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5 Erotic Short Stories Vol 6
5 Erotic Short Stories Vol 6
5 Erotic Short Stories Vol 6
Ebook102 pages1 hour

5 Erotic Short Stories Vol 6

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About this ebook

Five of Sophie Sin's latest erotic stories. Included are sexy young Asian new employee Suten Ho's first time going white; an angry house wife with a fetish for taking it all; a military love affair between different ranks on the coast of Iraq during the Gulf Conflict; a CEO that knows no limits in getting what he wants; and a reversal on an obsessed stalker that will have you quivering in desire. All this and more in this erotica collection.

The '5 Erotic Short Stories Vol 6' collection contains the following five erotica short stories:

# Too Forward (Female Domination)
The stalker thinks he's so clever, but Angel - a naughty vixen of the night - knows his game and has plans to throw her innocent alter ego, Christina, into a lusty situation that will test the will, stamina and confidence of the wicked man. Split personalities, crazy obsession, and good old fashion filthy behavior: This is Sophie Sin at her best.

# Tentative (Interracial)
Suten Ho came from a rural background, but achieved success: A big company in Beijing - what they all strived for. Yet, the reality of city life and the way men and women there act was foreign to her. Moreso, was Jack - the masculine white intern - and Kim - a woman that loves women. A whirlwind of promiscuous lust will lead to a long awaited freedom for Suten. She just doesn't know it yet.

# Sensual Seduction (Romance)
Tom wasn't expecting much from tonight - just another night with a beer and a magazine - until Sarah called. A man with big things going on and a woman who loves nothing more than to suck every last drip out head down a hot and steamy road to absolute pleasure. Raunchy and out of control naughty until the very end.

# Harassed (Alpha Male / Romance)
He takes what he wants and Kimberly is something he wants dearly. His world is organized around him in such a way to satisfy his every indugence. Every desire is fulfilled and every plan carefully laid to ensure perfect completion. Kim is young - impressionable - and new to his company. He will have her: Every single part of her. Nothing will stop stand in the way of his pleasure.

# Diving Deep (Military)
Sergeant Rick Sharp was a surprise for Major Angela Carva when he arrived for underwater mine disposal training. Him being more attractive than most, she couldn't help but look at what he had down below. Their positions as trainee and trainer left room for nothing more than fantasies, but one night things changed. All he has to do is: Dive deep.

Release dateMay 8, 2018
5 Erotic Short Stories Vol 6

Sophie Sin

Sophie Sin writes heterosexual erotica. She also occasionally writes gay erotic fiction under the pen name Dick Powers.

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    Book preview

    5 Erotic Short Stories Vol 6 - Sophie Sin

    5 Erotic Short Stories Vol 6

    Sophie Sin

    Copyright 2018 Lunatic Ink Publishing

    Note: This book is a collection of short stories. If you would like more of this kind of sexy erotica then feel free to check out Sophie Sin’s short story collections (each contain a number of stories). Find more at Sophie Sin's Book List. She also writes male-male gay erotica under Dick Powers.

    Disclaimer: All participants over the age of 18 and consent to all sexual activities herein.

    Table Of Contents

    Too Forward


    Sensual Seduction


    Diving Deep


    Sophie Sin

    Copyright 2018 Lunatic Ink Publishing


    Her name was Christina Angelina and she was a whore.

    The stalker sat in his small one bedroom apartment on the single stool that he kept for this purpose in the corner of the room and stared at the wall.

    A hundred and twenty-two photos of Christina, known as Angel on the street, adorned the walls. Each photo was set perfectly against the next and the stalker had taken great care to ensure that there was not a strip of glue or tape to be seen anywhere. It was perfect and for him perfection was everything.

    He adjusted his glasses and stood abruptly. Sliding across the room like a dark shadow passing over a dimly lit wall, he came to rest on the balls of his feet near the floor. The photo was number 32.

    Yes, yes, this one, he whispered.

    It was Christina bent over with her hands pressed to a wall and a customer shoving a very fat cock up her tiny little white ass.

    He reached out and his fingers dared for a moment to caress her white buttocks. It was only a moment though. Stalker dared not touch too long. If he was not careful he would cum and for 5 years he had not touched himself in preparation for the moment that was soon to come.

    She would give him that ass, he knew, and he would not be paying.


    Today her hair was decidedly crap.

    Christina sighed and tried to wring the comb through it a few more times. Some days she could get it just right, but most of the time it turned out a little frizzy. She didn’t know if it was the new hairspray or the colorist ruining her roots again, but the young woman could never seem to get it to sit in the correct position.

    Leaning over the white porcelain sink of her middle class apartment that she owned in full, yet told the neighbors she was renting because an unmarried 25 year old woman shouldn’t be seen to be too wealthy. Especially, she noted with a wry smile, when that young woman professed to being a student of the arts and studying such at the local university on the way to her post doctorate.

    "Dr. Angel..." She said outloud.

    It was almost worth a laugh.

    Her nostril settled on the line of white and Christina snorted it up in one skillful strike.

    Immediately a warm rush of pleasure filled her and the troubles with her hair slipped away.

    For a moment she rode the lightning all the way to Heaven and then fell back to Earth to start on her make up. There were three lines of cocaine on a silver tray that her pimp - a black man with a surprisingly professional approach to his job - had given her as a gift last week. Angel was addicted to the coca and she knew it, but Christina was smart enough to realize that the addiction was just another passing fad for her and would probably die out as soon as she had...

    There was a number scrawled in lipstick on the mirror.

    You made that much? she commented.

    There was a smile on her face. Angel had been a bad girl this week.

    They both giggled and set about their work. Soon it would be time for one of them to sleep and the other to... well, they both knew what she got up to at night.

    There was not a sane person in the bathroom that day.


    Stalker ruffled his coat a little to cool himself and wondered if he was being a little too obvious standing here. Christina was on the street today outside the brothel where she worked for one Edward Dickinson. The huge muscular freak was a short distance away on the corner of Dick and Large as the girls liked to call it. He was speaking to Bob, the stalker didn’t know his last name, from Florida, who was a higher level associate in the gang that Dickinson was a part of.

    Right now they were talking about travel.

    Stalker knew this because he had placed a small listening device in the lamp post behind them and the pimp always stood in the same spot with the others of his profession. It was a good way to keep track of the dangerous people on the street as he stalked his target. Ears over eyes any day of the week.

    Hilary would love to have you over for dinner, Bob was saying.

    The stalker assumed that must be his wife or girlfriend from other conversations.

    Yeah, that’d be nice, Dickinson replied.

    Do you think you could manage to swing by?

    I don’t know. It’s only one day.

    Stalker did not know which day and this was what he was desperately straining his ears to hear and the reason why his ear piece was on full.

    A gust of wind blew down the street and muffled the next comment. Some of the girls shuffled on their high heels, but none went for the dimly lit doorways where some did their trade to find shelter.

    He continued listening. Had he missed it again? His luck, he considered, was fairly bad of late. Would tonight be the day when he finally found out when he would be able to act?

    ... having beer with Brad then on Wednesday I will meet with...

    WEDNESDAY! This Wednesday, next Wednesday... WHEN, damn it!

    How about the 3rd before you leave?

    I guess I could. An hour or two is fine?

    "Sure. Let’s grab drinks at Han’s club with Brad then

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