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KNOW ABOUT "MOTHER TERESA": Selfless Dedication to Helping the Poor and Sick.
KNOW ABOUT "MOTHER TERESA": Selfless Dedication to Helping the Poor and Sick.
KNOW ABOUT "MOTHER TERESA": Selfless Dedication to Helping the Poor and Sick.
Audiobook1 hour

KNOW ABOUT "MOTHER TERESA": Selfless Dedication to Helping the Poor and Sick.

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About this audiobook

This is small part of introduction of the book: In the heart of humanity's tapestry, there are those whose lives shine like beacons of unwavering compassion and boundless love. Among these luminaries, one figure stands out with a brilliance that has touched lives across continents and generations Mother Teresa. Through the pages of this book, we embark on a journey to know and understand the life, the mission, and the legacy of this extraordinary woman, who dedicated herself to serving the poorest of the poor, the forgotten, and the suffering. In a world often consumed by its own pursuits, Mother Teresa emerged as a testament to the power of selflessness and the boundless potential of love in action. Her story is one of profound inspiration, a reminder that a single individual, armed with a heart full of compassion and a spirit aflame with dedication, can transform lives, uplift communities, and inspire nations.

As we delve into the chapters that follow, we'll trace the footsteps of Mother Teresa's life from her early years and the influences that shaped her, to the momentous decision that led her to embrace a life of service in the slums of Calcutta. We'll witness the founding of the Missionaries of Charity, an organization that would become a beacon of hope for the destitute and the downtrodden.

Release dateOct 24, 2023
KNOW ABOUT "MOTHER TERESA": Selfless Dedication to Helping the Poor and Sick.

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