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Deputy's Bride
Deputy's Bride
Deputy's Bride
Ebook156 pages2 hours

Deputy's Bride

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A hot, historical western stand-alone story with a satisfying HEA.

Texas Deputy Bo Kildare is looking for a special kind of lady, one that is willing to meet his special requirements. No sweet little virgin will do, he wants a woman who knows how to please a man, perhaps two.
Recently widowed, Sarah Elizabeth Foster-LaFever has lived in the public eye for the last few years and wants out. Her reputation as Micah LaFever’s wife has left her penniless and without many viable options until Bo comes calling.
Now, she believes she found the perfect man until her past rears its ugly head. Can murder and corrupt dealings keep these two lovers from making it to the alter?

PublisherAnita Philmar
Release dateOct 31, 2014
Deputy's Bride

Anita Philmar

Anita Philmar likes to create stories that push the limit. A writer by day and a dreamer by night, she wants her readers to see the world in a new way.Influenced by sci-fi programs, she enjoys bringing hot romantic moments to life in a variety of genres, such as historical westerns, paranormal suspense, and contemporary murder mysteries.Naughty or Nice?Read her book and decide.

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    Book preview

    Deputy's Bride - Anita Philmar

    Deputy’s Bride

    Naked Bluff, Texas series

    Book 4

    A hot, stand-alone historical western with a satisfying HEA.

    No sweet little virgin will do for Texas Deputy Bo Kildare. He wants a special lady for his wife, one that’s willing to meet his unique requirements. The sexually adventurous woman must know how to please a man, perhaps two.

    Widowed recently, Sarah Elizabeth LaFever has tolerated living in the public eye for far too long and wants out. Her decease husband’s exhibitionist habits destroyed her reputation while his gambling has left her penniless and without many viable options until Bo offers her an opportunity to be his bride.

    Believing she’s on the doorstep of having the perfect life, her past rears its ugly head and leads to murder.

    Naked Bluff, Texas Volume 1 includes all 4 stories.

    Book Rating: Know the heat level of my book by the peppers surrounding the title.

    Red Peppers – HOT

    Yellow – Spicy

    Green – Mild

    Anita Philmar Other Books

    Banished – Shapeshifter’s series –

    Banished Hero

    Banished Scoundrel

    Banished Witch

    Banished – Box Set (all 3)

    Black Dragon’s Series- Fantasy/Syfy

    Black Dragon’s Blood

    Black Dragon’s Moon

    Black Dragon’s Heart

    Black Dragon’s Box Set (all 3)

    Other Stories

    Fairy Fun - Fantasy

    Naked Rebel - Fantasy

    HotWired – Futuristic full-length novel

    Warrior in Me – Contemporary full-length novel

    Naked Bluff, Texas series (Western Historical)

    Texas Passion

    In Deep Water

    In Too Deep

    More Than Ready

    Deputy’s Bride

    Country Doctor’s Bride

    A Cowboy’s Pleasure

    A Cowboy’s Passion

    Other Westerns:

    McKee’s Ghost – Historical

    Hot Prairie Nights – Historical

    New Releases

    To be determined...

    Deputy’s Bride

    By Anita Philmar


    To the Quarter horse, a true cowboy never underestimates your value.

    Text copyright © Oct. 2014 Anita Philmar

    All Rights Reserved

    * * * * * *



    Anita Philmar

    Copyright Oct. 2014

    by Anita Philmar

    This is a work of fiction. All characters and events portrayed in this novel are fictitious or used fictitiously. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book, or portions thereof, in any form.

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return and purchase your own copy.

    Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Chapter One

    Why, Deputy Bo Kildare, you’re just the man I’ve been searching for.

    The inviting words, followed by the howl of a frigid wind, sent a shiver down his spine, causing his foot to falter on the wooden planks of the sidewalk. For months now, he’d been hounded by every married woman in the territory. Each bent on finding him a wife, he’d met more mothers than he could name. Most of which insisted on introducing him to their daughters. Some even offered dowries for a quick marriage proposal. Though it’d been a narrowing escape a time or two, he’d avoided a virginal bride’s snare.

    Patience fried by his duties. Which had caused him to travel to Austin and back in the last twenty-four hours. Made him both saddle worn and cranky and dreading the thought of another three- or four-hour ride before reaching his ranch. So, he didn’t relish a prolonged discussion with an eager mother hen to add to his misery.

    Pasting a smile to his parched lips, he turned to see Madeline Cowden. As a trusted matchmaker, she’d been his sole friend against every female who’d vowed to marry him off to an innocent mate.

    With amusement playing over her seasoned face, she stepped forward and wrapped her arm through his. I believe I have the answer to that little problem you’re having.

    Delighted with the news of her having found him a suitable lady to meet his unique situation, he grinned. Good. Why don’t we step out of this bitter breeze and discuss the matter?

    Directing her into the main cafe in town, he nodded at the hostess before tossing his hat onto the rack near the door and led her to his favorite table. Once seated, he waited until the waitress took their order for hot coffee before scanning the empty tables next to theirs and cut to business. So, tell me her name and how soon we can meet.

    Only the cold northern gust rattling the glass windowpanes broke the silence as she removed her gloves and dumped them on her lap. Impatient, but unwilling to rush her, he waited for her answer.

    After running her palms over the sleeves of her jacket, she turned to him. Luckily, she arrived today, so you won’t have long to wait. Though I must warn you, she’s a little skittish at the thought of becoming involved with a Texas deputy. Her deceased husband had several run-ins with the law.

    Frowning at this potential problem, he considered his criteria for a potential wife. If the lady was sexually adventurous and happy, living in a remote location like Naked Bluff. Which wasn’t a hot spot of fun by most people’s assessment. Then he couldn’t imagine her sordid past being much of a concern.

    With a casual pat on his arm, the gentile lady rushed to console him. Now, now, no need to worry. Sarah merely wants to talk to you before she commits herself to anything. Which is good when you think about it.

    Sarah? Shuffling through the list of women he knew in the area, he didn’t recall anyone by that name and pressed for more information. Where is she from?

    Up near Dallas, her dead husband was... Glancing around suspiciously, she exhaled a low, breathy sigh. Micah LaFever.

    Holy shit, he gasped and recalled the man’s notorious reputation. Associated with every politician in the state, as well as a variety of criminals, Micah had enjoyed hosting wild parties at his estate, which included drinking, prostitutes, and gambling as a standard occurrence. Several times, fights had broken out and law officials were summoned to restore peace.

    The infamous man died a little over a year ago, after suffering a head injury when thrown by his prize stallion. His wife, Sarah Elizabeth Foster, had the status of...

    Struggling to think of any chatter he’d heard regarding the woman, he couldn’t recall hearing her name unless it was associated with her husband’s, but not anything regarding her character or the guilt of a criminal act. I’d have thought by now she would’ve married one of her husband’s friends.

    No. Having never cared for the spotlight, she’s hoping to escape that group of people and live a quiet life. Pausing, Madeline waited while the waitress set a cup and saucer in front of each of them and poured the steaming hot coffee.

    Impatient to learn more, he studied the woman sitting across the table. Her weathered features included sagging cheeks that created jowls, making her appear as a pleasant old grandmother. But glancing into the fire burning in her glare, he recalled how her lips thinned when riled and her inability to tolerate fools. Yet most loved her because she would help anyone who needed it and had the regal appearance of an aging queen.

    As a contact of his father’s and a close acquaintance, Bo considered her a friend. Running the local general store with her husband, she had connections all over the state. Most fell into one of three categories: customer, friend, or part of her large extended family. The true reason behind him soliciting her help was she knew people he didn’t.

    Once the waitress served him and walked away, he resumed their conversation. How do you know her?

    Friend of a friend. Also, if you’re looking to have children, she’s not the girl for you.

    Not seeing infertility as a potential problem, he clarified, Then she can’t have any?

    Yes. Now would you like to meet her? She’s staying over at the hotel... Again, she peered around the cafe and lowered her voice. In the private cabin at the back.

    Lifting an inquiring brow, he recognized the fact the woman was paying through the nose for the special accommodations.

    She doesn’t want anyone to know she’s in town, so she can avoid answering any unsolicited questions from the press. Madeline shifted and sipped at her coffee.

    And have you told her about me? Debating the likelihood of her passing his requirements for a wife, he waited for his friend’s answer.

    Yes, and she’s eager to visit your spread.

    The mention of his ranch reminded him of another problem. What would his brother say about him bringing a woman home? Chase didn’t care for people. Women in particular, he claimed, were nothing but trouble. Instead, horses were more his specialty. And because of him, their breeding ranch was thriving.

    Shoving aside his concerns regarding his sibling, he left his coffee without even taking a sip, stood and tossed a few coins on the table. Then I’ll head over and put this matter to bed.


    What the hell were you thinking, Sarah Elizabeth? Standing before the freestanding oval mirror in the cabin’s corner, she fought the anxiety of meeting a potential suitor. With every nerve-ending tingling, she recalled the gruff words being spoken by her father. As his favorite statement to her when angry, he’d tried his best to protect her. Thoughts flooded by the loving memories of the past. A simpler time resurfaced of when she’d been happy and innocent.

    Then everything changed, she cried, and fought the horrible recollections of her father’s senseless death. Murder is...

    Burdened by guilt, she bit her lip and straightened her shoulders while fighting the horrors of losing the only two men she’d ever loved. Stop it, that’s all in the past. Daddy is gone, and so is Micah. Now, I should think about the future.

    Avoiding any connection with the woman in the mirror, she paced across the room, stopped, and noticed the darkening sky outside the window. Immediately bored by the trees’ ghostly shadows playing across the sandy soil, she spun on her heels. Nervous energy danced through every cell. Unable to settle, she paced the room while her mind fired off questions about Bo Kildare. What was he like? And why was he interested in a woman with a reputation like hers? Could he differ from Micah and treat her more like a wife than his own private whore?

    Irritated at how she’d been forced to tolerate the behavior from her deceased husband, she noticed the fireplace where two wooden chairs and a couch sat. Continuing to search the space for a distraction, she halted by the exit and noticed the water pitcher on the dresser. Agitated, she considered indulging in a stiff drink to calm her nerves. But unwilling to impair her senses, she rejected the idea and again strolled to her haunting reflection.

    Avoiding her worried expression, she critically scanned the high collar of her silk dressing gown. Earlier, with every button of her garment secured, she’d toiled with the heat radiating from the fireplace and had chosen instead to connect a few at her waist. Now the dark red robe flowed around her sexy figure, highlighting her creamy complexion and blonde hair. While above the connections showcased the curve of her breasts, inches below lay the tight fit of her corset. The creamy color almost matched her skin tone, creating the illusion she was nude underneath the glistening cloak.

    Swishing aside the wide skirt, she examined her long legs, bare because she’d elected to

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