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An “I” Israel for Another “I” Islam
An “I” Israel for Another “I” Islam
An “I” Israel for Another “I” Islam
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An “I” Israel for Another “I” Islam

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This is a book written in the contemporary and speaks about a more-than-possible future that is to come to the world and how America betrays Israel for Islam! It is as things today in America are like with this present government, and it describes things as they really are and not as one would like them to be or want them to be and so is written as things really are. Also this book is based on facts but written in a fictional setting, but it should not be taken lightly and must be read in order to understand what is really happening behind the scenes, where international bankers and their New World Order are running things until the Antichrist appears on the scene. But first the rapture of the saints must occur according to Scripture. Wake up for our redemption draws near, and so it is not too late to be on Gods side. When it comes to Israel and the Jewish people, his Chosen People, only a remnant shall be saved, and right now there are about 17 million Jews in the world but only about 300,000 are Messianic Jewish people, which the majority of Jews hate and the Gentile church is trying to replace!
Release dateJun 5, 2012
An “I” Israel for Another “I” Islam


This is his third book published by Trafford Publishing, and he has written for the Berks County Record newspaper and had a column called Poet’s Corner. He also helped write a school song.

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    An “I” Israel for Another “I” Islam - FRANCIS LIS

    © Copyright 2012 Francis Lis.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4669-2891-6 (sc)

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2012906334

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    We are being descended upon by the I of Islam in order to eliminate the second I, Israel, through the buying out of America so no Jewish funds can any longer go to Israel, if America is controlled by Islam! This could prove more disastrous though for the American Jew, more than they would ever realize as of yet. The Israelis’ Jews have a little of the land of Abraham’s land as of now, but that shall eventually change. Amerika’s land has been sold to the highest bidder through capitalism and our own government and its officials.

    Since I myself am not Jewish, I nonetheless recognize this fact as such and that Aliyah shall soon close from America’s shores and the Promised Land, no not Amerika, but Israel shall be only a distant memory to get to let alone send any kind of funds because of the Anglophile elites who will always sell out to the highest bidder.

    Scoundrels in all forms and positions are here now with over 86,000 illegal criminal citizens here now ready to do destruction. This Homeland Security is nothing but a facade to wait till Amerika is completely taken over by heathenism.

    In regards to me, my name by birth is Luke and as of right now America now is in great trouble, but the citizenry does not care nor do they realize just how bad it is. For this reason I no longer counsel though I really was never a lawyer or psychologist and for good reason. Man must experience everything to the very end and then and only then shall he understand what lies in front of him.

    As I contemplate about the future I think to myself, What shall it be like when I am gone from earth and where shall I spend eternity? My thoughts run counter to sainthood, or anything near many times as well as some of my actions, but yet His grace and that alone shall save me. With so many relatives who are non Christians, it is discouraging to realize that family life is not what it should be. I have my wife who is wonderful in her spiritual heart, and thank goodness for that, but before that heaven forbid how I felt and acted. Adam and Eve—except Eve was deceived and Adam was not—would just about explain my wife and I and my inner thoughts constantly tell me, What would it be like, heaven forbid, if she were no longer here on earth?

    As I was saying, or was I, well anyway what is life all about, when there are only little but nonetheless important things in life and yet for most of my life I believed that somehow I would become well known. What an illusion of falsity that my own ego kept saying, Your turn is next. Wait and see. Well I am now in my mid fifties and guess what. I have not mentioned this or achieved what I thought I would like to achieve by this time in my life even though life earlier seemed more favorable, but maybe because I was younger and seemed to have all the time in the world and now well there is hardly any more time to count one’s finger on at least in my own mind and heart. We stay young for quite a long time, but then we get old very quickly and before one knows it winter is here and is calling to another world and I have not done what I felt He wanted me to do even at this age!

    What was this mediocrity, I say to myself, that has proved to be nothing even resembling hope for this world where one man can do incredible things through GOD and yet the question is still posed by my own inner thoughts of, How can it be like this so quickly ? I have not lived the proper life to do much good for anyone including myself? Others seem content with what they have done in their lives, or so it would appear so. Is this remorse, or is it this age in all of time that is showing that the world is indeed becoming more and more evil just as Jesus said it would?

    I can’t retract all the negative statements that that weapon, my tongue, has spewed out for all of these years and with free will to oppose, but not free to separate my flesh of the world in me. Is it just Adam’s fall, or is it what we mostly choose to do with repeated warning not to do? Who can really smile and say, Oh, well? This must be this spirit of the age or the abyss of mundane nonsense that is worth little or nothing in the eternal light of all things.

    My father is gone, who I rarely knew or understood and who had little education to understand what things we never talked about that we should have talked about. Mother is very old and at times somewhat bitter to life, and I myself have started a new road unto marriage with no children to leave behind for the future even though I had spent many times with others’ children and youth. The fulfillment of never having children, or should I say the failure of never having children, plays upon my heart and mind each and every day, and my wife and I are about past the age of procreation at least for her and oh how sad I am when I think how beautiful our children might have been.

    There are natural things in life that come with human nature and of course that means Adam’s fall. Power, money, ego, materialism, obsession with sex and vanity, convenience and luxury, not to mention extravagance at least here in America and wherever affluence is the disease. Ignorance also becomes prevalent because the ones who are rich and well-educated cannot see, nor do they want to see the harm they inflict on their fellow man for now is their time to live and just for themselves, meaning also who they favor in this world which has little if anything to do with Christianity because if it did all us Gentiles would be left to ourselves and only the Jews would have been saved! Christianity really begins outside one’s own immediate family, which of course means that one must not only provide for one’s own family which goes without saying, but always takes care of these truly in need and not in need of government which has to do with Caesar and not with GOD.

    The first one, power, basically is the want of the world to do and to have more than one could ever know what to do with and so hence it is based now in some form of socialism which leads to the destruction of mankind. It is a cancer for any one, yes one man to obtain this, except for GOD for He is perfect and knows no sin.

    The second one is money, which our main religions have preached over and over again, and is not the love of money the root of all kinds of evil? This is not the barter system which works well for the uneducated and hard working, but for the ones who see this world as the beginning and the end to all things. What can I do for myself, me and I? It is the void within one’s own spiritual heart, and is not that what GOD looks at only? If the spiritual heart is by grace, then works shall most certainly follow which are by the Holy Spirit and not by education, fame, fortune, talent, etc.

    The third one is ego, or love of oneself in a mundane way that excludes all others and is a Me First of what life is all about. Affluence contributes to this sickness of the mind and also the heart and eventually nothing is left and that individual is never remembered ever afterwards, and if they are then it has all to do with evil, which means a total separation from GOD forever. The saints stay on.

    The fourth one is materialism where socialism says I must always use my senses and never use faith since one deals in the physical realm and the spiritual realm is totally evil. Without faith it is impossible to please GOD.

    The fifth one is obsession with sex and vanity and is how man sees man or himself, but is not how GOD sees man. GOD sees the spiritual heart of man. How can I get what I don’t ask for and how can I look to deceive others as well as myself to believe that the whole person does not matter but only the external, which also includes the tongue. It is not what goes in, but what comes out of the mouth that measures the spiritual heart."

    The sixth and final and incomplete number which has to do with luxury, convenience and extravagance of which the American Jew, in particular, has the lead in the sixth realm of life and living. The excess luggage and baggage that we feel we all need to have and carry for the status symbol and the status quo and that we give to ourselves in the form of avarice. The convenience part means no suffering for man in the sense that life is a bowl full of cherries and everything else is relative, including the truth. This is the infanticide of 55,000,000 unborn children for the convenience of not to be of bother with things that annoy us or are too much too take care of even if it involves another human being innocent and defenseless! The American Jew more than any other Jew in the world is guilty of this extravagance to the point of absurdity when one looks at the insanity as to what they buy, how they live, what they say and how most of all they get it! So much yet an abyss of Hell that leads probably to luxury which means no aches and pains but pills and more ills and any other inebriated effect that one can achieve not to feel what life is all about, and too much numbness not just our own sinful pain and suffering, but also numbness to GOD! Our barns are full so we have all we need that there is to need except more! We, or one by one as an individual we use individualism as the Deist Forefathers used at, of course, the expense of others who we say we understand, but just for the moment. It should never happen to us, heaven forbid! This leads to the group mentality of one for all and all for one!

    Let me get on with the story at least at this time. Technology and industrialization or its misuse and obsession with the internet has ruined this earth, but more importantly has destroyed more Christians than all other things in the last 3-4 centuries! The environmentalists continue as they did so in Russia in the 19th century, the same with the confiscation of private property and that all things become legal and that environment alone instead of individual responsibility was the reason for criminal acts. It was also said that America had ghettoes instead of just slums when there was no ghetto in America at this time except for slavery, which, in essence, did allow at times for worship as long as one was . . . 

    The English seemed quite never to be able to work in the fields for a living, but somehow always got others to work the land and hence the industrial revolution saved us from further slavery to many others! This was John Locke’s English Enlightenment that brought materialism and nothing spiritual to this age, and hence brought in this anti-GOD atheism even to America, and even our leaders did not know the difference between the Islamic god and the real Messianic Jewish GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Capitalism was just another word for unlimited avarice to satisfy the chosen few!

    Many times I would enter a store late at night and see the derelicts of criminality that the courts and politicians let loose on the people and used race as a barrier not to prosecute these underprivileged criminals. I would intentionally stay in the store to see that no harm came to the cashier as long as I was in the store with them or until they left and decided not to commit a criminal act. Most other males were usually in a hurry because they feared for their lives and did not care what happened to another person that they did not know or even care to know. The Germans and the English were notorious for this and always needed a uniform to stand up for life and liberty, and in some cases it could be another one’s life.

    We had been invaded by another culture in a matter of a few years without even our consent! We were told this element would be good for America, but what kind of America did they have in mind? Certainly not a Judeo-Christian one? All this so called goodie two shoes who wanted to make a difference and that was the problem, this difference or so called diversity with multi-culturalism because this would indeed dumb down the rest of society since the 60’s had already lost their self-respect and self-dignity. To begin with, the earlier generation were usually only concerned that they got their Social Security checks on time and could retire with nothing to worry about except retirement for themselves and save, or better yet turned over the right of authority to the younger generation who knew absolutely nothing about life’s experience but yet were running the nation into the ground!

    Even our heroes were ignorant about their own heroes. Even if they were Red Communists and had killed or ordered the killing of thousands and millions of people, they nonetheless shook their hands with no reservation about what these criminals had done in high places. We could hardly distinguish between the moderate and the socialists, but then again was there such a difference at all? I knew that at times I would say to myself, Let me run the country and see what would happen! Yes, but would I be any different then the rest in power and government always about power and not about the spiritual realm in life!

    Since I had no biological children, it was with just cause because of my own temperament even though I loved children,-but could I raise my own children properly would have been the question? I was told I could not time and again and maybe that was true, because of my strict discipline in my later years and of course in my earlier years I would almost always know when to stop or not go through with it to the very end. I grew up with veterans who now did anything that they could to avoid conflict with evil and took life in stride as long as it meant a so called better way of life for them!

    Had I totally changed for the worse or could it be that these old friends of mine never did have anything in common with a peasant who was self educated and had an excellent mentor besides and not a nutty professor who only knew about socialism and would sell out their own country for luxury and a good paying job ? They were not really professionals, but government employees who were mediocre in whatever they did and that is how they got to be where they were. One only had to go along with this not so hard road to oblivion after all it paid handsomely!

    In our very own Hollywood, communism turned almost exclusively to Nazism since the atheistic Jews dwelled upon evil they themselves promoted—evil such as cannibalism, emaciated bodies in films, the occult, and obsession with the total destruction of America and the family like the Nazis in Germany who also promoted for many centuries that women were not human and that their so called equality of both sexes only meant the very same sex, and this too was normal for them. That homosexuality promoted this mindset of superman.

    Then also the culture from India that showed how they break their chidlren’s legs and arms to go beg for money, to have rat temples to worship, where the swastika came from, the racist caste system came from, where the new Age came from, how Indira Ghandi sold out her own people to the soviets, where arrogance was the norm and avarice, especially from new Delhi showed the same colors in America, and the Nazis would promote all this and more in America and no one would say a thing and our government was being run by Nazis and also communists!

    Our own hospitals were being taken over by these other Aryans, many who were Moslems or Sikhs, and of course the Hindus, but Germany and England promoted it so much that their own countries became dissipated especially because of homosexuality which has no national honor, but only a brotherhood of evil. Could it be that since the Germans loved their systems that the Antichrist would come out of either Germany or England but be of Jewish extraction? America had many times shaken the hand of the devil and even Time Magazine made Hitler in 1933 Man Of The Year! Roman Catholicism continued to fall into the abyss from their own avarice and as well as abnormality by coercing the abnormality of celibacy to the priesthood that even the homosexual community was drawn to it in the droves since they came in contact with children and youth and Dostoyevsky’s socialism with mysticism or superstition was what Roman Catholicism was really all about! Be fruitful and multiply was not to be among the clergy in Roman Catholicism and so hence abnormality became the norm and an unmet sexual obsession that was never fulfilled because it would be normal to get married and have a family.

    With the Hispanics came the Aztec and Inca civilization and also the civilization of the conquistadors that only went to Hispanic or Latin America as gold diggers and nothing more and nothing less. Of course also Latin America had much more natural resources than even America, so the rich and well educated from Europe took complete advantage of this and now were bringing this same. mentality to America by inserting or importing millions upon millions of Hispanic Americans here any way they possibly could. From the Spanish Inquisition with Christopher Columbus to the German Reformation we had not even the lesser of two evils, and why all the slavery since all they knew was an evil explicitly mentioned by name in the Bible?

    This anti-Semitism grew and grew from Europe so that Europe and then the 3rd world nations could promote anti-Semitism to the full and the American Jew was totally oblivious as to what was going on around them, nor did they take the time to care what even happened to their own children or grandchildren, especially in New York City and within the ACLU which was both communist and atheistic and meant to destroy by the devil’s means, our courts, the legal mindset of these Pharasaical Jews who only saw what Marx and Trotsky saw, a destruction of mankind as well as their own and their own version of Let somebody else be chosen!

    Since Nazism kept spreading one could see more people in elite positions wearing uniforms to serve the cause. The internationalists even had these homosexuals and Nazi pedophiles on their own closets so no one would know what they were really like. The system was working amongst the Anglo-Saxons and now the Hispanics because of Roman Catholicism. Yet Americans still went to church knowing what was going on in Roman Catholicism yet it did not bother them because opportunity proved more valuable than even true worship! They would not read Scriptures, but only quote it as Satan does and has and shall continue to do. The ECT Document was just a beginning to make all religions into the one world religion of possibly the Antichrist.

    I had no friends except my beautiful wife who had compassion for all and prayed for her worst enemies and was my constant reminder to do the same even though my human nature wanted to do an eye for an eye by not praying for their salvation or their healing wherever it was needed and it was needed for all of us at this part of this age!

    Our worse enemies were in our very own families which was a concern because it in itself made an accusation of how we failed to raise children or at least how the enemy had discouraged them and was trying to do the same with me.

    Almost all the cities everywhere were shaking each others’ hands and were almost best of friends and yet seem to say and believe in diametrically opposed systems or mindsets. Scalia shook Ginburg’s hands and even attended the parties of Katherine Graham who was the owner of the New York Times. The Pope shook Arafat’s hand, Reagan shook Gorbachev’s hand who was once head of the KGB and had people murdered. People of the elite were all shaking each others’ hands when they should have been prosecuting them to the fullest extent of the law or better yet GOD’S laws for heresy and evil! George W. Bush shook Khadaffi’s hands and even Solzhenitsyn shook the Pope’s hand that was from the Vatican and also endorsed Allan Ginsburg’s member of NAMBLA. Yes one must certainly question everything and that means everything! Sharansky was promoting homosexuality which meant Satan was hard at work on the Jews again to destroy them like never before in man’s entire history since Abraham came onto the scene. Motherhood and fatherhood were dead even amongst the young who got married to Soviet daycare and not because of poverty but just the opposite, money and luxury to have more leisure without really raising their own children but having foreigners do it while they themselves paid for it or the government did. Who would now be the scapegoat? All ministries talked about was money, but never put their own lives on the line to protect our children’s lives or our youth’s.

    It was Yalta all over again, but this time it took on a larger portion of the world and all would be happy! Again England lead us into debacle after debacle year after year, and we, like sheep that is our government was very fascinated with the way the English talked no matter the obscenities involved. Self preservation, as had occurred to the cold war, now was with American individuals by the majority. Even the murder of innocent children would not move us to do anything resembling decency and not revenge, but human decency to disobey Satan’s laws. What kind of Christians had we become to ignore what we know for sure was going on in our very own society, and this was not yet Nazi Germany where they too supported Islamic Jihad by hiding Nazi war criminals in their own country and had given them alias names, and the Arabs agreed too with homosexuality since it played a major role in their own culture or why else abuse their women and girl children just like the Nazis in Germany did. And why the long robes of narrowed minded and perverse men from the Arab countries, and even the Christians from those countries felt that Arafat was a wonderful man?

    Immigrants now coming to America for the most part hated America. Then one would suppose why come to America? They want their cake and to eat it too! The worse of the criminals were at the elite top top! They were in government at all levels and in our own courts and most of all our huge corporations who thought of nothing but power and wealth with wealth coming first. Who would prosecute these rich and well educated criminals since the ultra-conservative, William F. Buckley, Jr. himself wanted to legalize drugs, not medicine mind you, but hard core drugs! This would definitely mean more profits for the elites and government since taxes could then he levied on them and the doctors themselves would make out like bandits from the pharmaceutical companies who would then produce these synthetic drugs for mass destruction. Talk about weapons of mass destruction. Who would need to destruct America when it already destroyed itself with affluence and the god of this world?

    Why was there even a Civil War in America besides to hold together the union, and second because of slavery was it not? But who brought slavery to our shores as a wholesale enterprise? Was it not again the English who did what the Bible told them explicitly not to do and they still went ahead and done it! Were not the Bibles revised time and again so that one could hardly know the real truth? And as for history, what was the real truth? Who would now bring the real criminals to justice and try them in a court of law when they were the law? The incarcerated criminals for the most part admitted that they did commit a crime or crimes, but these would not even relinquish the fact that that was what they truly were, criminals and that is where real criminology came into play. The younger generation of Europeans also were told to be for the underdog to ease their minds and hearts from the vindictiveness that was about to be perpetrated on them and with their incoherent cooperation.

    The colleges and universities would be sure to take care that the real enemy was amongst their own people and with the rich and well educated and these disloyal immigrants. Without experience of life how would or could they possibly know the danger and destruction that lay ahead of them and that their benevolence would not be looked upon as such, but as weakness to these foreign people with their foreign religions who did not worship the same Judeo-Christian GOD that only some of them knew about? They started to emulate what was done before in these foreign lands and usually only the rich and well educated came to this land or any other land first to get away from the havoc and destruction that they created, because few if any Christians were allowed into America under the asylum plan, but only immigration which had nothing to do with freedom of religious expression!

    The Ivy Leaguers spread their venom as well as Oxford and

    Cambridge in England for this multiculturalism, and the Pied Piper played his Marxist/Leninist tune and the newly educated followed blindly. Even their own parents followed blindly and the ones that didn’t were looked down upon as the enemy from within and the generation gap was nothing more than to hate one’s country and one’s family as well as the one true GOD.

    Satan had certainly blinded many or most in America who were from Europe and should have known better, but how could they? The generation before them thought that communism and Nazism were defeated or did they? It was in their own backyard, but nonetheless till this time let them live for self preservation, but from now on . . . 

    College graduates now were making less or the same as union workers, but still the students or ex-students believed in the college system no matter what because it gave them the free-for-all mentality. Do what you want at anytime to anyone as long as it was politically correct. Let heathen foreigners even worse than Europe take over and teach and show you the way! There were no questions asked, and they followed as if in the military. All these so called generals were nothing more than false iconoclasts who lived off of the fat of the land such as Alexander Haig! Who ran the military in the trenches? The sergeants; high paid government officials that did not represent the soldiers in the field, but their own egos.

    Emotional instability had again occurred as it had in the 60’s when civil rights was a group mentality as the salt and pepper club was and it showed in the offspring and also in the non-marriage that also occurred with European women and those who came, or their ancestry came, as slaves. It shocked the senses of most of those parents except the ones that did not care about family, but only about politicized or political correctness which had been around or in the world since the father of communism, Lenin, was here.

    Even the children in America now were severely affected by the immorality and evilness around them in their own homes, and love was found wanting for them with no regard for who they were as offspring. Soviet daycare was now the common place thing to do since civil rights’ socialism took over. Motherhood had died since then and was getting worse and worse and children had no childhood. The Hispanic children got no toys to play with except the grief of their parents’ emotional instability. The Hispanic mothers would even steal for their children when it was not required! The same old 60’ songs and such worse now filled the airwaves as if it were a religion to be listened to by music alone, which of course was the way Satan liked to come in most cultures barring none. This now almost sets the scene for my story of now and in the present state of affairs in America and with education not being anything of the sort but just political correctness.

    We were into the new millennium and so much had happened in our little town that one had to wonder was it that surreal? Our community had changed from a European family mindset to a 3rd World multicultural mindset of anything goes. The entire town had few landowners and most were a sort of tribal tradition according to their own homeland which they said they wanted to leave, yet they did not really love America. People were shot and killed daily, and the Franco-Germanic political philosophy ruled our entire area while the rich and well educated said this would be a new beginning, but as to what for they did not say.

    I had gotten much older, and I saw the destruction of morals come as quickly that it was hard to believe, and big business went around as usual except with different faces and many different cultures, but nonetheless the same political philosophy that was here for years, but not the coerced criminality that came with multiculturalism.

    Years ago people could walk any street and be relatively safe, but today it was like Hispanic revolutionaries that had taken over here in America like Liberation Theology and we tried like heck to help Nicaragua to overcome this communist manifesto there which was now here as well as its mentality as if Daniel Ortega was living with us in America!

    On the job training is what a college degree amounted to. Many ex-students were in debt to our government while others who did not choose to go to college fared much better because government would provide for them or the unions of the Democratic Party.

    The immigration policy was the same as in Major League Baseball where player after player went from one team to another in the same year and none were home grown any longer, and the teams were used as advertising agencies. The reserve clause, but most of all the free agency of baseball had destroyed where the authority came from and why one loved to play the game and not for avarice and breaking false records for today it was all a new and different ballgame!

    Young people who had gone to college came out much dumber then when they had gone in, and yet they were spending thousands of dollars for this heresy of so called knowledge and most of all philosophy. Parents of the 60’s were coming to their end and now their own mortality was upon their minds as what to do, but kept on doing what they had done in the 60’s and that was rebel against all things that would he normal if one could find a normal person, which probably ran one out of millions upon millions or a little less, but not much less!

    Every so often Joe would contact me, but not very often because I chose it to be that way. On this day he made a special visit to my home. When he appeared at the door it somewhat took me by surprise, which of course I did not like even though I kept it to myself and did not mention it to Joe himself. I thought, Now what could Joe want at this unexpected time since he usually calls me?

    Hello Joe, come on in and make yourself comfortable.

    I came over unexpectedly, I know, just to tell you that you are invited to my wedding which will be next week.

    Well who is the lucky girl?

    I do not know if you remember the girl that I had dated about 3 years ago?

    As I thought to myself I said, No this cannot be the one that I am thinking of, heaven forbid.

    "Yes I think I remember that fine young lady the tall one, right?


    How did this come all about all of a sudden?

    Well we got back together again and started dating and before you know it we started talking about marriage in a serious tone.

    I thought that you said you would never get married.

    Well I can always change my mind, can’t I?

    Oh yes, do not be offended by what I just said. I only meant that you seemed so dead set on not getting married, that’s all.

    Well as I just said, I changed my mind.

    Are you sure she is the right girl for you?

    What makes you ask such a ridiculous question?

    Do you remember when she went with the Moslem guy before she met you?

    Yes, but what does that have anything to do with me getting married to her if I love her?

    Do you really think that you could love such a girl after you know… ?

    What are you implying about her and about my decision to marry her?

    Well, I just thought that a Jew like you would never marry a Moslem girl being the fact that your family is Orthodox Jewish?

    For your information they already know about it and have given their blessings and even if they didn’t I still would marry her.

    Is she going to convert to Judaism?

    No, that is not important, but just the fact that we love each other is all that counts!

    Well each to their own.

    I am tired of your insults and think I will leave for now.

    Joe, I think that is a very good idea, and by the way cancel that invitation to your wedding. I am not interested in mixed marriage.

    You know something, if I didn’t know any better I would think that you were prejudice or jealous!

    Think what you like, but you are beyond all hope!

    What makes you so high and mighty? I don’t see any beauty chasing you?

    And I am not looking to get married to any American girl, or any Moslem girl, if that answers your silly question?

    You know something? If I did not know you as well I would punch you right in the nose!

    Do what you like, but there are laws against that and besides I am in my own house and I did not invite you. You invited yourself here!

    Goodbye and that is for good!

    Shalom buddy. You can see yourself out the door just the same way that you came in!

    After he left I thought to myself, What a jerk that liberal Jew is after what that religion has done to his people!

    Some would say I am prejudice, but then again who cares what they think, they do not pay my bills. I am the way I am and nothing can ever change that for the most part. Who needs friends like that who would betray their own country like that just to be chic?"

    Later that night I turned on the television and saw another bombing in Jerusalem and thought to myself, That Joe is a real pig head! Well he is one less person I have to worry about liking me since I speak the truth.

    I kept wondering why the American Jews were so liberal about morality in most things such as infanticide, homosexuality, euthanasia, etc. and only donated to Israel large sums of money, yet it really did nothing since they did not know anything about GOD. The GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob was only words to most Jews in the world even though they celebrated the Feasts and Holidays in the Bible. The New York City Jew probably was the most liberal of all the Jews in America and many real Russian and Polish Jews did not care for what these New York City Jews stood for even though the elites of them wined and dined with them. They had their own or were making their own Pale of Settlement in America and creating more anti-Semitism by the way they support the enemies in the Old and New Testaments and time was running short, or so it appeared so, for them to see the truth for what it was.

    Their synagogues were just that sin-agogues, and they continued in their old ways to ignore what even their Gentile friends were trying to tell them in a loving way even though some of us had had enough of their stiff-necked mentality such as the ACLU, Hollywood, the media, and even their most of all and that is their own religions. They were so close yet so very far away and only the ones who lied to them did they seem to believe, and that was the way it so appeared to me.

    The next day I went to see a Phillies game in Connie Mack Stadium where the Phillies were going to play the Los Angeles Dodgers and Sandy Koufax, a Jewish pitcher was going against Jim Bunning of the Phillies, and Don Drysdale was going to pitch against Chris Short of the Phillies. This double-header would decide who would win the National League Pennant! This pennant was between the Dodgers and the San Francisco Giants. The first game was pitched by Don Drysdale who used to throw at Frank Robinson’s head, because Frank Robinson would hug the plate, and Drysdale was not afraid to throw inside to back him off of the plate. The first game was won by the Dodgers, which meant that if San Francisco won their game they would be tied with the Dodgers since Los Angeles had played one less game than the Giants did and then for sure Sandy Koufax would have to win the second game for the Dodgers to clinch free and clear. Well up on the old scoreboard in right center field the final score finally came in and San Fran had won their game which meant that the Dodgers and Koufax had to win the second game to take sole possession of first place and win the National League pennant. There was only one division for the entire National and American Leagues so that it meant if they won they could go into the World Series automatically and there were no money making playoffs. This was added also to bore one to death with America’s favorite pastime. In the second game, after the Giants had won Sandy Koufax looked up on the scoreboard and saw what he had to do and his curve ball and fast ball were almost indistinguishable from one another and the velocity was tremendous and the black of the plate was where he threw the ball time and again as the umpire knew that they were consistent strikes. The Philly batters were baffled until the 9th inning when the Phillies started to hit the ball for some miraculous reason and had runners on base finally. Up to that time the Phillies had scored absolutely no runs so this made the game very exciting since I myself was a Phillies fan. Would Walter Alston put in a relief pitcher for Koufax or would he let Koufax finish the game since Koufax was known on rare occasions to get wild and sometimes his arm would tighten up on a cool day? Well Alston kept Koufax in the game and Bill White, the old timer originally from St. Louis and who nobody knew his real age not even him, came up and hit a shot off of the wall in right field which brought in the second run and Bill White was a left handed batter and Koufax a left handed pitcher which should have meant that Bill White was at a disadvantage seeing the left handed pitcher from the same side. The fans went wild and were roaring with approval. Now would Alston take out Koufax and was Koufax stiffening up even more after that shot off the wall in right field? Well to my chagrin and most of the ballpark’s, Koufax finally retired the side and the Dodgers won the National League Pennant and were going to the World Series. I can still remember though and shall never forget when Koufax saw that the Giants had won and how he just stared at that scoreboard and then went to work on the Philly batters and pitched with perfection until the 9th inning. What competitors both Drysdale and Koufax were whenever they went out on the mound, and I remember one year when Koufax was already 19-5 and no pitcher in either league had even 12 wins! That’s how great he was of a pitcher and he was the best that I had ever seen and that included Steve Carlton, Nolan Ryan, in person but none even came close to the consistency that Koufax showed year after year which was what a true professional on the field was plus the fact I had never seen him argue with the umpires and off the field he gave lectures to youth and college students about life. If he had not had an arthritic elbow he would have put up amazing statistics even though that was not what he was all about. I could also remember if the Dodgers would score one run in the early innings on a hit usually by Maury Wills, their shortstop and then would steal second and then score on a single, Koufax usually would need no more than that to win the game.

    Well after the baseball season was completely over by October 1st or 2nd and that included the entire World Series, I took my eyes off of sports and focused on my studies. I remember well when in public school when we would recite the Lord’s Prayer and all the students in the class would bow their heads in reverence as the teacher lead us in prayer and that would start the day on a good foot. Then the United States Supreme Court went actually insane and for some queer reason made a law banning us to say the prayer by the time I was in senior high school, and did the demons come out from everywhere! Of course that time the federal government was filled with all kinds of socialists that were in the federal government, state and county governments, city government and of course the good old school district that did not get paid but was a stepping stone for higher education with professional pay and lifetime royalty. Most Americans had no idea, nor did they really care about what had happened in society.

    After 9/11 our own government should have started to deport all Moslems, but then again that would mean that all that oil money would have been lost and the United States Senate would have lost millions of dollars, for most of the United States Senators were millionaires. Here a certain religion worshipped demons was allowed to buy out America because our very own businessmen as well as our own government allow that to occur because of good old capitalism which was nothing more than avarice. After all capitalism comes socialism which means that materialism rules supreme and has nothing whatsoever to do with free enterprise since big business in America has even been more covert than our own CIA. We continued at our own peril to think that our own government would protect us when they themselves had sold us out some years ago. We no longer had any type of foundation with which to uphold GODLY morals in our nation, and only slogans were used to say we were the greatest or the most powerful nation in the world, but never did it say we were the second evil empire. We had come to believe in our very own lies and mob rule, or democracy had shown what human nature was all about. Everything had become legal such as child molestation, homosexuality, infanticide, heathenism, barbarism, Nazism, Communism and most of all this New Age occult that most likely would bring in the Antichrist. This was at least the end of a new age and we were embarking on another age that would first start off very violent and then eventually bring on the Messianic Age which would place the Gentile church behind and the Messianic Jews in GODLY authority. America believed that since it had fallen that the world was coming to an end, but that was not so, since America was not Israel, or any part of the real Jewish people and had always been a part of the European empires that Daniel spoke about in the Old Testament. Even within my own lifetime America had fallen so rapidly that those few mortal years almost seemed like a few centuries and the Gentile church was depending on monetary value and not agape love from GOD and the GOD OF ABRAHAM, ISAAC AND JACOB!

    My own wife was struggling with the way she was brought up and so I needed to let her see the way a peasant lived. When we were growing up in my own family we did not have much to do with the European religions or any other religion that constantly talked about money and materialism.

    Some of the very unusual stories that I noticed were as such: couriers that were Moslems and made important deliveries to big corporations; Moslems that ran or owned businesses that involved money and oil, or one or the other; security airport people who also were Moslems; even one case where one man’s own son was killed in the World Trade Center’s building and was working on the same floor as a Moslem who was in charge. Moslems were in our very own military, something that not even Israel allows with it’s small Jewish population, but of course the Moslems had not bought out most of Israel; Moslems that were selling here in America illegal drugs to promote terrorism here and around the world and our own government knew about it and did absolutely nothing to stop it; Moslems that also owned more than one restaurant in our area and were allowed to make a non-profit business and still stay legit; black American Moslems that were never checked out by our own FBI or CIA; chauffeurs that drove important dignitaries to many important buildings in America; over 86,000 illegal citizens that were criminals walking the streets of America who also were mostly Moslems; clerics that wore the attire that represented the Islamic Jihad; drugs that came from Afghanistan and were sold here and in Prague and in Edinborough up to the present date; intermarriage between, Americans and Moslems; black pastors who posed as Christians, but also were in the Million Man March where Moslems were and anti-Semitism plus they wore the garb that was apropos for Moslems; baseball players who carried Moslem names with no questions asked; doctors that were Moslems; and the list could go on and on.

    Yes, America had become a haven for anything goes no matter how far out it appeared and our own courts and trial lawyers most of which were politicians seemed to enjoy all that was going on and in fact encouraged this violent multiculturalism that was eroding America including the Jewish ACLU that pandered even to Nazism such as in Cicero where Holocaust victims had lived. The American Jew in general became so heathenistic that one could not tell if they were Americans or from a foreign land! They were using their brains for evil and of course extravagance and also self-preservation and did not care in the least about even their own race of people or their own families, which told one how much they also believed in their own country, or even Israel the homeland of the Jews!

    America had become so money hungry that many people who never had money now had it and it was destroying them, and to be a millionaire meant nothing since government itself promoted gambling, another one of their outward vices that the socialists in government wanted to promote and did promote to further bring down America to their so called UTOPIANISM! Even the poor in America did not want hand me downs because big brother, or government had already spoiled them in the sense they got what they wanted free from other American taxpayers better known as the redistribution of wealth according to Marx and Engels, but no one ever said that verbally because it sounded too much like the truth, and only euphemisms were used such as to the left or liberal but never socialism or Communism, or atheism. If one was not with them then they had to be against them, right? In this case some would abstain from making any good moral decision, especially the rich and well educated amongst the Anglo-Saxons. They were in fact colonializing America into a 3rd world country and were importing all who were non-Judeo Christian, and asylum was almost ignored, but immigration was in the millions especially from all socialists countries who were more than welcome to come here and allow their own criminals to come here also, such as Cuba. The Constitutional form of government was not working for the long haul because it was not based upon the Biblical precept of a monarch, but of mob rule which eventually would turn into chaos and then totalitarianism. We were eating our cake and enjoying it too, but we nonetheless would not stop to listen to any kind of reason that invaded our evil lifestyle of eat, drink and be merry and who more than the American secular Jew did that with their extravagance in everything they did. So that is why they were always for big government because it meant free money for them that never ended and just kept coming with no end in sight and because the ACLU really believed that socialism would work the way Mr. Bronstein had believed! We also got forced integration upon us and if we did not cooperate we would be called bigots and prejudiced, which was their lying ways to promote or silence even most conservatives which was not very hard to do since they were for capitalism, or real big business like the merger of Mobil/Exxon that was against all Vietnam vets! It also endorsed homosexuality to the fullest. Capitalism had become Socialism in America and so had the European religions, not to mention innately Islam with its death wish for mankind.

    Now back again to my story about how my ex-friend had betrayed his own people by marrying a Moslem woman. Also the fact that India’s Indians had become more and more prevalent that even other Jews were working for them and for Islam. A paradox to say the least and one that needed to be seen to be believed since the swastika itself was from India and the New Age Movement which was actually Nazism was endorsed by our own government and our own democracy of and by the people.

    As we grew older, my wife and I came to understand things in a clearer light than we had previously known all of our lives. Rebecca, my wife, was starting to understand just how bad America had become and just how really anti-Semitic it was since Satan had always targeted the Jewish people because of Messiah in the flesh. Jesus was a Jewish man.

    Rebecca would ask, Is Roman Catholicism really that bad?

    My response would be, It certainly was and is since it did not abide hardly by Biblical Scripture and made up its own rules as it went along, such as celibacy, a Pope, homosexuality, materialism, anti-Semitism and believed itself to be the one and only ‘Church’ that also replaced Israel!

    Rebecca again would respond with, You mean to tell me that Roman Catholicism was that evil and had that many millions of followers in the world?

    I said to Rebecca, Remember that most people in the world are not believers and some who claim to be are not also and the fact that now all religions were leading to this one world religion, the ‘she’, or harlot, in the Bible!

    So the world at this present time is actually that bad?

    Look how bad America is! Now imagine how bad the rest of the world is at this very present time!

    How bad shall it be for Israel if it is this bad now?

    It shall certainly get much worse before it shall ever get better since GOD has His own plan that He has told about in Daniel and in the Book of Revelation.

    Shall there be any Jews at all left to be saved in this world?

    The Bible says that only a remnant shall be saved, which means even with the small number of Jews now in the world even most of them shall not be saved, so one can imagine how bad it shall soon be as we see the end of this age coming so very quickly as it appears to be.

    Will Israel totally be destroyed, or shall some of Israel, the land that is, be spared?

    The world as we know it shall not be destroyed, but shall be transformed by the will of GOD according first to the world’s heathen one-world religion known in the Bible as the harlot. We must be ever aware to read Scripture and to let the Holy Spirit interpret for us, and we also must maintain a close relationship to it by not sinning so that nothing can block the Holy Spirit such as our own sinning.

    So, in other words, I must walk in the spirit so that I maintain the proper relationship, as you just said, and so that my prayers to understand the present situation if understood by me in this ever evil and present age?

    Yes, we as believers must obey GOD and His Word, which is His will so that we too do not ‘fall away’, not from grace, but from His Holy presence in the sense we are communicating with a Holy GOD!

    As one elderly man said to me years ago, ‘Obey GOD AND LIVE AND DISOBEY GOD AND DIE!

    It sounds almost work-like, but I know it is not by works alone, or should I say that it is grace alone that we shall be saved, if we believe in our hearts by grace and grace alone, but that we should not sin nor want to sin any longer since the Holy Spirit is within us.

    "The European religions were all anti-Semitic and so one would have to wonder what is it that they had to show for since Jesus was King of the Jews? It again tells us to read Scripture for ourselves and teach our children and grandchildren to do the same and stay away from genealogy and hearsay such as in Roman Catholicism.

    "I can see how one can be confused by all these so called Christian religions and the people who sincerely believe that they are truly serving the will of GOD but refuse to read Scripture, or to be witnessed to no matter how much truth you show them since they would rather believe in a lie and not the Word of GOD.

    So it would appear that most people would not be saved because of materialism, which Roman Catholicism preached and made those people feel good about themselves and had absolutely nothing to do with salvation no matter how many times they were witnessed to?

    Yes Rebecca, they have found their comfort zone so that it would be easier in this life to go on living on the works, or Calvanist type of salvation no matter what. Some confuse the Epistle of James that says, Faith without works is dead, meaning, to some, that salvation is based on works also, or alone for salvation. They do not realize that what James was really saying was that if one is truly saved by grace alone than their works one would be able to see by the fruits of the Holy Spirit, and again that only grace and not works or anything other would bring one into a saving grace with Jesus whether they were a Gentile or a Jew, and James was a half brother of Jesus.

    Afterwards Rebecca left the house because she had promised her best friend Jessica that she would go to her Bible study that evening. I had already decided to stay at home and work on a book that I felt was not too good in all its contents, but nonetheless I would continue to work on it knowing almost full well that it would never be published, since capitalism would impose its avarice hand on anyone, or anybody,

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