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Complementary Book for Mandarin Students - Chinese Easy Stories,Humor,Culture ,Habits,Writing Letters
Complementary Book for Mandarin Students - Chinese Easy Stories,Humor,Culture ,Habits,Writing Letters
Complementary Book for Mandarin Students - Chinese Easy Stories,Humor,Culture ,Habits,Writing Letters
Ebook156 pages1 hour

Complementary Book for Mandarin Students - Chinese Easy Stories,Humor,Culture ,Habits,Writing Letters

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About this ebook

This complementary book has 5 chapters which includes Chinese short stories and humor,various topics from the Chinese profound culture and common habits of the Chinese people.concludes is a format of a Chinese letter. All the content is written in Chinese characters,followed by pinyin and english.
PublisherOrna Taub
Release dateJun 15, 2014
Complementary Book for Mandarin Students - Chinese Easy Stories,Humor,Culture ,Habits,Writing Letters

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    Complementary Book for Mandarin Students - Chinese Easy Stories,Humor,Culture ,Habits,Writing Letters - Orna Taub


    Complementary  book for mandarin students -

    Chinese easy stories,humor,

    culture ,habits,

    writing letters

    hello mandarin student

    My name is orna taub. My main occupation is to provide valuable material for the worldwide Mandarin students based on their special requirements and my own learning experience.

    having continuous  contact with students all over the world ,I am very familiar with the student's difficulties and needs and provide useful learning material for them.

    this complementary book has 5 chapters which includes Chinese short stories and humor,various topics from  the Chinese profound  culture and  common habits of the Chinese people.concludes is a  format of a Chinese letter.

    all the content is written in Chinese characters,followed by pinyin and English .

    I hope you will find this book valuable for you.

    Orna Taub  (欧文静)


    If you want to receive many free learning Chinese material,I invite you to register through  The following link:

    chapter 1: 

    10 Short & Easy Chinese Stories

    1. 不学无术 Have Neither Learning Nor Skill



    hàn wǔ dì zài wèi de shí hòu ,dà jiāng jun1 huò guāng shì cháo tíng jǔ zú qīng zhòng de dà chén ,shēn dé wǔ dì xìn rèn 。wǔ dì jiān sǐ qián ,bǎ yòu zǐ liú fú líng (zhāo dì )tuō fù gěi huò guāng fǔ zuǒ 。zhāo dì qù shì hòu ,huò guāng yòu lì liú xún zuò huáng dì (xuān dì )。huò guāng zhǎng wò cháo zhèng dà quán sì shí duō nián ,wéi xī hàn wáng jìn lì xià Le bú xiǎo de gōng xūn 。


    In the reign of Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty, Grand General Huo Guang was a minister who occupied a decisive position at court and was deeply trusted by the emperor. when Emperor Wudi was dying, he entrusted Huo Guang with the task of assisting his youngest son Liu fuelling (Emperor Zhaodi)in go verning the country. After the death of Emperor Zhaodi,Huo Guang made Liu Xun the emperor. who was Emperor Xuandi of the Han Dynasty. Controlling the imperial government for more than 40 years ,Huo Guang had rendered fairly outstanding service to the Western Han Dynasty.



    liú xún chéng huáng wèi yǐ hòu ,lì xǔ fēi zuò huáng hòu 。huò guāng de qī zǐ huò xiǎn ,shì gè tān tú fù guì de nǚ rén ,tā xiǎng bǎ zì jǐ de xiǎo nǚ ér chéng jun1 jià gěi liú xún zuò huáng hòu ,jiù chéng xǔ niáng niáng yǒu bìng de jī huì ,mǎi tōng nǚ yī xià dú hài sǐ Le xǔ hòu 。dú jì bài lù ,nǚ yī xià yù 。cǐ shì huò guāng shì xiān yī diǎn yě bú zhī dào ,děng shì qíng chū lái Le ,huò xiǎn cái gào sù tā 。huò guāng fēi cháng jīng jù ,zhǐ zé qī zǐ bú gāi bàn zhè zhǒng shì qíng 。tā yě xiǎng qù gào fā ,dàn yòu bú rěn xīn qī zǐ bèi zhì zuì ,qián sī hòu xiǎng ,hái shì bǎ zhè jiàn shāng tiān hài lǐ de shì qíng yǐn mán xià lái Le 。huò guāng sǐ hòu ,yǒu rén xiàng xuān dì gào fā cǐ àn ,xuān dì pài rén qù diào chá chù lǐ 。huò guāng de qī zǐ tīng shuō Le ,yǔ jiā rén 、qīn xìn shāng liàng duì cè ,jué dìng zhào jí zú rén cè huá móu fǎn ,bú xiǎng zǒu lòu Le fēng shēng ,xuān dì pài bīng jiāng huò jiā bāo wéi ,mǎn mén chāo zhǎn 。


    After Liu Xun ascended the throne, he made Imperial Concubine Xu his queen. Hankering after wealth and rank, Huo Guang's wife Huo Xian tried to make her youngest daughter Chengjun the queen of Lin Xun. So ,taking the opportunity of the queen's illness, Huo Xian bribed a woman doctor who poisoned the queen to death. The venomous scheme was brought to light,and the woman doctor was put into jail. Huo Guang knew nothing about it beforehand, and it was not until after the event that his wife told him about it. Seized with terror, Huo Guang reproached his wife for doing such a thing, He thought of reporting his wife for her crime, but at the same time did not have the beart to have her wife punished. After much hesitation, he conceited the thing offensive to God and reason in the end. After Huo Guang died,Emperor Xuandi was informed of the case. Someone was sent to investigate it. Hearing this,Huo Guang's wife discussed with her family members and trusted followers in order to find a way to deal with her family members and trusted followers in order to find a way to deal with the situation. Three decided to call the clansmen together to stage a rebellion. But the secret was divulged. Emperor Xuandi sent troops to surround Hue's home, and all the members of Hue's family were executed.

    2. 专心致志 Single-hearted Devotion


    奕秋是全国最有名的棋手。有一次,他教两个人下棋。一个认真的听课,完全沉浸于其中。 另一个尽管看上去也在听课,其实在想其他的事情。他幻想有只天鹅正朝他飞来,而他拿着弓和箭准备把它射下来。所以,虽然他和另一个人上的是同样的课,他学得可差多了。

    yì qiū shì quán guó zuì yǒu míng de qí shǒu 。yǒu yī cì ,tā jiāo liǎng gè rén xià qí 。yī gè rèn zhēn de tīng kè ,wán quán chén jìn yú qí zhōng 。 lìng yī gè jìn guǎn kàn shàng qù yě zài tīng kè ,qí shí zài xiǎng qí tā de shì qíng 。tā huàn xiǎng yǒu zhī tiān é zhèng cháo tā fēi lái ,ér tā ná zhe gōng hé jiàn zhǔn bèi bǎ tā shè xià lái 。suǒ yǐ ,suī rán tā hé lìng yī gè rén shàng de shì tóng yàng de kè ,tā xué dé kě chà duō Le 。


    Yi Qiu was known as the most famous expert at chess throughout the land. Once he gave lessons on chess to two men. One of them was completely absorbed in his teaching, listening attentively to Yi Qiu while the other, who seemed to be listening, had his mind on something else. In fact, he was having a fancy that a swan was flying towards him and he had in his hands a bow and an arrow, ready to shoot. As a result, though he was having the same lesson together with the first man, yet he turned out a much inferior pupil.



    gù shì gào sù wǒ men :bú zhuān xīn zhì zhì de xué xí ,shí me jì néng dōu xué bú huì 。


    The story tells us : If one does not give single-hearted devotion to it, no skills will be learned.


    3. 东施效颦 Ugly Woman Trying To Imitate A Famous Beauty



    yuè guó zhù luó yǒu wèi xìng shī de měi nǚ ,yīn wéi jiā zhù ruò yē xī xī àn ,suǒ yǐ cūn lǐ rén jiào tā xī shī 。ruò yē xī dōng àn yě yǒu wèi xìng shī de gū niáng 。tā zhǎng dé hěn chǒu ,cūn lǐ rén guǎn tā jiào dōng shī 。yǒu yī tiān ,xī shī xīn kǒu téng ,zǒu lù de shí hòu shuāng shǒu wǔ zhù xiōng bù ,bìng qiě zhòu zhe méi tóu 。cūn lǐ rén jiàn tā zhè gè mó yàng ,dōu tóng qíng dì shuō :qiáo zhè gū niáng de mó yàng ,zhǔn shì téng dé nán shòu ,zhēn shì kě lián !


    Xi Shi, a famous beauty, had a pain in her bosom, so she had a frown on her face when she went out. An ugly girl who lived nearby saw her and thought she looked very beautiful. therefore when she went home, she also put her hands on her bosom and had a frown on her face.


    西施的病态正好被东施瞧见了。她一边看,一边默默记住她难受的姿态和动作。回到溪东后,也模仿西施的模样,双手捂住胸部,同时皱着眉头。东施的这副模样,使村里人大吃一惊,富人紧闭大门不出来,穷人也带着妻儿躲开。 东施只知道人家皱着眉头很美,却不知道为什么皱着眉头会美。东施的这副模样,使村里人大吃一惊,富人紧闭大门不出来,穷人也带着妻儿躲开。 东施只知道人家皱着眉头很美,却不知道为什么皱着眉头会美。

    xī shī de bìng tài zhèng hǎo bèi dōng shī qiáo jiàn Le 。tā yī biān kàn ,yī biān mò mò jì zhù tā nán shòu de zī tài hé dòng zuò 。huí dào xī dōng hòu ,yě mó fǎng xī shī de mó yàng ,shuāng shǒu wǔ zhù xiōng bù ,tóng shí zhòu zhe méi tóu 。dōng shī de zhè

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