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IT: Pieces in the Dark
IT: Pieces in the Dark
IT: Pieces in the Dark
Ebook587 pages10 hours

IT: Pieces in the Dark

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A story so secret you may not even allow yourself to read it !

One man’s journey from cosmic consciousness into our collective mind, and beyond.
A journey through which he seeks explanations of what IT is, and what IT is not.
With a sceptical perspective he gains an unambiguous understanding of what is really going on.
Discovering how and why the world is in such a mess.
On to managing our collective conscious evolution

Oh and it explains in detail what God is (from an atheistic perspective) - yes really !
It is personal, enthralling, intriguing, funny and
disturbing, and will leave you wondering if this virtuality is in fact reality.

However if you like reading well written story books, that pretend to have all the answers to life’s mysteries, spirituality,
enlightenment, god, conspiracy theories and everything else.
Ones that are vague, ambiguous, pertain to hidden messages, unspoken truths, and yet in the end still leave you looking for answers....

Then I should carry on reading those if I were you, because this one isn't, and it doesn't.

No, honestly you don’t need to know or worry about it all, it will all be fine.
Just put the book down, walk away, someone else will come along and sort it all out.
You will probably be far better off not knowing or understanding anyway, and being or feeling responsible.

Its 450 pages long too, so probably too difficult to read anyway.
There are lots of shorter, better written, and easier to read ones around :-)

After all it is just a story, but it is full of life, love,
questionable humour, and extreme adventures.
So what could you possibly be missing?

It is though, about something you really need to know, and something that is way beyond belief.

PublisherNick Sambrook
Release dateApr 10, 2014
IT: Pieces in the Dark

Nick Sambrook

When I was a boy and in trouble, if the truth was too hard to tell, I would use my imagination and make up a story,This of course never worked.Now I have grown up now, I have learnt, I am in my forties and am wiser.I have lived in many places and seen much of the worldNow I have responsibilities that I did not have thenYet there are some things a boy should never grow out of Or ever give up trying to do with all his heartThere are some things that need to be told and some things you need to know, and sometimes a story is the best way to do thatI have made the effort to write these things down as best I can.All you need to do is read it all with an open mind.

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