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Beyond Kink Part One
Beyond Kink Part One
Beyond Kink Part One
Ebook58 pages44 minutes

Beyond Kink Part One

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Hit your G spot with these uniquely written, sexy, erotic short stories.

PublisherJessie Parker
Release dateMar 2, 2016
Beyond Kink Part One

Jessie Parker

Jessie Parker brings sexy, saucy, reads to keep you aroused. Whether it's AM or PM, she has something to keep your mind moist with her mouth-watering, jaw-dropping unique writing style. Happy reading!

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    Beyond Kink Part One - Jessie Parker

    Beyond Kink Part One

    Copyright 2016 Jessie Parker

    Published by Jessie Parker at Smashwords

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Created in the United States of America

    Design and Print by Jessie Parker and BODYSTOCKS

    Table of Contents


    Oral Blackmail

    The Secret World of Justin

    Asian Delight

    The Asian Tourist

    Tasting Mrs. Lee

    Other books by this author

    Connect with Jessie Parker


    Jessie Parker would like to thank Smashwords for fostering creative development.

    Oral Blackmail

    So, would you like to buy me a glass of wine, the mysterious woman asked? They had seen each other before, but never spoken. And so when the opportunity presented itself, Steve decided to capitalize on it. For him, it was a godsend; a way to relax his mind and escape the reality of his secret life. While he ordered, the two started talking about how she walked in on her boyfriend cheating on her with another woman. Although, she saw him penetrating her from behind, she did not confront him. Such was the life of those who were familiar with the Passion Room. It was a place to meet new people from all walks of life. Steve got a whiff of her perfume. Her odor drove him nuts. It was a close competition between the alcohol in his system and her smell. Totally intoxicating! Like a thirsty, stray dog, he was overwhelmed with sexual desire.

    As his inhibitions diminished, he felt more confident. He started bringing up what he did for a living, and boss who was a total asshole. He believed he was capable of being assigned more interesting work. He just needed that lucky break. Another, he asked the mystery woman? Sure, she replied. She looked at him seductively as her lips met her glass. To her surprise, he ignored it. There was just too much on his mind. Try not to stress things. That's what coming here is all about. This place is supposed to loosen an attractive man like you up so you can unwind and let someone else take control. That's what I'm here for. I might not be able to help you with your daytime career endeavors, but I'm sure there's other talents I have than can help you unload your tension, she said. While Steve began having another drink, the mystery woman accidentally touched his crotch as she hopped off her bar stool taking her scent with her. She began walking towards a pair of wooden doors. As she was getting ready to pass through them, she looked back at him with an inviting smile. Now the alcohol was really flowing to his head. Problems or not, he felt his cock warm up and decided to take her up on her subliminal message. What's up bud, the bouncer at the entrance said: she gave you the go ahead. Steve felt like VIP material.

    The mystery woman encouraged him to sit down. And now, they were all alone sitting inside a booth behind some dark curtains, which had just been pulled together,

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