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Worth the Wait
Worth the Wait
Worth the Wait
Ebook327 pages5 hours

Worth the Wait

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It may be an old fashioned solution but the problem created by the death of the Blacks gave Jake, Gabby and Blake no time to find a modern solution. Time was not in their favor. Blake married Gabby to save her future as well as his best friend Jake's career in the Marines. He never knew though that decision would alter his life forever. Gabby had grown up in her own world as a super brain in a small western town. Yet she was the ultimate compliment to her new special forces husband. Gabby knew she loved her husband but could she ever convince him to see her as everyone else did and love her as a man loves his wife? Will he survive his combat injuries and if he does how will he deal with the life altering injuries? Will their love affair be over before they really had a chance to explore it?

PublisherJB Larody
Release dateJun 17, 2014
Worth the Wait

JB Larody

Hi! First I want to thank every reader who reads or samples one of my books. I hope everyone who reads my writing will email me with their thoughts. I have been writing nearly all my life and have finally decided to chase my own bucket list by e -publishing some of my writing. I love to entertain others and give them a humorous break from their own lives for a little while. I try to vary my stories to keep them unique. Many of my books will have military characters because I believe that military romance is very different and very special and that our service members and veterans deserve to have stories like their own told. I'm a divorced mom and mid-life grad student re- exploring life, love and laughter. Enjoy the stories!

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    Worth the Wait - JB Larody

    Worth the Wait

    JB Larody

    Copyright 2013 JB Larody

    Published by JB Larody at Smashwords

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    I’d like to thank my friends and family that have believed in me and supported my choice to write something a little different.

    I’d like to thank the readers who take a chance on a new author. I hope you will email me at

    I would also like to thank all those who serve today and each and every day as well as all those who have served. As a vet myself I greatly appreciate living in a nation where I have the right to be free.


    Blake stared off into space trying to figure out what to do. How had he destroyed his marriage in less than a year? The incessant ringing of the phone interrupted his thoughts. Initially he ignored it but then answered after all.

    Rocking Moon.

    Blake have you bought your tickets yet?

    What was Jake talking about? It wasn’t time for their annual trip. For what?

    They haven’t called you?

    Who? What are you talking about Jake?

    An inkling of dread crept down his back.

    Balboa called. Gabby’s been in a car accident. She and Beth Morris. Gabby’s on life support. They have her living will but they’d prefer we make the decision.

    Shockwaves rolled through Blake. Dear lord no not this. Just put me on the same flight as you.

    Ok I’ll see you as soon as I get packed.

    Blake nodded in shock dropping the cordless phone to his desk. He looked at his desk drawn to photos of them during happier times.

    Several minutes went by before he was able to go to his room in a stupor and pack his backpack. Looking around their room he’s reminded of her last visit hone - nearly a year ago. How different their relationship had been back then -happy - loving.

    Blake met Jake and Jordan as they pulled up. He could hear the helicopter. Jordan must have called their neighbor Rick. Rick owned several aircraft.

    Five hours later Blake was thankful for his neighbor’s generosity. They’d arrived hours before a commercial carrier could have gotten them from Red River, Wyoming to San Diego.

    Gabby’s doctor met them. The news wasn’t good. Gabby was stable but on life support. And only in an effort to save her unborn child. Blake reeled inwardly in stunned disbelief. What had happened? It’d been nearly five months since the last time they’d made love. Had she cheated on him? Rape? She wouldn’t withhold that from him would she? Had she received the divorce papers and moved on with life? Her stomach was only slightly swollen - hardly enough to be over four months along.

    Blake missed the rest of what the doctor said. Looking up he winced at the look from his lifelong best friend. He knew Jake had pinned Blake’s thoughts on an affair. Jake was obviously offended that Blake would consider such a thing about Gabby. Gabby was Jake’s baby sister and he adored her.

    The doctor brought in the mobile ultrasound to show them the baby. And to reassure them as well that baby Austin as Gabby called him was ok. Blake just looked at how flat his estranged wife’s belly was. Too flat to be his.

    Jake’s cough and pointed look made Blake turn to the monitor. There it showed the very distinct Morgan family jaw. The baby was his! So why had she kept it from him? Was it because of their original marriage of convenience agreement said no children? That he’d never voiced his love for her? Or was it because of the stupid divorce papers he’d sent? Good god what had he done?

    Blake stood to stretch. He was exhausted but he couldn’t leave her side. Two weeks since the accident and no signs of recovery. Would she never hear his love? Would he be raising their child alone? For after her there was no one for him.

    A moan from the bed and the sound of the sheets shifting had him turning. Her eyes were open and she was staring at him in surprise and fear. Dear lord help them. Gabby had no reason to fear him.

    Chapter 1

    Eight Years Earlier....

    As she waited the arrival of family and friends Gabby roamed the house she’d known all her life. Her parents had the attic converted years ago to a master suite. Gabby wasn’t ready to go up there just yet. So she stayed on the second floor. Here there were six bedrooms and four baths. Gabby smiled over many remembered fights. The guest room had its own bath and Gabby had her own. The boys had to share the remaining two. There had been some real drag out fights over why she got her own.

    Gabby went to Jake’s room first as it was the closest to her’s. He’d changed it little since childhood. His room reminded her of the outdoors with the walls in dark green and wood paneling. The bedding and curtains in dark blue. His queen size bed sat in the middle flanked on either side by night stands he’d built in shop class. His footlocker sitting at the foot of the bed. His two dressers littered with photos of his favorite memories. Gabby smiled through her tears at many of the photos as she remembered better times.

    She swallowed hard at the feelings evoked when she saw the photos with Blake in them. Especially the one of her and Blake horsing around at the swimming hole shortly before the guys left for Okinawa. Blake was Jake’s best friend since they were babies. About a year ago she’d come to realize she felt something more for him than just a defacto fifth brother.

    Jake had lived on his own ranch Double Black for four years now. But at their mom’s request he had kept his room here and often stayed over. She could still smell his cologne. Even after all these months it still lingered in the air in the room. No surprise since the room was kept closed off in his absence.

    Opening his closet she found a handful of shirts hanging up as well as spare cammies. Gabby smiled at friendly arguments between her brothers over whether the camouflaged utility uniform was called cammies or BDUs. Over the years she’d rolled her eyes at the different names the different branches called the exact same thing. But now that she’d chosen to follow Jake and John in to the Corps. like her parents Gabby had begun to use the Marine terms.

    Jake had copied many of his service books before heading overseas for her to study. Above his desk were some of his early awards in the Corps. Jake was proud of his time in the Marines. Gabby laughed at the memory of the girls at school a few years ago drooling over Jake and Blake in their uniforms. Both men were 6'5" flat footed. And both broad shouldered and solid lean muscle. Two very imposing figures.

    Wandering over to Mike’s room across the hall she found it nearly identical to Jake’s. Except Mike had photos of his long term girlfriend and fiancée Angel up everywhere. Angel had been the cop to break the news to Gabby of her parents death. Mike hadn’t moved out despite being the oldest because he’d been traveling the world over with the Army since before his eighteenth birthday.

    He and Angel were saving for their own ranch. Though they wanted to buy in Texas. Mike had left most of his things here when he’d left a year earlier for the DMZ. Mike as the oldest had left before Gabby had turned three. She barely knew him. Her memories were entirely limited to his visits home. Usually once or twice a year. He tried to come home at Christmas and during one of the busy times here at the ranch.

    On her way out of the room to head over to Dan’s room she was surprised to see a casual collage of photos in a frame near Mike’s door. It included pictures of her.

    Like Mike, Dan hadn’t moved out either. He wanted to buy a houseboat and live off the coast of Washington state. Their mom had always supported their dreams no matter how crazy. She’d just told Dan he should look for land with a large lake. She believed that he couldn’t be denied regular access to his beloved horses. Gabby had only been five when Dan had left to join the Navy.

    He’d once taken her aboard ship during a family day when she was nine. Gabby had overheard a conversation between three maintenance techs dealing with corrosion issues resulting sea spray and salty air. Gabby a chemistry wiz had offered suggestions to try. Everyone had begun to laugh till Gabby had written the chemical analysis on a piece of paper. And had accurately predicted the rates of corrosion for various variables such as weather and air time. And she’d written down how her suggestions might help.

    Dan had been mortified. Later he’d asked her how come she couldn’t be normal. From then on he’d for the most part avoided her . But he had forwarded letters of thanks from the three techs. As well as a formal letter of appreciation and recommendation from their CO. Her parents had been proud as they were staunch supporters of serving your country. And in their family at least one four year tour was not an option it was mandatory. But they did let you pick the branch. Gabby smiled wryly. Unfortunately the incident and Dan’s words had just hammered home how even within her immediate family she was still a freak child.

    Last she went to John’s room he was the third son. He’d chosen the Marines as well. His company was actually on a six month float right now. Jake had mentioned in an email recently that John and Dan were on the same ship. He’d seen both during a recent mission. John was the quiet and reserved member of the family. Gabby had been seven or eight when he’d left for boot camp.

    He’d married another Marine several years ago. She’d been killed two years ago in a plane crash. She’d been seven months pregnant. Their twins had died shortly after birth. John had never really gotten over it. Devastated he’d buried them here in the family plot on the back portion overlooking the mountains. He’d yet to smile or laugh since their deaths.

    All of her brothers were tall, dark broad shouldered men. Dan and Mike green eyed with dark brown hair. John and Jake blue eyed with light brown hair. Like Gabby, John had streaks of red running through his hair. All were at least 6'4. Gabby was 5'7 by the time she was fourteen and the family had often joked about how tall she would be. Their mom had only been 5'6".

    Returning to her own room Gabby sat on her bed with the mini scrapbook she and her mom had put together after Christmas. They hadn’t known it would be the last time the family was ever together again. Gabby smiled faintly at the pictures of her, Jake, Jordan and Blake. Her mom had teased her about her crush on Blake. Gabby had gasped in shock. Her mom had just laughed.

    Laying on her side Gabby curled up hugging her pillow as the tears came again. What would happen to her? She’d graduated high school and was in her third year of college. She was a paid tutor in the local school system. But she was still sixteen having had her birthday not long ago. Where would she live? What would happen to the family ranch? Jake was her legal guardian now. But he was assigned to Okinawa. Would they let her go over there for the last seven months of his tour? Would the state leave her be? Or would she be forced to go into a home until she could enlist?

    Gabby cried herself to sleep. She woke late. The foreman had opted to let her sleep vs. seeing if she was up to working that day. Gabby never indulged in self-pity. But right now she was just too depressed to care. Her future was completely in the hands of others. A very solemn mood had begun to prevail at the ranch.

    The next evening her brothers and their significant others began to arrive. As did other family and friends. Jake wasn’t scheduled to fly in for another day. Dan, Mike and John were already arguing over what to do with the ranch and Gabby. They all acted as if she were an unwanted burden. While she’d never been close to them she was still stunned at how they were treating her. It was as if they resented her presence.

    Gabby was determined to stick it out until it was time to pick up Jake. After that she would split and go to her favorite hiding place until it was time for the viewing and burial. It was clear that she wasn’t wanted. Her brothers’ attitudes towards her only deepened her grief. They cared more about how to split the ranch than her! Their only concern where she was concerned was that they weren’t responsible for her.

    Jake and Blake were the last to arrive. Gabby met their flight and brought them back to the ranch. She’d never been a talker but both men noted her unusual subdued mood. Gabby answered all their questions in five words or less. It was blatantly clear that all was not going very well. The squabbling had begun instantly. Angel had told Mike about Gabby going into foster care. Now they were up in arms over who’s responsibility she was.

    An hour after Gabby dropped Jake and Blake off at the house she disappeared. Hours afterward Mike confronted Jake about a note found in Gabby’s room. Apparently in the midst of the squabbling no one saw her leave with her pack and her gun. Blake silently noted her sax was gone as well. He had a good idea where she had gone.


    I’ll be back in time for the viewing and the funeral. I couldn’t take the fighting any more. Mom and Dad are not even buried yet. The will hasn’t been read. And yet you’re all at each other’s throats like circling vultures. I’m not anyone’s problem. I’m sooo glad to know just how loved I am. I can take care of myself just fine. I’ve already spoken to social services. And you’re all off the hook.

    They aren’t interested in third year college kids with jobs and no place to live. I’m guessing you’re selling mom and dad’s place. I’ll find a place when it sells. I’m sure I can stay with a friend until I can enlist. And then I’ll just need a signature to enlist next year.

    See ya in two days.


    PS It wasn’t my fault mom and dad had an oops all those years after the four of you. I don’t know why you all hate me for it. I never took anything from any of you. Mom and Dad always loved all of us. But at least none of you were the freak child. I didn’t ask to be super smart. I’m sorry that you feel like I’m such a burden.. I’m just your sister. I promise as soon as I enlist I’ll disappear from all of your lives. Thanks for your brotherly support during all this. It’s nice to know you wish I were dead too.

    After reading her note he told Mike to stuff it and called Blake, who came back over. Jake was quick to jump into the fray with his older brothers and their significant others about whose fault it was that Gabby had split. Jake and Blake were both worried. Jake and Blake were the only two who didn’t believe Gabby’s note. They had talked to legal and social services. They knew it was all about age.

    Blake pulled Jake aside briefly. In a low enough voice that no one else would hear him; I’ve an idea where she might have gone. I’m going to see if I can find her and talk to her. A year earlier he’d found her hiding space. He’d assured her it was ok and that her secret was safe with him.

    Jake nodded. I’m going to Double Black.

    Jordan had chosen to follow Jake back to Double Black.

    Blake drove over to his ranch Rocking Moon. There he switched to his horse Black Ivy. He told his foreman he was going for a ride. After about an hour of a roundabout route he saw the small plume of smoke coming from one of his old line shacks. It was July but here in the mountains it still got cold at night. He took his horse to the horse shelter next to the line shack. Her horse Red Thunder was already there and done with his feed bucket.

    Once he settled his horse Blake entered the shack and found her asleep on the bed. Tear tracks stained her cheeks. The tension of the last several days evident in her posture even in sleep. Her glock was in her thigh holster. Her rifle propped up against the wall next to the bed. Her sax on a stand next to the bed.

    Blake was relieved to see Gabby had brought both her rifle and her glock. There had always been the issue of wild animals necessitating the need for her to carry a rifle. But two years earlier the local ranches had been terrorized by a couple of mad militiamen who’d decided to not recognize the government or property lines. They had started out with just killing animal and stealing crops. Plus a few fires. But then they had held one local farmer’s wife and kids hostage and had raped her. After that policy had been that no one rode alone or unarmed.

    Gabby had refused to stop riding alone. She had though convinced her folks to buy her a glock. And Gabby had gotten Jake to teach her to shoot it accurately. Gabby had carried her own rifle since she was seven. Here on the range things were quite different than the big cities.

    The local sheriff had run classes to ensure residents of all ages were carrying legally and could shoot accurately what they owned. As well as how to properly maintain the weapons. And just when they could and couldn’t shoot legally.

    Gabby’s family had an extensive history of military and public service. She was no stranger to guns. Her dad had insisted she learn the harshness of living out on a cattle ranch from an early age. There were lame animals who had to be put down. As well as sick animals to care for. And calves and foals to occasionally help into the world. That the family lived by raising cattle for slaughter. She’d been tagging along since she was four at her father’s heals until she was big enough to work alongside her parents and brothers.

    All that had served her quite well when one of the militiamen calling himself Buck Jones had come up on Gabby one afternoon as she checked part of the family herd. He’d seen her before she saw him. He’d spotted her rifle and had shot at it to scare her; killing her horse Fury. But Gabby had reacted well for a fourteen year old on her own. Gabby had rolled free and then had used Fury as a shield. Her rifle useless Gabby had used her glock to return fire hitting Buck. She’d then used one of the ranches satellite phones to call the main house to call the police.

    Blake had been amazed that Gabby had remained so calm even after she’d been shot. He’d asked her about it once but her response had only puzzled him. It doesn’t bother me because I’d had nothing to lose. Buck Jones had died from his injuries.

    River Red had taken care of the rest of the known group. After that locals had seen Gabby in a new light. She wasn’t just the super brain any more. Most locals still wondered if there were any more of the militia just biding their time. So most farms and ranches still had their crews carry at all times. And any new comers were closely monitored.

    Gently Blake sat on the bed next to Gabby, waking her gently he eased her into his lap. Sleepily she asked Blake? her voice ragged. Looking into his eyes for answers.

    Sweetheart I told you to come to me if you needed someone. Her agony tore at him.

    I couldn’t take it anymore. I’m a person not an imposition. It’s not my fault that mom and dad had an oops late in their 30's.

    I know baby. I know. C’mon over here. Jake and I have a plan to see you through this.

    She leaned further into his arms as he tugged her to where he wanted her. I told you guys in my note...

    He cut her off A lie Gabby. Did you think as your guardian Jake wouldn’t check it all out before he got home? We spoke to legal, our CO and to child services. Which is why we came up with a plan.

    Worried Gabby asked Do they know I lied? She leaned away to look at him briefly, fear evident on her face.

    Nope just Jake and I. And we won’t say a word. He hugged her close. Not stopping to consider his own feelings over holding her like this.

    Wary of this plan she asked And if I don’t go along with your plan?

    Then nothing we take it step by step. And find a different answer. It pained him without reason that she might not consent to be his wife.

    Still wary What’s this plan?

    Marry me. Stunned Gabby leapt out of his lap. Without missing a beat he tried to ease her back into his arms. Stunned she resisted. And when you’re 18 or 19 or settled we have it annulled. It’s in name only. And you’re safe to go on with your life as you want. With no interference from the state or anyone else.

    Blake I can’t do that to you. Gabby stared at him confused shock.

    Why not? I’m offering. Or proposing. He grinned. Gabby continued to stare in her shock.

    What about your girlfriend?

    Don’t have one. To be honest between deployments and working on my master’s I just don’t have time to work on a social relationship. Saying I have a wife back in the states will make my life significantly easier. But maybe I need to be asking about a boyfriend?

    Blake I haven’t tried to date since Billy tried to get me to fix his grades. I spend way too much of my time in class, at work or studying. I’ve no interest in dating. She finally consented to be pulled back into his embrace.

    They sat there for hours talking about the ground rules and the what ifs. The bed had been pushed into the corner of two walls to maximize the space in the small shack. Propped by pillows Blake sat comfortably in that corner with Gabby sitting between his legs leaning back into his chest. His arms draped casually around her. The small wood stove kept it comfortably warm so Gabby pulled just a blanket just loosely across their legs. Blake was amazed how right it felt to lay there with her in his arms.

    Gabby had turned sideways in her sleep but they remained in each other’s arms throughout the night. Jake found them the next morning asleep in each other’s arms. Blake woke as soon as he heard the door ease open. Gabby didn’t wake. Blake signaled Jake to be quiet and that all was ok. Jake mouthed for Blake to bring her at eleven the next morning. Blake just nodded.

    As he rode back Jake knew he and Blake were right in what they were doing. It was obvious by their embrace that both cared about each other. Jake was also sure both would deny anything but sibling like feelings. Jake wasn’t sure if their denial was from embarrassment or confusion. He’d noticed like Jordan over the years that there was a unique bond between Blake and Gabby that defied background and age. But both had always strongly denied it. Chronologically Gabby was significantly younger than Blake. In every other way though they were equals.

    Jake was positive Blake would never push or force Gabby into anything she didn’t want and wasn’t ready for. Jake had recognized Gabby’s crush on Blake months ago before they headed to Okinawa. But he respected her enough to know Gabby was intelligent and mature enough to not let it control her brain. And he was aware that Blake had no idea.

    That brought a smile to Jake’s face. Was there any possibility that something real could come out of this? Laughing Jake shook his head; he had enough to worry about with his own quagmire of feelings for Jordan. He’d noticed her before but had put it off as friendly lust. And shared common interests. But last night though, he’d watched her as she took a couple of his horses through their paces.

    Jordy had wanted to escape her own pain. Like Blake the Blacks had welcomed her with open arms. They’d never had the criticisms for her that her own family had. Watching her as she gracefully moved with the horse as one, had him frozen in shock at the bolt of desire racing through his blood. Then he’d kissed her in the barn after spilling the beans about Blake and Gabby and their faux marriage plans. Her response had not been one of indifference or of sibling like feelings. She had fired his blood in a way he’d never felt before. It was hard to say who had been more shocked.

    When Gabby woke up Blake took her back to his ranch house. There they showered separately. He dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. She dressed in

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