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More Shit that Pisses Me Off: Shit that Pisses Me Off, #2
More Shit that Pisses Me Off: Shit that Pisses Me Off, #2
More Shit that Pisses Me Off: Shit that Pisses Me Off, #2
Ebook69 pages54 minutes

More Shit that Pisses Me Off: Shit that Pisses Me Off, #2

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Why do men spit (and women don't)? What's the real problem with cellphones? What's wrong with wedding leave? Do you remember Grade Ten History? Why isn't being a soldier more like being a mother? What did God really promise? And let's talk about sex…

"... smart, witty essays that challenge the intellect ... her razor sharp words will slice and dice the cerebral jugular." Laura Salkin, Thinkspin

"… It's all thought-provoking, and whether or not you'll end up agreeing with her conclusions, her essays make for fascinating reading." Erin O'Riordan

"Tittle's pieces are atypical of philosophical writing in the best ways: of interest to non-specialists, yet instructive and profound, yet entertaining." Ron Cooper, Professor of Philosophy

"… a passionate, stylistically-engaging writer …" George

Note: All of the pieces in the Shit that Pisses Me Off series (4 volumes) have been anthologized in either Sexist Shit that Pisses Me Off (2nd edn) or Just … Think about It! (2nd edn), along with almost a hundred additional pieces (in each case), and both are available in eformat and paperback.

Release dateMay 1, 2012
More Shit that Pisses Me Off: Shit that Pisses Me Off, #2

Peg Tittle

Peg Tittle is the author of several novels: Fighting Words: notes for a future we won't have (Magenta), Jess (Magenta), Gender Fraud: a fiction (Magenta), Impact (Magenta), It Wasn't Enough (Magenta), What Happened to Tom (Inanna), and Exile (Rock's Mills Press). Both Gender Fraud: a fiction and It Wasn't Enough were Finalists in the Eric Hoffer competition; What Happened to Tom is on Goodreads' list of Fiction Books That Opened Your Eyes To A Social Or Political Issue.  Her screenplays (including What Happened to Tom and Exile) have placed in several competitions, including Moondance, Fade-In, GimmeCredit, WriteMovies, Scriptapalooza, and American Gem. Aiding the Enemy was produced by David McDonald. She has also written several nonfiction books: Just Think About It (Magenta); Sexist Shit that Pisses Me Off (Magenta); Critical Thinking: An Appeal to Reason (Routledge); Should Parents Be Licensed? Debating the Issues (Prometheus); What If? Collected Thought Experiments in Philosophy (Longman); Ethical Issues in Business: Inquiries, Cases, and Readings (Broadview). She was a columnist for the Ethics and Emerging Technologies website for a year ("TransGendered Courage" received 35,000 hits, making it #3 of the year, and "Ethics without Philosophers" received 34,000 hits, making it #5 of the year), The Philosopher Magazine's online philosophy café for eight years, and Philosophy Now for two years.Her short commentary pieces have also been published in Humanist in Canada, Links, Inroads, Elenchus, Forum, and The Humanist. Her longer pieces have appeared in Free Inquiry, The International Journal of Applied Philosophy, New Humanist, The New Zealand Rationalist, The Humanist, Philosophy in the Contemporary World, and Sexuality & Culture: an interdisciplinary journal. And she's had a list published at McSweeney's ("Why Feminist Manuscripts Aren't Getting Published Today"). She blogs sporadically at and She has an M.A. in Philosophy, a B.Ed., and a B.A. in Literature, and has received over twenty Arts Council grants.

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    More Shit that Pisses Me Off - Peg Tittle



    Peg Tittle

    Smashwords Edition

    * * * * *

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    More Shit that Pisses Me Off

    Copyright 2012 by Peg Tittle

    Cover design by Donna Casey based on a concept by Peg Tittle

    Thanks to Ben for the series title

    All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

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    * * * * *


    * * * * *

    Also by Peg Tittle

    Shit that Pisses Me Off

    Critical Thinking: An Appeal to Reason

    What If…Collected Thought Experiments in Philosophy

    Should Parents be Licensed? Debating the Issues

    Ethical Issues in Business—Inquiries, Cases, and Readings

    * * * * *


    1. God Promised!

    2. Suicide, Insurance, and Dead Sugar Daddies

    3. Cell Phone Syndrome

    4. Whose Violence?

    5. If she can wear perfume in public, I don’t have to wear a shirt

    6. School Crossing Signs

    7. Wedding Leave

    8. Freakonomics Indeed

    9. The Arithmetic of Morality

    10. King of the Castle

    11. The Smiths and their Biochem Cubes

    12. Vested Interests and Cancers

    13. Inner Peace is Disturbing

    14. Figure Skating: A Very Gendered Thing

    15. We are the Champions

    16. Let’s Talk about Sex

    17. Grade Ten History

    18. Making Kids with AIDS

    19. Why isn’t being a soldier more like being a mother?

    20. Why Do Men Spit?

    21. Guns

    22. Christmas Elves

    23. Free to be—Offensive (You are such an idiot.)

    24. First (and last) Contact

    25. What if the right to life…

    * * * * *

    God Promised!

    With such regularity, it really should be the refrain of every national anthem, we hear something along these lines: ‘The land is rightfully ours. God promised it to us.’

    Yeah well, God lies. Or at least he changes his mind.

    Consider this: And Abram fell on his face: and God talked with him, saying... ‘And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession.’ It’s from Genesis 17:3,8. Genesis 13:15 and Exodus 32:13 say pretty much the same thing. But check out Acts 7:5, which says And he gave him none inheritance in it...yet he promised that he would give it to him for a possession, and to his seed after him... Promises, promises, eh? But of course the retraction is in the New Testament, which isn’t recognized by those of the Jewish faith.

    No matter, there are lots of lies and changing of God’s mind in the Old Testament:

    • God said that Adam would die on the day he ate the apple (Gen 2:16,17), but he didn’t—read Gen 3:17 and Gen 5:3.

    • Jehoiakim was told that he wouldn’t have a son (Jer 36:30), but he did—read 2Kings 24:6.

    • God promised Jacob that he would return from Egypt (Gen 46:3,4), but he didn’t—he died in Egypt (Gen 49).

    • Nebuchadnezzar was to have captured and destroyed Tyre (Ezek 26:3-5,7,10,13-14), but he didn’t (surprise!)—Alexander the Great did.

    ‘I am merciful,’ saith the Lord, ‘and I will not keep anger for ever’ (Jer 3:12); Ye have kindled a fire in mine anger, which shall burn for ever (Jer 17:4—well, which is it?

    • Israel shall rise again (Jer 31:4); Israel shall not rise again (Amos 5:2). She loves me, she loves me not.

    They shall seek me early, but they shall not find me (Prov 1:28); nope, I lied—"They that seek me early shall find me" (Prov 8:17).

    Every living thing that liveth shall be meat for you (Gen 9:3); wait, changed my mind—"These shall

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