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Carla Morris felt like an outcast in her high school; smart and tall can be an intimidating duo that doesn't lead to many friends. Yet, after a frightening confrontation from a group of boys, Carla runs into something not of this world. Instead, she finds a portal to another one. Her discovery leads to more questions about this world and what it offers her. While her questions are getting answered, she wonders if her time in either her world or this new one may be limited. War is brewing, and the girl who thought she was an outcast is suddenly the center of attention. But to what end?
Release dateJan 3, 2017

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    Discovery - Sierra E. Verall

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    ISBN: 978-1-48-359150-6

    To everyone who supported and helped make this book a reality, thank you!

    Cover art by David DiGioacchino

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16


    Chapter 1

    Thanks a lot, nerd.

    Why thank you, Jason.

    He made a face at her.

    Pay no attention to him, Carla.

    I wish it were that easy, Maya.

    I rank fifth in my class, FIFTH! And I still have not gotten rid of that nickname. Carla hated the fact that she was that smart sometimes. She was tall, smart, and pretty (to some) with her golden hair and emerald eyes. Even so, that never earned her the respect she deserved or the right to have people call her by her actual name (with a few exceptions). Carla knew that it would be hard to live through high school, but she had never imagined it would be this trying.

    The worst fact was that Carla wanted her old life back… her old school… her old friends. Maya was a friend, but nothing like Carla had before. The perfect life! I had the perfect life…and it got torn away. Carla’s parents had taken her out of the school she had grown up in a few years ago. She had  had it all there. It was all left behind there as well.

    She had had the best group of friends. They could always make her laugh. Carla remembered them sitting at lunch, talking all the way through about anything and everything. She fought back tears as she thought this. She had the perfect crush, too! He was tall—taller than her (which is rare now)-and Carla knew he liked her back. He had cared about her, unlike anyone here.

    Team 1, your question.

    Carla came out of her cocoon underneath the table just long enough to hear her team’s next biology review question.

    What animal did amphibians evolve from? Her biology teacher asked.

    Lobe-finned fish, she thought. Oh, she knew the answer, but her team had decided without her and said the wrong answer. She then retreated to her cocoon again. She wasn’t shy—oh no, far from that, she was just independent. Or, as her classmates called it, non-social. She sneered at the idea. They knew nothing about her, or never cared to figure out, and so they assumed.

    Okay, that wraps up our game. Team 3 are the winners. They will get 10 points of extra credit on the test.

    They cheered and high-fived.

    Team 2 in second with 5 points of extra credit.

    They were less enthusiastic.

    And Team 1 is last.

    Well thanks for the update, Carla thought. She waited to see how many points of extra credit they had.

    And she waited.

    The teacher had sat down and began typing on her desktop.

    Oh, so now we’re extinct?

    Carla just returned to her seat. She didn’t need the extra points anyway. She was S-M-A-R-T.

    This was just another normal day at Carla’s high school, Walter High. It was well known in her state, for reasons. It was okay, but Carla was unhappy here, for obvious reasons. She sometimes felt pelted, and it was getting worse.  Jason was the prime suspect.  He was always threatening Carla.  He made fun of her and called her nerd.  It wasn’t a serious situation yet, but it was still tough.  Jason was a stuck-up jerk who started the phenomenon that failing every class was cool. He was the last person Carla wanted as a classmate.


    Finally, the day is over! Carla thought. She gathered up her things, said goodbye to her biology teacher, then ran out. She got caught up in traffic, though she could see the entrance because of her height. She was a good four inches taller than most people here. She weaved and worked her way through the crowd, finally made it out and began walking home.

    She wasn’t to be home for another hour. She usually went home and started her homework, but today was about to get ugly.

    Hey ya, nerd!

    Oh no.


    Get over here.

    Carla ran. She didn’t want to be anywhere near him. Jason pursued her, with his group of guys right behind him. She knew it would come to this eventually. Jason wanted to hurt her, not just emotionally now, but physically, and she was not going to stick around for it. She had long legs and used them to push off ahead of Jason. Unfortunately, Jason was about her height and kept up. He was closing in.

    He was ten feet behind her. She needed to rest. The concrete sidewalk flew underneath her feet as she pounded onwards. She was almost home! Another mile and she would be safe in her house, but that wasn’t going to happen. Jason was now right behind her and his ice blue eyes were flashing. Carla was puffing now, her cheeks flushed with exhaustion, but her blond hair remained streaming behind her. Jason reached for her arm…

    She cut right.

    Carla ran for the woods. She knew them well and dove through them. The light instantly dimmed, but her eyes adjusted quickly and she ran on. Jason fell behind at first, but he was catching up again quickly. With him about twenty yards behind her, Carla decided to go away from her house. She wasn’t going to risk what he would do to it.  She ran for her life, it seemed, but her throat was dry from her ragged breathing. She could hear Jason running behind her, crashing through the deep green overgrowth, with his pack behind him.

    She searched for an escape route, but found none. She frantically looked around. The farther she ran into the woods, the farther she was from safety and a place to hide. Her knowledge of the forest was becoming more limited, but knew she was nearing a gorge.  She would be trapped if she went to it. The gorge was about thirty feet deep and was twenty feet wide. She couldn’t go around it and there was no hope of jumping it. 


    There was a thick tree strewn across the gorge about a quarter of a mile to her right. She sprinted for it just as Jason and his group burst out of the woods behind her. Reaching the tree, she began to make her way across the treacherous expanse. One false move and she was dead. Jason and his group were still ten yards away. She walked faster, trying not to fall. Jason began to cross the tree as she jumped off.

    You think you can run, nerd! But you will never hide! We’re coming and we’re not going to stop until we catch you, Jason yelled from the far end of the tree. Carla heard his gang chuckle evilly to themselves in agreement.

    The woods led onward toward a small mountain range. The mountains weren’t high, but they were an obstacle, their peaks each reaching a little over a mile high. Carla raced for them. They might hold protection. She turned her head back for a split second to see where Jason and his group were.

    They had just crossed the tree.

    She could see them looking around, maybe they lost her. Then one of them pointed and they all ran after her. She pressed onward. The foliage thinned as she neared the huge hills. She could see them now, towering over her. She reached them and looked around. There was no source of hiding place. She ran to her left, hoping to find something. Jason and his crew were closing in, but not by much. She had some time.

    Carla’s legs began to wobble from running. She was breathing hard, weakening now in spite of the adrenaline. She decided to start climbing. She started slowly, but then began to climb faster. She found that she could climb over a passageway between two of the mini-mountains if she climbed high enough, only about a quarter mile. Jason was at the base of the hills now.

    Where did she go? He yelled.

    They all looked.

    And Carla’s foot slipped, sending a small, but noticeable, rock slide down the side of the hill.

    That would be my luck. Yeah, Carla, lead them right to ya, she scolded herself.

    They all looked up.

    Well, now she’s not just a nerd and a rabbit, she’s a mountain goat, too! Jason yelled.

    They all laughed.

    I’ll…take that…as a compliment…Jason! Carla yelled almost at the top of the passageway.

    You won’t think that after were done with you, you frightened rabbit! Come back and maybe we’ll be easier on you.

    Liar, she thought.

    Her answer was when she ran over the first of the hills. She practically heard Jason scowl and start climbing. She looked around, then skidded down the rest of the way and ran through the trees and bushes at the bottom. They weren’t much, but they helped camouflage her. She ran for the next hill, which was higher. She turned right to try and put Jason off track. Then she saw it.

    A cave hidden behind a tree.

    She ran for it.

    Big mistake.

    Jason was watching her from the passageway between the first two hills. He saw her run to the cave and he came after her. Carla didn’t realize it until he was jumping over a few logs a hundred yards behind her. She was at the cave now and ran in. The cave seemed to extend for miles, its roof reaching a few feet above her head. Footsteps echoing, Carla jogged in a few feet, scared to go any farther. Strange noises seemed to be emanating from farther in, but Carla had no other choice. Where else would she go?

    Now what? Wait, what was that?

    To her left, there was a small opening in the wall at the bottom. Carla went to it, hoping for a miracle. She found the hole was about a foot wide and two inches tall. She leaned down and put her hand in. It felt smooth, not like the gravel texture of the cave floor outside the hole. There were no spider webs or bugs either. She reached and reached, but the hole went on beyond her reach. She peered in and put her head as close as she could. Wait, her head was inside the hole! The ceiling of the small tunnel was the same, but her head fit. She put her shoulders in. They fit, too!

    Soon she had her entire body in the tunnel.

    What in the world? The thing was only two inches tall! I’m larger than that!

    She found that she could turn around in the tunnel, though the width was only two feet wide. She looked out and saw the confused faces of Jason and his gang. They looked around and then pulled out flashlights.

    They carry flashlights in their pockets? How nice. Please don’t see me.

    Luckily they passed her and moved on further into the cave.

    Carla crawled out and slowly moved away from the strange hole. Then, she turned back. What was at the end of that hole? Did it go on forever? Or was there something in there? 

    She could hear Jason and his gang grumbling amongst themselves farther into the cave. Their voices carried a little ways, but she could tell they were heading back this way. She decided to find out what was on the other side of the hole. It seemed safer than this side anyway.  Carla quickly crawled back into the hole. Amazingly, she could see! Well, somewhat. The little tunnel she had stumbled upon had a glow that wasn’t coming from the outside light. She went on and then she heard Jason pass her hiding spot.

    We’ll see her tomorrow, then we’ll get her, he whispered.

    Then, in a louder voice he yelled, See you tomorrow, Nelson!

    He chuckled.

    Oh, yeah, tomorrow. Like I can get away from you, she sighed in her head. I wish there was somewhere I could go to get away from you…and this world!

    Once she was sure that Jason was gone, she went back to her exploration. She got to her knees, seeing as the tunnel magically adjusted to her size, and crawled onward. Soon, she wanted to turn back but just as she was about to, she stumbled onto a room, or more like a mini cave. The cave was tall, maybe ten feet, and had a hole in its ceiling. The light spilled over the cavern, illuminating every shadow. The cave was a perfect dome. Carla stood and then looked back at the hole she had crawled out of. It was the same size as the one outside.

    How did I fit inside there, she asked herself.

    What’s going on?!

    Carla  looked around the cave and found out that it was more than bare. There seemed to be some sort of bench in the wall. She sat in it and it fit her form perfectly. She could almost fall asleep here. Here, she was safe and away from the world.

    I got my wish.

    She explored more and found a bookshelf carved into the wall. It had no books and, amazingly, no spider webs or spiders!  Carla was overjoyed at the fact she had found this place. It was the perfect hideaway, the perfect hangout. She imagined bringing books in here and reading forever. She loved to read. She imagined some pictures here and there. Maybe even a poster or two! She was imagining such big things for this place that she overlooked one thing. She didn’t notice it until later.

    There was a door at the back end of the cave.

    Chapter 2

    Jason was almost out of breath when he reached the cave entrance.  He was glad Carla had gone in here instead of running on.  He was tired.  Looking around the cave, he saw nothing. He was frustrated that Carla Nelson had gotten away. Just when he had her, too! Jason signaled for his boys to follow him into the cave. They all pulled out flashlights and headed behind him.  She had to have gone this way, there was no other way out.

    I’ve got her now, he thought.

    He walked on, but his best tracker, Mark, found nothing more. No footprints or shoe marks, just empty cave. Jason hated the fact that Carla was cunning. He considered her his adversary.  She humiliated him in school and she was as fast as a rabbit!  Man, could she could run fast! She was faster than him, unfortunately. As they walked even farther into the cave, Mark still saw nothing and asked if they should head back.

    We probably should, Jason grumbled. We’ll see her tomorrow, then we’ll get her.

    Jason was mad that he had lost Carla, but he could get her tomorrow. Let’s see what she thinks of this. See you tomorrow, Nelson!

    Nelson. He had used her last name. That was the first time he had. It was a lot more nicer than he had been using with her. He had called her nerd, rabbit, frightened rabbit, and a mountain goat and still she hadn’t been afraid of him. They may have been a little lame in terms of mockeries, but they got the point across. Yet, what was different about Carla? He was cool. Every sane girl in the school fell for him, and he had dated nearly all of them. Why was she different? It wasn’t her hair, or her eyes, or her formed body. So, what was it? Jason pondered for a moment.

    She’s a Christian, he thought. That was it, Christianity, God, Jesus, and whatever else. He had no use for God and certainly no use for anyone affiliated with Him. But she was different.

    He kind of liked it.

    Whoa, man don’t get ahead of yourself. She is a nerd and a goody-goody. So not your type.

    Jason and his group began to walk the long trek home. They had run a long way and they were all tired and ready to go home. They had all run as hard as they could to catch up with that girl. Well, more like keep up.  She knew these woods well. They didn’t. They had followed her only because Mark could track her.

    What ya gonna do to her, Jay?

    Jason turned to see who was talking to him.

    "We’re going to give her a way to remember us, Matt, Jason replied. Black-eye or two."

    His group laughed to themselves. They were like this because they had grown up intimidating people since elementary, and they haven’t been able to really hurt anybody since eighth grade. They wanted to feel the power they had. Jason had never felt sorry for a victim of his gang’s games, but now he did. He didn’t know why, and it was starting to freak him out.

    Jason and his group backtracked to the school, which took quite a while, and then parted their own ways. As he walked home, he pondered what he would tell his buddies if he said he didn’t want to hurt Carla. They would make fun of me and kick me out of the group, he thought. They would think I am getting soft, but it’s the opposite.

    He couldn’t admit that he liked her enough not to hurt her and he couldn’t bear to hurt her. Why was he falling for this girl? She wasn’t even his type! Then he decided something: he was going to prove himself. He would prove himself to his friends, and to himself. He would hurt Carla Nelson, no matter how ridiculous it sounded or how hard it was to do.

    Carla had been so absorbed in the cave that she had overlooked the door. It was her height and wooden, a golden orb for a doorknob. How could she of missed it? She slowly approached it, not knowing what could be on the other side. She silently moved to the door. She placed her ear next to it to listen. She heard mumbles of what sounded like cries of a bird. She jumped away as she heard something right next to the door. It sounded like there was a falcon on the other side. What was this place?

    She slowly moved back to listen. It was silent now. She jiggled the knob of the door and found it to be unlocked. Carla opened the door as far as she dared. A light blinded her and she fell back. She covered her eyes for a brief moment. The light had cleared and she was able to see. She stood up and brushed herself off. Then returned to the door. She heard the squawk of a bird and smelled cherry blossoms. There were no cherry blossoms around here! It wasn’t the right weather for them to grow in.

    Preparing for the worst, she swung the door back, fast. She realized she had closed her eyes. She opened them cautiously and her mouth dropped open. This was not happening to her; it was surely a mirage.

    There was a whole new world right in front of her.

    Mark had gone away from Jason a while ago, but he couldn’t get one thing out of his mind: Jason hated Carla. Why, then, had he used her last name? They only used that to kids that were just once-a-day pick-on. Carla was not that. What was getting into Jason? Had he hit his head on one of those branches while chasing Carla? Or was it something more.

    Mark had known Jason for four years. All through those years he had seen Jason get girls to fall all over him. They thought he was cool for many different reasons. Carla and a couple others were the kind that Jason avoided and picked on, but why had he started lowering the bar on Carla? She always humiliated him in class, was the teacher’s pet, and ranked fifth in the entire freshman body! It was too odd that Jason had used her last name. Mark had to figure out what was up with his friend and that would be tested tomorrow by seeing what he would do to Carla.

    Carla stood mouth open at the door at the end of the cave. A new world. A new world! Right in front of her! Could it be a mirage or the other side of the mountain? No, not with the cherry blossoms. Something was weird about this place, but what?

    Carla could see a luscious landscape and rolling hills that captured the sun’s rays to make the landscape look like a painting. There was an enormous flower meadow to her left. It was filled with bold colors and blooming flowers. The trees were lush and green as well as extremely tall. She could see forever! And wait, was that a lake in the horizon?

    There was no way this place existed and there was no way that Carla was seeing this. She took a step back, then another, then another until she was a few feet behind the door. She didn’t

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