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Her Billionaire Hero
Her Billionaire Hero
Her Billionaire Hero
Ebook61 pages58 minutes

Her Billionaire Hero

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Candace's boss Alec, long dismissed by the world as a shallow billionaire playboy, has just revealed his secret life as a costumed crime fighting superhero! But which is the real Alec? After a few close encounters, Candace discovers the lonely, passionate soul beneath Alec's many masks -- but will she have the courage to love her billionaire hero?

This 15,655 word erotic romance story features steamy, intimate encounters between a billionaire boss and his long-suffering personal assistant, including oral sex, office sex, desk sex, and bathroom sex. All acts depicted are consensual and take place between fictional characters aged 18 or older. For ADULT readers only.


I kissed him again. Alec responded urgently, as if he'd been just as starved as me. I supposed we had that in common: two lonely people trying to be less lonely together.

He seemed to have taken our brief talking break as permission to let go of any doubts or inhibitions. He brushed a thumb over the tip of my breast, while his other hand moved down my back to cup my ass. The thin material of my tank top and yoga pants provided little resistance. I provided even less: I gasped and arched against him, perched precariously on the edge of the sink, then gasped again as he trailed his tongue down the side of my neck.

"Alec," I whispered, "I want to touch you. Take this off." I brushed the heavy shoulder pads of his body armor.

"We should probably move to a bigger space," he whispered back.

If I hesitated, I'd lose my nerve. I didn't hesitate. I slid off the sink, took his hand, and led him down the hall to my bedroom...

PublisherLyla Luray
Release dateFeb 1, 2013
Her Billionaire Hero

Lyla Luray

Lyla Luray loves sex, love, words about sex, and words about love. She primarily writes erotica and erotic romance, but often likes to mix it up. During cold winter months, Lyla snuggles up with her husband in their home on the US East Coast. Alternatively, she'll take a holiday at a tropical beach. She's not picky.Join Lyla's official mailing list for exclusive freebies, discounts, previews, and more! Right now I'm offering my short werewolf erotica story OMEGA MOON as a free gift to new subscribers. Just cut and paste this link into your browser: also loves hearing from readers! Please say hello at lylaluray[at] or

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    Book preview

    Her Billionaire Hero - Lyla Luray

    Her Billionaire Hero

    by Lyla Luray

    Copyright 2013 by Lyla Luray

    Smashwords Edition

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author or publisher except for brief quotations in critical articles or reviews.

    License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Author Notes

    This is a work of fiction. Names, places, businesses, characters and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, actual events or locales is purely coincidental. Furthermore, all characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.


    I kissed him again. Alec responded urgently, as if he'd been just as starved as me. I supposed we had that in common: two lonely people trying to be less lonely together.

    He seemed to have taken our brief talking break as permission to let go of any doubts or inhibitions. He brushed a thumb over the tip of my breast, while his other hand moved down my back to cup my ass. The thin material of my tank top and yoga pants provided little resistance. I provided even less: I gasped and arched against him, perched precariously on the edge of the sink, then gasped again as he trailed his tongue down the side of my neck.

    Alec, I whispered, I want to touch you. Take this off. I brushed the heavy shoulder pads of his body armor.

    We should probably move to a bigger space, he whispered back.

    If I hesitated, I'd lose my nerve. I didn't hesitate. I slid off the sink, took his hand, and led him down the hall to my bedroom...


    It wasn't even ten in the morning on a Monday and I'd already resolved, on my boss's behalf, that he was going to splurge on my Christmas gift and bonus this year. Following that he would then be very generous on my birthday. Not to mention Secretary's Day. Possibly also Valentine's Day—because I already knew I wasn't going to be doing anything special or fun to mark that occasion. Making Valentine's Day plans would require me to have a social life, after all. And that would require me to have a different job and a different boss.

    Not that Alec Stonestreet isn't a great guy. I mean, he's a freaking superhero. A month ago, for reasons known only to himself, Alec revealed his secret second life as a costumed crime fighter to the public and the media and all the rest of that circus. Okay, sure, technically he doesn't have superpowers like those guys flying around in comic book movies. But he's definitely got a super deep wallet. Billionaire, after all.

    And unlike most people who see Alec as nothing more than a shallow playboy, I happen to know he's also got super brains as well.

    Case in point: he's got all these gadgets and this insanely techy costume—I'm still not quite sure how he manages to breathe under all that tightfitting body armor. Which, by the way, fits very well on his tall, muscled frame.

    Not that I think about that.

    But ever since Alec told the world how he spends his time outside of running Stonestreet Industries and squiring skinny supermodels around town, my job as his executive assistant has become complete hell. Everyone wants a piece of the man, or at least a piece of his time and attention: an interview about what it's like being a billionaire superhero, a meeting to discuss product endorsements, or a concerned citizen who thinks his neighborhood needs the criminal element taken care of right now. I've even had to field offers for dates! From women and men!

    Okay, I've sort of always had to do that, even before the superhero thing. Did I mention Alec's absolutely gorgeous?

    Again, I don't think about that. At all.

    I had a little bit of peace and quiet earlier this month when Alec flew to Tokyo to oversee the acquisition of a new subsidiary. The press follows and reports on his movements very closely, so most of them knew not to bother his office during that time. I took the opportunity to update my wardrobe: the stress

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