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Gary Charmers Strikes Gold.
Gary Charmers Strikes Gold.
Gary Charmers Strikes Gold.
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Gary Charmers Strikes Gold.

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About this ebook

After getting divorced and losing his job, Gary Charmers accepts an offer from an old friend, and leaves Bristol for the Costa Blanca. From the moment he sets foot on Spanish soil he can do no wrong. Soon, he finds work, new friends and a lot of fun under the sun.
Sometimes humorous, other times gritty and thought provoking, this is the first part of a trilogy, in which Gary starts his journey into a world he never dreamed existed.

Release dateJan 13, 2015
Gary Charmers Strikes Gold.


I am an everyday, middle aged man. After four long term relationships including two marriages, I’ve finally been lucky enough to have found my soul mate. With our dog Spike, we live and work happily together on the Costa Blanca in Spain. My Father came from the West Coast of Ireland and my Mother from Northern Germany. Which makes me a mongrel, but in my heart and according to my passport, I’m Irish. I have a long and varied employment history. To pay my bills I have taken almost any work I’ve been offered. During my time I’ve worked as a builder’s labourer and an aircraft cleaner. I’ve also been an industrial roofer and a sales manager. These are only four examples of the almost thirty jobs I’ve had over the years; and it’s good to bear in mind that a job, is not just a job, because in a lot of ways, you are what you do! In 2013, after treading the mill for thirty years, I decided to dedicate what time I have left to doing what I love. Unlocking the doors in my mind and writing about what I find. As a writer I am interested in variety, so I’m unsure in which category to put my efforts. I don’t intend to restrict myself to any particular genre but the two types of fiction which appeal to me the most, are literary and erotic.

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    Book preview

    Gary Charmers Strikes Gold. - Jean-Paul

    The winds of change cause Gary’s life to take a turn for the better, suddenly the world is his oyster, and he finds himself in a position to do whatever his heart desires. Follow him as he takes his first steps into a world of endless possibilities and unexpected pleasures.

    It proved more challenging to write this story than I expected, but the readings with my wife Sabine turned out to be very entertaining. The story brought about subtle and enjoyable changes in our love life and with this in mind, we think it’s also a good choice for couples who are looking for a little fun.

    If you are interested in learning more about me and my books the please visit






    Jean-Paul at Smashwords

    Copyright©2014 Jean-Paul.

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    This is a work of erotic fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are either products of the author's imagination, or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.


    The contents of this book are of an explicit sexual nature. If you are below the age of consent, or of an easily offended disposition, I recommend you not to read it.


    Chapter I: Something to remember me by

    Chapter II: Amazing Journeys Start Here

    Chapter III: Strangely Enjoyable Situations

    Chapter IV: Queen of Sluts

    Chapter V: Another Day in Paradise

    Chapter VI: A Pleasant Surprise

    Chapter VII: Just Right

    Chapter VIII: Moving in Present

    Chapter IX: Closer than Close

    Chapter X: Millionaire’s Muck

    Chapter XI: Hammam

    Chapter XII: Hired Help

    Chapter I

    Something to remember me by

    After taking a deep breath, he pushed open the door of the Lame Duck, before stepping into the old pub. Standing at the bar he saw a few of the lads, and as they laid eyes on him, they cheered in unison: Wahey here he is, it’s the man of the moment. Gary Charmers… come on down! With images of Leslie Crowther in his mind, Gary raised his hand in recognition and with a sheepish smile, made his way over to his friends.

    When he joined them they slapped him playfully on the back, patted him on the shoulder, and as they went through the motions of camaraderie, their voices blended into one, That’s it my old luver, tomorrow is the big day. You’re off to sunny Spain… good on ya mate, good on ya… come on let’s get the beers in… come on Tracy… beers all round.

    Not needing further encouragement, the petite blonde set about filling glasses. The ropey bicep of her left arm was contracting and her pert breasts rising and falling, under her T-shirt, as she pulled on the old wooden pump handle. Over the babble of the crowd, Frank called out, from where he stood in front of the CD player, Eh Gazza this one’s for you! A second after, the overweight, red-faced landlord, ceremoniously pressed the play button on the remote control.

    The sound of trumpets split the air as the intro started. Raucous cheering filled the room, as Sylvia sang out the immortal words to that awful song, all of us seem to know, All the ladies fell for Rudolph Valentino, he had a beano, back in those balmy days… With a shake of his head Gary shouted over to the landlord, Very good Frank, very good.

    As if heaven sent, a pint appeared in front of Gary’s face, he took it gratefully and raised it to his lips. After managing to swallow his first mouthful, Gary heard the chorus come around. The place erupted, as the lads sang along with Sylvia, Oh this year I’m off to sunny Spain… Y viva España, I’m taking the Costa Brava plane… Y viva España…

    Two minutes later as the song drew to a close and the tumult died down, he heard a familiar voice in his ear, Fancy goin’ out for a fag mate?

    With an instant smile of recognition on his lips, he turned to see his ex-colleague and old friend Brian, Yes mate let’s go out for a moment.

    Outside in the street, the two men put their pints down on the stone window ledge. After taking out their cigarettes and lighting up, they stood watching the passing traffic for a few seconds, until Brian broke the relative silence, So that’s it mate, yer off tomorrow, how’re ye feelin’?

    Lookin’ forward to it mate, Gary replied, to be honest I’ve had a guts full and I can’t wait to get away. I’ve seen enough of these streets, this city and this fuckin country. It’s all gone tits up! During the last year, I’ve lost me job, me wife and me house. I’m forty-five, I’m going bald, I’ve got a beer gut and apart from the few grand I’ve got for this trip, I’m fuckin’ potless!

    But you’ve got yer mates Gar, you’ve got us, Brian returned with a shy smile.

    With a melancholy expression Gary shook his head, saying, Yeah I know, but at the end of the day, we’ve all got our own problems and our own lives to lead. When I go home at night, I go alone, and when I wake up in the morning what do I have to look forward to? Another day sat in front of the telly, or walking around Bemster, waiting for a respectable time to go to the pub. To be honest mate, what sort of fuckin life is that! Let’s face it, I’m over the hill and at my age, what have I got to look forward to by stayin’ ‘ere! At least in Spain it’s warm and the sun shines. Oh I don’t know, but I got the feeling if I don’t do this now, I’m never goin’ to do it. I’m just goin’ to end up bein’ some miserable old git, moaning and groaning about everything, so I say fuck it! This year I’m off to sunny Spain, y viva España! Look on the bright side, if it don’t work, at least I’ll have spent some time under the sun with the Spanish senoritas and if I do have to come back, I can still go on the Soc,’ so where’s the difference. Wha’s that they say… carp diam or somfing like that…

    Oh yeah, wha’s that mean then? Brian asked with a puzzled expression.

    Seize the day mate, seize the day!

    From off to their left an approaching figure caught their attention and the two men looked across the way. In the sodium glow of the streetlights, a slightly overweight woman in her mid-thirties teetered towards the pub. The black high heels she wore made her unsteady on her feet and her shoulder length strawberry blonde hair bobbed with each step. A black wet look mini covered her waist and the tops of her thick thighs. A shimmering silver polyester blouse encased her heavy breasts and the whole ensemble was finished off with a shiny black, wet look jacket. After studying her for a few seconds, Brian turned to Gary, asking, That’s Lisa init? Gary found himself at a loss for words and only grunted a reply.

    What the fuck is she wearing? Brian exclaimed in disbelief.

    I dunno mate, but it looks like someone’s gonna get lucky tonight. Gary chuckled.

    Turning up his nose Brian asked, I dunno mate, would you?

    I’ll tell you what Brian, the way I’m feelin’ at the moment, as long as she’s alive and over the age of consent, I’ll fuck her! Gary replied and raised his pint to his lips.

    Aw fuckin ‘ell mate.

    The two men had just finished this part of their conversation when Lisa arrived at the window and stood before them, Hello boys….

    Hello Lisa, lookin’ good tonight luv, Gary said with his most charming smile.

    Thank you very much, Lisa replied in a coy tone, before continuing well tonight’s the night then Gar, your big day tomorrow. As she spoke, Lisa touched his hand and the rings on her podgy little fingers caught his eye. Like an eager magpie his attention focused on all of the little pickings she had to offer. For a moment his gaze lingered on the oversized gold pendant, hanging in her inviting ample cleavage. Stepping from one foot to the other, Lisa tugged on his fingers, Come on in and I’ll buy you a farewell drink.

    With a twinkle in his eye, Gary turned to Brian, who had been silent throughout the course of the conversation. You shall have to excuse me mate, you know I can’t resist such an offer from a Lady! On saying this, he took his glass from the ledge, raised it to his lips and drained the remainder in one go.

    Brian smiled, You carry on mate. I’ll be in in a moment.

    The two of them turned and made their way back to the pub, Gary letting Lisa lead the way. Not out of gentlemanliness or chivalry, but in the interests of taking a look at her arse as she went. True to his word Gary was already imagining Lisa, bent over and naked. They had known each other for over ten years and during this time, there had been several steamy nights in the pub, when they had flirted with each other. However, nothing ever came of it, Gary had always been a faithful husband and Lisa had always respected that. As he followed her swaying behind, Gary realised, how much weight she’d put on over the years. After considering this for a second, he concluded the significant weight gain, was more than likely the result of too much lager and too many kebabs.

    With their drinks in hand, they strolled over to one of the velour-covered benches under the window. After sitting down, they settled back and took in the scene. The bar was full of life and every age group was represented. Four guys in their mid-twenties were playing pool and to the left of the pool table, a young couple were standing around the bandit. Probably feeding it with the remains of their child allowance, or some ill-gotten gains. Over to Gary’s right, sat a group of five guys in their late thirties, they weren’t regulars. Judging by their dusty clothing, they were working away from home and had walked into the pub straight from site. Gary supposed they probably had something to do with the new supermarket being built down the way. The regulars were grouped around the bar. Gary had known most of them since his teenage. During this time, he’d had dealings with each and every one of them, some good and some bad. In fact the patrons of the Lame Duck were like a family. The pub was their home and the life, which revolved around the place, was like that of any other family, it had the usual ups and downs.

    Staring down at Lisa’s bare thighs, Gary took a sip of his pint, thinking, tonight was the last night that he would be part of this clan. Raising his head he glanced at his peers, and realised how fleeting some periods in life were. In a flash it became clear to him, that his presence had no real effect on events. Because the next evening, when he was gone, the only apparent difference caused by his absence, would be one less regular face at the bar. The everyday routine, would be undisturbed by his departure and life in the pub, would just keep on going.

    It was the same when Nigel left. During the weeks leading up to his departure, the main topic of conversation had been his new life in Spain. There had been the usual laughter and superficial concern for his wellbeing. Until finally, the night before he set off, everyone turned up to give him their best wishes and say Adieu. At the end of the evening, as Nigel left the pub, all and sundry, Gary included, waved him goodbye; and as he went to his car, he was followed by enthusiastic promises to visit, and calls of we’ll see you soon. In spite of this show of warmth, no more than a week later, Nigel’s name was rarely mentioned, and life simply went on regardless.

    Later, Brian joined Gary and Lisa at their table for a short while. To pass on his best wishes and to assure his old friend, if he ever needed a place to stay, he needs only to ask. With a nod and a trace of sadness in his smile, Gary thanked him and the two men promised stay in-touch. Once these words were spoken, the three of them sat quietly for a little while, until the silence weighed heavily over the table. After shifting nervously in his seat and glancing up at the stained ceiling a few times, Brian stood up, made his excuses and left.

    When he’d gone, Gary focused his attention on the slightly overweight, lost looking Lisa. Their eyes met and she smiled warmly, in that moment Gary was glad she was with him. Time flowed by in an endless stream of friendly faces. They tarried at the table for a short while, before moving on, leaving pints of beer and best wishes behind them. Soon the kindly expressions became no more than a blur, and it occurred to him, if the Duck hadn’t been his regular for all these years, he would’ve probably just gone back to the B&B to get some sleep! Before he was able to give the matter anymore thought, he felt a nudge on his knee, so he turned his head and was greeted by Lisa’s smiling face, You fancy comin’ back to my place for a nightcap?

    Gary raised his eyebrows in pleasant surprise and thought, ‘Well maybe this isn’t going to be such a bad send off after all. Then he nodded and accepted her offer, Yeah, why not."

    Good, then let’s go. she said, before raising her glass to her lips and finishing her drink. Happy of the opportunity to leave, Gary followed suit, before getting to his feet and accompanying her to the bar. Once amidst the throng, Gary shook the offered hands and bade his final farewells.

    Ten minutes later out in the cool night air, the two of them were heading in the direction of Lisa’s flat. Talking in quiet voices about the evening and Gary’s departure the following morning. The flight to Alicante was scheduled to depart at 10 and when Gary landed, Nigel would be there to collect him. You excited? Lisa asked.

    With a thoughtful expression he told her, he was more relieved than anything else. They continued in silence for a few more minutes, until Lisa piped up again, telling him she needed to pee. This statement left him a little perplexed, they were only ten minutes from her home, and besides, there were no bushes or other suitable hiding places to be seen. In an almost pleading tone she told him that because of the beer and the cold, she couldn’t hold on anymore. A smile came to his lips as he noticed her mincing alongside him, desperately trying to keep her thighs pressed together.

    A second later, the pressure in her bladder became too much and Lisa scurried into the doorway of the betting shop. With a chuckle Gary said, Well, if you gotta go, you gotta go. The toilet break provided him with the perfect opportunity for a cigarette.

    Whilst taking one out of the packet, he was fascinated by the sight of Lisa, undoing the last button of her jacket and hiking up her mini skirt. The moment her knickers came into view, she remembered herself and with an incredulous expression exclaimed, You gonna turn around or what?!

    Complying with her wishes he turned and apologised, Oh yeah sorry. After lighting his cigarette and taking the first drag he heard a trickle, which was almost instantaneously followed, by the sound of piss gushing out of her and cascading on the floor.

    Whilst Lisa relieved herself, Gary smoked and listened, thinking there was something inherently erotic about the sound of a woman having a piss. Behind him Lisa sighed with relief, Hmm, tha’s better! Assuming she was done, Gary turned around, just in time to see her wiggling her tight skirt back down her powerful thighs.

    Ten minutes later, the two of them were in Lisa’s flat and entering the living room. With an expectant expression Lisa touched his arm, You want another beer Gar? As he made his way to the couch he nodded, Yeah, thanks. After slinging his jacket over the armchair, he sat on the white, imitation leather sofa and made himself comfortable. Being the host, Lisa went to the kitchen with her big round arse, bulging out of her wet look mini skirt as she went. Whilst waiting for her to return, Gary thought, ‘She’s really too fat, to be wearing something like that.’ However, then he realised, the skirt and the heels had done their job, because after all, he was sitting on her sofa, hoping they were going to have sex.

    A few moments later, Lisa returned bearing two cans of lager and after taking her place next to him, handed him his drink. Settling back she kicked off her shoes, revealing her rather unattractive feet. Out of reflex he studied them for a second and concluded, she had at least painted her toenails, and in such an attractive shade of red too.

    The stickiness in his mouth reminded him of the beer in his hand. After taking a gulp, he took out a cigarette and was about to raise it to his lips, when Lisa touched his hand, I’m gonna miss you Gary.

    The soft Bristolian accent was plain in her voice, and as she placed her can on the coffee table, Gary couldn’t help telling her, Hmm, I’m gonna miss you too Lisa, but I’m not gonna miss Bemster, and this time tomorrow, I’m gonna be under the sun and far, far away.

    A contented, slightly inebriated look crossed his face, however his joy, at his imminent departure from their hometown, pained Lisa slightly, Oh come on Gary, it ain’t that bad ere.

    The peeved expression on her face, and the acidic tone of irritation in her voice, prompted him to try and sooth her: No it ain’t, it’s just that I’ve ‘ad enough of it for the moment.

    The warmth returned to her eyes, Yeah I know wha’ you mean, I could do with an ‘oliday me self… pausing for a second, the lines of her face softened and she stared into his eyes. But I really am gonna miss you Gar, as she spoke she touched his hand, softly placing her fingertips on his skin. The habits of a dying marriage urged him to pull away, until he remembered he was single and left his hand where it was. During the momentary silence, which followed, he enjoyed the sense of excitement flowing through him. The touch of her fingers turned into a caress and Gary started floating away, until the sound of her voice called him back. I’ve always liked you Gary and I must say, we all thought it was terrible, the way she treated you an’ tha’.

    With a bump he came back to earth, as uncomfortable memories of the last twelve months filled his head. In a split second, he recalled the trail of events leading up to the end of his marriage and life, as he had known it. A brief eclipse took place in his mind, before rays of hope, once again illuminated his soul. Picking up his beer from the table, he took a mouthful to swallow down the lump in his throat. When he was sure his voice was steady, he raised his gaze to meet hers, Yeah, the divorce and losing me job… well I think it was all just too much… that’s why I wants to get away… you know what I mean?

    Like a long lost mother, soft and full of understanding, Lisa pulled his head down on to her shoulder and whispered, Oh yeah. Sensing the polyester of her blouse against his cheek, Gary closed his eyes.

    The boy in him soon gave way to the man, and a moment later he opened them again, and was greeted by the sight of her cleavage. The gold chain with its oversized Tut Ench Amun pendant, hung heavy, nestling between her full breasts. As he rested there savouring her scent and enjoying a glimpse of the black material of her bra, his cock stirred in his trousers. Liberated from his matrimonial bonds, there was no guilt to cool his passion and wanting more love, he told those big beautiful breasts, Thanks Lisa, it wasn’t an easy time, but it’s over now and I’m free.

    Lifting his head he stared into her deep blue eyes. In silence they gazed at each other,

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