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Heal Yourself - Heal the World: Preparing for the New World Consciousness
Heal Yourself - Heal the World: Preparing for the New World Consciousness
Heal Yourself - Heal the World: Preparing for the New World Consciousness
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Heal Yourself - Heal the World: Preparing for the New World Consciousness

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Our created universe is ever evolving and is presently passing through a critical evolutionary stage. We are in the midst of a universal healing and transformation process which will catalyze a shift into a new evolutionary paradigm. This new paradigm will manifest a glorious reality that has never before been experienced on any level of Creation. The highest of Heaven will be brought to Earth and humanity will experience a transformative rebirth in consciousness. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the purpose and goals of the universal healing and transformation process from the perspective of the Divine Plan of Creation. It also offers support and guidance for your personal healing and transformation process so that you can embrace your true divine destiny in the wondrous new reality.
Release dateApr 26, 2016
Heal Yourself - Heal the World: Preparing for the New World Consciousness

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    Heal Yourself - Heal the World - Donna Kenny


    Chapter 1:   We are on an Evolutionary Journey

    Our created universe is ever evolving and is presently passing through a critical evolutionary stage.   We are in the midst of a universal healing and transformative process.   This process is an integral component of the Divine Plan of Creation and will catalyze a shift into a new evolutionary paradigm.   Various religious and indigenous end time scenarios, such as the Mayan 2012 prophecy, the Hopi Great Purification and Fifth World prophecy and the Biblical Armageddon and New Jerusalem prophecy, have foretold the mass healing and transformative process and the subsequent paradigm shift.   Eschatological scenarios, such as the Messianic and Golden Age prophecies, point to the new and very soon to unfold evolutionary paradigm.   Some of the numerous names used to reference the new paradigm are The New Reality, The New Dawn, The New Creation, The New Heaven and the New Earth, Heaven on Earth, The Fifth World and The New Jerusalem.   But no matter what one chooses to call the new paradigm, it will manifest a reality that will defy mere descriptive words.   The intensity of beauty and glory that awaits us on the New Earth will surpass anyone’s wildest dreams and imaginings.   

    The primary impetus for the evolutionary shift is occurring at the level of Deity.   Mother and Father God have taken the next step in their evolutionary journey and are in the process of alchemically uniting as one undifferentiated being of infinite Love.   Mother and Father God have never been together in this way and as a result of their new union, a new and never before realized universal era of enlightenment will be birthed.   All of Heaven will merge with Earth.   The New Heaven on Earth will become the eternal home of Mother-Father God who will live forever amongst all of humanity.   Deity’s new union is central to the next stage of human evolution which encompasses a transformative rebirth in consciousness and the unfolding of the new human prototype, the Human God or God Self.   This is all written in the Divine Plan of Creation.

    Personal and Planetary Imbalances Must be Healed

    In order to take this huge evolutionary step, we must pass through a cleansing and healing process which will rectify the multifarious imbalances existent at both the personal and planetary levels.   The new paradigm cannot support imbalance on any level as imbalances lower vibratory frequencies as well as having other various harmful effects in Creation.   Heaven cannot be fully grounded on Earth and the God Self cannot fully manifest in individuals unless planetary and personal imbalances are healed.   The necessary cleansing and healing process is often referred to as the Great Tribulation and Armageddon, the Great Purification, the Storm, the Cleansing and the End Times.   The worldwide shattering that these names refer to will not end the world and isn’t a mass judgment from God, but is the prerequisite to a new cycle of evolution for Earth, humanity and all of Creation.   

    The healing and rebalancing process is currently underway.   This process encompasses the breakdown of the status quo political, social and economic systems and forms that are limiting, oppressive and obsolete so that a more loving reality can be birthed that supports unlimited freedom and abundance for everyone.   Cataclysmic Earth changes will occur which are necessary for the planet to throw off all that lowers her vibration and is harmful to her survival so that she can regain her balanced and healthy Edenic state.   The increasing earthquakes and volcanic eruptions that we’ve been experiencing as of late are the beginning rumblings of the coming Earth changes.   During this mass process, everyone will have the opportunity to heal his or her personal imbalances.   As we heal our personal imbalances, we also contribute to the healing of our collective reality as our collective inner imbalances are the source of the many imbalances and problems that exist on Earth.

    Few would deny the painfully evident imbalances existent in our world today.   To list them all would fill an entire book.   There is widespread destruction of our environment due to various forms of pollution along with deforestation and the raping of our Earth for her natural resources to satisfy continually increasing human demands.   Nuclear energy and weapons are a continual severe threat to Earth’s environment and inhabitants.   Disastrous oil spills harm Earth’s ecosystems and wildlife.   If the current path of massive environmental destruction and pollution is allowed to continue, our precious Earth, who is a living sentient being, and all of her life forms, including human beings, will no longer be able to survive.   On the New Earth of the Divine Plan, the planet and all of her inhabitants, life forms and resources will be respected and revered.   

    There are huge imbalances in the distribution of the world’s wealth and resources.   The wealth gap is massive and ever widening.   A small number of people hold and control an enormously disproportionate amount of the world’s wealth and resources while the majority of people struggle to find or keep a job, pay their bills and provide their families with their most basic needs and wants.   Millions of people around the world wallow in desperate poverty, living in endless suffering with little to no hope of ever changing their situation.   Countless people suffer and die because they live in poverty and don’t have the basic food, clean water and health care they need to survive, while a small percentage of people hold massive amounts of wealth, more than they would need for many, many lifetimes.   A UNICEF statistic indicates that 22,000 children die daily from preventable causes.¹   In the new evolutionary paradigm, the huge wealth gap will no longer exist and scarcity and poverty will be permanently eliminated on this planet.   A loving and nurturing Creation provides limitlessly for everyone and everyone will have the capability of manifesting abundance directly from the universe.   

    Many in our world are forced to live under the tyrannical regimes of leaders that trounce on basic human rights, freedoms and dignities.   Continual warfare and lack of harmony between peoples and nations cause untold suffering and death.   On the New Earth of the Divine Plan, oppressive, corrupt and inhumane leadership as well as war, tyranny, terrorism, genocide and oppression in any form will be nonexistent.   The new paradigm will support a completely safe and true free will society in which everyone’s free will, sovereignty, well-being and rights are not denied or overridden in any way by anyone.   Peace, love and unity will prevail.   Humanity will understand that we are all One and that harming another is the same as harming the self.   This is all written in the Divine Plan for the New Earth.

    Absolute spiritual and religious freedom will be foundational on the New Earth of the Divine Plan.   Throughout history to this day, the name of God has been used to justify the persecution, killing and hatred of others.   Devastating religious tyranny has taken the form of holy wars and crusades, inquisitions, witch hunts, terroristic acts, genocide, oppressive and brutal dictatorship and other various forms of intolerance and oppression.   Religious tyranny and intolerance will not exist in any form on the New Earth.   In a true free will society, everyone is completely free to hold the beliefs and understandings, or what I refer to as the personal truths, of their choosing.   Humanity will understand that God doesn’t prefer any one religion, belief system, people or culture over any other nor does God impose any dictates, rules or conditions.   Fear and guilt based religious and spiritual teachings and beliefs will also be eliminated in the new paradigm because humanity will understand that the one true God is nonjudgmental and loves everyone unconditionally.   

    On the New Earth of the Divine Plan, social, political, economic and environmental imbalances and injustices will not exist.

    On the individual level, the healing and balancing work includes healing any blockages, scars and tears in the energy field, moving old, suppressed emotional charge, bringing back into love and acceptance the parts of the self that were disowned and discarded and healing primal trauma.   Everyone that chooses to heal into balance and wholeness will increase their consciousness and personal power.   When we are whole and balanced, we are able to draw and retain more Creator Light.   In addition, we are manifestations of true unconditional love when all of our yin and yang essence is harmonized and balanced, without any lack of self-acceptance.   One must be whole and balanced in order to fully birth the unconditionally loving God Self.

    Humanity’s Collective Imbalances are Reflected in Our Outer Reality

    A major understanding that needs to be recognized by everyone at this juncture in our collective evolution is that the imbalances in our world are reflections of our collective inner imbalances.   Our collective imbalances reflect in our outer reality as war, pollution, poverty, hate groups, tyranny, oppression and many other problems.   Everyone that chooses to heal his or her imbalances will heal his or her personal contributions to the imbalances in the world.   We have all contributed to what Jungians term the collective shadow and each of us has the power to contribute to the healing of the

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