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The Politics of Passion
The Politics of Passion
The Politics of Passion
Ebook295 pages4 hours

The Politics of Passion

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Jenny and Frank had run away to Kingsmill, (see The Price of Passion) a small coastal town in the west of England where they could find peace. They brought with them their experience of the sex industry and the swinging scene and when they took over a small hotel, it was to cater to a very select clientele.
Ably assisted by Charlotte, who Jenny had known before and Bronwyn, a fiery Welsh redhead, their hotel soon obtained a reputation among the country’s swingers that was to guarantee success. The only problem was maintaining the secret of their success from the local population.
After five years in Kingsmill, Jenny and Frank were accepted by the local business community, most of whom were invited to their wedding. The night before the wedding, Jenny and Frank attended a meeting to see what the local council had been up to and to question their motives. Frustration and annoyance made Jenny stand up and address the meeting, much to Frank’s concern.
The response to Jenny’s criticisms started a groundswell of opinion that was impossible to control. Much to the council’s surprise an unstoppable call went out to Jenny to stand for election herself. She declined and left the meeting arm in arm with Frank to walk home. The talk was about their wedding the next day.
Back at the meeting, the local paper reporter had asked all the party leaders for comment. Clive Allen, leader of the Kingsmill Independence Party was certain he had found the candidate for his party that could win a seat on the Council. In trying to recruit her, he couldn’t know that he would fall in love and begin a political life that would exceed all his expectations.
Trevor Appleby, the Leader of the Council and regular visitor to public toilets in a town twelve miles away, was determined to ruin Jenny at the polls. It never occurred to him that his own foibles would return to haunt him. Especially when he lost the loyalty of a close colleague who had discovered his secrets. Armed with information from a disgruntled employee, Frank and Jenny were able to control Appleby’s efforts to cause them trouble.
Fred Winter, leader of the main opposition on the Council, was blinded by his political life to the neglect of his marriage. When his wife began an affair with his mistress, Fred’s fate was sealed.
Retiring police inspector James Walsh was determined to become a councillor. By losing the records of a certain driving offence, he gained the support of Trevor Appleby who reckoned that a former policeman could be useful. Finding out that, after a tip off from Appleby, Jenny and Frank were being investigated by the Inland Revenue, he tried to interfere with the tax inspectors work thinking that he was doing Appleby a favour. Appleby was horrified he would be exposed and James Walsh sealed his fate as a candidate.
Richard Brockenhurst, the tax inspector looking into Jenny’s affairs, was unaware that his life was to change. His sexual problem, that ruined his private life, would be resolved in a most unexpected way. He turned from an official trying to incriminate Jenny to one that tried to exonerate her.
The Politics of Passion reveals the innermost secrets of many well known local politicians and business people in the town of Kingsmill. They came to realise that it wasn’t the secret that worried them but the keeping of the secret.
Lives would be changed and fortunes would be lost as the layers of respectability were stripped away and desires were revealed. But, it wasn’t all bad.

PublisherE L Tracy
Release dateDec 16, 2012
The Politics of Passion

E L Tracy

E L Tracy lives in the UK on the south coast. She has always made up stories first for herself, then for magasine readers and finally for radio listeners.The Price of Passion and its sequel The Politics of Passion, follow the life of Jenny from her eviction at eighteen from the Childrens' home to her later life as she settles down with the man she loves. The story of Jenny is highly charged with erotic content as are many lives today. E L Tracy sees no reason why, when an orgasm occurs we shouldn't be told how it came about and what contributed to it. As she says,“If I were to write a murder mystery, the reader would want more than just X was murdered and Inspector Y caught the murderer. The reader would want to know the why and how for the murder and the method of detection to apprehend the killer. Likewise, it’s not enough to know that an orgasm occurred. We can profit from knowing what created it and how it was done.”E L Tracy hopes that you enjoyed her books and that you will look out for more as they become available..

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    The Politics of Passion - E L Tracy

    The Politics of Passion


    E L Tracy

    Copyright 2012 E L Tracy

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    Jenny and Frank sat in the crowded village hall while pandemonium broke out around them. The meeting, heralded in the local paper as the 'opportunity to meet your local councillors', had turned into a free for all with everyone trying to be heard at once. Trevor Appleby, Leader of the Council, had just sat down and his suggestion, to increase local taxes to fight against the decline in the town's morals, had not been appreciated. While he'd received polite applause from the ladies of the 'Kingsmill Moral Rights Society', they had been drowned out by those who would have to pay.

    Jenny and Frank had been in Kingsmill for just over five and a half years and had enjoyed a modicum of success. They ran a small private hotel, the Wavertree, not an unusual thing to do in the quiet sea-side town. They had however, during that time, managed to conceal that they catered for a very select clientele.

    With discreet and selective advertising, they had built up a very profitable reputation among the swingers of the country. They offered short breaks to those who enjoyed a sexually permissive lifestyle, where they could take pleasure in their fantasies and meet like minded people to enjoy them with.

    Jenny could contain herself no longer and rose to her feet. The chairman brought his gavel down hard and the noise from the crowd lessened as Jenny waited to speak.

    "Mr Chairman, I cannot believe what I have just heard about beautiful Kingsmill. If, as Councillor Appleby says, there are establishments in this town selling pornography, he has a duty to name them. I know of no such places and I suspect, neither does he."

    The audience clapped and shouted and the chairman banged harder than ever for order. Trevor Appleby shifted nervously in his seat.

    When the noise subsided, Jenny went on.

    "It's about time that our councillors realized that they are not elected to promote their own prejudices and bigotry, but are elected to carry out the wishes of the electorate. There are far more pressing matters to be addressed as far as local taxes are concerned. For example, ensuring that the cottage hospital remains open."

    Jenny sat down to tumultuous applause and the councillors on the stage looked even more uncomfortable than before. Only one man smiled and that was Clive Allen, who was representing the Independent Residents of Kingsmill Party. They did not, as yet, have any seats on the council but Clive was sure, if she'd agree, he'd found their first candidate who might win one.

    Frank squeezed Jenny's hand and smiled.

    Now look what you've done, he said, I thought we were coming to listen.

    If he'd had his way they wouldn't be there at all, after all the next day they were to be married. Of the two of them, it was Jenny who had the interest in local politics.

    I know, Frank, Jenny replied, but it does annoy me when people expect us to vote for them and they're not interested in what we want.

    Many people turned to Jenny and congratulated her for saying what she did. The ladies of the Moral Rights Society were appalled, and were the only ones to feel sympathy for Appleby. Trevor Appleby turned to the other people on the stage for support. Mark Wakeford, a Liberal with ambitions to be an MP, avoided eye contact completely. When he was teaching his class in school he knew exactly what would happen and felt in control. Here, the plan had not been adhered to at all and he was ill equipped to think on his feet. Fred Winter, union official at the local bus depot and Leader of the Opposition, was striking his palm with his fist and shouting at people to keep quiet. His sole contribution was to add to the noise.

    One person, the reporter from the Kingsmill Gazette, was busy scribbling shorthand. It appeared, to him, that the support Jenny was getting was more than just a display to annoy the people on stage. He looked, briefly, at Clive Allen who was sitting quietly on the stage, smiling, and resolved to speak to him before the meeting ended.

    Someone shouted, why don't you stand, Jenny, we'd all vote for you, and the idea was greeted by more applause. Jenny smiled and waved her arm while shaking her head. She had never dreamed of becoming a councilor and both she and Frank were surprised at the way people were urging her on.

    The noise showed no sign of abating and it was obvious that the meeting was over. Jenny took Frank’s arm and they made their way towards the exit. After the atmosphere in the hall, the cool night air was a welcome relief and they both breathed deeply as they stepped out into the street.

    They walked home arm in arm, both thinking of the next day. They had lived together since arriving in Kingsmill and, now that Jenny had agreed to marry him, Frank felt on top of the world. Frank had never understood Jenny’s reluctance for them to marry. He knew she loved him, he knew that they loved each other completely and permanently. That was why, he assumed, she had agreed to take his name but, for reasons of her own, she had up to now refused marriage.

    We don’t need to Frank, she had said, everybody looks upon us as a couple.

    She was unable to tell him that it was for his own protection. As time had gone by Jenny was able to believe that the danger they had run away from had ended. Loving him as she did, she had found it harder and harder to say ‘no’.

    The hotel had been closed for two days to allow for the preparations, and Frank was looking forward to having people there again. They had invited a select few of their friends, all of whom had started out as clients, and had promised them a special party after the local people they'd invited had gone home.

    As they walked, Jenny looked up at him and squeezed his arm.

    I hope Charlotte and Bronwyn are all right, it didn't seem fair to leave it all to them.

    Frank returned her squeeze and smiled at her.

    There you go again, we pay them a good wage to do what we ask, they'll be fine.

    I suppose so, said Jenny, but they're more than just employees, we couldn't run the place without them and the guests love them.

    Frank nodded in agreement and they both walked on, deep in thought.

    Bronwyn had come, like Jenny, from an orphanage and had readily settled in to this unusual way of life. She was a beautiful Welsh red-head and delighted in teasing the guests to become more and more outrageous. She was the life and soul of any party and was constantly thinking up new games to play.

    Charlotte had a pleasant smile but her claim to fame was her body. Petite and trim, she received a great deal of attention from the guests, both male and female, and relished the limelight. She had known Jenny before, from the days when Jenny had managed a club for a gangster named Mark Fenton. It was when things had gone murderously wrong, that Frank and Jenny had run away to Kingsmill.

    Frank turned the key in the lock and they both went inside. He frowned, as if something wasn't quite right. Jenny noticed it too and they finally realised it was the silence. Bronwyn always had music playing and could be heard in various parts of the house, singing her head off. Now it was silent, as if the house was empty. It was also strange that, apart from the hall light, the house was in darkness.

    They took off their coats and hung them on the rack. They went into the kitchen, turned on the light and were relieved to see that at least the girls had completed the preparations for the reception. The large kitchen table was covered in dishes piled high with food all wrapped in clear plastic and topped off with a pure white tablecloth.

    They left the kitchen and went towards the lounge, feeling as if they were alone. The girls shared a suite of rooms at the back of the house and Frank had decided that, if they weren't in the lounge, that would be their next port of call. They opened the door and stepped into the blackness. The curtains had been drawn and it was impossible to see what was in the room. Suddenly, the lights all went on together and Jenny and Frank jumped, their mouths agape in astonishment.


    The yell was deafening from the dozen or so people there, the loudest noise coming from Bronwyn. Jenny cried out in laughter and Frank grinned. The two girls had arranged a surprise homecoming and most of tomorrows guests had been secretly invited to come early.

    What the hell's going on, Jenny cried, it's not until tomorrow.

    All the guests rushed forward to greet them and Jenny grabbed her two maids.

    You are going to have a combined Hen and Stag party, so get yourselves ready.

    Both Jenny and Frank realised that protest was a waste of time and were busy shaking hands, hugging and kissing as their guests offered their congratulations.

    I hope you don't mind, Bronwyn said to Jenny while people were busy pouring drinks, but when you said that you weren't doing anything before the wedding, well, we couldn't allow your last night of freedom to pass unnoticed, could we?

    Jenny smiled and hugged her.

    How can we mind? she said, it's a good job we didn't bring anyone home, isn't it.

    Bronwyn's mouth fell open. She hadn't thought of that and the prospect was frightening. The party was going to develop into a typical swinger’s night and no-one local was ever present.

    Someone started the music and three couples began to dance. Frank and Jenny looked on beaming. They were both touched by the trouble Bronwyn and Charlotte must have gone to.

    Like you said, Frank whispered to Jenny, they're more than just employees.

    At that moment, Bronwyn started loudly clapping her hands to get everyone's attention and someone turned the music down.

    Right then, she said, raising her voice and taking complete charge. Let's have all the men lining up, facing all the women.

    As people were moving to obey, Frank and Jenny were ushered towards two chairs, strategically placed to offer a full view of the proceedings.

    Right, you two, Bronwyn said, grinning like a Cheshire cat, you are to be the judges. We’re looking for the man and woman who, you think, deserve a prize for giving the most pleasure. I thought, she said her grin getting wider, we could offer a free weekend. What do you think?

    Frank laughed.

    You’ll be the ruin of us.

    Jenny gave him a playful dig in the ribs.

    It’s a wonderful idea. Pay no attention to Scrooge here.

    The rest of the guests all indicated their approval and Bronwyn clapped her hands once more for attention.

    Gentlemen, she began, The lady opposite you needs to be undressed. You’ll be judged how you do it and the ladies will be asked to score how exciting you made it for them. Ladies, don’t forget you must not help them in any way. If you do you will be disqualified.

    With smiles of encouragement from the ladies and grins of excitement from the men, hands reached out to start removing clothes. Bronwyn and Charlotte stood at the side of the room, watching the activities in front of them.

    I told you they'd enjoy it, didn't I, Bronwyn said, slipping an arm around Charlotte's waist.

    Charlotte had been doubtful at first, but now conceded that it had worked. She became aware of the heightening of her arousal as Bronwyn's arm hugged her and she watched as the men began their tasks. She turned to Bronwyn and cupped her breast, at the same time bending to kiss her on the mouth.

    Jenny and Frank were both watching the couple nearest to them. He, like most of the other men, was wearing shirt and slacks. She was dressed in a tight fitting dress that was tantalisingly held together by a column of little buttons going from the cleavage to the hem.

    Instead of going straight to buttons and zips like the others, the man lightly held the woman’s shoulders and leant forward to kiss the side of her neck. The woman moved her weight from one leg to the other as the tip of the man’s tongue began to caress a sensuous path from her ear lobe to her shoulder. She visibly shivered as his hands moved, gently, from her shoulders to the front of her dress where he slowly started to unbutton. She had to physically restrain herself from reaching out to hold him.

    Jenny nudged Frank and he turned and smiled at her. She leant towards him and whispered.

    I thought Stuart might win this. Jane will be nearly coming by the time he’s finished.

    Frank smiled even wider and squeezed her hand, nodding in agreement. They both remembered how excited he had made Jenny during his last visit.

    Most of the other ladies were almost naked by now and as, amid giggles their last clothing was removed, they fell silent as they noticed the first couple.

    Stuart’s tongue continued its assault on the nerve endings in her neck and Jane could feel herself becoming more and more excited. She sighed audibly and relished the feelings that were starting to spread all over her body. She softly gasped as his fingers released first one, then two of her buttons. The resulting slackening of the material stimulated her nipples as her breasts found freedom. She could feel, and Jenny and Frank could see, her nipples stiffen under the gentle caress of her dress.

    Without breaking contact with her neck, Stuart reached down as he unbuttoned her dress, managing to release all but the bottom three. He brought his hands back up along her body, lightly brushing her breasts as he settled, again, on her shoulders. The tip of his tongue now traced along her jaw as he moved to the front to kiss her and gently explore her mouth. She felt the touch of his lips and slightly parted her own to welcome the tongue into her mouth. As their kiss intensified, their tongues entwined and her breathing quickened.

    Almost imperceptibly, Stuart’s fingers went under the material of the dress as it hung on her shoulders. Slowly, he eased the material over and Jane felt her dress sliding down her arms to eventually fall free at her feet. The tips of his fingers followed down her back creating a path of tingling sensation. She wore no bra so that the first material he encountered was the waist band of her knickers. His fingers briefly went under the material and then extracted themselves. She didn’t know whether to be disappointed or not as she longed for him to make her naked. She wanted him to have access to all her body, to give herself completely for the way he had made her feel.

    Any disappointment she felt was quickly replaced by excitement as, while still maintaining the kiss, his hands slid over the mounds of her buttocks. Instead of passing completely over, his fingers grasped them and fondled them, pushing them together then gently pulling them apart. She had to break the kiss to catch her breath and wanted, so much, to pull him close but she remembered she wasn’t allowed to touch him. The fondling of her buttocks only increased her desire and she squeezed her thighs together bringing delicious pressure to the lips of her sex.

    As she squeezed and clenched she didn’t notice him slip his fingers under the waistband of her knickers and with a feather-light touch he slid them over her cheeks. All she felt was the tickle on her thighs as they fell to the floor.

    As she was now naked, Stuart stepped back to reveal her in all her naked beauty. Suddenly, all the other couples, Frank, Jenny, Bronwyn and Charlotte all began to clap in appreciation of the beautiful sight they had witnessed. Stuart and Jane smiled their thanks and he held out his hands to take hers.

    Soon, Bronwyn took charge again and stood in the centre of the room.

    Well, she said, I can’t wait to see the scores for that little lot.

    A ripple of laughter went round the room.

    Right, ladies, it’s your turn.

    The ladies all smiled and flexed their fingers in anticipation of stripping the men in front of them. For their part, the men just grinned while one or two of them grasped the front of their trousers to adjust themselves.

    Jane was determined that she would repay the compliment Stuart had shown her with his gentleness. Instead of her tongue, she used the tips of her fingers to lightly caress his neck. Slowly, she slid her fingers under the collar of his shirt and gently stroked his flesh. By now, all the other men were naked to the waist but Jane would not be hurried. She was rewarded by a loving smile from Stuart as he gave himself up to the gentle caresses.

    Giggles spread amongst the others as they seemed to all reach for their partners waistbands simultaneously. With a flurry of fingers on clips and buttons the waistbands were loosened and trousers began to slide down their legs. Soon, all but Stuart, were standing in front of their partners in their underwear. One or two had obvious erections pulsing away, others were more constrained in various stages of arousal.

    While trousers were being dropped, Jane began to unbutton his shirt to reveal a chest covered in light, curly hair. She finally slipped his shirt over his shoulders and eased it down his arms to fall to the floor behind him. Jenny and Frank stared in anticipation as Jane began to lightly caress his nipples with her fingertips. Light, circular movements that generated a visible shiver as his excitement mounted. She leant forward and ran the tip of her tongue over one, then the other while her hands played at the waist of his trousers, feeling their way towards the clasp at the front.

    She released the clasp and then, very slowly, eased the zip downwards. With the restraints free, she smoothed her hands over his hips causing his trousers to fall to the floor. Everyone present breathed in as she revealed muscular legs and the briefest of pants that hardly contained his rising manhood. Jane looked around the room and smiled then, with a sudden movement she whipped his pants down to reveal his tumescence in all its glory.

    Applause greeted them as they hugged, each one appreciating the pleasure instilled by the other. Soon, each couple was kissing and fingers began to explore. Breasts were fondled and fingers were inserted. Penises were stroked and rubbed and tongues were introduced to each other.

    Jenny looked sideways at Charlotte and Bronwyn. They were kissing deeply, each holding the other tightly, appreciating the softness of their bodies against each other. Jenny smiled at Frank and placed her hand in his lap. It soon became apparent how excited he was and she gave him a gentle squeeze. He leaned forward and whispered in her ear.

    What do you say we leave them to enjoy the rest of the night and we go to bed.?

    She gave him another squeeze to show her approval and nodded. Quietly, they got up and made their way to the door. A last look back to confirm that everyone was enjoying themselves and they went out into the hall. As they climbed the stairs, each touching the other, they knew that they wouldn’t be going straight to sleep. They knew that they would be making love into the early hours.

    Downstairs, the party was in full swing and the air was filled with sighs of delight and breathless gasps as orgasm after orgasm swept through the group. During a rest period some of the guests began to congratulate Charlotte and Bronwyn for organising the party. Jane and Stuart looked at each other and smiled.

    I think we can do better than that, said Stuart, we should show the girls how much we appreciate all they’ve done.

    With that, he grabbed Charlotte and Jane threw her arms around Bronwyn. Charlotte squealed with delight and surprise as Stuart pulled her onto him. Holding her firmly, with one arm around her, he fondled her breast and kissed her. Then, with one movement, rolled over and on top of her, somehow managing to get her lying on her stomach. Her squeals quietened as he gently stroked the tip of his tongue between her shoulder blades.

    Bronwyn made no noise as she allowed Jane to pull her close and felt their lips come into contact. She eased her tongue into Jane's mouth and thrilled to feel her suck on it. Silently, while maintaining the kiss, both girls seemed to float to the floor. Bronwyn remained on top and squirmed as Jane ran her fingers up and down her back.

    Bronwyn's arousal was quick and complete. She knew that her vagina was wet and glistening. She felt the full softness of Jane's breasts against her own and inwardly sighed as she let her hand trail down Jane's side. She felt the dip of her waist and the roundness of her hip. Her head was swimming as she felt her fingers rustle through her pubic hair, to find the soft opening she was seeking.

    Charlotte felt the first tingles radiate from her spine. As Stuart's tongue slowly traveled down, it felt as if rays of pleasure were spreading, from the centre line of her back, right around her body. Pressed against the soft carpet she felt the stiffening of her nipples. She pushed down with her pelvis, grinding her pubic bone into the floor. Stuart had discovered this weakness of Charlotte's during a previous visit and knew he could instantly arouse her this way.

    As the tip of Stuart's tongue went from one vertebra to the next, Charlotte began to moan. The assembled audience fell into silence as they watched her transformation. Her noises became louder

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