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Seduced by the King
Seduced by the King
Seduced by the King
Ebook126 pages3 hours

Seduced by the King

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Trapped between the worlds of Fae and Mortals, Honey becomes a deity’s pawn in a game of love and war.

About to marry the cruel Kaedric, Honey resigns herself to a life of misery. On the night of her eighteenth birthday, she goes into the Great Wood where the goddess Raya appears to her and gives Honey a choice: marry Kaedric and pay off her family’s debts or wed the Green Man, a mighty Faerie king who has been haunting her fantasies for months.
To escape Kaedric, Honey agrees to marry King Roahre. Sadly, even a marriage to a magical king is full of unexpected revelations. Once their union is consummated, Honey realizes that she’s now part of Raya’s sinister plot.

Can Honey and Roahre’s love survive the ultimate test?

Praise for Kennedy’s The Sorcerer King the Fire Queen
"I read this story in one sitting and couldn't put it down. It's one of my favorite books and will read it again, again and again..."
— Trinity Blacio, Romance Author

Release dateMay 1, 2014
Seduced by the King

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    Seduced by the King - Ana Lee Kennedy

    Seduced by the King

    Book One: The Valhalla Skies Saga © 2014 by Ana Lee Kennedy

    All Rights Reserved.

    This is a work of fiction.

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    Riverdale Avenue Books

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    Cover Design by Insatiable Designs

    Digital ISBN 978-1-62601-092-5

    First Edition May 2014

    An earlier version of this novel was published as The Moon Saga by Faith Bicknell Brown.


    Innocence is such a fragile thing. Love even more so, but Mankind’s hate endures...

    Chapter One

    His emerald eyes mesmerized her, and the hunger within them both excited and frightened Honey. She knew she should not feel this way about a stranger, a man who could not possibly exist.

    He lowered his sinewy body onto hers. His scent, a curious blend of cloves, spices and sunbaked leaves, intoxicated Honey like the heady moonbeam wine her sister, Bella, made. He kneaded her breasts as he kissed from her neck to the valley between them, each touch of his lips fanning tiny flames upon her skin. She gasped as he seized the sensitive peak of one breast and parted her legs with a knee.

    Jerking awake, Honey glanced around. Between her legs, her hot, moist undergarment clung to her, and her pulse pounded in her ears. Her enigmatic lover’s touch remained fresh upon her body, and still smelled of his spicy aroma. Blinking sleepily, she recalled lying down in the grass next to her mother’s goldfish pond, thinking of her upcoming birthday, the late afternoon sun warming her bones.

    A shadow fell over her. Honey turned to find a pair of scuffed leather boots covered in green embers. More fell on the grass and the toes of the boots, winking out like dying fireflies. She swatted the boots, patting out the… Honey paused, frowning. What happened to the fiery green sparks?

    She rubbed her eyes and looked up, sighing nervously upon seeing her cousin. Oh, Shandon! You frightened me. I was…uh…dreaming. Her face grew warm as the details of her vivid dream rushed in on her. I had no idea you had returned.

    He favored her with a roguish grin that made the townswomen helpless against his charms, and his sisters vie for his attention. You were dreaming that you were mashing my toes?

    Honey giggled, feeling ridiculous. I thought I saw green… She shrugged. Never mind. Forgive me. It was silly and childish.

    Your mother sent me to look for you, Shandon said, an amused note in his voice. Our evening meal is ready.

    Honey couldn’t quite meet his eyes. Heat rose in her cheeks again.

    Is something wrong?

    She shook her head.

    Shandon reached down and stroked the top of her head. I heard you murmuring in your sleep, li’l one. Was your dream a bad one?

    Next to her, several large goldfish disturbed the water’s surface. Honey twiddled her fingers in the water, contemplating her dream—or dreams. For the past year, a lover came to her while she slept. The same mysterious man kissed and touched her until she awoke gasping and quivering. Sadly, she could never recall much about him except his riveting emerald eyes, his wondrous touch, and the exquisite sensation of his body upon hers.

    When she would awaken, his scent clung to her clothes and hair. Even the taste of him still lingeredupon her tongue.

    Looking up at her cousin, Honey replied, It wasn’t a bad dream, but it was certainly—unnerving. What did Shandon actually hear? Shame washed over her so intensely that her heart thudded loudly in her ears.

    Her cousin offered his hand. Come, li’l one. Your mother will be wroth with us if we let our food grow cold.

    She allowed him to help her to her feet. Reluctantly, she met his gaze. A knowing smile danced within Shandon’s eyes.

    When did you get back? she asked in hopes the change in discussion would distract him so he wouldn’t notice the intense fire gracing her cheeks. The family assumed you would be gone for a few more days.

    I returned about an hour ago, Shandon replied and tucked her arm into his.

    Did you have any trouble in the Great Woods?

    He chuckled. The Fae folk do not bother me, Li’l One. I’m Shandon the Brave! Shandon the Conqueror!

    Swatting his arm, Honey laughed softly. I missed you, my handsome cousin. It is boring here when you are gone.

    I brought you material for a new dress, he said, offering her a wide smile. What color?

    A bright green like the fields outside the village.

    Oh, how wonderful! I hope it wasn’t too expensive.

    For you, Li’l One, it was worth it.

    She smiled up at him as he led her through the garden. But won’t giving me such a lovely gift make the rest of your lady cousins jealous?

    I brought them each something so that no one would feel neglected or favored above another. He patted her hand snuggled in the crook of his arm. You are so selfless, Li’l One. Perhaps that’s why I do love you so.

    The hoof beats of approaching horses drifted into the gardens. Following the sound, Honey spotted a dark red cap upon one of the riders. She squinted, trying to see better, but as the riders entered the farm’s gate, and there was no doubt as to the identity of the visitors.

    Halting, Honey groaned and stomped her foot. Oh, how I hate it when Mother invites that bore!

    Perhaps tonight we’ll get lucky and Kaedric will choke on a morsel of food.

    Surprise swept over Honey. She looked up into her cousin’s eyes and saw anger and hate?

    Do you truly wish such an ill fate upon another? she asked.

    Growling in irritation, Shandon took a step forward with her. I really do detest that man. His father, Jorgus, isn’t quite as bad, but it’s obvious he desires you to wed Kaedric.

    If Mother has her way, I’ll be Kaedric’s wife by the end of the year.

    Possibly sooner if negotiations go well with Jorgus. The anger in his voice carried on the evening breeze.

    Don’t say that! Honey tried to avoid her distraught tone but failed miserably.

    As they turned up the footpath leading to the house, Honey saw her sister, Callan, run out of the barn to greet their dinner guests.

    You will not marry that pompous ass, Shandon practically snarled. A shiver raced through Honey at the menacing quality in her cousin’s voice. It is my right as the man of the house to choose whom you shall marry.

    My father may be dead, but you will still have to fight my mother, and you know how she is when her mind is made up. Kaedric and his father are the wealthiest in the village. Mother sees Kaedric as the perfect man for me—and an easy way to pay our debts. Fighting a wave of despair, Honey added, Their wealth aside, everyone believes both men are pleasing to the eyes and very charming.

    So is a snake sunning itself upon a pretty rock.


    In the meal room, Maybelle spooned brightly hued berries into small wooden bowls while Honey drizzled wine and cream into each one. Across from them, Amberon their mother, stooped, wrapping a coarse cloth around the handle of a steaming teakettle suspended from a hook above the hearth fire. Their mother turned with the teapot, flashed a triumphant smile at Honey, and walked into a small room used only to entertain guests. Passing through the doorway, her mother’s skirts whispered against the frame like ghostly laughter.

    Honey sighed and made a face at her mother’s departing back.

    Kaedric is pleasing to the eyes, Maybelle said. You should be happy that Mother is negotiating with Jorgus to wed you to his son.

    Kaedric thinks too much of himself, Honey replied. He is too pretty.

    A man cannot be pretty. Maybelle shot Honey an amused glance. He is quite handsome.

    Shaking her head, Honey poured cream into the bowl Maybelle shoved toward her. "If Kaedric dressed like a woman, he could pass as a girl. His skin is too

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