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Tales from Castle Destro Volume II: Aftermath
Tales from Castle Destro Volume II: Aftermath
Tales from Castle Destro Volume II: Aftermath
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Tales from Castle Destro Volume II: Aftermath

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About this ebook

Continuing the story begun in Tales from Castle Destro Volume I - Mercenary War, Don Maue returns you to the world of the Iron Grenadiers in Tales from Castle Destro Volume II - Aftermath. After a crushing victory against SKAR forces, the Iron Grenadiers must work to replace their combat losses, while continuing the search for this elusive new enemy.

PublisherDon Maue
Release dateJun 13, 2012
Tales from Castle Destro Volume II: Aftermath

Don Maue

Don Maue is native of Hamburg, New York. He served just over nine years in the United States Marines before settling in Wisconsin, where he currently lives with his wife and two children. Don is an avid collector and customizer of G.I. Joe and Star Wars toys.

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    Book preview

    Tales from Castle Destro Volume II - Don Maue


    By Don Maue

    Smashwords Edition (revision 2) 

    Tales from Castle Destro Vol. II - Aftermath

    Copyright © 2012 by Don Maue

    Thank you for downloading this free eBook. You are welcome to share it with your friends. This book may be reproduced, copied and distributed for non-commercial purposes, provided the book remains in its complete original form, with the exception of quotes used in reviews.

    Your support and respect for the property of this author is appreciated.

    It should be noted that while many of the original characters in this ebook are named for friends within the G.I. Joe collector community, the characters themselves are entirely fictional. This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental.


    This is the second collected volume of stories from my fan-fiction blog, Tales from Castle Destro. Once again, special thanks are owed to Ventura Nunez and Nathan Aveyard who continue to serve as sounding boards for my ideas. As with my first ebook, Hugh Orr assisted me by transforming my poor photography into cover art that I’m proud to use. And as always, thank you to my wonderful wife Jenny, without whom, I would be lost. I hope you all enjoy this book as much as I enjoyed writing it.




    Chapter 1

    Sergeant Sean Flaherty sat on an ammunition crate in front of his DEMON tank, staring absently through the smoke in the general direction of the rising sun. He could not recall ever having been more tired. It had been nearly two hours since he’d last heard gunfire. Castle Destro was more or less secure now. His platoon had fought well, and had suffered only moderate casualties. Of course, the five dead men probably wouldn’t have agreed with the term ‘moderate’, but it was accurate nonetheless. During the initial high-speed charge across the north lawn, the DEMONs had held every advantage; speed, surprise, heck - even their deep black coloring worked to make them harder to find, and therefore harder to kill, in the dark. But once they’d become intermixed with the SKAR forces, it became more like a tavern brawl. The platoon had lost two of six vehicles, including Flaherty’s own tank. He’d rallied the survivors of those crews and had led them from one enemy position to the next, fighting their way through the enemy troops with only submachineguns and knives. Once the fighting had ended, all of the senior Officers had been summoned to the castle’s War Room to meet with Laird Destro.

    You okay?

    Flaherty looked up to see Sergeant King standing off to his right.

    Yeah, he replied. Just tired. What’s up?

    Everyone’s topped off on ammo and water. Minor wounds are patched, King reported, as he pulled over a second ammo crate and dropped onto it. Orders?

    Not yet, Flaherty shook his head. I don’t expect that we’ll be moving anytime soon. Once the Captain gets back from the command meeting, he should have some specifics for us, but I doubt we’ll be pulling back inside the castle walls until things are a lot more secure."

    Sounds about right, King agreed, then changed the subject. Hey, I didn’t get a chance to say so before, but congratulations. You know, on the promotion.

    Thanks, Brother, Flaherty nodded. Then a thought struck him and he grinned broadly. Any ideas as to who I should choose as my Platoon Sergeant?

    Shut up, man! King blurted, shoving Flaherty off his crate.

    Flaherty lay on the ground for a moment, laughing, and then sat up. So… that means you’re up for the job?

    King rolled his eyes before responding, Of course, man. I’ve got your back.

    Good, Flaherty said. I’m thinking that with the Captain having the whole company now, we’ll be downsized to normal platoon size.

    More than likely, King agreed.

    Assuming that’s the case, as the Platoon Sergeant, you’ll take over DEMON Four, Flaherty was thinking out loud. Headman will take Two and I’ll take One.

    You gonna let the Corporals duke it out for command of DEMON Three? King asked, referring to Corporal Swami and Corporal Scroll, each of whom had commanded their own vehicle in McLeod’s platoon. Scroll’s DEMON had been the second one destroyed.

    No, I’m gonna give it to Swami, Flaherty said after a moment. He’s just slightly senior in terms of time-in-rank. He’s probably getting close to making Sergeant anyway. I’ll take Scroll as my driver.

    Gonna be weird seeing you in purple, King laughed, referring to the traditional armor color of Ferret Officers. All enlisted men wore red, gold and black. If and when they reached the rank of Lieutenant, which Flaherty soon would, the red was replaced by the more regal color. The thought made Flaherty cringe a bit, as he knew that the enlisted men often joked about the ‘fancy’ armor worn by their Officers.

    Darn, Flaherty muttered as King continued to chuckle. I hadn’t thought of that.


    It was nearly Noon when Captain McLeod returned and summoned the platoon commanders and vehicle commanders for each of his four platoons. They gathered in the meager shade provided by Sergeant King’s DEMON and waited for McLeod to begin.

    First things first, he said. As you may have already heard, the enemy leader - Iron Klaw - has escaped. The individual we had in custody was an imposter wearing Iron Klaw’s armor. The castle and grounds have been searched exhaustively, with no success. It is assumed now that he’s gotten away clean. Nonetheless, we’ll continue to conduct aggressive patrols both inside and outside the castle grounds until we can conclude beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is gone.

    McLeod looked around the group of Lieutenants, Sergeants and Corporals and saw that there were no questions. He had their full attention.

    Second, McLeod continued, Laird Destro was very pleased with our efforts last night. Previously, we’ve only ever organized DEMONs into platoon sized elements, but the show we put on has convinced him to expand the size of the Grenadiers’ armor units. This company is now designated as the 1st DEMON Company. We will henceforth be the tip of the spear, so to speak, whenever armored forces are called for.

    McLeod paused again, but there were still no questions.

    Third, he went on, Sergeant Flaherty is promoted to the rank of Lieutenant effective immediately. He will remain in command of my former platoon, now designated as 1st Platoon. Since some of you gentlemen joined us yesterday, we’ve informally referred to you as 2nd, 3rd and 4th platoons. The 2nd and 3rd Platoons shall continue on with the same designations and the same commanders.

    Sir, what about 4th Platoon? asked Lieutenant Head, the 2nd Platoon Commander. Head was affectionately known as ‘Goggles’ amongst his men.

    McLeod sighed before continuing. Obviously, 4th Platoon was hit hardest by casualties last night. With the unfortunate loss of both Lieutenant Acres and Sergeant O’Shae, they are left with a significant shortage of leadership.

    Flaherty knew McLeod well enough to know what was coming before he said it. He watched the faces of the men in the group, looking for reactions.

    So rather than rebuild the 4th platoon with new recruits, I am re-designating them as Headquarters Platoon.

    As expected, Flaherty saw a few looks of disappointment, but to their credit, none of the men spoke out.

    I am sure that will come as a disappointment to some members of that platoon, McLeod continued, But it’s practical and it’s necessary. The Headquarters Platoon can still function well with fewer vehicles and fewer men. For the time being, I will command the Headquarters Platoon myself, with Sergeant Manley acting as Platoon Sergeant. Beside Sergeant Manley and I, we’ll keep four men to round out crews for the two DEMONs we have remaining. The rest of the men will be reassigned to replace the combat losses from each of your platoons.


    Immediately after the meeting broke up, the Platoon Commanders set about re-aligning their fledgling company as McLeod had directed. The company was situated in a linear defense, facing toward the north, approximately one hundred fifty yards from the castle’s outer walls. Lieutenant Flaherty’s 1st Platoon held the center of the line, with Lieutenant Head’s 2nd Platoon on his right flank and Lt Eduardo’s 3rd Platoon on his left. The two DEMONs belonging to Headquarters Platoon were centrally located to the rear of 1st Platoon. A short time after the defense was set, McLeod called the Platoon Commanders to his company command post, located in a bunker freshly dug by engineers and then reinforced with a plate steel roof and sandbags.

    He wasted no time getting to the point.

    We’ve got visitors inbound, he told them.

    Visitors that need to be admitted, or the kind that need to be vaporized? Lieutenant Eduardo asked.

    Admitted, McLeod replied, But with a great deal of caution.

    Who are they? asked Lieutenant Head.

    McLeod laughed before answering. Three members of the G.I. Joe team.

    Seriously? Lieutenant Flaherty asked.

    Yes, McLeod affirmed, Seriously. Apparently, they are to meet briefly with Laird Destro to discuss our... unpleasantness last night.

    ETA? asked Eduardo.

    Within the half hour, McLeod told them. Look, the way it was explained to me is that Laird Destro has had prior dealings with these three and trusts them enough to have granted a short meeting, albeit outside the castle walls.

    Wait, what? Head asked, obviously confused. Where the heck are they meeting?

    In my command bunker, McLeod said matter-of-factly.

    Perfect, mumbled Flaherty. What are your orders, Sir?

    Just make sure the lads mind their manners and don’t start shooting unnecessarily, McLeod said. Lieutenant Flaherty, I’ll require your presence at the meeting

    Yes, Sir, Flaherty replied.


    The Joes arrived about twenty-five minutes later, two men and a woman, driving an open-topped Jeep. They drove slowly up to within twenty-five yards of the command bunker. As they exited the vehicle, Flaherty noted that all three were dressed in civilian attire, consistent with the local norm. They submitted to being scanned for weapons and then advanced on foot toward the bunker. Destro was there to greet them. Ever the Gentleman, he welcomed the lady first, going through the archaic motion of kissing her hand, despite the fact that his mask prevented him from actually doing so.

    Alison, so nice to see you again. he said. Then he turned to the dark-haired man and extended his hand, Warrant Officer Faireborn, always a pleasure.

    Faireborn, codenamed Flint, shook hands stiffly and then Destro faced the third member of the group, And Agent Provost! I am indeed honored.

    Agent Phillip Provost of the United States Army’s Criminal Investigative Division, also known as ‘Chuckles’, shook Destro’s hand and smiled, It appears that you’ve had some trouble of late.

    Yes, Destro admitted, It was most regrettable. But my men have swept the surrounding area and assure me that there were no civilian casualties. Come inside and we’ll chat over tea.


    Inside Captain McLeod’s command bunker, Destro sat comfortably with his guests. Lieutenant Flaherty, standing behind his Laird with McLeod, was struck by the oddity of the scene before him. The castle’s kitchen staff had quickly brought down a small tea table and chairs, along with tea service for four. Destro did not have tea, as his mask would have required him to sip

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