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Christmas with Norbert: Norbert the Horse, #3
Christmas with Norbert: Norbert the Horse, #3
Christmas with Norbert: Norbert the Horse, #3
Ebook62 pages48 minutes

Christmas with Norbert: Norbert the Horse, #3

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About this ebook

Norbert the horse has never received a Christmas present and wants to know why. When his best friend, Colin the cuckoo, tells him he must somehow get a message to Santa, a wild and crazy adventure is sure to follow!

Will Norbert finally get his dream Christmas gift?
And what will Santa and Rudolph make of Norbert and the gang?

The THIRD book in the "Norbert the Horse" series!

Release dateNov 4, 2011
Christmas with Norbert: Norbert the Horse, #3

James Sutherland

Writer of the 'Norbert the Horse' series, Frogarty the Witch, Ernie, plus a whole host of other silly nonsense! Here's a bit more about him... James Sutherland was born in Stoke-on-Trent, England, many, many, many years ago. So long ago, in fact, that he can't remember a single thing about it. The son of a musician, he moved around lots as a youngster, attending schools in the Isle of Man and Spain before returning to Stoke where he lurked until the age of 18. After going on to gain a French degree at Bangor University, North Wales, he toiled at a variety of regular office jobs before making a daring escape through a fire exit in order to concentrate on writing silly nonsense full-time. Happily married, James lives with his wife and daughter in a small but perfectly formed market town in Staffordshire. In his spare time, James enjoys playing his guitar, reading history books, and discussing the deep, philosophical mysteries of life with his goldfish, Tiffany. To contact James, please don't hesitate to email, or visit for all the latest news!

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    Book preview

    Christmas with Norbert - James Sutherland

    Christmas with Norbert

    James Sutherland

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2011 James Sutherland

    Cover Illustration Copyright 2011 James Sutherland

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12


    Other Titles by James Sutherland

    About the Author

    Chapter 1

    It was Christmas Eve and Norbert, the tubby old carthorse, was standing in his usual spot under the old sycamore tree in Finbar’s field, shivering slightly as the winter wind ruffled his long, tangled mane. He liked standing beneath this particular tree partly because it was the only one in the field, but mostly because it was home to his best, and indeed only friend, Colin the Cuckoo.

    Colin? he whinnied, anxiously peering up through the tangled, bare branches. Are you there?

    What is it now, Norbert? Usually there are no cuckoos in Britain at Christmas time as they fly south to warmer countries to avoid the cold winters. Colin, however, was no spring chicken, and he had long since given up on these long-haul flights; he simply hadn’t the energy these days. Provided he was tucked up in his nest with a good book, he was happy to enjoy his retirement in peace.

    Is it Christmas Eve today?

    I believe it is, Norbert, the bird clucked irritably. Not, of course, that it has any relevance to you.

    What do you mean, Colin?

    I mean that, unless you happen to be a turkey, Christmas has no significance whatsoever to us animals.


    "Indeed, Norbert, I would go so far as to say that, in the general scheme of things, Christmas is almost as irrelevant as you are. Now please leave me in peace whilst I finish my Sudoku."

    Does that mean I won’t get a present this year? As ever, Norbert was slow to take a hint.

    There was a violent rustling in the treetop before Colin’s beaky face appeared from among the branches.

    "For heaven’s sake, Norbert! Every year we have this same conversation! Every year, you ask me whether you will be receiving a Christmas present! And every year, my answer to your question is exactly the same as it was the previous year..."


    "No, Norbert – you will not be getting a present! Unfortunately, neither will I.  The only animals with any hope whatsoever of receiving a gift over Christmas are those which live in houses with their owners. ‘Pets’, I believe they are sometimes called."

    "Delilah always gets a present and she doesn’t live in a house," Norbert countered. Delilah was the pretty pony from the next field for whom he had long harboured the deepest affection.

    Yes, but she doesn’t get it from Father Christmas, does she? the cuckoo retorted. Oh no, Norbert - Delilah is showered with gifts all through the year by Jenny, the little girl to whom she belongs. That filly is spoilt rotten if you ask me!

    "Do you think my owner will give me a present, Colin?"

    "Norbert – you know full well that your owner, Farmer Finbar, is the meanest man ever to have lived. Have you, by any chance, ever heard of a chap named Ebenezer Scrooge?"

    No, came the baffled reply.

    Well – he was a man famed throughout the world for his miserliness. And yet, stood alongside Finbar, this Scrooge character was an absolute fountain of generosity.

    Oh, Norbert sighed.

    And so, my friend, the cuckoo concluded "you can rest

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