spell; but Simon’s conscience met no delays to bid his life farewell.

    When he reached the pier, the sound of swishing sand turned into the mellow hammering of wood under hard sole shoes. Tears welt up in his eyes. He could almost feel his wife’s presence near.

    His mouth opened wide to inhale his final breaths of cold morning air. He pulled a bullet out of his pocket to insert it in his gun. It was an old timer’s revolver, colt 45, he bought in an antique store. The mint condition antique would now kill another man, just as it had in its past.

    The metal of the bullet clicked against the walls of the chamber as Simon inserted it. Simon then pulled the hammer back into position. He reached the end of the pier and looked out over the frigid waters below. He then turned his gaze and searched the pier where he saw Lillian for the first time. He spied the area, and strolled over to it. A single bird sat on the railing near by, curiously watching.

    He knelt down and traced his fingers upon the boards where she once stood. Then he stood up and traced the wooden railing. For a brief moment, he recalled the entire scene of meeting his wife for the very first time.

    The sweet memory erupted with the sound of an exploding automobile. A fleeting glimpse of a misshapen figure from the morgue flashed before his eyes. His fist slammed firmly down upon the railing. Enough! he cried. He quickly hopped up and sat on the rail. Without wasting any time, he raised the revolver in his shaking hand.

    As he lifted the pistol to his head, a strong gust of wind came up against his face. Slightly loosing his balance, Simon grabbed the railing. The handgun slipped out of his hand, bounced off the pier deck, and plummeted for the waters below. Simon watched the pistol as it fell; then began to giggle.

    You really are a prankster, aren’t you, he yelled to God up in the sky. Then he began to roar in laughter. I’m going to heaven to bow before the divine comic! Simon continued to laugh. He finally stopped, and tears suddenly streamed down his cheeks.

    He climbed up on the edge of the railing and stood, ready to dive for his gun. It’s not going to be that easy to stop me God, Simon called out. The Cross family line ends here!

    He began to wobble, and tried to lean his balance forward to jump; instead of successfully leaping from the pier, he slipped, smacked his head on the railing, and fell into the waters below. All went black. There was a spinning sensation, and then there was a simple quiet.


    (Rebecca’s Secret)

    Fragments of color began to dance before Simon’s eyes. Death rejected his request, attending his side as he was resurrected, then slowly faded away into its eternal void.

    Simon began to collect himself together. It was a slow process, full of confusion, and blurry images. He finally realized that he was in a hospital, lying on his back in a bed. He spied a woman on the other side of the room. For a moment, he thought she was Lillian, his wife. Then reality struck him like a knife when he recalled his last waking moment.

    The woman was a nurse working with another patient. Ma’am, Simon attempted to speak, but found himself unable to. He thought the word, and meant to speak it aloud, but his mouth would not move. Upon turning around, the nurse noticed that Simon’s eyes were open. Her eyes widened as if in amazement. She approached him.

    I don’t believe it, she uttered under her breath. Again Simon tried to speak to the nurse, but only silence prevailed. He absolutely could not speak. The nurse backed up towards the door to exit the room while staring at Simon. When she reached the door, she turned and quickly jutted out.

    Rushing out the door, she bumped into an elderly gentleman with a cane. The collision nearly knocked him down. Excuse me! the nurse blurted out.

    Oh, that’s quite aright. You seem to be in a hurry? he questioned her in a quirky voice.

    Why yes! she replied, while walking backward, I am. You’ll have to excuse me, I’m in a bit of a hurry.

    The man nodded affirmatively, then fluttered his hand at her as if to rush her along. He then paused at Simon’s door, and peeked inside with a curious expression.

    Meanwhile, Simon was perplexed. He began testing himself to see what he could do, knowing that something was obviously wrong. He tried to move his arms and could not, nor could he move his legs. Frustration overcame him, yet, he had not even the control to throw a tantrum. Why am I here! he cried out in his mind.

    After about ten minutes of intense struggling, he found that he was completely paralyzed and only capable of moving his eyes. The nurse finally returned with a doctor. Can he speak? asked the doctor to the nurse.

    I don’t think so.

    The doctor approached Simon, and asked him the same question. Tears streamed down Simon’s cheeks. It’s incredible you’re alive Simon, replied the doctor to him.

    Incredible? thought Simon with agonizing discontentment.

    You broke your neck, fell 30 feet from a pier, and washed to the shore after an hour of floating in the water. Somehow, you lived! The doctor continued to talk to Simon, but he had an impersonal air about him. All he talked about were the facts about the wound, and the miracle of the entire incident. He finished his speech with a final note. I guess you were not meant to go yet. It was the only thing that he said that seemed to be worth anything as far as Simon was concerned.

    The doctor exited the room, leaving Simon with the slender, pretty young nurse. She wore a marriage ring, which reminded Simon of his wife. The nurse began to talk to him, trying to lift up his spirits with her hopeful attitude. Maybe God will heal you, came one of her comments.

    Simon didn’t pay much attention to her. Instead, he took notice of the peculiar fact that this woman strongly resembled his late wife.

    The nurse ended her small talk to him with an odd note. Now I have someone I can really talk to. She then left the room.

    As time passed, Simon discovered that he had been in a coma for the last four years! It only seemed like four minutes to him.

    The nurse that was the first to notice him awake became close with him. Sometimes she would come in late at night and talk for long periods of time about very intimate, personal issues. Interestingly, she never talked about her husband.

    Simon thought that her confidence in his permanent silence must have been the reason for her intimacy with him. Many times he wanted to talk back to her with excruciating desire. His desires never died; instead, they surmounted. He wanted to give her the same advice he so many times gave his wife when she had similar problems. His frustration and desire ended in tears, time, and time again.

    After the first year of life being paralyzed, Simon knew not how to deal with his pain. He was stuck in a world where he could not interact. His life bore unbearable pain before, and now it was even worse.

    While still a teen going to Harvard, both his parents were tragically killed in a plane crash while on their way to visit him. He was completely devastated by their unexpected deaths. After that tragic incident, he immersed himself in his studies, trying to prove himself to his two deceased parents. He made it through school, and landed a very prestigious and challenging job as a physicist.

    Then he met Lillian. She brought him out of his shell, and he began to live again. He had it all, and on one fatal day, Lillian was gone. Now, after an attempted suicide and five years of wasting away, all that was left was a destitute, hollow, unbearable emptiness. All he could do was lay in bed, immobilized, and think to himself. This was about the time he started turning to his imagination.

    Simon was a scientist, and worked very hard to become one. He took this new work of his, Imagination, very seriously. He started the process like an exercising program. Let’s create my wife, he thought to himself. At first, he couldn’t hold an image. The face of his wife quickly appeared, then it would vanish. He knew that this would happen, but he also knew he had nothing but time, and nothing else to do.

    After the first couple of months, he was capable of holding an image of his wife’s face for about a minute straight, before the image contorted, or his mind wandered in distraction. After a few more months practice, he could visualize his wife’s entire form, just as if she stood at the foot of his bed. Slowly, over a long period of time, her image became increasingly clear. After he succeeded in producing a clear image of her, he had it in mind to go on to further steps in an unlimited field. The basic senses were first priority, such as sight, and sound; then, the more complex vestiges of imaginative creation would come later.

    Many times Simon would mentally break down in despair about his only remaining duty in life, but always he returned to the work of his imagination. After two years of intense exercising, his imaginative visualization grew so powerful, that a few times he actually woke up in the morning seeing the image of his wife standing at the foot of his bed, without his summoning. The image was so real at those times in the morning, it bore no difference to a real, solid person. After a few seconds, the real life-like image would fade into an apparition, and then it would dissipate completely into his imagination.

    At this time, Simon could imagine her perfectly in his mind, without distraction, for any length of time. He began to practice visualizing other things, but his attempts always ended in failure. His wife’s image seemed to be the only thing he could imagine clearly. Perhaps, Simon thought to himself, clear images simply need more time to develop.

    One day, Simon surprised himself with a very strange happening. His nurse came in the room in the morning and removed the urinal bag from the side of his bed. He wasn’t feeling so down and depressed that day. Placing the sorrow of his lost wife aside temporarily, he looked at the beautiful nurse and wondered about her. His eyes wandered over her entire form as she worked.

    She had light brown hair, and honey brown eyes; an enigmatic beauty beyond all guise. While her face had a virtue to make angels rise, her walk held the power to magnetize … every flake of metal in men’s eyes. She was a dream.

    She was the nurse that was intimate with Simon. He grew quite fond of her, making room in his heart for another love, though he wasn’t fully aware of it. He never planned on falling in love with her, it just happened.

    As she worked with him, cleaning him up, Simon sadly kept staring at her marriage ring. He knew she was married, and he held the utmost respect for the institution of marriage, but he couldn’t help fantasizing. Simon began to imagine that it was late at night. In the fantasy, the nurse came to him and sat on his bed. Simon gazed at her in admiration. The other patient across the room was asleep, so it was just the two of them. As Simon fell into his imagination, a scene unfolded before him, and he glided along with it.

    You see this ring, she said to him, while lifting up her left hand.

    Yes, said Simon to her, in his inaudible voice.

    She pulled the ring off her finger and said to him, I’m not married. I just wear this thing because I’m a dreamer. I … pretend I’m married. I pretend I’m married to one of the doctor’s here. Isn’t that pitiful? she commented, while holding the ring up for Simon to see clearly. She looked down at the bed with remorse. I don’t know why, but I only seem to be noticed by everybody except this man. She paused. Only you know about this. No one else knows the truth. I’m so lonely, she continued speaking with remorse. You probably want to tell me to shut up, don’t you. I mean, hear I am feeling sorry for myself, and look at you, she commented to Simon.

    Simon had deep compassion on the woman. He wanted so badly to hug her, and run his fingers through her hair.

    I wear this ring because I don’t want anyone but this one guy, the nurse continued. Simon listened attentively, gazing into her eyes.

    I wrote him a love letter once, but I lost it. That’s no big deal, I could write another one. I’d never give it to him anyway, so it doesn’t really matter. I just don’t know why he doesn’t notice me. She was silent for a moment.

    It seems as though you’re the only man I can talk to, she replied, looking at Simon. You know, I don’t think it’s because you don’t talk back either. It’s just something about you. The first time I saw your face when they wheeled you in here six years ago, I felt like I knew you. Then, you came out of your coma. I bet you think I’m crazy, replied the nurse in a small chuckle. Well, I saw you looking at this ring earlier, and now you know the truth about me. I live in a dream world. But you know what, I’d rather be in a dream world than going out with the kind of guys that used to ask me out before I started wearing this ring. It seems like all the respectable men in the world have the shy bug, while all the arrogant jerks seem to have the guts to ask women out. The nurse finished her small talk with Simon, smiled at him, and placed the ring back on her finger.

    All of a sudden, in a flash, the fantasy was over. Simon blinked his eyes in the realization that there was, and actually had been, daylight throughout his room the whole time. Simon wondered why he fantasized such a thing. Futile as it was, in the back of his mind, he did have a secret hope that the nurse wasn’t really married; but why did he fantasize her infatuation with someone other than himself?

    The nurse stood up with his urinal bag and looked into Simon’s eyes. Simon was a trifle astonished at himself, for in this fantasy, the entire episode was so real, it bore no difference to the reality of his current moment. What started as a day dream turned into a vision that had a momentum all its own. Simon’s eyes dropped from the nurse’s eyes down to her ring. He was bewildered. She noticed, and replied in return, You’re looking at this? Smiling, she displayed her ring to him. The nurse then turned and left the room, but stopped at the door for a quick final glance back at him. Nodding her head, she disappeared from the opening with a self contained laugh.

    Later that night, the nurse entered the room to complete a few of her nightly duties. When she was done, she approached Simon’s bed. She then sat on Simon’s bed and lifted her hand. You see this ring? she asked him.

    Wait a minute, what’s going on here! Simon was screaming inside.

    The entire episode was repeated right before Simon’s eyes, just as he saw in his earlier vision. When the nurse was through talking to him, she stood up, and stared into his eyes. Good night Simon, she replied to him. She reached over and patted his hand, and then left for the night.

    Simon wondered how he did what he did. He tried to remember if there was any particular action he performed before the vision occurred that might have been responsible for inducing it. He pondered explanations from drugs slipped into his iv, all the way to a possible time distortion in the neural pathways of his brain. Every case of dejavu, and paranormal activity that he had knowledge of and read about passed through his mind. He yearned for a scientific solution, but could think of no one single explanation. All he could come up with was the fact that he didn’t have the control to induce a Prophetic vision, at least not yet; but that he did have the ability to feel, sense, and know the difference between his imagination, and a prophetic vision.

    The next day, when he awoke, he saw the image of his wife at the foot of his bed. After a few seconds, it faded into an apparition, and then into an image in his mind. The nurse assigned to his room came in the room shortly thereafter to change his urine bag again. Simon’s eyes followed her every move. He wondered why she was always at the hospital. It seemed like she was there day and night.

    Simon wondered if the whole event the night before was all a dream. Then, to his utter surprise, the nurse came to Simon’s bedside, and said while nodding her head, Now you know a big secret of mine, but I don’t know much about you! I think you owe me. Her right hand nervously clutched the marriage ring she wore, and twisted it around her finger a few times. Simon’s eyes widened, and then blinked in rapid succession. The nurse giggled a little at Simon’s return response, winked at him, then left the room.

    After that, Simon stared at the patient across the room. He was a paraplegic. Simon tried to induce a prophetic vision from the man, but had no idea how to do it. Think about what’s in the man’s possible future, Simon thought. Nothing popped into his mind. Simon wondered if the visions had to entail a personal strongly motivated desire. Perhaps emotions were somehow involved, he thought. Many possible explanations of his vision ability came into his mind, but none were concrete, usable theories.

    For the next week, Simon attempted to have other prophetic visions with all who entered the room. He had no success. Though he wasn’t getting anywhere with having prophetic visions, he did notice improvements in his imagination. The image of his wife seemed to be evolving. He noticed that every morning now, he saw the image of his wife as a real person standing at the foot of his bed. Not only that, the image slowly extended in lengths of time from five seconds to about ten seconds, in just one week. Simon learned that if he simply relaxed and didn’t try to force the image to stay, it stayed longer each time, holding its vivid, solid appearance.

    Simon was pleased with his results. Things were actually happening in his life. Many questions swarmed his mind. Could it be that thoughts have an energy all their own? Simon thought to himself. "The brain is a chemical, electrical computer … a mystery in its self. No one can decode the information in brain tissue.

    Exactly what are thoughts? Was it true about what Einstein once said, that imagination is more powerful than reality?"

    It was finally time for the next step; audio. His visual images were excellently honed to great detail, and in the morning they were in essence, no different than reality.

    He started with remembering his wife’s voice. After about a half hour of recollection, he found that familiar tone of his wife’s voice in his memories. He remembered her saying certain phrases that she always used to say. He recalled about ten of her most common phrases, and a great quantity of single and double word statements. His name, and other small things like, Come here, and especially, I love you Simon, were fairly strong in his audio memories. After recalling her voice, and some of the things she commonly said, he then began to imagine the image of his wife speaking the words. It was difficult at first to get a clear picture, but that didn’t matter. He had nothing but time. He practiced for the rest of the day. By that evening, he could roughly imagine his wife speaking with him. That night when he went to sleep, he anticipated the next day. He was excited that finally, after two years of intense mental anguish, the unexpected real life-like image of his wife was appearing to him, and now, might even speak to him.

    The next day when he awoke, as anticipated, the image of his wife stood at the foot of his bed. That day, there was to be not only one surprise, but two of them. First of all, his wife’s image spoke to him in a clearly distinct and audible voice, heard by his ears, and not in his mind. In fact, it was the voice that woke him up!

    Wake up Simon, the nurse is coming with your breakfast, the image replied. Simon woke up, smiled at his wife’s image, and tried to maintain his relaxed state. It then occurred to him that he never imagined his wife saying anything even remotely similar to Wake up Simon, the nurse is coming with your breakfast.

    Then, the image smiled back at Simon, and said to him sweetly, Simon, I love you, and I miss you. Her tone of voice was so real, Simon was convinced that his wife was really standing at the foot of his bed, and not just an image. His eyes widened with shock, and the image instantly disappeared. What Simon thought was an image of imagination wasn’t acting like just an image anymore.

    Simon wasn’t the only one shocked though. A loud crash erupted from across the room. It was the sound of plates and glass cups breaking, silver-wear scattering, and food, all meeting with the polished floor. A nurse was standing in the doorway with a bewildered look of astonishment. Apparently she had seen something, but exactly what she saw was not disclosed to Simon at that time. She simply exchanged a look of astonishment with Simon and fled from the room. Not long afterwards, another nurse came to clean the mess up and feed Simon and the other patient in the room.

    Simon was amazed about the whole situation. The image spoke something that his wife, if she were alive, might have said to him. Not only that, the nurse saw something too! Simon was exceptionally excited about his new discovery. The power of imagination was either strong enough to project an image other people could see and hear, or even more perplexing, bring a deceased person back into the real world.


    (The Visitation)

    The days and nights began to fill with events that astounded Simon. February passed and now the rainy season was at hand. Simon noted that in the beginning of March the odd occurrences started happening with the solid projected image, and that within only two weeks of the first anomaly, his perception of reality was being rewritten.

    A second big shocker in Simon’s life came the night of the very same day that the incident that petrified the nurse in the morning occurred.

    It had been cloudy all day. The wind had been howling like wild wolves on a winter hunt, heralding the arrival of a powerful storm. Before dark, it started to rain, and lightning streaked across the sky. When night arrived, the storm was heavy with roaring thunder and lightning flashing violently. Simon was thinking about a time when he was with his wife during such a storm. They were out in the mountains in a friend’s cabin for the weekend. He remembered making love with his wife over and over again all that night, as the storm clamored outside. The passion of that moment in time had no equal, and the powerful jolt of that memory sent Simon into a stream of unquenchable tears. He so longed for his beautiful wife.

    An explosion of thunder shook the windows in an impressive clap. The center of the storm was directly overhead. As light flashed into the room, the image of Simon’s wife instantly illuminated at the foot of his bed. The image never appeared at night before, and fear, like a wild animal, bit into Simon’s flesh.

    Sometimes, the night brings a strange childlike fright, for in its darkness is felt the eyes of watching ones. They are as predators who spy out their prey, and wait with their stingers, fangs, and black claws. These little demons spit out the venom of terror from their eyes, and hope their victims succumb to panic. And in the confusion of wild horror, they attack, and bring vivid nightmares from the realms of dreams out into the shadowy pictures on the walls. Though it is never said, it is always understood … they want souls. Whisper, taunt, torment, haunt … these little demons love stormy nights.

    Simon never feared the image of his deceased wife before, but on this night, he did, for he was under the power of those little demons. You’re dead! he shouted in his mind, attempting to turn the vision off; but this time it stayed. It was motionless, and stood staring at him from the darkness. If you’re really my Lillian, then please don’t scare me, Simon whimpered with fearful words in his mind.

    Just then, the image left its rightful place, unlike ever before. It walked up to the bed side next to Simon, and said in a soft voice while kneeling down, Please don’t be afraid of me Simon, I’m you’re first love. Simon knew it was really her. His eyes jerked a glance. He meant to look away immediately, yet, his eyes were stuck on her pretty face. He was no longer afraid.

    Her eyes were warm and soft. She had a breath-taking smile, and beautiful strait black hair that was being delicately tossed about by an unfelt wind. Her entire form was encircled in a glimmering halo, and she permeated an aura of peace and comfort.

    Take me with you, Simon spoke in his mind. After he spoke the words to her in his mind, she stood up, and started to walk back over to the foot of the bed. Simon’s frustration whirled out of control, and in his mind he yelled out, No! With the strongest possible desire he had, he attempted to reach out and grab her.

    The image, or whatever it was, raised its arms toward Simon, and called out to him. Come to me. Simon felt one of his arms move. His hand glided past his knee and seized the image by the arm. He felt the warm skin, and the solidity of the image. He began to have doubts again, and still wondered if it was an image, or if it really was his wife. He truly didn’t know, but he felt more convinced that it was his wife.

    In the second he grabbed her arm, he became aware of an obvious incongruence. He was still laying flat on his back, and yet, his arm was stretched across the whole length of the bed.

    The entire time he was watching her with his eyes, and now he dropped his view to examine what was wrong. To his amazement, he saw that his arm was still laying right next to his side on the bed; and yet, he still felt his hold on the image of his wife. Further examining the strange phenomenon, Simon saw a barely noticeable milky white mist protruding from his left arm.

    Simon then attempted to grab her with his other arm, and just as he thought to do it, he felt his hand placed upon her other arm. The image of his wife then told him clearly, I have come to tell you that you must stay in this world, and you must leave me in my world.

    No, answered Simon. Then he pulled on the image, desiring to pull himself up and go towards her. At that, he did, all the way until he embraced her.

    I really am Lillian, your wife, replied Lillian, while Simon embraced her. Simon let go and moved back. "I entered this image

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