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The King of Hearts: Part 4 of the Red Dog Conspiracy
The King of Hearts: Part 4 of the Red Dog Conspiracy
The King of Hearts: Part 4 of the Red Dog Conspiracy
Audiobook9 hours

The King of Hearts: Part 4 of the Red Dog Conspiracy

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

What if the person who hated you most was the only one who could save you?
Thousands of gentlemen have gone bankrupt in Bridges and trouble brews between the Diamond and Spadros crime families. Yet the city is united in its desire to exact vengeance for those murdered in the zeppelin disaster.
Penniless and alone, private eye Jacqueline Spadros confronts the lowest point of her life. Seen as an accomplice in the financial crisis and accused of a crime she didn't commit, Jacqui faces trial in front of a hostile jury - and could receive the death penalty.
Jacqui knows she's been framed by the illusive Red Dog Gang. But will the jury believe her?
Warning: foul language, smoking, alcoholism, terror, disturbing truths, gun battles, our main character in peril ... all the things you've come to know and love.
The King of Hearts is part 4 of a 13-part serial novel
The Jacq of Spades
The Queen of Diamonds
The Ace of Clubs
The King of Hearts <- you are here
The Ten of Hearts
The Five of Diamonds
The Two of Hearts
The Three of Spades
The Knave of Hearts
The Four of Clubs
The Jack of Diamonds (print version coming October 2024)
From the author:
Each book builds on the information presented in the book before it. Because of this, I strongly urge you to listen to the first three books in this series before reading The King of Hearts.
If you'd like a quick way to catch up on the series, the Red Dog Conspiracy: Act 1 box set contains the first three books in ebook or audio format.
All caught up with Jacqui and ready to go?
Get this audiobook, and continue the journey!
Release dateFeb 19, 2024

Patricia Loofbourrow

Patricia Loofbourrow, MD is an SFF and non-fiction writer, PC gamer, ornamental food gardener, fiber artist, and wildcrafter who loves power tools, dancing, genetics and anything to do with outer space. She was born in southern California and has lived in Chicago and Tokyo. She currently lives in Oklahoma with her husband and three grown children.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    All of the intrigue and the colorful characters of the earlier Red Dog Conspiracy books!Oh my goodness, Jacqui! What have you gotten yourself into now?When we last left Jacqui Spadros, she had discovered startling information about her husband, Tony Spadros…a man she respected but never loved. More importantly, she had managed to get through an inquest into the explosion of a zeppelin; an explosion that most residents of Bridges believe Jacqui caused killing more than three hundred people in a mass murder conspiracy. In The King of Hearts, Jacqui finds herself on trial, accused by a corrupt political, and perhaps financially, motivated prosecutor of mass murder and conspiracy to commit mass murder; a trial in which she has already been prejudicially tried and convicted by public opinion. Perhaps worse, she has left Tony Spadros and cut herself off from resources to pay her attorney. Now, she must sell all that she has in order to survive. She soon finds out who her friends are…but are her friends really her friends at all? Are her enemies really her enemies?The King of Hearts is the story of a trial. It is the story of Jacqui’s internal and external tribulations, insecurities and musing while dealing with the stress of trial, maintaining as many of her social contacts as possible, maintaining her independence from the Spadros family, particularly Tony…and Roy Spadros, and trying to fathom exactly who, among all of the people of Bridges, was the one person behind the conspiracies against her.The King of Hearts contains all of the intrigue and the colorful characters of the previous Red Dog Conspiracy books adding the drama of a courtroom trial in Bridges. A trial with the deck stacked against a poor ‘Pot-Rag’. This book easily held my interest and, like the key piece of a puzzle, fits tightly and neatly into the Red Dog Conspiracy Series. Fans of the series, fan of Steampunk in general, and fans of conspiratorial intrigue should find The King of Hearts enjoyable.