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Mile High Club 1
Mile High Club 1
Mile High Club 1
Ebook80 pages28 minutes

Mile High Club 1

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Sexual role play is a sexual behavior between two or more people in which they take on erotic roles to carry out a sexual fantasy. The depth of the role play depends on the couple, and the scenario may be anywhere from simple and makeshift, to detailed and elaborate, complete with costumes and a script. Unfortunately, there are not many resources out there for couples wishing to start out in sexual role play, but don't know where to start...until now. Introducing SexSkits...

When we were children, our play was only bound only by our imaginations. But as we became adults, we somehow lost touch with our imaginative streak when it comes to playing with others, especially in intimate moments with our lovers. This is where SexSkits comes in to play. SexSkits give us a script to follow and the ability to pretend that we are someone else, and our lover is someone else, all in the safety and privacy of our own bedrooms. And because SexSkits have been specifically designed and written with intimate play in mind, they are easy to learn and follow, so no matter how shy or uncomfortable we may feel at the moment, we can work through those temporary feelings to a moment of shared orgasmic bliss with our partners through sexual role play.

The SexSkits “Mile High Club 1” role-play scenario was written to the Promiscuity genre with a special emphasis in the Seduction sub-genre. The intent was to create a believable scenario and atmosphere in which the female participant can realistically think that they are seducing and having no strings attached sex with an airline pilot.

SexSkit Genre: Promiscuity
SexSkit Sub-genre: Seduction
SexSkit Difficulty: Easy
SexSkit Fantasy Base: For Her
SexSkit Scripted Sexual Actions: Female Masturbation, Seduction, Girlfriend Experience, Fellatio, Deepthroat Fellatio, Cum in Mouth, Cunnilingus, Intercourse

Release dateDec 23, 2017
Mile High Club 1

The SexSkits Project

Several years ago, I went online to search for sexual role play scripts that I could use in the bedroom with my wife to jumpstart what was starting to become a routine, predictable, and rather vanilla sex life. To my surprise, I found very little in the way of what I was looking for. A few books, all written by women, were all that were available. I’m not saying that a book of sexual fantasies written by a woman is somehow sub-par, but after reading a few of the fantasies, it became very clear to me that the emphasis of the writing style was in the creation of a romantic atmosphere, and not the primal, animalistic sex that I was really looking for. One evening, I started fantasizing about a particular plot, one which would eventually become Chambermaid 1. Realizing that I was bound to forget the fantasy come morning, I got out of bed, turned on the computer, and silently began typing away to capture the essence of the fantasy before it was lost.A few weeks passed, and one day I found myself reading what I had written. Since that time, other thoughts had entered my consciousness, and I added those as well to the main body of the story. Before long, I had done some research on writing screenplays, and began transcribing Chambermaid 1 into the first SexSkit. I didn’t even have a name for these as of yet, but I wrote this first screenplay nonetheless. Then again one evening while I lie awake in bed, the name SexSkits popped into my head. As usual, I got up, found a piece of paper, and wrote it down. In the weeks that followed, I wrote two more SexSkits, and then a few more, and then finally worked up the courage to show the first piece of work to my wife. I went to a local costume store and bought a sexy French maid’s costume, printed the Chambermaid 1 SexSkit, and presented it to her one evening as a gift. The reception was luke-warm to say the least, but she did agree to try out the SexSkit sometime in the future. Days passed, and then one night just as I was about to give up on the whole concept, she told to me that she was ready to try it out. She hadn’t memorized all the lines, but had the action script down pat, and we just ad libed the rest. It turned out to be a pretty fun night, and gave me the encouragement to try out other SexSkits in our bedroom. Over the years, SexSkits have obviously morphed into something more than just a simple sexual role play script for me and my wife as well as other couples to follow. From my own experiences, I have added other facets to the SexSkits which now qualify it as some sort of marital aid tool. And, as SexSkits have morphed over this time, so too has my marriage. I can honestly say that my marital love life is much better, much more frequent, and often exercised with much greater intensity and enthusiasm. The level of communication and trust has also increased dramatically between my wife and I, and I honestly believe that I have my humble little invention to thank for it. Ironically enough, I have received some feedback from others who have purchased my SexSkits on-line claiming much of the same. One such male customer called it “written Viagra.”Now, I’m not claiming that everyone will reap the same benefits from using SexSkits in their bedroom with their significant other. Many of my SexSkits are purposefully written to be a little controversial, even thought provoking long after the bliss of orgasm has faded. I fully intend this to happen as an expected consequence, for it is through this process that a couple may open deeper lines of trust and communication, and give their relationships what they need to grow. Many of the sexual actions, the scripted lines and the plots are designed to place the participants in a somewhat uncomfortable situation from which they must emerge to successfully culminate the SexSkit in individual or shared orgasm. It is through this process, in the safe environment of one’s own bedroom and with the approval, understanding and support their spouse or significant other, that a participant’s level of personal sexual and romantic growth takes place. In a shared experience with their partner, who may or may not also be going through this very same transformation, the potential for mutual growth is significant.There also exists the very real possibility that these SexSkits may do as much harm as good. It is not because of the SexSkit per se, but because of the individual biases and traumas that we as humans carry with us on a day to day basis. This is why I strongly recommend that both participants thoroughly read, understand and discuss together the SexSkit prior to donning any costumes or trying it out in the bedroom. Everyone has firm boundaries which must never be crossed, and those boundaries should be noted, accepted, and ultimately respected in order for the SexSkit to continue on as intended as a positive tool for building a committed relationship. Additionally, some SexSkits deal with subject matter such as BDSM, and the participants are strongly cautioned to take it slow and ease their way into this very different sort of sexual role play. Nothing ruins a night of passion more than injuries and hurt feelings. Thank you for your purchase of SexSkits, and I hope that it brings you and your partner night after night of intense passion and growth for you both individually, and in your committed relationship.Sexual roleplaying is a sexual behavior between two or more people in which they take on erotic roles to carry out a sexual fantasy. The depth of the role play depends on the couple, and the scenario may be anywhere from simple and makeshift, to detailed and elaborate, complete with costumes and a script. Unfortunately, there are not many resources out there for couples wishing to start out in sexual role play, but don't know where to start...until now. Introducing SexSkits...When we were children, our play was only bound only by our imaginations. But as we became adults, we somehow lost touch with our imaginative streak when it comes to playing with others, especially in intimate moments with our lovers. This is where SexSkits comes in to play. SexSkits give us a script to follow and the ability to pretend that we are someone else, and our lover is someone else, all in the safety and privacy of our own bedrooms. And because SexSkits have been specifically designed and written with intimate play in mind, they are easy to learn and follow, so no matter how shy or uncomfortable we may feel at the moment, we can work through those temporary feelings to a moment of shared orgasmic bliss with our partners through sexual role play.Sexual roles can be very general designated as power positions, sometimes abstracted to "top" and "bottom," or can be very specific and detailed fantasies. Nearly any role could become the base material for an erotic experience, and there is no limit to what objects an individual could consider erotic. Many of the most common sexual role plays involve a power differential. One of the attractions of having fantasies during lovemaking (even when your fantasy lover is actually your current partner, as often happens) is that they're right beside you, and they know just what to do to make you feel good. Another benefit is that you can enjoy fantasy sex with someone other than your partner without repercussions, because it occurs solely in your mind. Fantasy gives you an outlet for all of the wild, lustful things that you've always wanted to do. You might be really turned on, for example, by the thought of doing it with your spouse in a convertible in the mall parking lot on a sunny Sunday afternoon. Chances are you're not going to try this one out for real, but you can go full speed ahead in living out your fantasies in a controlled environment, such as the privacy of your own home.Sexual role play takes the fantasy a big step further, and because your loving partner is an active participant, it takes a great deal of trust, understanding and commitment. This is the true core power of a SexSkit, for it leads you and your partner on a fantastic, intimate and sexual fantasy ride, that if handled properly (as we will instruct you in the After-play & Post Production Notes sections of each SexSkit), it is bound to expand the horizons of your mutual sexuality and strengthen your relationship, both inside and outside of the bedroom. And SexSkits are relatively easy to use, and can be mastered within a few days prior to your steamy sexual role play together. All SexSkits include Bookmarks to helpyou and your lover stay on cue throughout the course of your SexSkit, suggested positions that have been determined to go best with that particular role play scenario, and Alternative scenes that can assist you and your partner modify the SexSkit to your individual tastes and desires. SexSkits are designed and written to be stand-alone scripts intended for committed couples who wish to engage in sexual role-play activities.Each SexSkit contains a listing of the characters and their roles, the genre and sub-genre of the SexSkit, character development, costume design, scene development, Alternative Action suggestions, Bookmarks should the participants get lost within the script, sexual positions, and of course, the script itself. We developed SexSkits to help committed couples explore the sexuality of their relationship in a healthy manner, while also enhancing the level of excitement that these couples may bring to bear on their intimate moments together. SexSkits are written for committed couples who wish to shed the everyday routine in their sexual relations, and branch out in experimentation in terms of adopting different personas, exercising different values and morals, experiencing activities that may be considered taboo or otherwise outside of the mainstream, or to overcome inhibitions. SexSkits, when properly used, can be powerful tools to enhance the sexual lives of the participants. Each SexSkit contains a powerful conflict that once resolved, leads to sexual satisfaction. However, the resolution of that conflict may lead to both participants questioning the other as to their true wants and desires. It is important to remember that these SexSkits are a vehicle for fantasy, and not reality. Even if the male partner were to have an extramarital affair with a French maid in the fantasy, it doesn't mean that he will pursue the same option in real life. In the end, the French maid was his wife, and the happiness that she has imparted to him was from her, and not another woman. The female has the opportunity through the SexSkit to be all women, all the time to her devoted partner. Likewise, the man can be the same for her. It is important for both participants to remember that this is a fantasy that you have agreed to share with one another, and is not an indication of what truly lies in each other's hearts. Committed couples should be prepared to discuss their feelings openly with each other prior to, and after the completion of a SexSkit.

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    Book preview

    Mile High Club 1 - The SexSkits Project

    Mile High Club 1

    The SexSkits Project

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    SexSkits’ Smashwords version of Mile High Club 1

    Copyright © 2011, 2017 by The SexSkits Project

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return it to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Author’s Note: All characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.

    Table of Contents

    Mile High Club 1

    Mile High Club 1 Introduction

    SexSkit Elements

    SexSkit Characters

    Costuming & Props

    Setting & Scene Development

    Character Development

    Mile High Club 1 Plot

    Pre-production notes

    Mile High Club 1 Alternatives

    Suggested Positions

    Mile High Club 1 Bookmarks

    SexSkits Legend

    Script & Action

    Scene 1 - IntroSeduction

    Scene 2 - Striptease & Female Masturbation

    Scene 3 - Fellatio

    Scene 4 - Cunnilingus

    Scene 5 - Intercourse


    Post-production notes


    Discover other titles by the SexSkits Project

    Mile High Club 1

    SexSkit Genre: Promiscuity

    SexSkit Sub-genre: Seduction

    SexSkit Difficulty: Easy

    Fantasy Base: For Her

    Power Gradient Differential:

    F6 - Seducing

    …M4 - Seduced

    SexSkit Scripted Sexual Actions:

    Seduction, Girlfriend Experience, Female Masturbation, Fellatio, Deepthroat Fellatio, Cum in Mouth, Cunnilingus, Intercourse

    Mile High Club 1 Introduction

    The Mile High Club (or MHC) is a slang term applied collectively to individuals who have sex while on board an aircraft in flight, although there is no known formally

    established a club named as such. However, since membership in the club is really a matter of an individual asserting they have qualified, the qualifications for membership are open to some interpretation. One explanation for the club’s allure is the vibration of the plane, which make arousal easier, while others say they have fantasies about pilots, flight attendants or the planes themselves. For many others, perhaps the majority, the appeal of joining the MHC is the thrill of doing something taboo and the thrill of the risk of being discovered. The Mile High Club is not an official club. Originally a joke between flight attendants and pilots, the Mile High Club now refers to anyone who has had sexual intercourse in an airplane flying at least one mile high (5,280 feet).

    Couples determined to achieve membership in the Mile High Club have been known to repair to the plane's lavatory, dive under seat blankets, and even rendezvous in an unattended galley during long

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