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The New Revelation: A Scientific Alternative to the “End of the Age”
The New Revelation: A Scientific Alternative to the “End of the Age”
The New Revelation: A Scientific Alternative to the “End of the Age”
Ebook402 pages6 hours

The New Revelation: A Scientific Alternative to the “End of the Age”

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Scientific consultant: Evgeny Molchanov
Since ancient times, man has used the trial and error method as the only available way of making decisions on all aspects of his life. According to scientific data, the trial and error method actually implies 99.99% mistakes. This means that, on average, only one out of 10,000 attempts made by man is successful. Such a poor efficiency does not leave human society with any chance to cope with the fast escalating challenges and threats of our time.

This book contains information on the groundbreaking discoveries that fundamentally alter our conception of the world and human capabilities. By unifying science and religion, the author of these discoveries has managed to develop, inter alia, a scientifically proven alternative to the trial and error method. This new method of decision-making demonstrates how to make each of man’s trials successful and thereby increase the efficiency of any activity, including spiritual, dramatically - up to 10,000 times. For the first time in history, humanity can be transfigured spiritually (Mt 17:2) by using the extraordinary potential of the new knowledge. This is the only way to intellectual and technological breakthroughs that can lead the world community to unprecedented prosperity and harmony instead of the “abomination of desolation” at “the end of the age” (Mt 24:14-15).

Release dateMay 6, 2015
The New Revelation: A Scientific Alternative to the “End of the Age”

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    Book preview

    The New Revelation - Zemfira Minaeva

    1. Through hardship to the stars: from Trial and Error to Objective Activity Method

    From the very first days of our life under the guidance of God, He allowed us to make sure that His decisions were the most reasonable and optimal. We could realize through our experience that His postulate that states: My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways … For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts (Is 55:8-9) is the truth. Therefore we always follow the God’s will when making any decisions concerning our life. We do what God has told us even if His decision is not understandable to us because of our spiritual imperfection and the limitedness of our minds as the result of that imperfection. This principle wasn’t an exception when God told us that my son Denis, who was underage at that time, had to move to the United States to continue his education. Over the course of time, we received additional evidence that God killed not two but many more birds with one stone in this case as well, which is a usual occurrence for Him:

    firstly, in contrast to Evgeny Molchanov and I, Denis began to consciously realize his life program predetermined by God practically from his childhood, when he agreed to follow the Creator’s will and chose his future occupation and educational institutions that God had indicated;

    secondly, God has largely used my motherly instinct, the instinct of a woman whose child had to grow up far away from her. It was a great stimulus for us to pray with special zeal for any environment where my son found himself moving from one place of study to another. Later we understood that, without this part of the spiritual work, which allows humanity to acquire the ability to grasp spiritual information, it’s practically impossible to complete all the following stages of the God’s plan on the world’s transfiguration. Thus, though we ourselves didn’t know it, we were preparing America for its mission to initiate the process of forming the new spiritual world order and disseminate it all over the world;

    finally, we have seen not by hearsay, but from our own experience that even the most advanced country in the world has been living by relying on the trial and error method just like the rest of the world. And, what is more, this anti-science and vicious method is deeply rooted in the US educational system, forcing Americans to cultivate the skill of using it practically from their childhood although they themselves don’t realize it.

    But before elaborating on this issue, let us consider what the trial and error method is.

    1.1. Trial and error method is a black hole in the world economy

    The trial and error method got its name for one simple reason: when solving any problem with the help of this method, man first puts forward a great number of hypotheses, subjective suppositions and assumptions and then he conducts the same great number of trials and experiments to check these hypotheses. He has to continue this process until he gets the correct solution by chance.

    When I joined Evgeny Molchanov’s research, he had already been fully aware of the pernicious consequences of the trial and error method not only from his experience. This question is skillfully and expressively elucidated in the book TRIZ: The right solution at the right time: a Guide to Innovative Problem Solving written by Yuri Salamatov, the Russian scientist and inventor:

    "This method familiar as it was to mankind throughout its history was only postulated in 1898.

    …Paul Ehrlich, originator of modern chemotherapy, was striving to aim a chemical gun at the disease-causing microbe. His optimism kept him going after 300, 400, 500 failed attempts. He scored a triumph with a 606th medicine, the famous Salvarsan, and the 914th substance, Neoarsphenamine, turned out even more effective.

    …Thomas A. Edison took a similar path. In 1873 A. N. Lodygin invented a vacuum lamp that used carbon electrodes. Edison followed Lodygin in the endeavor to create the incandescent electric lamp … Fourteen months later, filament from charred board shone for 170 hours, and filament of charred bamboo shone as long as 1200 hours! This was in 1879, after more than 6,000 experiments.

    …Such was the case with the alkaline cell, when Edison achieved positive results after 50 thousand experiments.

    …And all this tremendous work was accomplished in a surprisingly short time … because Edison invented the research institute. The total of 50 thousand tests were divided among 1000 employees. This idea, simple as it was, led to amazing efficiency, which gave the impression that the main drawback of trial and error method was done away with.

    …But in the 20th century, a vast number of ever more complex problems came into view. Because they could not be ignored, a mushroom expansion of research laboratories began both in the US (300 in 1920, 1,600 in 1930, 2,200 in 1940 and toward 15,000 in 1967) and worldwide. The more-people-more-ideas approach sounded reasonable as long as human resources were available and the economy could cope with the unprecedented increase of money being spent on the development of science and technology. In 1970–80s, however, all industrialized countries faced the depletion of human and material resources. So, the rate of increase in expenditure for science and engineering began to slow down and finally stopped at its ceiling, i.e. the rate of national income growth. As a conclusion, the only promising way to optimize engineering and scientific development can only be achieved by intensifying the process of creative problem solving.

    …The waste of time and effort involved might appear to be even more hazardous than the damage caused by natural disasters … True, trial and error method implies 99.99% mistakes."¹⁰

    It follows that the efficiency of this method is trifling. It is equal to only 0.01 percent. This means that, on average, only one out of 10,000 hypotheses made by man is right. This also means that the efficiency of humanity’s activities under the trial and error method is lower than the efficiency of a steam locomotive by 2,400 times! That is why Evgeny Molchanov frequently compares this method to a black hole that absorbs a large quantity of time, money, and materials and practically brings all of the world community’s efforts to naught.

    1.2. What official acts do legitimize trial and error method?

    With the scrupulousness of a scientist, Evgeny Molchanov endeavored to clarify if there were any official documents that would refer to the method of decision-making and implementation man should use. His search showed that this question was partly touched on in the All-Union State Standard on Research and Development (R&D). This state document directed to begin R&D by choosing a hypothesis, but it didn’t contain any rules or recommendations regulating how this choice should be made. It was only pointed out that getting a positive result was not guaranteed. The scientist didn’t manage to find any other Russian or foreign regulatory acts where the term method of decision-making would be mentioned one way or another. This search has shown that the issue regarding the method of decision-making and implementation is poorly studied not only in Russia but worldwide.

    And now let’s revert to what we have seen in the US educational system. With the purpose of evaluating a student’s ability to develop a viewpoint on any topic, he or she is given the assignment to write an essay that, as a rule, is accompanied with a statement: There are no right answers. Its main objective is to provide a logical standpoint on a specified topic by supporting it with facts either from a student’s own life or from the lives of famous people, literary heroes, etc. Thereby, a man is early told: Express any ideas, any hypotheses, any judgments or any opinions! All of them have the right to exist. But, in essence, practical skills to solve any problems under trial and error method are early cultivated in man.

    Similar tasks are included in the tests, the results of which must be submitted to US universities when applying for a Master’s or Doctor’s degree. God told us to look over one of such tests, the Graduate Record Examination (GRE), when Denis was preparing himself for admission to a Master’s degree program. Having studied the test preparation materials, I handed them over to Evgeny Molchanov without any comments. With the invariable enthusiasm and assurance of success so characteristic of him, and with the usual pencil in his hand to mark the important information, my spiritual teacher began to analyze these materials. After a while, he tore himself away from the papers. The mixed feelings of perplexity and confusion were in his eyes. He pronounced: I have never in my life met the more detailed instruction on applying trial and error method! We both realized that it would be difficult enough for us to successfully pass this test since we had been living by very different rules for more than ten years.

    For a long time, we laughed whole-heartedly at ourselves and at our lack of ability to somehow fit in with this absurd system under the name trial and error method. And, at the same time, we couldn’t help but admire the ingenuity of Americans who somehow contrive to adapt themselves to this system and survive in it!

    Having examined the pool of topics that were offered by GRE’s authors or developers, we were astonished not only by the depth and the urgency of many assertions, but also by the absolute precision with which they describe our reality. Here are some of them that demonstrate how the trial and error method works in practice:

    Only through mistakes can there be discovery or progress;

    Most important discoveries or creations are accidental: it is usually while seeking the answer to one question that we come across the answer to another;

    Success in any realm of life comes more often from taking chances or risks than from careful and cautious planning;

    It is a grave mistake to theorize before one has data;

    We learn through direct experience; to accept a theory without experiencing it is to learn nothing at all;

    There is no such thing as purely objective observation. All observation is subjective; it is always guided by the observer's expectations or desires.

    And here are the topics that reflect with unerring precision the results of this extremely ineffective method:

    What we call progress is a matter of exchanging one problem for another;

    Humanity has made little real progress over the past century or so. Technological innovations have taken place, but the overall condition of humanity is no better. War, violence, and poverty are still with us. Technology cannot change the condition of humanity;

    Technology is a necessary but not always a positive force in modern life;

    Technology creates more problems than it solves, and may threaten or damage the quality of life;

    Encouraging young people to believe that they can accomplish great things if they try hard enough is both misleading and potentially harmful;

    It is possible to pass laws that control or place limits on people’s behavior, but legislation cannot reform human nature. Laws cannot change what is in people’s hearts and minds;

    How children are socialized today determines the destiny of society. Unfortunately, we have not yet learned how to raise children who can help bring about a better society; and so on.

    Don’t the above-mentioned GRE topics confirm the dominance of trial and error method in our lives?

    At the same time, the story about the dramatic influence that trial and error method exerted on the life of Evgeny Molchanov himself would be a good illustration to the following topic from the GRE pool: Success, whether academic or professional, involves an ability to survive in a new environment and, eventually, to change it. And this is going to be the topic for the next section.

    1.3. About the conditions that impelled Molchanov to create an alternative to trial and error method

    The beginning of Molchanov’s academic career happened alongside the boom of robotics: industrial interest in lathes with programmed control had been growing. But there was a problem that impeded a mass implementation of the new equipment: the cost of the new lathes was ten times greater compared to the old technology, while their productivity exceeded the one of the old lathes only by two times. It was necessary to find a way to increase the new lathes’ productivity by at least five times. This task was given to Evgeny Molchanov by the research institute’s management. It would seem the solution was simple: Kolesov’s turning should be used, named after Kolesov V., the innovator who experimented with the geometry of a cutter as far back as 1949. But Kolesov’s cutter caused such great vibrations in modern lathes that made it impossible to machine a part.

    Having studied all the scientific literature on mechanical engineering from the epoch of Peter I, Molchanov found out that science had been dealing with the vibration problem for over 250 years, but it was weak in its attempts to solve this issue. He made thousands of experiments, visited all the eminent scientists and lathe operators, but he couldn’t defeat the vibrations. Molchanov understood that by his failure in that work he might lose his scientific reputation.

    Only a few months remained before the deadline of his research work, but all of his potential was depleted. Therefore, his condition was not optimal. Being in such an extreme situation, the scientist learned form one of the books that humanity has been living according to the trial and error method, the utterly low efficiency of which doesn’t guarantee a positive result in general. There was no need to convince him that it was

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