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Siren's Song
Siren's Song
Siren's Song
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Siren's Song

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Flex Sefiroth is a fallen angel, and ancient by earthly standards, cast out of Heaven centuries ago for trying to protect one of their own. He had to find his own way in a world of men where fallen angels rarely survived their fall from God’s good graces.
As the centuries pass he had learned to control every aspect of his life on Earth, but he suddenly finds himself in unfamiliar territory when he hears the most beautiful sound while visiting Paris, and soon becomes obsessed with finding its source. He searches desperately until at last he hears it once more. It leads him to a small bookshop where he finds the most exquisite thing he has ever seen in all his countless centuries of existence, Evette La Fontaine. But he soon discovers that over a century and a half of being shunned by every male she had ever encountered, both human and immortal alike, have taken a terrible toll on the lovely little bookworm.
Flex is determined to win her over and pulls out all stops to woo her. But will the timid little redhead succumb to his charms? Or will another’s need for redemption ruin all his plans?

PublisherS.A. Bergen
Release dateAug 18, 2014
Siren's Song

S.A. Bergen

S.A. (Shelley) Bergen was born in Canada where she still lives with her husband Gord of over 30 years. They have one grown son, Aaron, who serves in the Canadian military. Having something to do with books is nothing new to S.A. She has created the artwork for several book covers over the years, including the popular Zipper Flesh 1, 2 and 3 of Anthology series, published by Smart Rhino Publications. She was a founding member of Groundfrost Illustration &Design (2004) along with fellow artist Antti Isosomppi. She functioned as both artist and administrator. The two artists together created the artwork for the graphic comic Lobster Girl, written by J.Morvay, that went on to become the best-selling independent comic of 2008. In recent years they added another artist to their fold, Matt Shealy. Together they have created artwork for clients such as The Black Eyed Peas, Kanye West, John London, The Killers, God Forbid and Fragments of Unbecoming. Siren’s Song is S.A’s first publication but it will certainly not be her last. Now a solo writer she is working on her solo epic fiction novel The Lord of Winterkeep, the first in what she hopes will be a series. She has also started a prequel to Siren's Song.

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    Book preview

    Siren's Song - S.A. Bergen

    Siren’s Song

    S. A. Bergen

    J. M. Henrickson

    Copyright © S.A. Bergen and J.M. Henrickson 2014

    S.A Bergen and J.M Henrickson

    Copyright 2014 by S.A Bergen and J.M Henrickson

    Smashwords Edition

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchased only authorized edits.

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    Cover art design by and © S.A. Bergen

    Stock photo credit © Can Stock Photo Inc. / Forgiss

    This is a work of fiction, names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locates is entirely coincidental.

    The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for authors or third-party Web sites or their content…

    First Edition


    I dedicate this book to my husband Gord and my son Aaron for their undying love, support and patience. Thank you for believing in me. I love you both with all my heart.

    S.A. Bergen

    This book is dedicated to my husband and two sons who have been so patient with me as I have spent time tied to my laptop or iPad either writing or editing. I appreciate all the love and support you have given me more than I can begin to express. Thank you and I love you.

    J.M. Henrickson


    What started out as role-play writing with a group of amateur writers online a few years ago transformed from a hobby into a passion and then into this novel. Writing has at times been a struggle, but now that it is finally finished I am very pleased with the outcome and have many to thank.

    First off thank you to my writing partner J.M. Henrickson, who I don’t think I will ever be able to fully thank. We’ve had many ups and downs in our lives that pulled us away from our writing but we persevered and never gave up. Love you Bebs!

    Thank you also to my dear friends, Cristy Perez, Kristi Moffat, Leah Inlow and Trudy Spangler who were a large part of the role-playing group J.M. and I belonged to. Their inspiration, support and encouragement have been amazing. It was through them that I met and fell in love with my beloved Flex Sefiroth. Though he went in a different direction than they had originally planned for him it was necessary to make him fully my own. I would also like to thank Theo (Theodoros) Theodoridis who was both the physical and personal inspiration for my Flex.

    Finally, thank you to my wonderful husband, Gord and our amazing son Aaron. Gord is the love of my life and has been an amazing support during this project and often a great sounding board for me to bounce ideas off of. My son Aaron… the light in my life, the centre of my universe and often inspiration in my writing. I am so very proud of him and the man he has become. I love them both beyond words.

    S. A. Bergen Writing is not something that has come naturally or easily for me and I would not have been able to embrace this creative side of myself without the support and guidance of S.A. over the years we have been writing together. There are no words to express how much your friendship means to me. Through ups and downs, and far too much bloody distance (you sure you don’t want to move to Australia?), we have done it! Flex and Evette’s story is now out there for everyone to enjoy. Now on to the next book! Love you Beb!

    I’d also like to thank Cris, Kristi, Leah and Trudy who welcomed us into their writing world when we were a little bit lost. They encouraged us to find our own voices and characters. Once I learned to have a little more faith in myself I created the character of Evette. There are many others in the online writing world who have supported and helped us along the way. Far too many to list, but they know who they are.

    Special thanks to Georgina Penney for her advice and wisdom, and of course her tireless work bolstering my ego. She did a lot of the hard work, going through the publishing process before us and shared her learnings, which has made the process far smoother for us. Not to mention she is an amazing lady and a kick ass writer herself!

    Last but far from least, I want to thank my husband and two beautiful boys. For my precious man, I could not have done this without your love and support. It hasn’t always been smooth sailing but you are my world and I love you more than words. To my beautiful boys, thank you for letting me have some Mummy time to write. You will always be the best things I was part of creating. I love you, my little men.

    J. M. Henrickson



    Chateau – a small French castle


    Kankelários – Chancellor

    Mi̱téra – Mother

    Poppy Tears – milky substance acquired by scoring the seed pods of certain strains of poppies. The white sap called tears is what is used to produce heroin.

    Sýnkli̱tos – Council

    To Pi̱gádi tou Anáxioi - The Well of the Unworthy.


    STFU – Shut the fuck up

    "Siren maidens hark and mark mine words... one that dwells amongst you hath stolen what ‘twas mine. Now thy all shall partake in mine grief and sorrow, for thou art henceforth cursed from this day forward. No longer shall thy beautiful song call upon thy true mate, for tis thy fate to live only so long as males who hear thy song fail to pass by. When a male hears your perfidious song, he shall be bewitched by the melody and will be dragged to a self-chosen fate. Those Sirens whose song poured from their honey-tongued throats yet failed to lure males to their deaths shall turn into the very rock upon which they stand. None shall recall what thou once were and thou shall destroy any who may be birthed with a true mate’s song..."

    The Codex


    Flex growled viciously as he focused on the malevolent soul contained within the piece-of-shit human that was currently trapped in the confines of his powerful wings. Flex’s usually bright green eyes had transformed into dark bottomless pits as black flames surged from their depths and poured into the eye sockets of his oh so lucky prey.

    You just won the Loto fucktard! A one way, all expenses paid, trip to the scorching fires of fucking hell! As the flames began to suck the soul from the drug dealing prick his feeble human body began to twitch and jerk uncontrollably.

    Not too bright are you? Don’t you know that you should never squat where you live, dumbass?

    The human male began screaming at the top of his lungs, exposing his rotting teeth. Flex caught a whiff of his foul breath; it was as if his mouth were filled with decaying carcasses, one of the lovely side effects of using Meth. Flex clamping his strong hand tightly over the human’s mouth had a twofold effect, one to shut him up and two to cut off the offending stench.

    Shut it you worthless piece of shit! Your kind makes me sick! Flex spat out. You don’t give a rat’s ass about anyone but yourselves. News flash asshole!! YOU AREN’T THE ONLY ONES LIVING HERE!!!!

    The human’s eyes grew wide in horror, his skin beginning to turn grey as the evil he had wrought upon others in his lifetime was now turned against him tenfold. At least YOU won’t be ruining anymore lives with the shit you sell!

    With one final violent jerk the body stilled, its final breath wheezing out of its lungs. The last of its black soul left through the now empty eye sockets and disappeared into Flex’s. Without its evil soul to sustain it, the now lifeless corpse had turned black as pitch, as if it had been burnt to a crisp in a searing fire. The body cannot live without the soul, something Flex knew better than anyone. He was the Soul-Taker, an executioner of evil… for a price.

    Flex smirked as he opened his massive cream coloured wings; the motion causing the black lifeless form to crumble into a pile of sooty ashes at his feet. One less scumbag in the world, he thought, Boo-fucking-hoo.

    As he stepped over the pile of ashes, his wings collapsed back into their slots on either side of his spine to a faint chorus of mechanical whirs and clicks. Flex began searching the dingy apartment from one end to the other looking for the tools of the now deceased’s trade, the drug trade to be exact. Flex had been hired to take out the meth dealer who had been centred in New York City. He wasn’t a big league player by any stretch, and by the looks of his apartment, which was a filthy dump, he sold just enough to keep himself supplied with the shit. The bastard’s meth had been the cause of many deaths including his client’s teenage daughter, who had run away from home and then found herself involved in some heavy shit. She ended up purchasing some of the meth that this fucker sold on the streets and wound up six feet under. Understandably, her father wanted revenge and wanted the bastard stopped… permanently, and he was willing to pay handsomely for it. That’s where Flex came in, and he was only too happy to oblige.

    Flex rifled through the closet and the dresser drawers in the dealer’s bedroom but came up empty handed. Next he pulled the rickety old dresser away from the dirty wall. Hello!! What do you know, there were several bags of crystal meth taped to the back of the dresser. Not a very secure place to hide the shit but hey! When one was in is a pinch anything will do!

    Finding several more stashes throughout the apartment, Flex took it all with him into the bathroom that was so filthy Flex wouldn’t even take a piss in it. He tore the bags open and dumped their contents into the toilet bowl, then flushed the shit down the drain. And how appropriate was that? he thought.

    Why the fuck anyone would want to put that nasty shit in their bodies is beyond me.

    As Flex made his way out of the apartment, he picked the dealers cell phone up off the floor where he had dropped it when Flex barged in. Oh and look! No passcode!! How considerate of the motherfucker!! This drug dealer was truly a piece work. Scrolling though the contacts on the phone he discovered that it was all in some sort of code. Maybe the fucker wasn’t so stupid after all, thought Flex. He’d bet dollars to donuts that one of the contacts was the manufacturer the dealer bought his shit from. Flex would call his brother later and then send him the phone. If anyone could figure it out it was his brother, Luci.

    Digging his iPhone out of his front pocket, Flex fired off a text to his client letting him know that the deed had been done and that he could rest knowing that not only had his baby girl been avenged but also that the dealers business was now permanently closed. His phone immediately chimed with a return text informing him that his client was grateful beyond words and that he hoped the dealer suffered greatly. He then sent a second text saying that he would transfer the agreed upon fee to Flex’s business account immediately. Satisfied Flex disappeared his phone into his front pocket as he stepped out of the dealer’s dumpy apartment, closing the door behind him.

    Needing to make a quick exit before the authorities showed up, Flex walked briskly to the stairwell at the end of the hallway and opened the metal door. When he entered the dank concrete stairwell his nostrils were assaulted with a putrid olfactory cocktail of piss and vomit mixed with booze. God humans were such disgusting creatures! he thought with disgust. Flex held his breath to keep from gagging on the offensive odours. This was definitely one instance where he didn’t appreciate his superior sense of smell. Taking the steps to the rooftop two and three at a time with his long legs, he then pushed open the rusty old door and walked across the roof to the edge. He scanned the area looking for any prying eyes and when he was satisfied there were none, he extended his wings from their slots in his back. The air around him once again filled with quiet mechanical whirs and clicks as his wings opened and spread to their full 9 foot expanse. Flex rolled his shoulders then took a few quick steps back from the edge, paused for a moment then made a running jump off the roof of the apartment building. His body dove for just a moment before his wings caught an upward draft allowing him to glide silently for a few moments before he began the graceful flapping motion needed to keep him airborne, just as his real ones had done so very long ago. Flex took great comfort and gratitude in the mechanical sounds his wings made, he had been wingless like all Fallen until fairly recently, because of two very old, very dear friends. Thanks to them after countless centuries on earth Flex no longer mourned the loss of his real wings, for his new ones were far superior. Flex Sefiroth the only Fallen Angel who could fly.

    Making his way through the night sky above a sleeping New York City, Flex was ever watchful for any who might spot him. It was extremely important that Flex not be seen coming or going. It would be hard enough to explain his romping around outdoors in the middle of the night, in winter no less, naked from the waist up. Trying to explain away the long vertical slits in his back that ran parallel to his spine would be near impossible. Humans were a suspicious lot as it was, having them see things that weren’t easily explained away would make them even more suspicious.

    Arriving at his temporary home at Langham Place on Fifth Avenue, he landed silently on the rooftop some 60 stories above street level then retracted his wings and collected his shirt and jacket from where he had hidden them before he left earlier that evening. When Flex was working he never wore clothing on his upper body. He very much liked fine quality clothing and having wings that came in and out of ones back tended to wreak havoc on one’s wardrobe. Digging into the inner breast pocket of his leather jacket Flex brought out his Raybans and put them on. Black eyes would also be very difficult to explain away.

    Now fully dressed and eyes hidden he used the roof entrance to the stairwell and quickly descended to his floor then hurried down the long luxurious hallway to his room. Thankfully he encountered no one, but that shouldn’t have been surprising seeing how it was the middle of the night. People did sleep at night, even in cities like New York!

    With his job now completed it was time to pack his things and get out of New York. He had no other jobs lined up at the moment which was fine with him. He had been working pretty steadily for the past several months, so he could pretty much go where ever he wanted, the question was… where? After grabbing a cold Corona out of the fridge in his hotel suite Flex sat down at the walnut dining table in one of its matching chairs and spread his well-used maps out over the table top.

    So where to?

    Blinking a few times, Flex took off his sunglasses and rubbed his burning eyes. He knew they were pitch black from this evenings work and would remain so for a several hours yet, which meant they would burn until they had returned to normal, one of the downsides to his Heavenly gift. The taking of souls from evil beings could have even more downsides than just eyes that became sore black pits. Flex could also become deathly pale, weak, sick to his stomach and even feverish. The blacker the soul, the worse the side effects became. Human souls were processed more quickly than immortal ones. Luckily, tonight’s meth dealer was only human and hadn’t been too bad, which meant Flex would be fine by the time he would need to get a cab to the airport, if he could decide where he was going first that is.

    Flex’s eyes travelled over Europe landing in southern France near Marseille where his family lived, the place he had called home for over eleven centuries. He hadn’t been home for several months and knew that that was where he should go, his brother Luci’s phone calls and text messages continually asked when Flex was coming home. True, he missed his brother and his mate Gabrielle, as well as their two young Lucien and Antoinette, but Flex had been working steadily and needed some down time of the single male kind. His eyes darted upwards and paused over Paris, his favourite city. Paris was filled with so much beauty and history, plus the exquisite food and wine. Not to mention all those lovely French Mademoiselles who would willingly spread their legs for him! Ooo la la!! Flex looked down at the crotch of his pants as its contents stirred and sprang to life tenting the camo fabric.

    Yeah, I know you’re hungry! Neither of us has been fed for quite a while. So what say we put this fast to an end, hmm?

    Flex took a long swallow of his beer then looked at his maps once again; his eyes going straight back to Paris.

    Mmmmm... you up for some French cuisine, mon ami?

    Flex’s cock jerked eagerly behind the zipper of his pants as if in response. I’ll take that as a OUI! Paris it is then!

    Reaching over to the dining chair beside him and into his worn leather backpack Flex dug out his iPad and fired it up. He checked for flights, and to make sure that the money from his client had indeed been placed in his account, and sure enough there it was. Before logging off, he made sure to cut off his latest client’s access to it then began his search for available flights. Sure Flex could fly but he had too much shit to carry and Paris wasn’t exactly just around the corner. Flex quickly scanned the list of possible flights. He knew that to arrive in Paris at a decent time he would have to wait until the following evening to catch a flight. Which was fine, it would give his eyes plenty of time to clear up and let him get some rest.

    Flex spotted a flight at 9:30pm the following night that would arrive in Paris at 10:05am the morning after. Perfect! He booked an aisle seat in business class as always because leg room on airplanes, or anywhere for that matter, was paramount when you are nearly seven feet tall. Paying with his credit card, he then finished off his beer while booking a deluxe room in his favourite hotel in Paris, the Hôtel Agora Saint Germain. The rooms were nice and clean, the beds were big and comfortable, and the hotel’s location was the perfect place to access just about everything.

    With his travel plans and hotel booked and paid for Flex dug his cell phone out of his front pants pocket and called his dearest friend, his brother by choice, Luci. He smiled when he heard that familiar rich baritone on the other end.

    Hey my brother!!

    Flex! It is good to hear from you, mon frère! You finished in New York yet? Everything go alright? asked Luci.

    Yeah everything went fine, just finished. As he spoke Flex picked up the meth dealer’s cell phone and scrolled through the contacts list again. Flex spoke practically every language there ever was and what was on the cell phone made no sense to him whatsoever. Seems as if most of his profits went into his own veins, but the scumbag had to have purchased his shit from someone, he was too small potatoes. There is no way he could be the manufacturer as well as the dealer. I grabbed his cell phone for his contacts thinking it may lead me to the manufacturer but it’s in some sort of bizarre code, never seen anything like it. You up for a challenge?

    Anything for you Flex, you know that. Send it to me, or better yet get your ass home with it yourself!!

    I’ll be sending it; I need some male down time before I come home, if you get my meaning brother. Flex smirked knowing Luci would know exactly what he meant. Centuries before Luci was mated, the two males were quite inseparable. They would often go out drinking and then find a female or two who more than eagerly parted their thighs for them, often even sharing them in the same bed. They left many a female lying in bed blissfully exhausted after a Flex and Luci Suck and Fuck Fest! Their friendship and bond spanned well over eleven centuries, there were no secrets between them and no one knew the other better. Flex looked down at the palm of his right hand and the scar it bore. Centuries before they had cut their palms and sworn a blood oath to one another, an oath they both took very seriously. A concoction of Luci’s dark magic and herbs were then ground into the deep wound ensuring healing and scaring. It was the only scar to mark Flex’s muscular body and he bore it proudly.

    Luci laughed, Yeah, I hear you, my brother. Just get your ass home soon, we all miss you. Ani asks every day when her Oncle Flex is coming home.

    Give her Majesty a kiss for me and tell her I will be home very soon.

    That I will. Take care my brother.

    I always do Luci, you too. See you soon.

    Placing his phone down on the table on top of his maps, Flex stood up and stretched his long body then headed into the spacious white marble bathroom for a long hot shower. He would order some room service and do his packing afterwards, then get some sleep before he had to be at John F. Kennedy International Airport for his flight to Paris the next evening.


    Late the following morning Flex disembarked at the Aéroport Paris–Charles de Gaulle twenty-five kilometers northeast of Paris. He passed through security without any trouble thanks to Luci’s dark magic that shrouded his mechanical wings and his precious set of twin daggers. The daggers were a gift from Luci a long time ago. A gift to help keep him safe in the centuries before Flex regained his wings. They were from Ancient Greece, the handles ornately carved and inlaid showing great Greek battles, the blades themselves had been treated with Luci’s dark magic to preserve them and keep them forever sharp. Flex never went anywhere without them.

    After he collected his large leather duffle bag from the baggage carousel he headed outside of the terminal to hail a taxi to take him to his hotel located in the heart of Paris.

    Climbing in the backseat with his leather bag and backpack Flex told he driver where to take him. Hôtel Agora Saint Germain s’il vous plait Monsieur.

    Bien sûr, Monsieur.


    By the time he travelled to his hotel from the airport, checked in and got himself settled into his room it was time to head out to find his favourite meal in the city of love, the Parisian hot-dog. The fresh baked baguette, European wiener, Gruyere cheese topped with generous dollops of French mustard… there was nothing else like it in the world.

    Stopping first at the Hôtel de Ville’s post office on Rue de Rivoli, Flex boxed up and mailed the meth dealer’s cell phone to Luci before heading out to find himself a street vendor to purchase his lunch from.

    Finding one nearby, Flex dug his wallet out of his pocket. Bonjour, je voudrais un hot-dog et un café noir, s’il vous plait Monsieur. Flex ordered his hot dog and black coffee in flawless French.

    Flex paid the middle-aged gentleman, took his meal from him and walked the short distance to the Place du Marché des Innocents to cop a squat on the ledge of the Fontaine des Innocents, the oldest monumental fountain in Paris and a favourite of Flex’s. It was the perfect spot to get reacquainted with his favourite city and to enjoy his treat.

    Biting into his hot-dog Flex inwardly groaned as the delicious flavours exploded inside his mouth. He hadn’t realized how much he had missed this city, he’d definitely been away far too long. Neither the lingering winter chill in the air nor the light dusting of snow beneath his leather boots could ruin this reunion. Flex absolutely adored Paris.


    After finishing his savoury meal, Flex sat for a while just watching the hustle and bustle of such an amazing city. He didn’t fail to miss all the sexy little French derrières swinging past him either!

    As Mr. Happy rose to the occasion, the sweetest sound he had ever heard drifted over to him and wrapped itself around him like a warm fuzzy blanket. Flex gasped slightly as the sensation coursed through him, hardening him even further. The sound cradled him in what could only be described as comfort… and love. Closing his eyes and inhaling deeply, a feeling of peace came over him as the lingering effects of the soul he had consumed the night before completely dissipated... it was absolutely heavenly. How strange he thought. He had never felt anything like it.

    Cocking his head slightly to one side Flex focused on the sound. It was a woman’s voice, clear and enchanting, almost bewitching and it drew him in somehow.

    Flex looked around at the people milling about but they didn’t appear to hear it. How could they not pause to listen to such a beautiful voice? Panning his eyes about again he sought out its source but the sound began to drift away causing him to rise quickly to his feet and follow. But he managed to only walk a scant few blocks before the sound completely disappeared.

    Noooo… Fuck no! It’s gone!!

    His sudden outcry drew the attention of passersby and earned him some strange looks, which he completely ignored. Flex was accustomed to being looked at, he was well aware of his angelic good looks in addition he was also nearly seven feet tall, but Flex was not a prideful or conceited male by any means. Over the years he had become very good at ignoring the attentions of others unless they were wanted, which was rare.

    Panicked, Flex spun in a circle listening for any trace of that beautiful voice, then stopped moving completely and stood perfectly still. He calmed himself then closed his eyes and listened for even the faintest trace of the sound. Angel’s possessed superior hearing, as well as their other senses, and were able to filter through all other sounds to find just one... but that sweet voice was nowhere to be found. His heart sank; without even understanding why he just knew he had to find the source of that heavenly sound. As Flex continued to search and listen he was completely unaware of how much his life was about to change…


    Spending the next few days frantically searching for that beautiful voice, Flex completely forgot about the reasons he had gone to Paris in the first place, those being food, wine and sex. He was becoming akin to an addict suffering through withdrawal, he felt twinges of panic; something he hadn’t felt since he had first became a Fallen and had been thoughtlessly discarded like trash. He couldn’t explain it, but he simply had to find who that voice belonged to. Nothing else seemed to matter, and he was not giving up until he found it.

    Groaning in frustration, Flex turned down yet another street hoping that this was where he would find her.

    Please let me find her... please... he pleaded desperately.

    And that was when he heard it, that sweet voice wafted over to him, caressing his ears and wrapping around him as it had before. He felt all of his frustration and panic bleed out of him as that alluring sound enveloped him. Flex let the sound guide him along the ancient cobblestone streets until he found himself standing in front of an old bookshop. The painted sign above the wood and glass store front identified it as La Fontaine Livres. The door was slightly ajar even though it was winter and the sound was coming from within.

    Climbing the three shallow stone steps to the door, Flex placed his hand on the worn wood and cautiously eased it fully open to allow him to peer inside. The bookshop was filled from floor to ceiling with books and smelled of old leather and parchment mixed with fresh rich coffee. It smelled absolutely wonderful! The singing pulled his attention to the right and there standing on a small wooden ladder near an old wooden storefront counter reaching high over her head was a vibrant red head, and she was singing! It was even the same song her had heard her sing before. He recognized it from the radio.

    As the woman began to teeter on the old ladder, Flex responded as if by instinct and quickly ducked into the shop. In the blink of an eye he was at her side reaching for her to prevent her from falling, his hands encircling her curvaceous waist making the young woman gasp in surprise.

    Careful Miss. Let me do that for you, I wouldn’t want you to fall. My apologies if I frightened you. Cautioned Flex in French.

    The redhead replied also in French. Merci Monsieur, I surely would have fallen if you had not entered my shop. Now how may I serve you?

    Flex’s dark eyebrows lifted at her obviously unintentional but very suggestive and submissive question; Flex possessed a dominant personality and that innocent question had him of full alert. You can start by coming down off that rickety old ladder before you break your neck! Here let me help you. instructed Flex, still keeping to French.

    With his hands still on her shapely hips, Flex easily lifted her off the ladder but as soon as her feet touched the floor, she quickly spun around out of his grasp and retreated back a few steps. Flex’s heart stopped, she was an absolute vision! She was fairly tall; perhaps a foot shorter than he was and her skin was as fair and as flawless as the finest porcelain. Her hair looked like thick spun copper silk, and her lips were full and rose coloured. Flex suddenly found that he wanted desperately to bury his hands in her thick tresses and devour those sweet, plump rosy lips. She had an

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