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Karma Sutra: Cracking the Karmic Code
Karma Sutra: Cracking the Karmic Code
Karma Sutra: Cracking the Karmic Code
Ebook164 pages5 hours

Karma Sutra: Cracking the Karmic Code

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

This Book talks about the Types of Karma, Karmic Laws, Resulting Profits & Losses, Karmic Assets & Liabilities, Generation of Karmic Welath, Carving out a Better Future, Serving Ancestors and finally Willing your Wealth to Yourself. The Pages are limited, the content unlimited Take a Read.
Release dateAug 1, 2014
Karma Sutra: Cracking the Karmic Code

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Reviews for Karma Sutra

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Brilliantly explains how the science of karma works, in a way which can strike a chord in a religious person, agnostic or an atheist. Gives a realistic approach of how one can get onto the stepping stone of a spiritual journey and shows the larger picture in a relatively insignificant material world that we live in.

    Simplified concepts, thought provoking and a light read (especially for those like me who can barely complete a book) which if followed, will definitely make you feel like a better version of yourself
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    "The secret behind the laws of Karma"
    A great read for any individual interested in learning the secret behind Karma.
    This book will help you take those first steps toward to a higher level of existence!"
    Nina Hazarat
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    For not being much of a reader, this book has explained various concepts relevant to our daily lives and beyond in a simplified manner. Truly a game changer.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Very simply worded, this book explains the basics of Karma as we know it but probably don't know how to implement it. The author breaks down the basics of Karma and how we can incorporate it in our daily lives without having to go end and beyond. Truly inspirational for those who want to bring about this change and don't know where to begin!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    It is one of the simpler books to read, till you actually sit back and ponder as to what is written. The experiences of Hingori (The Author) are nothing but magical and yet there are living examples on this planet who have experienced the supernatural.

    Time and again one thinks what is the real purpose of ones existence.There is a clear message for the reader to understand the reason for ones existence.

    The Author has dipped into his knowledge of the ancient Texts both Indian and foreign and laid down what one needs to achieve in ones life time.

    Recommend the prospective buyer to read this book for atleast twice coz only then will the reader understand the subtle message of this book.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book transformed my theory and understanding of how the law of Karma actually works. The ownership of guilt explained in this book is one such example. Must read for someone seeking a better understanding of how Karma is generated, fructified and written off.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Karma Sutra ended my search for the answers to all the "WHYs" I would ask myself.
    It is only after reading the book, that I realized that there was so much we needed to know about Karma. The book is written so beautifully in a simple, easy to understand language. Love the way the author has included so many real life experiences.
    It's changed the way I look at things or how I react to certain circumstances. It has made accepting, things, people and experiences much much easier!
    Thank you for revealing all those secrets!
    Looking forward to reading more of your books
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I have always believed in "as you sow,
    So shall you reap." This book takes my belief to another level.
    I have always believed in the afterlife but Karma sutra makes a science of it.
    I love the para on ADD's or after death dollars. Yes I think the future of spirituality will be
    concepts like Karma Sutra!