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Katherine's Journey: A first-class ticket to self-discovery
Katherine's Journey: A first-class ticket to self-discovery
Katherine's Journey: A first-class ticket to self-discovery
Ebook103 pages1 hour

Katherine's Journey: A first-class ticket to self-discovery

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Enter a world where everyday routine takes a tantalizing detour into uncharted territory. Katherine is an ambitious woman in her thirties who loves her job but gets off to a challenging start one morning. She ends her tumultuous relationship over breakfast, misses her train, and a downpour soaks her on the way to a crucial meeting.

However, her day takes an unexpected twist when she finds herself embarking on a journey filled with sultry surprises. Caught in a sensual maelstrom, Katherine, usually so in control, suddenly finds herself being led by her previously untapped erotic desires.

This titillating tale is a transformative journey from normalcy to the realm of wild abandon, portraying Katherine's exploration of the depths of her own sensuality and pleasure. "Katherine's Journey" is a testament to the power of spontaneity and the unforeseen, unraveling an intoxicating exploration of female desire and liberation.

Expect heart-racing suspense and a sensory overload as you navigate the unanticipated turns of Katherine's odyssey. This journey takes you from a rain-soaked morning rush to the discovery of a secret world hidden in plain sight, a world that promises and delivers breathless pleasure and erotic freedom.

"Katherine's Journey" is an adult tale that pushes boundaries and dares to delve into the alluring depths of untamed passion and self-discovery. This novella isn't just about a woman's erotic awakening; it is a journey into the core of desire itself. Hold on tight, because once you step onto Katherine's path, there's no turning back.

This book contains explicit content and is suitable for adults only.

Release dateMay 18, 2023
Katherine's Journey: A first-class ticket to self-discovery

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    Book preview

    Katherine's Journey - Francoise Du Roy


    THE MORNING WAS already proving to be a rough one. Our cramped kitchen felt like a prison as it reverberated with the powerful emotions of a heated argument.

    I stood across from my boyfriend, our eyes locked in a fierce battle. It was obvious he had consumed way too many drinks last night. He’d been on a night out with his football mates, and was as drunk as the proverbial skunk when he crawled into our bed at four in the morning, and he smelt as pungent as one.

    My hands balled into fists and my jaw clenched tight as I looked him in his red-rimmed eyes. We were both exhausted, but I was determined to put my foot down. I just hoped he would listen. My eyes never wavered from his as I let out a heavy sigh and spoke. I tried to keep my voice even and steady, but it shook with the force of the emotions within me.

    I thought back to the days when we first met, and how easy it had been to be around him, but that innocence didn’t last. The telltale signs were there all along, but in that honeymoon phase, I was blind to them.

    As the months ticked by, friends told me I deserved better than this, and although I defended him, it was a half-hearted defence. As the months went by, it became increasingly obvious to myself, my family, and my friends, that Frankie was a nice guy but he had some seriously toxic habits.

    As I spoke, his expression shifted from frustration to understanding, and his eyes softened. He nodded, and I let out a sigh of relief. I didn’t realise just how much I had been holding back. This was the beginning of the end, and we both knew it.

    The room was so quiet that I could hear the ticking of the clock that hung on the wall. I kept my gaze steady and firm as I continued, asking him to move out. His expression was stoic and unreadable for a few moments, but then his eyes dropped to the floor and his face fell. He said nothing, but I could sense he understood what I was asking him to do. A wave of sadness washed over me, and I had to take a few deep breaths to get through it.

    I thought about all the happy memories we had made together and how hard it was to say goodbye, even if I knew it was the right thing to do.

    He looked up, his eyes glossy with tears, and he opened his mouth to say something. But no words came out, only a thick silence that hung between us like an invisible barrier. He cleared his throat, trying again, and muttered his understanding of my request. His voice was low and hoarse, but I could make out the words easily. We both knew that this was the right thing to do, but it was still like a heavy weight pressing down on us.

    He stood up and walked away, but paused in the doorway and looked back at me with a sad smile on his face. He nodded one last time, before walking out the door and out of my life.

    THE MORNING SUNLIGHT was now streaming in through the bedroom window as I lay curled up in a blanket on the bed that my boyfriend and I had slept in every night for the last year. I remembered the first time we’d made love in this bed and how amazing he was as a lover; so tender and attentive. He made me feel like I was the centre of the universe.

    I'd met Frank at an office party, and we’d hit it off immediately. After a whirlwind romance, he'd ended up at my apartment almost every night, so it made sense that he move in.

    For the first six months, things had been amazing. Frank was a real party animal, and that was thrilling, and it opened me up to a whole new world of fun. I'm not exactly an introvert, but I am definitely not an extrovert, so his non-stop fun time attitude was intoxicating, and I jumped in with both feet. The problems started when I realised alcohol fuelled his fun-time Frankie persona, with a little cocaine thrown-in for good measure. I enjoyed a glass of wine, or the occasional beer myself, but drugs were something I'd never indulged in, apart from a couple of experimental joints when I was at university.

    Once things went downhill, they seemed to gather momentum. It was like when a kid rolls a snowball down a snow-covered hill. At the top it was just a few flakes of snow that came together, but after a few rolls it takes on that ball shape, and after a few more yards, it is the size of a football and gains a momentum all of its own. By the time it is nearing the bottom of the hill, it weighs more than the child pushing it, and as it hits the bottom, it can take out whatever is in its way.

    That is just how it happened with Frank.

    Initially, I’d give a few hints about his drinking, drug taking, and late nights, but they quickly grew into little lovers tiffs, and once the novelty of the post-tiff shag wore off, the bickering became full-blown rows, which were small and pretty infrequent, but as the months wore on they were increasingly regular, until they finally become a daily occurrence, or often several times a day. Over the last week, the rows had become so big that even if we were not in the middle of a row, there was always an elephant in the room.

    And our once little snowball had now become big enough to destroy our relationship, and that’s how I had ended up curled up in the fetal position clutching a wet handkerchief. The argument had been long and loud, full of accusations and hurtful words. Each of us had said things we could never take back, and it was clear that our relationship was over.

    I had already discussed my issues with Frank to death, but he brought up things about me he’d never said before. He ranted on about me being cold and frigid, and how our lovemaking had become an act so tedious that he would rather traverse a barren desert with only the scorching sun as his companion than make love to me. Frank had always been good at a romantic turn of phrase that could transform me into a soppy mush in just a few words, but now he was turning that into a weapon to use against me with devastating effect.

    He went on talking about how when we were having sex he would think of other women, and that he thought all I wanted was basic cuddling, and that I was unwilling to do anything else. He talked about how my idea of love making was vanilla flavoured, whereas what he wanted was mango, passion fruit and strawberry. It was all poetic crap. He knew his way with words had worked in the past, but comparing my love making to flavourings was just typical Frankie bullshit, and was definitely not going to change my mind this time.

    I was shocked, as I always thought our lovemaking was one of the best bits of our relationship, but I was clearly wrong. Yes, I drew the line at anal and threesomes, both things that Frank had suggested, but I had occasionally sucked him off, and we’d made love whilst watching a porn movie once, which I have to admit, was very adventurous for me. Seeing two women and a man contorting on the 60 inch flat screen TV, whilst we made love on the Kashan silk rug I’d bought from Harrods, was the nearest I was ever going to get to a threesome.

    His view of our lovemaking and my view were poles apart.

    I felt a deep sadness wash over me as I remembered all the good times we'd had together — the little trips away, the laughs, the hugs - were they all lies too. But whether or not they were real, it had been a long time since I'd experienced

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