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Maggie's Desire: Welcome To Paradise, #2
Maggie's Desire: Welcome To Paradise, #2
Maggie's Desire: Welcome To Paradise, #2
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Maggie's Desire: Welcome To Paradise, #2

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Maggie has one desire—to experience what the way-too-sexy Brian O’Malley has to offer her in bed. Too bad he thinks of her as an annoyance and not as the hot, willing woman she is.

Brian has one rule in life: never let a woman get too close. But Paradise’s sassy, sexy little bartender not only makes it clear she wants him, she also seems intent on worming her way into his damaged heart. Too bad he doesn’t do virgins.

When Maggie finds out how Brian feels about being a woman’s first lover, she and her friend, Nick, come up with a plan. If Brian’s not willing to take Maggie’s virginity, Nick is more than happy to oblige. Once that pesky matter is out of the way, Maggie hopes the road to sexual bliss will be clear for her and Brian. But Brian’s past hurts—coupled with his reaction to watching another man take what should have belonged to him—threaten to ruin everything.



Release dateSep 4, 2016
Maggie's Desire: Welcome To Paradise, #2

Heidi Lynn Anderson

As a child, Heidi Lynn Anderson played with imaginary friends. When her mother, asked the doctor if this was normal, he assured her mother Heidi was fine, and told her Heidi was just creative. As an adult, Heidi became a huge fan of romance novels. She loved to take what she calls book vacations. With over a thousand of novels in her library, she decided to sit down and write her own vacation. In the process she fell in love with writing. Now Heidi puts her imaginary friends in steamy stories.

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    Book preview

    Maggie's Desire - Heidi Lynn Anderson

    Chapter One

    Sometimes working in a sex club sucks monkey ass.

    Maggie Black leaned on the bar and sighed. For a tax attorney, the man can move.

    Hey, can I get a Jack and Coke.

    Maggie pulled her attention from the sight of Brian O'Malley's magnificent body moving sensually over the woman on her hands and knees center stage. Bitch.

    She'd been watching Brian fuck women in Club Paradise for years. Every time his talents got harder to ignore.

    A glass rattled by her ear. Oh, Maggie.

    The man's annoyed tone ran like razor wire over her nerves.

    She swatted at his arm. Yeah, keep your pants on.

    The man cupped himself and winked. I'm not wearing pants.

    It was a damn shame he wasn't wearing at least a G-string. His pinky-sized dick flopped around like a dead fish. She bit her bottom lip to keep from laughing or vomiting, Maggie wasn't sure which. She poured pinky dick his drink. Oh, you're not? I didn't notice, she said, handing him his Jack and Coke.

    He slapped a ten on the bar and grinned. Always good talking to you, Maggie.

    Maggie saluted, checked her watch, and yawned. God, she wished she were still in bed. Her plans for Saturday included sleeping in before she had to pick up her friend, Nick, from the airport. They sure as hell didn't include a seven am call from her morning bartender. The woman quit because she couldn't find a babysitter.

    It was days like this being Club Paradise's manager stunk big time. She stretched to work out the kinks in her back. Working until the wee hours last night and having to cover the lunch shift didn't leave time for the hot bath she longed for.

    Maggie tugged on her tank top, turned, and looked at the writhing bodies twenty feet in front of her. Brian's crystal blue eyes latched onto her, holding her in place. Sweat glistened like diamonds on his skin, highlighting every muscular dip and valley. His perfectly cut hair dripped from his efforts. Her figures itched to run through the midnight-colored strands.

    For a moment she wondered what it would be like if she was the one he crooked his finger at and led up onto the stage. Maggie groaned and shifted. She wanted Brian's hard body over hers, inside her. The desire to have his thick, hard cock probing the delicate fold of her pussy while he held her against his solid chest had a shiver running up Maggie's spine.

    Lust flashed white-hot inside her core. She watched Brian ram his hips against the woman's ass. Maggie could hear the woman's cries of ecstasy over the cheers of the crowd. Jealousy burned in her gut. She closed her eyes to block out the intoxicating sight.

    Her mind conjured up images of their naked bodies fused together. White-hot pleasure bubbled inside her soul. Maggie forced her eyes open and stared right at Brian. She could all but feel him lean in and flick her earlobe with his tongue. A shiver danced over the tender flesh like a whisper. Her teeth bit hard into her bottom lip. She stifled the moan burning in her throat. Maggie's breasts yearned to be touched. Her pussy flared with moist heat.

    She wanted him bad. Swallowing back a whimper, Maggie squeezed her thighs together to relieve the throbbing ache between them. God, you're pathetic, she said aloud. You wouldn't know what to do with Brian if you had him hot, hard, and calling your name.

    What was that, Maggie?

    She jumped and spun. Holy shit, Logan. Where did you come from?

    He frowned. I've been here for ten minutes.

    You scared the crap out of me.

    His eyes narrowed. He rubbed his thumb over her cheek. Are you feeling okay?

    She stepped back. I'm fine. It's hot in here is all. Her cell vibrated against her hip and she jumped again. Shit. Maggie fished the phone out of the pocket of the too tight jean cut offs. Have I told you today, the uniforms here suck?

    Logan sent her a heart-melting smile. Not from where I'm standing.

    She pulled denim down her leg so the shorts looked more like shorts and less like bikini bottoms. Next time I'm going with you and Julie when you go shopping for new outfits.

    "If you had it your way, we would all wear over-sized cargo pants and baggy T-shirts.

    She grinned up at him. Just the women. The men would wear tight shorts and no shirts. Her cell vibrated again. Crap. She glanced at the screen.

    NICK: The eagle has landed.

    She checked the time. Holy shit, I'm going to be late. Her pathetic fantasizing had her losing all track of time. She took a breath, pulled herself together, and typed back. Haven't left work yet. See you in twenty.

    Shoving the phone back into her snug pocket, she gazed at Logan. Nick just landed. Maggie motioned to the bar. You got this?

    Logan sent her his signature grin. No, but since Nick is here to help me and Ava with the new house, I guess I can make do.

    Thanks. She rushed out from behind the bar and pushed through the crowd toward the door. Maggie felt someone grab her ass. She spun and rammed her elbow into the offender's ribs. Back off, asshole.

    The guy stumbled. Ouch, sorry. I was just going to ask if you wanted to go to a private room with me?

    She put her hands on her hips and examined him critically. People really pissed her off. Hey, jackass. Just because this is a sex club doesn't mean you can touch people without their permission. Maggie waved at the head bouncer. 

    Sam lumbered over. What's up, Maggie?

    She pointed at the jackass. He needs to leave.

    The huge man's beady eyes narrowed. Is that so?

    Yeah, toss him out in five.

    Got it.

    Thanks, she said and turned, sliding out of the club.

    * * * *

    Maggie squeezed her vintage 1979 canary yellow MGB convertible into the lane heading into Miami International Airport. She just barely beat out a huge SUV in the process. Ha, ha, kiss my tiny car's ass.

    Leaning back in her seat, Maggie stifled a yawned. She really needed a vacation. Between working at Paradise six days a week, fourteen hours a day and having her Domme lessons with head Dominatrix, Mistress Julie, she had nothing left.

    The Hummer in the next lane tried to maneuver itself into the space ahead of Maggie. Its ugly, black bumper almost hit her baby's windshield. Watch it, asshole. She stepped on the clutch and gunned the gas. Her car sputtered and hiccupped. Come on, baby, she crooned, patting its dashboard. Don't die on me now.

    The car may not be much, but it was all Maggie had.

    The occupant in the Hummer scowled down through the closed window.

    What? You never saw someone with the top down? Maggie shouted.

    The other woman tossed back her long, blond hair and looked down her nose. It took every ounce of self-control she had not to flip the prissy woman the bird. Making a show of flicking back her purple pixie cut, Maggie squealed her tires. We showed her, didn't we, she said, caressing the steering wheel.

    Five minutes later, Maggie stopped in front of Nick. The now familiar zing slid over her body like it did every time she saw him. Hey there, handsome, need a ride?

    His gorgeous face split into a sexy smile. If a pretty girl like you is offering, then yes I do.

    She popped the trunk. Toss your bags in.

    Nick flung his carry on and computer bag in the trunk and slammed the lid.  He moved

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