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Beautiful Forsaken
Beautiful Forsaken
Beautiful Forsaken
Ebook105 pages1 hour

Beautiful Forsaken

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About this ebook

Ben is a a gay Bear living in New York wanting more than endless hook ups and one night stands. Mica is a Chaser searching for the love of his life. A chance meeting? Their attraction is instantaneous. Drawn to each other they give in to their desires setting off an occurance that puts one in danger and the other desperate for a severance from an ancient evil that has been stalking his every move. A different kind of love story centuries in the making, where the endearment "soul mate" takes on a whole new meaning.

PublisherTJ Ventrelli
Release dateFeb 12, 2011
Beautiful Forsaken

TJ Ventrelli

Born and raised in Queens, New York, now residing in East Islip, NY with his lover Derrick. TJ enjoys reading just as much as writing and is a fan of the supernatural romance genre. A huge fan of Larissa Ionne and the inspiration for the Forsaken Chronicles, TJ has taken his favorite genre and infused it with the gay bear scene. He is currently working on his 3rd novel, Forever Forsaken.

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    Beautiful Forsaken - TJ Ventrelli


    Smashwords Edition

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    Published on Smashwords by:

    T.J. Ventrelli

    Beautiful Forsaken

    Copyright 2011 T.J. Ventrelli

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    He runs out of the Hotel Carlyle horrified. The image of Bernadette’s head sends nauseated spasms throughout his body. The sound of the fiend’s diabolical laughter haunts him with every stride. He sobs and cries for his sweet Bernadette. She was an innocent in this hellish game, just like the others before her. He stops, stares up to heaven and screams. He cannot take anymore of this. Why does fate abandon him yet again, only to give him love then brutally take it away? Everyone he loves is taken away by that sadistic beast. He runs faster, pushing himself through the streets of London, blood tears staining the cobblestone pavement. He cannot stop running. If he stops, the sorrow will overwhelm him and he will have to face the truth that his love kills. The light rain and fog caress his broken heart. He is drunk on suffering, numb and battered. This is too much for one man to take. He laughs at that thought. He is no man. A man could protect the one he loved. No, he is a monster. He pictures her beautiful face and he cries. Just like the others, she was taken from him. He does not hear the horse drawn carriage as it almost runs him down. The driver cursing him as it passes. He is selfish. He could end this torment and his suffering, but his heart will not let him. The silent heart, that only beats in the presence of his love. Somehow, some way he will fulfill his destiny and love his soul mate. He will wait. He had to wait. All he has is time. He is immortal. He is a vampire. Centuries had come and gone, and his longing for love, his love intensifies. So again the cycle continues. He must be patient. Love will come again. It always has. He must wait. He will feed and sleep. He cannot bear roaming the earth without his love. So he will die, if you can call it that. After all, isn’t he dead already? He will go deep in the earth and cease to exist. Just like the times before, he will give himself to Mother Earth. While the world moves forward he remains; until the beacon of love shines down upon him, and signals him that his love has returned and walks the earth, then and only then will he awaken.

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    I can’t believe you talked me into coming out tonight. Ben says to his friend Josh as he maneuvers the Gallant along the Westside Highway.

    What the hell were you going to do at home, huh? It’s fucking Friday night B.

    I know, but I’m so tired of the Den. It’s gonna be the same old shit.

    You got to loosen up man; have fun for once, you used too.

    It’s just that…I don’t know…I want something more Josh. I’m tired of the hook-ups and one night stands. Don’t you ever want something more with someone? I’m just tired of the scene. I feel like something’s missing in my life. You know we’re not getting any younger.

    Oh God here we go again, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah! Listen B, we’re gay and this is the life. There’s no Happily Ever After in our world; it’s more like Happily Whenever After…

    Typical Josh answer, is that all you care about, getting laid?

    Relax B; don’t get your panties in a bunch. I’m just saying, we as a society are sexual. Enjoy and have fun! Stop looking for your Knight in Shining Armor, it will happen when you least expect it. And by the way, I don’t only care about getting laid, I love sucking cock too. Josh laughs, as Ben turns onto Christopher Street.

    "Oh you’re a riot tonight, aren’t you? What the hell am I in for…? Ben replies eyeing his best friend.

    We shall see…, Josh chuckles, we shall see.

    The two friends park the car and walk to the bar. A cool breeze sails off the Hudson, as the dark sky swallows what remnants remain of the setting sun. At the bars entrance, Ben pulls out a Marlboro. You’re going to light up now? Come on B, let’s get inside.

    What’s the rush? It’s going to be the same old shit in there. It’s a beautiful night. I can’t believe we’re free for the next two months. Don’t you just love summer?

    Even more reason to get inside, celebration! We’re free! Josh exclaims pulling on Ben.

    Oh relax, go ahead I’ll be right in. Ben replies as he lights his cigarette.

    Okay, fine, but not too long out here the funs inside. Josh answers walking into the bar. Ben looks out towards the pier. He loves the City, especially the Village. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you do, the Village accepts everyone. A lesbian couple walks by hand in hand and he smiles at them taking a drag of his cigarette. Although it is late June, a cool breeze drifts off the water sending a slight chill down his spine. He is happy the summer is here, but also a part of him is sad. He enjoys teaching and being with his students. What is he going to do with all this time off? A smile escapes his lips and he could only think of one person who will keep him busy, Josh. Josh will take care of the fun. He reminisces about the day he met Josh eight years ago at Pace University. They were both Education Majors and both gay. Their friendship was instantaneous and they have been best friends ever since that first day of college. Everyone thinks they are a couple because of the way they interact with one another, but their love is platonic. They’ve been through a lot together, but as a couple, they both agree, not a chance. Ben flicks his cigarette butt into the street, takes a deep breath and walks into the bar. The Den is dark and loud. It isn’t large, it boasts a pool table in the back, a nice sized bar along the length of the far wall and a lot of dark corners for intimate encounters. It is a bear bar and a dive. But it is his dive and although he bitches and moans about the place, he feels comfortable here. It is his second home. Ben looks around and although it is still early, the bar is packed. The summer is definitely here. Meat Loaf blares from the Jukebox and he smiles to himself. He notices Josh and walks over to him. Hey did you play the Meat for me?

    Not me kiddo, Josh replies handing Ben a Bud Light. Someone’s been playing the whole God damn album.

    I thought I was the only Loaf fan around.

    Apparently not buddy. Josh answers. The two friends click their beer bottles and down the cold, glorious

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