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Days of the Doodads III: Employee of the Year
Days of the Doodads III: Employee of the Year
Days of the Doodads III: Employee of the Year
Ebook24 pages23 minutes

Days of the Doodads III: Employee of the Year

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About this ebook

“All right, Tony, there’s only one rule”, said Yolanda, spreading her legs so I could see every inch of the way my own personal god made her. “You can’t cum anywhere but right here!”

Jenny, Tammy and Lisa pouted a little at that, but they’d obviously agreed on it beforehand. Yolanda was the one who was actively shopping for a baby daddy, after all...

Tony’s week of odd and sexy happenings comes to its grand finale, as all the lovely ladies he’s met over the last four days decide to throw him an extra special after-party to celebrate him being made Employee of the Year.

What to expect: this is an explicit erotic fantasy including elements of mind control, female bisexuality, strapon domination (of men and women), and impregnation. Enjoy!

(5000 words)

Release dateJul 12, 2015
Days of the Doodads III: Employee of the Year

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    Book preview

    Days of the Doodads III - Tullius

    You know how sometimes, when you’re looking for something, you’ll find the thing you were looking for last time? I guess it happens to everyone, but once upon a time it happened to me every day for a week, and it was the strangest week of my life…


    OK, folks, listen up.

    3 p.m. on the last working day of the strangest week of my life. No more odd objects had shown up yet, but I was acutely conscious that that had been true this time the day before. Was this just my life now?, I wondered. Was I destined to spend my days watching for odd staplers and watches, glasses and strapons? Would the sight of any thing I was sure hadn’t been there before eventually end up giving me some kind of Pavlovian hard-on? Not to beat about the bush: would I still get to fuck the hottest women I knew? Almost more importantly, I finally thought, would I get used to it, or would I end up getting fired because I couldn’t concentrate if I thought a lay was imminent?

    It probably goes to show how keyed up I was that all of these questions managed to occur to me before my boss was satisfied he had everyone’s attention. In fact, the old train-of-thought was able to rumble on for a stop or two more before Marcus spoke again.

    Thanks to Yolanda, I thought, I guess I won’t be getting fired any time soon. Employee of the Year, indeed! Yolanda Bridges, the eye-poppingly curvaceous redhead who also just incidentally was Vice President of Human Resources, had handed me the relevant hideously-engraved Lucite slab after a spirited and highly enjoyable bareback romp in her office the day before. I could live with the disturbing pattern developing in my life if it meant a few more trysts like that, I had to admit to myself.

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