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Friends With Benefits
Friends With Benefits
Friends With Benefits
Ebook35 pages31 minutes

Friends With Benefits

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About this ebook

Two best friends, Matt and Ryan, enjoy working together, finishing their theses and bouncing ideas off each other. Matt is an athletic young man, and while not overly academic, he takes pleasure training as a teacher so much that he now really is into researching for his thesis. His research became very important to him, not only on a personal level but also to help others out. Ryan is more of a soft hearted person, quite emotional, who is still searching for himself.
One of them has been hiding some of his past and background from his friends. Secretly attracted to each others, things will get wilder one night they got drunk and finally cross the line.
But the morning after is a different story. Will they be able to deal with the consequences of their acts, when everyone think they are both straight? Things are far to be simple, especially when they both have good reasons to doubt about the other! But if they can open up and share their hidden thoughts...

PublisherMy Pouty Lips
Release dateMay 10, 2013
Friends With Benefits

Miku Lee

Miku Lee is a prolific writer and reader. If she’s not writing, a book won’t be far from her side. Writing has always been something that Miku felt the need to do, whether it is poems or short stories. She has always been fascinated by and interested in the power of written words, pursuing literature through high school and university. Miku has a special interest in gay stories, and is drawn to write and read them naturally.She loves her cat ‘Mocha’ (and cats in general), and going to cafes and drinking coffee (naturally mochas). Miku loves to travel and live overseas, finding it inspiring and fun to go somewhere new and different. Currently, she is in South Korea, but will be returning to her home in New Zealand soon.

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    Book preview

    Friends With Benefits - Miku Lee

    Friend With Benefits


    Miku Lee

    Edited by Angelicka Wallows

    Copyright 2013 My Pouty Lips- All Rights Reserved

    Smashwords Edition

    License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. It may not be resold or given away. If you would like to share this book with someone, please buy an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents


    Friends With Benefits

    About The Author





    Two best friends, Matt and Ryan, enjoy working together, finishing their theses and bouncing ideas off each other. Matt is an athletic young man, and while not overly academic, he takes pleasure training as a teacher so much that he now really is into researching for his thesis. His research became very important to him, not only on a personal level but also to help others out. Ryan is more of a soft hearted person, quite emotional, who is still searching for himself.

    One of them has been hiding some of his past and background from his friends. Secretly attracted to each others, things will get wilder one night they got drunk and finally cross the line.

    But the morning after is a different story. Will they be able to deal with the consequences of their acts, when everyone think they are both straight? Things are far to be simple, especially when they both have good reasons to doubt about the other! But if they can open up and share their hidden thoughts…


    Friends With Benefits


    The moon was barely visible as Matt stood out on the lawn, gazing up at the night sky. Whenever he felt irritated or pissed off, he found himself standing out and gazing up at the sky, the silver dots across the dark navy blue blanket usually taking away the itch. It was a pretty night, yet gazing at the sky wasn’t helping to improve his mood like it usually did. The stars could hardly be

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