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Bad Boys Do It Good (2 Tales)
Bad Boys Do It Good (2 Tales)
Bad Boys Do It Good (2 Tales)
Ebook53 pages30 minutes

Bad Boys Do It Good (2 Tales)

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If you’re looking for racy, raw romantic comedy, you’ve come to the right place. Neither of these two tales have any socially redeeming value, but they’re red hot and kinky with a wickedly humorous bent, and make for fun reading if you’re in the mood for an unabashed quickie... Included are the stories “Bound & Determined” and “Coming to Terms.”

Story 1 (“Bound & Determined”): Gina Lynn knows she’s in hot water when big bad Rick Reno invades her bath and demands she marry him. He’s armed with numerous naughty “toys” and warns that he’s going to make her say yes. Will she? Hell no. Not too soon anyway. If he wants a contest of wills, she’ll give him one. Because, let’s face it, the way Rick plays this game, bad feels oh-so good...

Story 2 (“Coming to Terms”): It’s a sexual duel to the finish when longtime adversaries Cait Carly and Brent King finally give in to their secret desire for each other. No, they’ve never agreed on anything before, but how much actual “agreement” is needed to cure a raging case of the hots? All they have to do is shut up and let nature take its course. Nature, in this case, being an active volcano ready to erupt. Again and again and again...

PublisherMimi Riser
Release dateMay 10, 2016
Bad Boys Do It Good (2 Tales)

Mimi Riser

Mimi Riser is a longtime author of fiction and nonfiction, including several series and spanning a variety of genres (with flavors ranging from sweet to spicy hot). Her books celebrate the upbeat, the offbeat, and “beating the odds.” She began life in the urban northeast, but now resides in the rural southwest with her best friend & husband Rob.

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    Book preview

    Bad Boys Do It Good (2 Tales) - Mimi Riser

    If you’re looking for racy, raw romantic comedy, you’ve come to the right place. Neither of these stories have any socially redeeming value, but they’re red hot and kinky with a wickedly humorous bent, and make for fun reading if you’re in the mood for an unabashed quickie…


    (2 tales)

    Mimi Riser

    Smashwords Edition:

    Copyright © 2016 by Mimi Riser

    All rights reserved.

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes: This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    (Disclaimer: These two stories are works of fiction. All names, characters, locations, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination, or have been used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.)


    Chapter 1: Gina and Rick’s story

    Bound & Determined

    It had been a mistake to come home after her divorce, a mistake to see Rick Reno again. Not that she could have avoided him since he lived and worked on her father’s ranch. Rick and she had grown up together, in fact, known each other forever—and been adversaries almost as long. Familiarity breeds contempt, and all that.

    Yes, there was a powerful attraction between them, too. But that was just a physical thing, right? It never went anywhere, and never would, because they were always at odds, always feuding. The man was incorrigible, infuriating—insane—and his recent proposal proved it. Her marital mishap had apparently given him the bizarre notion she couldn’t fend for herself. How had he phrased it?

    I think you should marry me, Gina, so you won’t ever leave again. It’s obvious you get into way too much trouble on your own.

    Like he wasn’t trouble? He riled her and rattled her in the same breath.


    Gina Lynn knew she was in hot water when she heard the bathroom door click open—and she didn’t mean the frothy, rose-scented water in which she sat.

    The door snapped shut, and a large hand swept back the bath curtain. A wicked hunk of hard-muscled cowboy, wearing nothing but his Stetson, dangled a black canvas bag in front of her, then balanced it upright on the wide marble rim of the sunken tub.

    Bath toys. Rick winked.


    Be thankful I’m not wearing my spurs, he said.

    How comforting. Not.

    Yippie-ki-yay. His gaze went feral, pure predator.

    She shrank down into the bubbles as he tossed his hat aside and stepped in to join her. Such a large tub, she’d always thought—almost double the size of a regular one. But with him standing in it, it felt smaller than a teacup. The taut package between his legs, on the other hand, looked big as a battering ram. But maybe that was because it was only inches away and pointing straight at her nose.

    Gina’s eyes crossed staring at it.


    This bath was beginning to boil.

    With effort, she raised her gaze to his, a difficult climb because she had to travel over six-pack abs and a stupendous chest to get there. A masterpiece of masculinity. She needed to pry her tongue off the roof of her mouth before she could speak, and even then her voice cracked.

    Just what do you think you’re doing?

    Rick leaned over her. Celebrating our engagement.

    A little premature, aren’t you? I haven’t agreed to marry you yet. She slid down farther.


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