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The Silk Assassin: Dossier One
The Silk Assassin: Dossier One
The Silk Assassin: Dossier One
Ebook28 pages27 minutes

The Silk Assassin: Dossier One

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“The captain-crew arrangement doesn’t need to be professional.” Victor grins. “If you couldn’t tell, I’m pretty damned attracted to you too.”

I see the front of his shorts rise and then fall. I force another blush and touch my hand to my throat, covering my cleavage for a second. Then I let my hand fall and draw his eyes to my chest. I snag the top edge of my shirt with one finger and pull it down for just one taunting moment.

Victor stands, still holding my hand, and pulls me to my feet. He leads me around the cockpit, stopping to flick a switch, which kills the exterior lights. We head to the bow, which is wide and flat, with two mesh trampolines that are attached to the deck by bungee cords. He picks me up then, suddenly, unexpectedly, and lays me down upon the trampoline. The ocean flows beneath us, splashing gently against the hull. The sky above us is clear, moonless, and crusted with stars.

Victor’s hand slides up my leg, over my hip, across my stomach, then lingers briefly on my breast. But then his hand comes up further, to my collarbone, grasping finally, and firmly, around my throat.

“So why do I have the feeling that you’ve been sent by the Organization?” He tightens his grip. “How do I know you’re not here for some other purpose?”
I push my eyes open wide, putting on my best expression of terror, and sputter. “What? Victor? What are you talking about?”

He pushes down on my throat even harder, and now I’m actually gasping for air.

“This is just too good to be true,” he says. “It smells like a set-up.”

“Your poster,” I manage to squeak out. “My friend saw your poster...”

Finally he loosens his grip, just enough to let me catch my breath. I blink my eyes a few times, making them pool with tears.

“I really don’t know what you’re talking about,” I say. My voice is desperate. “I’m just a traveller. I’m just...”

“Okay, okay,” he says. He takes his hand away from my throat and slides it back down to my breast. “I’m sorry. I used to work for some dangerous people, and sometimes I still get suspicious.”

“Jesus,” I say. “I’m sorry I made you think that. I didn’t mean to be too forward, if that’s what it was. I just liked you from the second I met you...”

“Okay, it’s okay,” Victor says. He leans forward and kisses me now, softly, on the lips. “Can you forgive my paranoia?”

“Maybe,” I say and give him a timid smile. “Are you still going to let me take your clothes off?”

Release dateDec 4, 2014
The Silk Assassin: Dossier One

Samantha Griffin

I am a young erotica writer, eager to explore and share my fantasies.

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    Book preview

    The Silk Assassin - Samantha Griffin

    The Silk Assassin

    Dossier One: a man, a plan, a canal

    By Samantha Griffin


    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2014 Samantha Griffin


    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.



    The Silk Assassin isn’t real. Neither are any of the other people in this story.

    None of these events happened, even if similar events sometimes do.

    The cover photo is a licensed stock image for illustration purposes only;

    the model depicted does not endorse or condone the books contents.


    I have apartments in several countries. I have a dozen sets of identification bearing different names and nationalities. I can become anyone I want to. I chase my targets across borders, around the world. I seduce, I strike, and then I disappear. I am the Silk Assassin.


    The text messages always arrive from a scrambled number. The message is an address and maybe a few words about where I need to look for the lockbox. I have no idea who I work for, or where these assignments come from. It’s better for everyone this way. It’s an anonymous network, but one that operates with the silent, deadly efficiency of a shark. I go to the address, open the lockbox, and choose my next target. There are always a few options, and I need not accept any of them, but I’ve never turned down a job.

    When the text comes in, I’m running on the treadmill in the penthouse gym of my New York apartment. It’s the middle of the night and I have the place to myself. I’ve stripped down to my booty shorts and sports bra. I’m running hard,

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