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Whispers to the World: Sussurri al Mondo
Whispers to the World: Sussurri al Mondo
Whispers to the World: Sussurri al Mondo
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Whispers to the World: Sussurri al Mondo

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About this ebook

This collection of poems is a bilingual edition, English–Italian –as "We Are The Words - Siamo Parole" and "How To Write Poetry - Come Scrivere Poesie"– and sums up the succession of books bringing us, poets of the world, onto common ground.
The title of this collection presents us with two highly connotative words. Let us first consider the possibilities inherent in the word "WHISPER". What is experienced is of an internal nature, and the essential occasion is more likely intimate than public. Why else would the speaker reduce his voice to a whisper? It is the excessive volume we take for granted, and sometimes encourage that is being suppressed to allow this other occasion to breathe deeply of silence and calm. It offers to the willing participant something almost dream-like compared to ordinary experience...
This "WORLD" is the arena of duties and fidelities, work and play, passions and pursuits, experience and memory, love and desire, and a host of other parallels which populate the poems we read and write. A poet can simply disappear into this World with its lures, traps, seductions, gambling, used car dealerships and department stores. Or he can frequent schools, museums, nature preserves, theaters, golf courses, bridge tournaments, church services. Or he can vanish into Nature with her cornucopia, her flora and fauna, her sounds and furies alternating with silences and calms. The poet in the World of Common Experience is just like every other human being: he can slip into a role, or he can elude all attempts to trap him. O WORLD, THY SLIPPERY TURNS, cries Shakespeare's Coriolanus...
Questa raccolta di poesie, è in edizione bilingue (Inglese–Italiano) –come "We Are The Words - Siamo Parole" e "How To Write Poetry - Come Scrivere Poesie"– e riassume la successione di libri che ci ha portati, noi poeti del mondo, su un terreno comune.
Il titolo di questa raccolta ci presenta due parole altamente suggestive. Consideriamo prima ciò che è insito nel termine “Sussurro”. Ciò che esso manifesta ha una natura più riservata e l'occasione essenziale è più probabilmente intima, non pubblica. Perché altrimenti si dovrebbe ridurre la voce ad un sussurro? Ma di fatto viviamo in un eccesso di volume sonoro ambientale e, talvolta, vorremmo che venisse soppresso per permettere a quest'altra occasione di respirare profondamente il silenzio e la calma, quasi per gustare una sensazione simil onirica..
Questo "MONDO" è l'arena dei doveri e delle fedeltà, del lavoro e del gioco, delle passioni e delle ricerche, dell'esperienza e della memoria, dell'amore e del desiderio, più una miriade di altri paralleli che popolano le poesie che leggiamo e scriviamo. Un poeta può semplicemente scomparire dentro questo Mondo, con le sue esche, trappole, seduzioni, giochi d'azzardo, concessionarie di auto usate e grandi magazzini. Oppure può frequentare scuole, musei, riserve naturali, teatri, campi da golf, tornei di bridge, funzioni religiose. O magari può svanire nella natura con la sua cornucopia, la sua flora e fauna, i suoi suoni e furori che si alternano ai silenzi e alla tranquillità. Il poeta nel Mondo della Comune Esperienza è proprio come ogni altro essere umano: si può calare in un ruolo, oppure può sfuggire tutti i tentativi di intrappolarlo. “Oh Mondo, ti fai sdrucciolevole”, si lamenta il Coriolano di Shakespeare...

Release dateJun 3, 2017
Whispers to the World: Sussurri al Mondo

Fabrizio Frosini

Born in Tuscany, Italy. Currently living close to Florence and Vinci, Leonardo's hometown. Doctor in Medicine, specialized in Neurosurgery, with an ancient passion for Poetry, he is the Author of over 2,000 poems published in 20 personal books. Frosini writes in Italian, his native language, and English. He is the founder of the International Association "Poets Unite Worldwide," with which he has published more than 50 Anthologies. Among his own books: «The Chinese Gardens - English Poems», «Prelude to the Night», «Anita Quiclotzl & Her Souls - Anita Quiclotzl e le Sue Anime» (Bilingual Ed.) - [for the others, see below].~*~In Frosini's Poetry:1. The Truth is Affirmed ; 2. Beauty is Conveyed ; 3. The Personal becomes the Universal.One of the key terms in contemporary poetry is 'POETRY OF WITNESS'. "Florence, A Walk With A View" is an excellent example of this type of poem. It exchanges the anger we experienced in the preceding poem with melancholy, but this is a haunted and desperate melancholy, not at all like the word's root meaning of sweet sorrow. Yet, in Fabrizio Frosini's poem, the city charms the visitor with its natural beauty - "the silky lights of the / Sunset" - and artistic ambiance - "the intimate warmth of nostalgia that makes / Your heart melt at the sight around".In the finest poetry, beauty is conveyed in all of it sensuous and spiritual glory. The title "Water Music" refers to one of Handel's most popular works, a masterpiece of baroque melody, rhythm and harmony. The poem, however, is not about this music.. here is a shining element of the beauty this poem conveys - "I was in my room, staring at the clear sky through the window. The moon, so pale and magical, drawing my imagination to her. In my ears Handel's music was playing softly." - There is the beauty of VITA NOVA, in this Frosini's poem: Dante's idealization of Beatrice with its artistic and moral benefits experienced by a contemporary couple. And finally the beauty of sublimation, when an otherwise sensuous experience must be transferred to the plane of the Imagination. Other Frosini's poem, like "Nocturnal Snowing", are Poems of Memory, that reveal the persistence of an experience of mutual attraction in the poet's life over many decades. There, a young woman, who is forever young and lovely in the poet's mind, becomes a touchstone of emotional value. But not all good experiences are given a future by the hand of fate. And so Frosini's poetry also explores the emotional consequences of the loss of such a promising moment... The prevailing reaction in reader after reader is that Frosini's verses relate to their emotional lives. In other words, Fabrizio Frosini's personal experience reflects their personal experience, and thus the Personal becomes the Universal...~*~Books published as sole Author:(*BE*: Bilingual Editions, English–Italian ; All books have PAPERBACK and EBOOK Editions)– «The Chinese Gardens – English Poems» – English Ed. – (published also in Italian Ed.:– «I Giardini Cinesi» – Edizione Italiana);– «KARUMI – Haiku & Tanka» – Italian Ed.;– «Allo Specchio di Me Stesso» ('In the Mirror of Myself') – Italian Ed.;– «Il Vento e il Fiume» ('The Wind and the River') – Italian Ed.;– «A Chisciotte» ('To Quixote') – Italian Ed.;– «Il Puro, l'Impuro – Kosher/Treyf» ('The pure, the Impure – Kosher / Treyf') – Italian Ed.;– «Frammenti di Memoria – Carmina et Fragmenta» ('Fragments of Memories') – Italian Ed.;– «La Città dei Vivi e dei Morti» ('The City of the Living and the Dead') – Italian Ed.;– «Nella luce confusa del crepuscolo» ('In the fuzzy light of the Twilight') – Italian Ed.;– «Limes —O La Chiave Dei Sogni» ('The Key to Dreams') – Italian Ed.;– «Echi e Rompicapi» ('Puzzles & Echoes') – Italian Ed.;– «Ballate e Altre Cadenze» ('Ballads and Other Cadences') – Italian Ed.;– «Selected Poems – Επιλεγμένα Ποιήματα – Poesie Scelte» – Greek–English–Italian (Αγγλικά, Ελληνικά, Ιταλικά – Greek translation by Dimitrios Galanis);– «Prelude to the Night – English Poems» – English Ed. (published also in Italian Ed.:– «Preludio alla Notte» – Edizione Italiana);– «A Season for Everyone – Tanka Poetry» – English Ed.;– «Evanescence of the Floating World – Haiku» – English Ed.;– «From the Book of Limbo – Dal Libro del Limbo» – *BE*;– «Anita Quiclotzl & Her Souls – Anita Quiclotzl e le Sue Anime» – *BE*.~*~Forthcoming publications:– «Mirror Games — A Tale» – English Edition (also in Italian Ed.:– «Giochi di Specchi — Un Racconto»);– «Il Sentiero della Luna» ('The Moon's Path') – Italian Edition.~*~For the Anthologies published by Fabrizio Frosini with "Poets Unite Worldwide", see Frosini's profile as a PUBLISHER, or POETS UNITE WORLDWIDE's profile.~*~Some of Frosini's poems are also published in the Anthology "Riflessi 62" (Italian Edition), edited by Pagine Srl.~*~Facebook: address: username:@fabriziofrosini

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    Book preview

    Whispers to the World - Fabrizio Frosini

    Introductory Note – Nota Introduttiva

    Also this book, to quote my friend Daniel Brick, sums up the succession of books bringing us, poets of the world, onto common ground.

    Following the method experimented with a previous e-book ,"We Are The Words, I've asked nine poets belonging in the free Association ‘Poets Unite Worldwide’, to send me a few of their poems: this way I've collected twenty one poems and I've translated them into my native language, Italian. Then I've added some of my poems: one taken from my own collection The Chinese gardens – English Poems, plus four haiku and one senryu taken from my book Karumi - Haiku & Tanka". I've translated my own poems, too.

    Daniel Brick, in his beautiful Introduction, describes the idea that stands at the base of the title I have chosen, "Whispers to the World".

    Hoping that all of You — the Readers — will enjoy our poetry, Thank you for reading.

    Fabrizio Frosini


    Anche questa Antologia, per citare l'amico Daniel Brick, riassume la successione di libri che ci ha portati – noi poeti del mondo – su un terreno comune.

    Seguendo il metodo sperimentato con la precedente raccolta, "Siamo Parole, ho chiesto a nove poeti, membri dell’Associazione ‘Poets Unite Worldwide’, di inviarmi alcune loro poesie: in questo modo ho raccolto ventuno liriche e le ho tradotte in Italiano. Ad esse ho quindi aggiunto una poesia tratta dalla mia raccolta I giardini cinesi – Poesie in inglese, e quattro haiku e un senryu ripresi dal mio libro Karumi - Haiku & Tanka", più le loro traduzioni.

    Daniel Brick, nella sua bella Introduzione, descrive l'idea che sta alla base del titolo che ho scelto, "Sussurri al Mondo".

    Con l'augurio –che rivolgiamo a noi stessi– che i Lettori gradiscano le nostre poesie, Grazie per leggerci.

    Fabrizio Frosini


    Eurydicen vox ipsa et frigida lingua,

    Ah! miseram Eurydicen, anima fugiente vocabat:

    Eurydicen toto referebant flumine ripae

    Virgil, The Georgics

    Virgilio, Georgiche


    Foreword – Introduzione

    by Daniel J. Brick

    The title of this collection presents us with two highly connotative words. Let us first consider the possibilities inherent in the word ‘w-h-i-s-p-e-r’.

    Whisper refers to a particular volume of speech, far below that of ordinary speech which we employ throughout the day and night to accomplish things. Ordinary speech is a summons which alerts people to an immediate, perhaps urgent situation. It must be loud enough to be heard across gaps in space and over the din of other speakers. And that results in the noisy, unrelentingly loud environment we take for granted.

    But the occasion that calls forth whispered speech differs from ordinary speech in its lack of external display. What is experienced is of an internal nature, and the essential occasion is more likely intimate than public. Why else would the speaker reduce his voice to a whisper? It is the excessive volume we take for granted, and sometimes encourage that is being suppressed to allow this other occasion to breathe deeply of silence and calm. It offers to the willing participant something almost dream-like compared to ordinary experience.

    I have a poet friend, Maria Magdalena Biela, whose vernacular is Romanian but whose poetic language is often English. She recorded one of her poems in a kind of dramatic whisper. Each stanza hinged on the repetition of the idiom, I KID YOU NOT. A native speaker would probably just toss it off, even slurring it, with little understanding of its meaning being conveyed. Such is not the case in Magdalena's reading. She lowers her voice, and slows her pace so that each word is emphatically pronounced, and when she reaches the last word her voice has been reduced to a whisper: I-KID-YOU-(pause)-NOT. The poem reveals the casual hypocrisies of daily life to which we have become numb. Rather than rail at

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