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Melody of Secrets
Melody of Secrets
Melody of Secrets
Ebook115 pages1 hour

Melody of Secrets

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About this ebook

There's a big difference between fame and infamy, the latter can be a huge problem when falling in love.

The fact that Sophia Ortiz changed her name doesn't mean her past will remain hidden forever.  When a famous country singer asks her out, it's a both a dream come true and the realization of a nightmare.   Somehow she has to find a way to create a few memories and get out before her true identity comes to light.

Chad Hunter is at the top of his career, if only the same could be said for his personal life.  It's comical that he's gotten very close to creepy in an effort to get a beautiful woman's attention.  Making a fool out of himself is worth it because he's sure Sophia Ortiz is the one.

No matter how strong the attraction, there is a herculean reason for these two to get away from each other as fast as possible.

Release dateApr 11, 2017
Melody of Secrets

Hildie McQueen

Amazon bestselling author Hildie McQueen loves action, love and unusual settings. Author of western historical, Highland historical, paranormal and contemporary romance, she writes something every reader can enjoy. Most days she can be found in her pajamas hiding from deliverymen while drinking tea from her David Gandy coffee mug. In the afternoons she browses the Internet for semi-nude men to post on Facebook. Hildie's favorite past-times are romance conventions, traveling, shopping and reading. She resides in beautiful small town Georgia with her super-hero husband Kurt and two unruly boy Chihuahuas and a spoiled rotten girl Chi named Lola. Visit her website at Facebook: Twitter: Google+:

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    Book preview

    Melody of Secrets - Hildie McQueen

    Chapter 1

    Chad Hunter took an unsteady step toward the fence. The ground tilted and next thing he knew, his head banged on the ground. Nickers surrounded him and something wet and warm nuzzled his face.

    Unable to do much more than bat the horse away, he moaned and fought the urge to throw up. Concussion? Possibly. Or it could be the remnants of too much Jack Daniel’s the night before.

    Hey, you need a hand? some idiot called out.

    Nah, I decided to lie down in the dirt for a bit, Chad snapped. What the hell do you think?

    So yeah, it was humiliating to crawl up on all fours before he could muster the strength to stand, but he’d be even more humiliated if he retched in the center of the corral. At this point, he’d be damned lucky to make it away from an audience before throwing up.

    You don’t look very good, a woman said. Maybe we should get you to a hospital.

    Whoever the Samaritan was, was about to get her boots puked on.

    I’m fine. Give me some space. If only the damned ground would stop moving, he’d be able to take a few steps without stumbling like a moron. Shit. Three steps later he hurled.

    Amidst half-disguised male chuckles, the woman once again spoke. I don’t know why they consider it funny for you to be sick.

    Lady... he gagged and spit out. Go away... once again he threw up what little was left. I’m hung over, not dying... Chad reached for the fence so not to land into the mess he’d created. Go on now...

    Oh my God. The woman gagged. Oh... by the strange noises she made, the lady would be joining him in the puke parade if he didn’t get her away from the stench.

    Come on. Damn it, this was definitely not a time to have to look after someone else, but he was a gentleman, so he exited the corral. Taking her arm, he guided the woman to the shelter of the horse stables. You okay?

    For the first time, he looked at her face. If he didn’t already feel shitty enough, multiply that shit by fifty.

    The usually beautiful Sophia Ortiz was an interesting shade of green. Her pretty face twisted as she leaned away from him and gagged. You’re still drunk. She covered her mouth with her right hand. I have to go.

    She raced away with unsteady steps toward the house. No doubt, she’d make a beeline for the bathroom, unlike him, to retch in private.

    Great start to your first date, his friend, Tom, said chuckling. I don’t think she’ll want a second one.

    Ya think? Disappointment settled into his gut. He’d fought so hard to get her to go out with him to begin with. Shit. I screwed this up bad. Why had she shown up so early? He’d asked her to join him for a horseback ride and show her his ranch. And, much to his surprise, she’d agreed.

    If I were you, I’d sleep it off and then go find her. Half your face is covered in dirt, your eyes are bloodshot and you got puke on your shirt. Tom sauntered off whistling. None of the mental daggers he shot at Tom’s back seemed to hit their target.

    Are you all right? A woman approached Sophia, her face etched with lines of concern.

    She’d stumbled into someone’s house sure she needed to throw up. Thankfully, the farther she got from Chad Hunter, the better she felt.

    Oh my God, I’m so sorry. Sophia took a step backward. I thought this was Chad’s house.

    The woman laughed. I’m his sister, his only sibling actually. This is his house, our house. The woman stuck out her hand. Charlene, but everyone calls me Charley.

    Now that she studied the woman, there was a noticeable likeness between her and the drunk man outside. I'm Sophia Ortiz. We were supposed to go for a horseback ride, but I don’t think he’s in shape for it.

    Oh? Charley went to the window and peered outside. I’m surprised the idiot is up and about. He and Tom got pretty wasted last night.

    Sophia joined her to look out. I think he still is.

    I’m sorry about that. He’s not used to drinking so much. But they were celebrating and things got out of hand. They’re going to be performing at a big rodeo in Atlanta.

    It was easy to imagine Chad on stage surrounded by rodeo fans. She’d actually met him while shopping, at the produce department. Since then she’d run into him with surprising regularity. It turned out he worked out at the same gym and even attended her church. If it wasn’t for the fact he was continuously linked to different famous celebrity women, she’d think he stalked her.

    I suppose that’s good news. But isn’t a rodeo kind of low budget for him?

    Charley nodded. They’re nuts over a champion bull rider and he invited them to hang out for the week he’s in Georgia. You know boys never grow up. Obviously they’ve got a weekend concert, followed by golfing and a weekend at an lake house near Atlanta.

    Sophia swallowed. Lake House? Island at Lake Lanier?

    Yes...I think that’s it. Why?

    What are the dates for this? I’m going to be there with my company. We’re filming a commercial.

    Charley laughed. What a coincidence. Nashville takes over a small lake Island. She clapped. Middle of next month.

    With surer steps, Chad walked out of the stables. His wet hair was slicked back and the top of his shirt was wet. Sophia gathered he’d splashed water on his face and washed up as best he could with either a water hose or from a utility sink. The tall, handsome man stretched and rolled his shoulders. It was impossible to look away as he stood looking into the distance.

    He was the perfect picture of a cowboy in his element. Tall, muscular and oh so handsome, Chad Hunter the famous country singer and rancher. Women would kill to be in her place at the moment, but Sophia wished to be anywhere else.

    After a devastating broken heart, the last thing she needed was to date a man who’d certainly shatter it again. Not because he’d die or anything drastic like that, but because a man like Chad Hunter, who had the world at his disposal, didn’t settle for a woman like her.

    She was a woman with a past.

    For some reason, she’d stuck around. Chad suspected it had a lot to do with his sister’s ability to make everyone feel welcome and comfortable regardless of the situation.

    At the kitchen table, the women were deep in conversation about something his sister and Sophia had in common. Both worked in advertising. Charley was his publicist and Sophia worked for a large marketing firm in Nashville.

    Actually, our paths have crossed several times. I remember you from the networking workshop at the Hyatt last month, Charley stated, her gaze moving to Chad. Your presentation was very informational. I learned a few things.

    With her back to him, Sophia did not know he’d entered the house. For a moment, he took in her long, black hair that swayed when she leaned sideways to place her elbow on the table. I’m so glad you enjoyed it. It was a huge event. I think over five hundred women were there.

    And you don’t remember me? Charley laughed. I don’t understand.

    Chad cleared his throat. Hey Sis, can I get a minute with Sophia please?

    Sophia straightened and her shoulders squared. She looked over her shoulder to him with flat lips and furrowed brows, but did not say anything.

    Oh, of course. I’ll be in the office.

    We need to talk later, Charley whispered in his ear as she breezed past him in her usual easy way.

    Now that Sophia had regained her coloring, it was hard for him not to stare. Yeah, he’d seen and been with countless beautiful women, but Sophia was different. Sensual

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