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The Answer for everything
The Answer for everything
The Answer for everything
Ebook202 pages2 hours

The Answer for everything

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About this ebook

In The Answer For Everything, Fabio Santos presents the latest discoveries of traditional science by establishing relationships with the concepts of modern Spirituality in a work that can be used as a study guide, both for beginners and for those who are already familiar with the subject.

Amid basic concepts of how the universe, our planet, the dimensions of reality, and how it all affects our lives today and now, complex subjects such as Quantum Mechanics and Sacred Geometry are explained in a practical and easy to understand way.

It is also possible to understand the role of religions a little better in the history of mankind by raising questions about what are known as "conspiracy theories" as extraterrestrial contacts and the control that a supposed “Occult Government” exercises on Earth.

In a simple and fun language like a chat with the reader, The Answer For Everything serves as a guide and encouragement to delve into the most important issues to our spiritual growth, showing some of the many paths we can follow for the so-called ascension, reaffirming that it depends only on ourselves.

Release dateApr 6, 2019
The Answer for everything

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    The Answer for everything - Fabio Santos


    Consciousness must be nourished so that the awakening of new paradigms supplements the ordinary status of the mentality and the basic understanding that our society possesses.  In this book presented by my friend Fabio, we have an approach between science and philosophy, that seeks to generate enlightenment through scientific facts and concepts.  They are the foundation of our growth, and with it, they also promote the awakening of our consciousness.

    Through this process, it shifts from a primitive stage to a developing stage, by analyzing new information that transforms faith, religion, and scientific aspects, thus shaping the new basis of understanding and concepts to revalued beings.

    Our consciousness is nourished daily, generating a growth of the cognitive plasticity of the network of axons of the neurological set.  But, if you nurture your brain with garbage, you will become a trash transmitter.  When seeking information and knowledge based on serious research, this awareness starts to evaluate and validate new parameters of consciousness and, with this, will increase the capacity for evaluation and diagnosis.  The study in all the followings is a path without return, which elevates the cognitive and evaluation parameter of the human being, removing it from the Matrix of Control power play.

    Based on this, this book seeks to develop, based on the science presented in the media and in the more reserved research, a new parameter for the researchers of the universe of mysticism and occultism.  For this, it indicates parameters of research and understanding of the new paradigms that are being liberated by the hidden government, and its ramifications.

    The result of this is the revelation is that what was once considered as religion or dogma has in fact, a fund of truth hidden with strong foundations of modern science.  In this sense, both the basis of Quantum Theory and the case of Quantum Entanglement provide important grounds for communication with other realities beyond our physicality.  It demonstrates new possibilities that are no longer purely religious dogmas of sympathizers of mysticism and at present have a clear and objective scientific basis.  It opens new fields and possibilities for the students of Spiritism and its ramifications.

    In this work, the author Fabio has sought to utilize scientific research as a basis for comparison and study, to demonstrate that there are many factors to be considered and studied, in order to coherently open the focus for a new way of seeing the universe and ourselves in the inner search of our own sensory and psychic faculties.  Science exists to establish parameters of understanding about previously unexplained phenomena.

    Based on this, your study will allow your perception of these phenomena to generate a better absorption of them, and thereby amplify your ability to interact with them.  The existence of the world beyond is basically explained by quantum physics as a quantum entanglement of parallel realities.  This puts us within several studies: not only the question of mediumistic contact, but also important factors of modern ufology and the revelations that are being liberated by the occult government in order to generate an awakening in the consciousness of humanity.  This awakening, however, is directed only to those who want to see the truth, even in fractional plots, that allows them to leave the control center of the abstract imbecility with which humanity directs its choices and follows a dubious path.  In it, respect for one's neighbor does not exist, let alone the law of love.

    As you study the concepts that are in this work, you will realize that there is a greater law behind everything in the universe: love.  The direct ramification of this law is harmony.  Based on your studies, you can conquer this inner harmony and remove the holograms of discord, by beginning your new journey through a new consciousness.  Removing old archaic concepts that are being unveiled in the proposals of this book and its future unfolding channeled and intuited by the author.

    Thus, based on the conversations and difficulties of the readers of other authors, who commented that they have no basis for study or understanding, here is the initial basis for opening other horizons and following the journey towards internal and personal growth for your ascension into peace and in the love of your heart.  Through a more enlightened and balanced consciousness, this condition generates a better and more productive human being for all humanity and inserts a positive brain wave pattern into the collective unconscious of humanity, planting an important and fundamental seed for a better world, which many desires, but do not create for lack of tools and study.

    May peace reside in your hearts, and have a great reading and interaction with the mentors of this work, which was requested by the stellar brothers who care for Earth and Humanity.

    Rodrigo Romo


    I have an invitation for you.  I invite you to undress all religious beliefs or any doctrinal philosophy so that you can join me, and side by side we can walk towards understanding why we are alive, why we are here and now, and what we have come to do in this world.  Was it all chance, or do we have any purpose?  Let us together understand how and why we are living in a very special moment in human history.

    You do not have to have any religion to join me.  In fact, if you're an atheist, better yet!  The only thing I ask is that you have a genuine will to do good, either because you think it is right or for whatever reason.  From there, we will together reason, with the maximum of scientific basis, using the different theories and Western and Eastern philosophies, without limits, always going through the sieve of our reason.  You are the judge.

    Do you know the parable of the blind and the elephant? (Image.1)  It is said that the origin is Hindu.

    One day, an Indian prince sent for a group of men who were blind from birth, and assembled them in the courtyard of the palace.  At the same time, he had an elephant brought and placed before the group.  Then he led each of the blind men to the elephant, so that they might feel him.  One touched the belly, another the tail, the other an ear, another the trunk, and the last one touched the leg.  When all the blind men had touched the pachyderm, the prince ordered each one to explain to the others what the elephant was like.  The one who had felt the belly said that the elephant was like a huge pot.  The one who had touched the tail to the hairs of the end disagreed and said that the elephant looked more like a broom.  Not at all, one interrupted, the one who had touched his ear. If looks like anything, it's with a wide-open fan.  The one who felt the trunk gave a laugh and interjected: You are off.  The elephant has the shape, ripples and flexibility of a water hose ... No, replied the one who felt his leg, it is round like a big hose, but there is nothing dimpled or flexible, it is rigid like a pole ...  The blind became involved in an endless discussion, each wanting to prove that the others were wrong, and that what was certain was what himself was saying.  Obviously, each one relied on his own experience and could not understand how others could affirm what they said.  The prince let them speak to see if they could come to an agreement, but when he realized that they were unable to accept that others might have had other experiences, he ordered them to remain silent.  The elephant is all that you have said, he explained.  All that each of you has realized is only part of the elephant.  You must not deny what others have perceived.  You should gather the experiences of all and try to imagine how the part that each touched join with the others to form this whole that is the elephant.

    Image result for parabola dos cegos e do elefante

    Image 1: Illustration of the parable of the elephant and the blind. Credit: Internet

    The idea is that the so-called truth, if it exists in our reality, is represented by the elephant.  Already the blind of history are the various religions, philosophies and doctrines that have only a vision of a part of the whole.

    In this book I will try to use at least two different references, and I will make chapters for references only to help you with your studies.  I invite you to research different (and even contradictory, why not?) sources of the same subject.  Suddenly, what we are looking for may be only a fraction of each argument.

    It is very important that you yourself are the arbiter of your decision, responsible for your studies and for delving into topics of your interest.  A coherent decision is not taken without study and research from various sides and visions of the same theme.  If this holds true for our day to day, then imagine for the greatest decisions of our lives.

    How long does it take for you to decide to buy a car, for example?  I'm sure you thoroughly research the models within a price range, look for the best buying conditions, search the insurance, warranty and so on.  Why, then, when we speak of spirituality, do we not do the same?  Why do we have to accept as absolute truth what we are given by family, culture or what we are told on the streets by strangers?  Certainly, the definition of our spiritual path is much more important than the decision to purchase a car, although both may bring a lot of headache or pleasure, depending on the choice.

    Do you know the Allegory of the Cave from Plato? (Image 2):

    Inside the cave are human beings who were born and grew up there.  They stand with their backs to the entrance, chained, unable to move, forced to look only at the far wall of the cave, unable to see each other or themselves.  Behind the prisoners there is a fire, separated from them by a low wall, behind which people carrying objects representing men and other living things.  People walk behind the wall so that their bodies do not cast shadows, but the objects they carry do.  The prisoners cannot see what goes on behind them and see only the shadows that are projected on the wall in front of them.  Through the walls of the cave echoes also sound from the outside, so that the prisoners, with a certain degree of association with the shadows, think it’s their speeches.  In this way, the prisoners think that these shadows are the reality.

    Imagine that one of the prisoners is released and forced to look at the fire and the objects that made the shadows (a new reality, a new knowledge).  The light would hurt his eyes and he could not see well.  If he were told that the present was real and the images he had previously seen were not real, he would not believe it.  In his confusion, the prisoner would try to return to the cave, to what he was accustomed to, and could see.

    If he decided to return to the cave to reveal to his former companions the extremely misleading situation in which they were, his eyes, now accustomed to the light, would be blinded by the darkness, just as they had been blinded by the light.  The other prisoners, upon seeing this, would conclude that leaving the cave had caused serious injury to their companion, and so they should never leave.  They would kill anyone who tried to get them out of the cave.

    Plato did not seek the true essences in simple Physis.  Under the influence of Socrates, he sought the essence of things beyond the sensible world.  And the character of the cave who happens to set himself free runs, like Socrates, he runs the risk of being killed for expressing his thought and wanting to show a totally different world.  Transposing to our reality, it is as if you believed, from the moment you were born, that the world is in a certain way, and then someone comes and says that almost everything is false, it is partial, and tries to show you totally different concepts.  It was precisely for reasons such as this that Socrates was killed by the citizens of Athens, inspiring Plato to the writing of the Allegory of the Cave, which invites us to imagine that things happen in human existence, analogous to the situation of the cave: illusory, with the men chained to false beliefs, prejudices, misleading ideas and, therefore, all inert in their few possibilities.

    Image result for parabola da caverna de platao

    Image 2: Illustration of the Allegory of the Cave of Plato. Credit: Internet

    The idea is to get out of the cave together and, who knows, later we can go back and tell others how it is out there.

    First, it is important to reinforce the premise of reasoning that we will try to follow in this book.  It refers to the concept of the so-called first principles (or fundamental principles), as explained by the famous Greek philosopher Aristotle (384BC-322BC), but widely publicized nowadays thanks to entrepreneur Elon Musk (Space X, Tesla, Pay Pal, etc.).

    This concept basically says that we should analyze a subject by constructing our own view of the basics, without comparisons or analogies, and construct something new.  Our brain operates by analogy and comparison.  Notice that whenever we see something new, we say, Oh, that looks like that.  This is exactly what this concept avoids, making the solution or discovery something unprecedented and built by each one of us.  We will construct an idea of spirituality together, without comparisons or analogies with other philosophies or doctrines, but taking them for reference and support when we need them.

    The purpose of this book is to make you discover for yourself your ways and your answers without someone trying to convince you

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