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Earth Geomancy
Earth Geomancy
Earth Geomancy
Ebook420 pages7 hours

Earth Geomancy

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Earth Geomancy makes a study of subtle Earth energies and intelligences, which have real effects in our lives. As well, the principles of Geomancy can guide us in the design and placement of earth-harmonious buildings and land use. Geomancy also works to heal land and buildings of energy problems, while improving the positive energy flow.
In this book are ideas and principles of Earth Geomancy, and many of these have never been discussed on any other book. The scope of this book is wide, covering multiple aspects of the whole subect. Specific techniques and uses are given, along with general understanding. However, there are no specific case examples, nor pictures. Nonetheless, the intelligent reader will find practical suggestions for applying Earth Geomancy principles and working with these energies. 

        Contents --
Geomancy World View
Respect, Recognition, & Love
Developing Sensitivity
Dowsing tools & methods
Earth connecting practices    
Power Points and Ley Lines
Kinds of Earth Energies
Spiritual-Cosmic energies
Sacred Places
Spirits of Place
Intelligences in Nature
Geomancy Work
Buildings and Design
Principles and Process
Healing the Land
Effects of consciousness
Decision and Intention
The Law of Octave 
Planetary Purposes
Spiritualizing our world
The Intrinsic Order
The Creative Matrix

Release dateAug 5, 2017
Earth Geomancy

Matthew Martin

On a spiritual path since 1973, studying a wide variety of teachings and with many distinguished teachers, along with meditation and other practices. University degrees in Religion and Philosophy. Love nature and everyone.

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    Book preview

    Earth Geomancy - Matthew Martin




    Part 1—Relationship with Earth

    Geomancy world view

    Respect and Recognition, & Love

    Developing Sensitivity

    Dowsing tools & methods

    Earth connecting practices


    Part 2—Energies and Presences

    Power Points and Ley Lines

    Kinds of Earth Energies

    Cosmic-Spiritual Energies

    Sacred Places

    Spirit of Place

    Intelligences in Nature


    Part 3—Applications in Geomancy

    Geomancy Work

    Buildings & Design

    Principles & Process

    Healing the Land

    Effects of consciousness

    Decision and Intention

    The Law of Octave


    Part 4—Spiritual Relationship

    Planetary Purposes

    Spiritualizing our world

    The Creative Matrix


    The term geomancy has a few different but related meanings. It is derived from the Greek meaning of 'geo' (earth, ground, or land) and 'manteia' (divination, prophesy, or prediction). So the term first of all means 'earth divination' – referring to the act of interpreting the meaning of patterns found on the ground or in the landscape, or any 'signs' in nature, in order to help people live more harmoniously and successfully in the natural world. For example, shamans in some cultures will find natural patterns in the land, on rock or on bones, or else randomly throw sticks onto sand, then interpret a meaning or prophesy from those patterns.

    But the meaning of geomancy in the teachings presented here is much more general in scope and in practice. Our interest here is the study of subtle earth energies and how to best work with these for an improved harmony of life. Each area of land is alive with energies and qualities, but these earth energies are especially concentrated at power places or natural sacred sites, and these energies flow in ley lines that interconnect all over the planet. The study of earth energies, sacred sites and ley lines, and also how to live harmoniously in relation with the natural world, are broader-based topics within the larger meaning of geomancy.

    The meaning of geomancy, in this book, is also similar to Chinese fengshui, in which the earth is believed to have Ki (energy) and flowing currents of Ki across every area of land.

    In fengshui the patterns of each landscape are studied and worked with, in order to create an improved harmony on the land and in the lives of those living there. These are fundamentally the same purposes as in western geomancy, except that many of the terms are different. There is no intrinsic contradiction nor disagreement between western 'geomancy' and eastern 'fengshui', yet each system has its special insights and ways of describing the energies. There is no doubt, though, that readers familiar with fengshui will be especially interested in these ideas and practices of western geomancy.

    The broader meaning of Geomancy involves earth energies and how this affects the quality of our lives. The full subject of geomancy involves even more, though every topic of geomancy will necessarily be related to earth energies and principles of nature. Topics in this book include power points and ley lines, sacred places and spirits of nature, developing our sensitivities in nature, as well as practical geomancy work, design, and healing of the land. Also included are some less-conventional metaphysical ideas about nature and life.

    Also discussed are some spiritual aspects in Geomancy, such as the spiritual purposes in life, spiritual planetary energies, and our own psyche connection with nature. The spiritual aspect is also about how we personally enter into a deep relationship with nature and the natural places around us, which is to do with our heart connection and how we deeply feel in special natural places. This can be related to what is sometimes called deep ecology or spiritual ecology, when our experience in nature is deeply self-affective, rather than just being a scientific understanding of ecological relationships and solutions. This deeper, spiritual relationship with nature is also found in the earthy religious traditions.

    In summary, a basic definition of Earth Geomancy is a Way for man and woman to live and work harmoniously with the Earth. We are not just here to live on the Earth; we need to live with the Earth and with all our relations here on Earth. We must realize that we need to live harmoniously with the natural world, rather than merely using it. So the larger aim of geomancy is to be in harmony with the natural environment and all of nature. It is also about what we can do to improve the energy flow on land and help heal the land if needed.

    Many people will be skeptical about what is presented in this book. Questioning is good, but also keep an open mind and a willingness to see beyond the limited accepted truths of modern physical science. Be an open-minded experimenter, learning from your personal experience and also from your intuition.

    So by what authority is this book true? What famous people or what scientific studies say this is true? People often want to be assured of Truth by science or by some scholar or some religious authority. Rather, let truth be based on your own personal experience and verification. Shamans, seers and spiritual intuitives from ancient times have known, taught and practiced geomancy. In some cultures these ideas were passed down verbally and by direct apprenticeship with a teacher. But find out for yourself. Think for yourself. See what can be experienced. Then accept what makes sense intuitionally and by personal experience. If you're not sure or not ready to believe in some of the ideas here, then just at least be open-minded to having your own personal verification in time. Be evermore aware and with open-senses, in relation with the land and the natural world. This is the only way to learn and acquire real knowledge by experience.

    Part One - Relationship

    Geomancy world view

    Purposes in Geomancy

    Geomancy is a vast subject. It is both a way of perceiving life and a way of living. It is a practical philosophy and a tool for living creatively and harmoniously within this interconnected relationship called life. Geomancy involves a great purpose and a way of living. The purpose of our living is to love and enjoy each other and all of life, to understand the interconnected relationships that define life, and to serve and create a more beautiful and harmonious world for the future. We seek to manifest our deepest and highest ideals, such as truth, love, and beauty. And as part of this, we seek to be in harmony with the natural world and also to help the Earth if we can.

    One great purpose of geomancy is to help us understand how to be in this natural world, on Earth, with sensitivity for all parts of nature, including the land itself, and to also sense and understand the subtle earth energies which actually have profound effect on our lives, even if we are usually unaware of them. The energies at and flowing through certain sacred areas will have a profoundly positive effect on us, in physical health, emotional well-being, and in mind awakening. But we need to develop our subtle sensitivity to these sacred energies, and we also need to help protect these areas from greed and abuse. Geomancy can teach us how to live harmoniously with the natural world and its energies. This includes walking harmoniously and with open senses upon the land.

    Perhaps we will recognize or realize that much of the land on earth is specially positive and healing; as long as it is not allowed to be privately fenced up, economically exploited, or built upon disrespectfully. Sacred areas are all over. However, there are places where the subtle earth energies have been disrupted or corrupted, so we need to develop a sense of this as well, in order that we might know how to heal these places.

    We need to take on an active concern and care for our environment, the physical ecology and the subtle ecology of sacred and psychological energies. Geomancy is a study of all relationships concerning planet earth, and the possibilities and creative work of conscious evolution. We have a responsibility in living here to actively care for our environment. If we can recognize our interconnectiveness with the environment, there is the possibility of understanding this life and being of service to it.

    We work in service for the planet, above all respecting the lives, relations and processes that make up the Whole. We respect the rights and dignity of all the kingdoms and the land and elements that we make use of. Every part of our lives are seen to be interconnected with the Whole, every walk we take, everything we make. The whole planet is our body and all that lives are cells within us and the land itself are our bones.

    Our work involves love, care, respect and appreciation. We consciously realize our relationship with the Whole and our responsibility within it. We work to maintain the sustainability and beauty of our eco-systems on the planet, and we work to heal the disharmonies, pains and pollutions so often caused by man. We work to establish order and beauty throughout, using the intelligent laws shown by nature.

    Geomancy also includes designing and building structures on the land that are harmonious with the surrounding ecology, landscape, and earth energies, and which are also healthy and healing for us. So, our intention is to design and build harmoniously with the sacred-earth energies. We can also attract sacred positive energies into the areas where we live. We can also build artistically, or place artistic objects, in a way that enhances positive psychological qualities in us. Structures built with natural proportion or with positive symbolic meaning, placed correctly with geomancy in mind, will not only improve the quality of the surrounding land, but will also have positive psychological effects—affecting our health, emotions, and mental-spiritual vision.

    Balancing human interests with Nature

    Needs of the Earth and the quality of earth energies are of utmost importance in geomancy. This ought to be our primary concern. But human needs and wishes are also important in geomancy, because the human kingdom has its own very special purpose in life, which includes creativity and enjoyment, as well as many other values. Geomancy does not deny the value and importance of human needs and enjoyment. But there must be right balance in this.

    There has to be also a serious consideration of what the earth needs or what the land needs, to be balanced with our human needs and wishes. We have to balance human needs with natural earth needs. Because on the one hand, we too are important in this life on earth, and as humans we will not be able to avoid seeking our human enjoyment and fulfillment. Yet on the other hand, we have a responsibility and ethical obligation to also care for the needs of nature or of the natural environment in which we live. So we have to come into a balance - a balance between our human desires and what is needed for the land, the Earth. Both have to be considered.

    Our purpose here on Earth is to manifest the highest values possible—personally, socially, and in the natural environment. We must consider human needs and potentials, but also the environment's needs and potentials. We need an environment that gives to us what we need and is harmonious for our physical, psychological, and social well-being. And in turn, we must give to our environment what it needs.

    Our human needs cannot be fully elaborated upon in this book, but we can consider the basics for fulfilling our human potential. The first is survival: food, shelter, health and warmth. We need the substances and means for health and growth. We also need human contact, love and care. We learn how to live through education, communication, and through personal experience and challenges. We need to have some type of work or dynamic meaning in our lives, and also perfect some abilities within ourselves. We need recreation, pleasure, and artistic opportunities. As a group we need to build cooperation, so that we can work together and achieve more than any one person can do by themselves. We need to interact together, to love and be loved, to teach and learn from, to play with and have fun together, and to communicate with and create life together. We need to grow as individual persons, to allow our innate potentials to come forth, to know our true self, and to realize our purpose here in this life.

    So in geomancy, we must recognize the real needs of human beings, so that we can design environments accordingly and help steer natural forces in a way that nurtures our needs. We help creativity serve both man and nature. We discover what a man and woman really need for themselves, then work with nature to manifest these human goals. Yet we are not just trying to force nature to fit into our desires. We work with nature and seek to develop a cooperative, friendly relationship between the many aspects of the Whole. So, we help create places, buildings, art and technology for the good of man and woman, making these functionally successful, artistically beautiful, emotionally enjoyable, and of course harmonious with the physical and spiritual needs of the planet.

    Thus, geomancy is a study of how to direct the forces of nature and make good use of them. But at the same time, geomancy studies and considers the needs of the natural environment and seeks to fulfill those needs as well. Ultimately we are seeking a win-win solution in this dynamic between human and natural-environmental needs.

    Our Environment affects us

    In this balancing act, we must realize is that we humans are intimately affected by the energies and quality of the local natural environment around us. In other words, the quality of nature's energy, harmony and beauty, which we stand upon and are surrounded by, has a very real effect on us, physically and psychologically.

    Thus, we cannot actualize our human needs to completion without also actualizing the needs of our environment, both social and ecological. Everything is interconnected, and nothing exists without some relationship and environmental influence. Our environment affects us, and we cannot escape from this fact. No one can hide from the surrounding influences. Therefore, in order to best serve ourselves, we need to serve our environment. If we are to fulfill ourself, we must also fulfill the environment which sustains and affects us. There is no way out and no place else to go.

    The environment affects us in many ways, but most of these effects are subtle, beyond the average awareness. Yet they have profound influence on all parts of our being and on all aspects of our activities. Though we may not be aware of all these subtle influences on our bodies and psyche, they nonetheless affect us subconsciously. The degree of harmony and order surrounding us, or the lack of it, will be a structuring influence on our life, whether we like it or not. The quality of beauty, or lack of it, in our surroundings have a profound effect on us.

    The subtle energies flowing upon this planet actually feed us in a definite way, so their pathways and overall order need to be respected and considered. Every form, shape and design on the land has a certain effect on us, from being delightfully beneficial to being disastrously harmful.

    The love we share with others and nature create a lasting, radiating memory from that place, and thus the land will sing with love and make us feel in love. Yet, the opposite is also possible, because any hatred or intentional hurt or callous disrespect will also have a lasting effect and will reverberate back, but in this case with disharmony. So the work we do and the attitude we carry in any area have a profoundly lasting effect and even an effect over the whole planet.

    Thus, whatever we do to the natural world has a reverberating, echoing effect back upon us. So if we neglect a respectful consideration for the natural world and earth energies surrounding us and in which we abide, then whatever harm or disruption we create will reverberate back to us. Whatever is done to the natural environment is then also done to us. Because wherever we are, we are unavoidably in some quality of natural environment and subtle energies that will unavoidably affect us, either beneficially or detrimentally. Geomancy, and any geomancy work, is based on this realization.

    All action, all movement, all creativity, and in fact, all thought, has interrelated effects extending throughout space and time. The environment is affected, and these effects extend into the future. What we do, and how we relate with our space around us, however small, whether it be our living room or small garden area, has effects throughout the town and landscape we live in. We are each potentially very important to all life and its evolution. We can become ever more intimate and involved with our surroundings and the sacred energies moving through all nature, space and time.

    Our psychic relationship with nature

    Another aspect of geomancy has to do with the psychological and spiritual dimensions of man and nature. Psychologically, we can come back to our natural sense of being interconnected with the Whole. Spiritually, we can come into a spiritual union with nature. These are psychological and spiritual awakenings, which changes how we live and do things in the physical world. So in geomancy, we also study the psychological and spiritual aspects of ourselves and of life on Earth, and how these interrelate.

    The living environment around us reveals parts of our self, as we respect, understand and appreciate it. Our human personal psyche of mind and emotions is all interrelated with the natural world, the natural environment around us. Most people and even social science have not yet understood this. How we understand our own self and even the concepts we use to understand anything are derived from our foundational perceptions of the natural world. The natural world forms the foundational structure for our thoughts and emotions. In addition, our emotional experience of life in general is qualified by energies from the natural world. More simply, how we generally feel is derived from the emotional energies of our environment. Even our physical health is influenced by the natural environment in which we live, though also influenced by the human environment as well. So essentially, the quality and beauty of our natural environment truly matters, because we are affected and influenced by this quality or lack of it.

    Whatever qualities, energies and aesthetics are in the environment around us become significant and influential impressions upon our psyche. As children, our mental and emotional being is developed according to the impressions and influences of our environment. Thus, the quality of the natural world around us will become the quality of our mental and emotional experience. We as human beings will start to reflect, in our own mind and emotions, the quality and energies of the natural world we live in. Therefore, we ought to take great care of this environment, to protect its quality and to insure that we are surrounded by harmonious energies and uplifting beauty. We should help maintain and create the most beautiful, healing impressions.

    Interconnective understandings

    The search for truth is a search for understanding this world we live in and our place within it. Without a working understanding of life, we float lost in a huge sea that eventually swallows us up. We need to develop an understanding of this planet, its livingness and natural laws. We also need an understanding of our fellow human beings, as well as ourself. An understanding of the world around us is the prerequisite of a life in harmony.

    In order to love, give to, and serve life, we need to understand it. We need to study life, the living kingdoms, the qualities of energies, and the dimensions or worlds within worlds. All life is interconnected, at least to some degree. Nothing exists solely on its own. Every form of life and flow of energy exists within a complex web of relationships. Everything needs everything else to survive and grow to completion. This interconnectiveness is sometimes visible and apparent, but sometimes it is invisible to our perceptions and scientific measurements.

    In order to better live in harmony with our environmental interconnective web, we need to understand everything about it, yet there is a lot to completely learn. But though a total understanding is probably impossible, we can always learn more. Any one person will probably never understand but a fraction of the Whole, but we, as a collective cooperating humanity, can pool our knowledge together and find needed help from each other. The more we study the ecosystems, the subtle and physical energy flows, and the living needs and relations between these, psychologically and physically, the better life will be for us and all the planet.

    There are many different forms, energies and qualities within the Whole which need to be understood, described, and related to each other. Each of these have definite ways or individual tendencies in their manifestations, and they each have specific needs or requirements to maintain themselves and grow properly. Each uses something from their environment and transforms this for their need, then gives back something to their environment by way of what they do or what they have transformed.

    Respect, Recognition, & Love


    First, we need to have respect for the other kingdoms of nature. Unfortunately, humans have acquired a certain arrogance and superiority, in relation to the rest of nature, because of false assumptions about the natural world in their cultural teachings. In some religions and in some thinking, the human being does not even seem to be acknowledged as part of nature but, instead, seen as a sort of unnatural being. Yet, the truth is that we are very much part of nature. We are earthy, natural beings, and the rest of nature are our natural relations.

    So, what is respect? It is treating another being with a certain degree of dignity, in the recognition that they too are special, important, and have great potentials to possibly manifest. There is no respect if one has an attitude of being superior or more important than the other being. There is no respect if one has an attitude of manipulating or merely using the other for one's own purposes; without considering and respecting the other's needs and purposes. So, respect is not to just stomp on others or the world. It is not to power-manipulate others or the world. True respect is to consider the importance of others and the importance of their needs, rather than just being concerned about one's own needs and wishes. It really comes down to equality of importance. Treat others as one would want to be treated. This respect.

    There are some basic reasons for respecting the natural world. First is that we are not superior to the rest of nature. We human beings are each uniquely special. We each have unique and special gifts, talents, and possibilities. But so too can be said of any other part of nature. We cannot do what rocks do. We cannot do what plants can do, or what trees or flowers can do. We cannot do what various fishes, or spiders, or animals can do. Each being of nature has its own uniquely special gift, talent, and potential. Each being is amazing in its own special way; just as we are. So we are not superior or more important. We are all just equally special. We human beings may have superior powers for destroying things, but this does not make us better or more important.

    A second reason for respecting the rest of nature is that each special being of nature gives something to the Whole. In other words, respect is deserved because of what is given to the Whole, to the Interconnected Web of Life. Observe what is given by any part of nature, and this is a reason for respect. Observe what the land gives, what the landscape gives, what the trees and plants give, and what the animals give. We respect something or someone when we realize how much they are giving... to us, to everyone, to the Whole. And this giving is not just about physical things; consider also what is given in beauty.

    A third reason for respect is to realize how long this kind of life or this part of nature has been around. Consider the vast time scale of this evolutionary species, especially compared to our human time on Earth. Much of the rest of nature has been a long time, and much longer than the humans have. But even if the details of this are not known, it is nonetheless true that we are all relations on this planet Earth. And we have all grown together within the same world.


    After respect is the possibility of Recognition. Respect is the prerequisite for Recognition. So, what is Recognition? We can recognize someone we have met before, or someone we know. So to recognize something is, in some way, to awaken what is already known in us. What do we recognize?

    We can recognize the Divine in others or in parts of nature. We can recognize that this part of nature has come from the same Mystical Source as we. It has come from what is called God. If this idea of God does not work well for you, then recognize that every part of this world has come from the same Mystery of Nature. Or, if more inclined toward evolutionary science, one could even think of everything as from the same process of fortunate accidents and adaptations. Either way, we can recognize the general sameness of our Source and process.

    As well, we can recognize the unique Beauty in others or in parts of nature. We are each beautiful in our own way. Each part of nature is beautiful in its own way. So we can recognize the Beauty; and this Beauty is a very real quality in things. One has to open to it, in order to really recognize and realize it. Beauty is actually a very special quality of the Divine, which can only be perceived by a higher evolved perception. Human beings have this potential capacity to perceive and recognize the quality of Beauty—which is often perceived as a kind of joyful Light... giving us great delight.

    If we cannot recognize Beauty in another living being, then at least we might recognize its unusual uniqueness, or its special intelligence, or its special unique abilities. That is, we recognize, respect, and appreciate special uniqueness when we encounter it.

    Respect and recognition then lead to appreciation. Once we appreciate someone or something, or have admiration for them, then we are hooked... hooked in a good way. What I mean is that once we discover appreciation or admiration for another thing or being, our caring and valuing of them is hooked for good. This is what makes recognition so important, because once we truly recognize one of this qualities—such as Divinity, Beauty, Remarkable Uniqueness—or once we have an experience of appreciation or admiration—our attitude and value-sense of this being is changed for good. We've been hooked by their beauty or uniqueness, or we've hooked into a lasting appreciation-admiration for how this contributes to the Whole of Life.

    So, it is

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