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Change the Picture
Change the Picture
Change the Picture
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Change the Picture

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Self Improvement Techniques - Change the Picture: How to Get Rid of Annoying Habits, Addictions & Everything Wrong About You deals with the most common annoying habits, annoying cubicle habits, irritating habits, everyday annoyances, pet peeves, rehabilitation, and self improvement techniques. What is it that bothers you about YOU? Everyone on the planet does not like something about themselves. Is it possible to really change? Are we destined to a life of bondage to the things we hate about ourselves? No! Written by one of the nation’s leading behavioral scientist and bestselling author, Dr. Treat Preston lays out his case in the simplest terms. Here is the TABLE OF CONTENTS

Introduction - Things start out as hopes and end up as habits
Chapter 1 - Laying a Proper Foundation
Chapter 2 – Pictures of the Heart
Chapter 3 – Changing the Picture
Chapter 4 – Changing YOU!
Chapter 5 – Think About It
Chapter 6 – Let’s Talk
I Have a Special Gift for My Readers
Meet the Author

Our inherent abilities to self-deceive ourselves, as well as others, are the cause of many of our mental maladies. But do you know why this occurs? Learn the answer by reading this book. You owe yourself a better YOU! Your family deserves a better YOU! The world deserves a better YOU! Make it happen; YOU can do it!

Release dateNov 29, 2014
Change the Picture

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    Book preview

    Change the Picture - Treat Preston

    Introduction - Things start out as hopes and end up as habits

    "Who am I?

    This or the other?

    Am I one person today, and tomorrow another?

    Am I both at once? A hypocrite before others,

    And before myself a contemptible woebegone weakling?

    Or is something within me still like a beaten army,

    Fleeing in disorder from victory already achieved?

    Who am I? They mock me,

    these lonely questions of mine.

    Whoever I am, Thou knowest, O God, I am Thine."

    Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Letters and Papers from Prison (New York: Touchstone, 2001), 348.

    Yes, it is the inherent nature of the human condition that all things start out as hopes and end up as habits.  In Chapter 1 you will learn the following:

    The subconscious mind is often referred to as the heart, and is the control mechanism the body uses to store our beliefs.

    These beliefs are stored as pictures in our hearts and create frequencies in our bodies.

    I can remember my kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Mattoon because I see her picture in my mind.  You can remember things as pictures too since the human mind stores all things as pictures.

    I am going to train you to change the picture…change various belief systems stored in the subconscious mind and since all actions/behaviors/conducts stem from the subconscious mind, changing the picture changes the actions/behaviors/conducts.

    You are about to experience great fun as you see just how incredibly easy it is to change YOU!  I will delve into this subject in Chapter 4.

    So, to begin, as I do in all of my human mind and human condition books, I have included the behavioral science study on how the mind works taken from our research unit  In Chapter 1, it describes in scientific detail where desire comes from but more importantly, how belief systems of the subconscious mind are responsible for all of our actions/behaviors/conducts including desire. It is truly fascinating reading!!!

    Hello and thank you for purchasing my book.  I promise what you learn from it will assist you in your everyday life immensely.  I am Dr. Treat Preston and along with my wife, Cynthia, we live in Auburn, California and in and amongst the fir trees, both she and I write for a living and work with hundreds of our readers to live a more satisfying and peaceful life.  The quest for contentment through change seems to be getting more difficult everyday but I am going to show you why this is not true so sit back and get ready to be wowed.

    I will easily admit this book contains a good amount of information but I promise to pull it all together for you in Chapter 6 and leave no stone unturned in my efforts to get you to understand the book’s content.

    But it is human nature to simply define things as desirable or undesirable.  We tend to think in black and white with nothing in between or beyond. 

    One of the first lessons I will teach you is to think outside the box as you go through this book’s content.  Some of the content will attempt to shake you loose from years of thinking one way and point you in a direction that may seem uncomfortable at first but so not despair, this process will become easier and easier as you begin to work through the material.

    The way we think and the way we evaluate everything can be skewed from the start by not understanding something factually…truthfully but rather perceiving something to be one thing when it is completely different so perception versus reality is important.

    In Chapter 1 you will learn that the human mind CANNOT tell the difference between fantasy and reality and this is quite true…the human mind is very gullible and easily fooled. 

    We see this with, magic, sleight of hand, manipulation, falsehoods, advertising, and much more.  We are easily fooled and the reason why will become clear in Chapter 1.

    I use an example in Chapter 1 as to why the mind cannot tell the difference between fantasy and reality.  This is why we cry watching sad movies; the conscious mind knows you are in a movie theater watching a movie but your subconscious mind does not so it emotes the same feelings in you as if the situation were real…you cry!

    In Chapter 1, you will learn a good deal about perceptions and reality and how the human mind functions with both but it goes much deeper than faulty perceptions. 

    The mind is trained to perceive or see the reality of any given situations.

    Okay, let’s begin with Chapter 1 and laying a proper foundation to how your mind functions and controls you.  You may have to reread Chapter 1 over and over again until you get it!

    Let’s do it…

    Chapter 1 - Laying a Proper Foundation

    As stated, I want to begin this book by offering an insight into the human mind as seen by behavioral science research.  By doing this, I will lay a proper foundation to what I am about to teach.

    The Mechanism of the Human Mind

    Prior to the fall of man into sin as described in the Garden of Eden, man’s spirit was hooked to God’s infinite spirit.  There was no death because God’s spirit is infinite.  Man is the only animal on earth that shares the eternality nature of God.  The subject of eternal life has been a heated topic of man from the beginning of our existence. 

    In Greek mythology, there’s a story about a mortal youth named Tithonus.  Aurora, the goddess of dawn, fell in love with the boy and when Zeus, the king of the gods, promised to grant Aurora any gift she chose for her lover, she asked that Tithonus might live forever.  But, in her haste she forgot to ask for eternal youth, so when Zeus granted her request, Tithonus was doomed to an eternity of perpetual aging as a grouchy old man… forever.

    In the movie Highlander, Angus McLeod was born in 1518 as an immortal being.  He could not die and to me, the best part of the movie was the depiction of this immortal's agony here on earth as he watched everything he loved die forcing him to begin his life over and over again. He saw all of the ugliness, which man had caused over four centuries.  He witnessed the Spanish Inquisition, Waterloo, the atrocities of the Third Reich, and more.  He saw the slavery and bigotry of the eighteenth century, the slaughter of the Native American tribes after the Civil War.  This man's life was a living Hell! 

    There is a very big difference between the ways our feeble minds picture eternal life versus God’s idea of eternal life.  Our understanding comes from Quantum Physics and is limited within the Time-Space Continuum.

    Life is your spirit, but the soul of man has usurped the spirit's position and psychology is now forced to define how we live our lives based on the animating force of the soul instead of the spirit.  As I said previously, the soul has usurped the spirit’s place as our animating force.  Let's discuss this now.

    Body First Person - When the body becomes our life, we live as animals.

    Body-Mind In Sync - When the soul becomes our life, we live as rebels and fugitives in a life of desires, emotions, and will (consuming entities).  This is the position of mankind today!

    Mind First Person - But when we come to live our life in the mind/spirit and by the spirit, though we still use our soul’s faculties just as we do our physical faculties, they are now the servants of the spirit.

    If you live as a consuming entity, you will always lose.   In other words, to get, you must give - you

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