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The Judas Epidemic: Exposing the Betrayal of the Christian Faith in Church and Government
The Judas Epidemic: Exposing the Betrayal of the Christian Faith in Church and Government
The Judas Epidemic: Exposing the Betrayal of the Christian Faith in Church and Government
Ebook213 pages3 hours

The Judas Epidemic: Exposing the Betrayal of the Christian Faith in Church and Government

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Have you ever wondered why todays postmodern church seems to look so different than the church of years gone by? Have you ever wondered what has happened to that old-time religion that was good enough for your parents and grandparents, but doesnt seem to be good enough for people of today? The Judas Epidemic will answer those questions for you. It seeks to explain why the church and world governments are running down the wide path of destruction mentioned in John 7:14; who it is that is leading the way down that path; and why you should beware of their deceptive doctrines.

I have read Curt Chamberlains new book, The Judas Epidemic, with great enthusiasm. The contents are helpful, informative, and interesting. To my knowledge, concerning books, The Judas Epidemic is unique in that it defends the Word of God and the Lords people by exposing the satanic emergent church and the contemporary movement sweeping across America today.

Dr. Mat Echols, MRE, ThD, DD

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateDec 22, 2011
The Judas Epidemic: Exposing the Betrayal of the Christian Faith in Church and Government

Curtis A. Chamberlain

A born-again Christian for forty years, Curtis Chamberlain has been led by the Holy Spirit to begin a writing career at age fifty. His written works will focus on Christian apologetics and discernment. He and his wife, Linda, are avid Harley riders and enjoy evangelizing the biker community.

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    Book preview

    The Judas Epidemic - Curtis A. Chamberlain




    Chapter One Why Christian Doctrine is So Important

    Chapter 2 The Purpose Driven Lie

    Chapter 3 Further Examination of The Purpose Driven Life Philosophy

    Chapter 4 The Roots of Deceit

    Chapter 5 The New and Improved Christianity?

    Chapter 6 The Social Justice Agenda

    Chapter 7 Let Us Entertain You

    Chapter 8 The Theosophy Movement—AntiChrist’s Harbinger

    Chapter 9 The United Nations—Theosophy’s World Servers

    Chapter 10 The Prosperity Doctrine

    Chapter 11 Almost Persuaded

    Chapter 12 A Conflagration of Cults—The Spiritual War Over Your Soul

    Chapter 13 Jesus Saves! An Invitation to Salvation



    This book is dedicated to my wonderful wife, Linda, whose Christian love and support, and total dedication to the will of God, helped serve as motivation to write it. I know that she is truly God’s gift to me, and I thank God for her. Her unwavering confidence in my God-given abilities never ceases, and is an encouragement that I could not have done without.




    But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman’s hand. Ezekiel 33:6 KJV

    As a Bible-believing fundamentalist Christian of 40 years, I have had a faith deeply rooted in the Word of God, thanks in large part to both my parents, but in particular, thanks to my Dad. He made sure that I received sound Biblically doctrinal teaching at a very early age. I can remember that, as an extremely young lad of 4 or 5 years old, we would, as a family, gather in a bedroom right before bedtime, and Dad would read to us from the Bible, and also from Our Daily Bread, a daily devotional publication by M.R. DeHaan’s Radio Bible Class.

    This would occur faithfully every night before we went to sleep. Dad and Mom made sure that the last thing we heard before we closed our eyes for the night, was God’s wonderful Word. Even as such a young boy, I could definitely see and understand that my Dad had a deep love for, and dedication to God. I believe that it was directly because of seeing this dedication in my parents, that I was able to come to a decision to accept Christ as my personal Savior at the age of 10. I had a keen understanding of what the grace of God actually was, and was very ready to accept the gift that God so freely gave to me, and wanted me to have!

    I thank God for my parents—that they loved me enough to make sure that I knew about God’s love for me! Without their loving dedication to God, and to raising their children in the respect and admonition of the Lord, my life may have turned out very differently. Thank you, Mom and Dad! I love you both!

    My folks also made certain that I placed the proper emphasis on the regular reading and study of the Bible. My Dad would always quote 2 Timothy 2:15 to me: Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. Believe me—I knew that verse by heart before the age of 7 or 8. It is because of this that I always knew that the regular study of the Bible would be the guiding force in my life—that it would see me through anything and everything in my life. The Bible has been a staple of my existence for so many years.

    Although I do not have a formal seminary education, I have studied on my own for many years, with the guidance of my Dad, and many other Spirit-filled teachers and mentors, and have acquired what would probably be considered in most circles, a better-than-average knowledge of history, both Biblical and secular, as well as the sciences. I remember asking my Dad if my lack of credentials would be an obstacle to writing this book, and if would even be read at all. My Dad laughed and said, Write the book. And so I have.

    My regular study of the Bible has also ingrained in me a progressive awareness of my responsibilities as a Christian. One of the most important responsibilities is to be a watchman on the wall. As Christians, it is the responsibility of each and every one of us to be exactly that—to sound the trumpet when we see the enemy approaching. If we fail to warn others of imminent danger, we place them at risk of being taken away in their iniquity and having God require their blood at our hands. I certainly don’t want God asking me why I failed to warn others when the need to do so arose. What possible excuse would I have? I can’t think of one right now, and I know I would not be able to think of one then.

    Dear reader, there is a very insidious danger that you need to know about. The trumpet needs to be sounded. This danger is approaching quickly—advancing on our Christian position everyday.

    There are several philosophies of thought being propagated in churches today, as well as secular circles, that threaten to undermine fundamental Christian doctrine. The proponents of these philosophies are well-known, recognizable figures of mainline Christian denominations, as well as fringe cults. I am writing The Judas Epidemic in order to bring to light the real purposes and intents of several of these most popular schools of religious thought and expose them for exactly what they are—a Satanic attempt to undermine, overthrow, and ultimately destroy Christianity! Churches everywhere are beginning to abdicate the Gospel at alarming rates, and there will be many Christians who will be deceived into thinking that these philosophies are correct—to their peril! Dear friend—realize that this book is one that is intended to sound the trumpet of alarm and warning!

    In the ensuing chapters of this book, you will learn about some of the most heinous and heretical lies ever propagated by Satan, that present themselves as Christian, but are really nothing more than Trojan horses, such as the Purpose Driven Movement and the Emergent Church Movement, as well as others, and the incredible leaps they are making with their virulent strains of heresy and apostasy. You will learn why these heretical philosophies are so very dangerous to our churches, and our precious Christian faith. Read on, dear friend, and open your Bibles!

    The need to recognize Satan for who he is and what he does, as the most prolific and adept liar in history, has never been more important!!!

    May God bless you as you read The Judas Epidemic.



    To all who read this book:

    There has been, down through the ages, a very real and purposeful conspiracy to thwart the plans of God. This conspiracy started in the Garden of Eden, when the Serpent (Satan) tempted Eve to question what God had commanded, by asking her, "Yea, hath God said, ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?" This was Satan’s very first attempt to thwart, or circumvent the plans of God, where mankind was concerned. It was this attempt that resulted in man’s fall from the grace of God, and also the whole of Creation being cursed. What a punishment! To be separated from God because of sin!

    Satan’s first attempt, however, was not his last—no, Satan has been hard at work since the garden, trying to convince mankind that we, too, can be as gods—that is, that we can know better than God what is good for us. Satan has had great success throughout mankind’s history with his subversive techniques of deception—appealing to our baser instincts of pride and self-worth, in order to convince us that our Creator didn’t really mean what He said—doesn’t really know what’s best for us—doesn’t really have our best interests in mind. Satan’s deceptions have only resulted in man glorifying and deifying himselfplacing himself above his own Creator as the master of his own destiny. This is a sin of PRIDE; which, by the way, was what caused Satan’s own fall from the grace of God. What better way for Satan to bring about the demise of mankind, than to employ the very means of his own downfall!!!

    This deception was in full swing in the days of Nimrod, at the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11), during Israel’s exodus from captivity in Egypt (Exodus 32), and a host of other examples all through the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, some of which I will detail later in this book. The point is that this old and ancient method of deception is still in active use today, and is experiencing success at an unprecedented rate! It employs the same basic principles of Satan’s original deception in the Garden, but it comes in a more modern, more socially acceptable, more appealing package!

    The major proponents of this particular deception today are many of the most respected figures of the mainline Christian denominations—and are wasting no time in adhering to, and adopting, in large measure, utterly heretical doctrines that are hardly recognizable as the long-held tenets of the Christian faith. Many—not all—but many of them are doing no more than consciously (or unconsciously) betraying and sacrificing the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, in order to achieve unity in a ONE-WORLD RELIGION!!!

    I write this book as a warning for sincere Christians, and to those non-believers that may be examining Christianity from the periphery, not to be taken in, or deceived by these false doctrines that are being propagated from outside of the Church, and from inside of it as well!

    My fervent hope is that this book will awaken every born-again Christian to turn from the apostasy that the post-modern Church is nowadays espousing. Also, to every non-believer who may be for the first time in their lives, examining Christianity on their own behalf, that this book will be an accurate representation to them of what our Christian faith really is, and what the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ can do for them in regard to their eternal security.


    Chapter One

    Why Christian Doctrine is So Important

    In today’s world, where we are bombarded everyday with all kinds of information, from a myriad of sources we never had access to in years past, like internet, satellite television, and satellite radio transmissions, its important for us to be able to distinguish between what information is true, and what information is false. Giving heed to false information can lead to our demise in many different facets of our lives if we’re not careful to discern what information is bad for us, or can have a negative influence on our lives. How many of us have seen an advertisement on TV, and have thought, Man, that really sounds great! I’ve just gotta have that! Where’s my credit card? So, we order, receive, and then find that what we saw on TV, just doesn’t look the same in person, or just doesn’t do what it was advertised to do. I dare say, there isn’t a person on this planet that hasn’t experienced this at least once in their lives. This happens because we are taken inwe sometimes don’t discern properly, even when we have the necessary tools at our disposal to be able to discern properly. We react to the look, the feel, the sound of something, and decide whether or not to believe it.

    We can apply this same process to the adoption of doctrine. How does it look, feel, or sound to us? Is it attractive to us? Does it sound good to us? How does it make us feel? Knowing that the way something looks, sounds, or feels to us and is primary in our selection process is critical for us to understand, if we are to adopt doctrine that is correct. Even more importantly, is it good for us just because it looks, sounds or feels good to us? I’d be willing to step out on a limb and say that most of us could think of times that we thought something was good for us at first glance, but found later that we regretted our decision—probably because we did not take the time to really discern if it was good for us or not.

    Let’s take a look at what doctrine really is. The Random House Dictionary defines doctrine as: doctrine (dok’trin) n. 1. A particular principle or position taught or advocated, as of a religion, government, etc. 2. Any basic creed.

    So, basically, its safe to say that doctrine is what you believe.

    With that in mind, we must remember that every major religion of the world has a doctrine of its own. Buddhism, Catholicism, Islam, Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and Christianity (just to name a few) all have their own doctrines that they teach and believe in. So how do we know which doctrinal belief system is true and correct? Well, that is where discernment comes in and plays a critical role in our decision making.

    It would not be easy to address each of the major religions’ in one book, (unless you don’t mind reading the theological equivalent of Tolstoy’s War and Peace) so I’ve decided to examine basic Christian doctrine, give you its basis for authority and its truth, and then show you how some of the more contemporary doctrines of today, masking themselves as Christianity are totally and utterly false doctrines, and are as far removed from real Christian doctrine as they can possibly be.

    You may ask, Why is it so important to know the differences in these doctrines? The plain and simple answer is that your eternal security depends on it. Let me repeat that one more time—your eternal security depends on what you believe. Dear reader, I am writing this book because I care about your eternal security—I care about your soul, and where you will spend eternity. I care about whether you will spend an eternity in heaven with God the Father, or eternally separated from Him, in eternal conscious torment in hell. As you read this book, I ask you to keep this one thought in mind—what you believe is critically important to where you will spend eternity. I pray that you will make the right decision.

    There are those who are willing to lead you astray and deceive you, in order to pad their pockets, or fill their churches, or both, at the expense of your eternal security. I do not want that to happen to you!

    In order to show you the truth, we must examine the core doctrines of Christianity, and show you how these "postmodern’ charlatans and their doctrines are false.

    The 5 Core Doctrines of the Christian Faith are as follows:

    1.   The Trinity—God is one Being, having three facets of personality, (God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit) and each facet of His personality has all the attributes of Deity.

    2.   The Person of Jesus Christ—Jesus Christ is both man and God, and as a man, lived a sinless life, doing the will of His Father. Jesus Christ is both man and God for all of eternity.

    3.   The Second Coming—Jesus Christ will return to earth, in order to rule and judge mankind.

    4.   Salvation—We are saved by grace, through faith in Christ alone—not by any works that we can do here on earth.

    5.   The Bible—The Bible is the infallible, inerrant, Holy Spirit inspired Word of God, and is sufficient as the only authority and guide to living the Christian life.

    As you read these following chapters, please keep a Bible within easy reach, because I do not want you to just take my word about the things I am saying in this book. I want you to constantly check the Bible to see if I am telling you the truths that are stated in God’s Holy Word. The Apostle Paul commended the Bereans in Acts 17:11, These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so. What Paul was saying was that the Bereans were really doing the right thing by listening to God’s Word with a ready mind, and after hearing the Word, they actually searched the scriptures in order to prove that what they were told, was correct. That is all I am asking of you, dear reader—search the scriptures, and prove to yourself that what I am telling you in this book is true. May God bless you with His wisdom as you read The Judas Epidemic.


    Chapter 2

    The Purpose Driven Lie

    While I have been aware for many years that there have always been unsound, false, heretical teachers and teachings within the Christian community (and outside of it, as well), I guess I never really gave that much thought to what a distinct danger it was to Christians and non-Christians alike. Knowing that my faith was deeply, strongly rooted in the sound, fundamental doctrine of the Bible, allowed me to—in a way—distance myself from the debates and issues surrounding heresy and apostasy in the church. I knew what I believed, and I knew that it was correct, based solely on God’s

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