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Decision Paralysis
Decision Paralysis
Decision Paralysis
Audiobook29 minutes

Decision Paralysis

Written by Isaac Thorne

Narrated by Isaac Thorne

Rating: 0 out of 5 stars


About this audiobook

It's easy to become overwhelmed to the point of paralysis these days. Just ask grade-schooler Tina. Better yet, ask Tina's granny. Her granny has had a rough time of late.

First, Tina's grandfather, the family decision-maker, died. Next, her granny was saddled with having to care for granddaughter Tina while Tina's mother went to work. That became especially burdensome after Tina's bus driver forgot to drop her off from school one day. But the worst day of her granny's life was yet to come.

One afternoon Tina finds herself helplessly captive in the backseat of her granny's Lincoln. She can only watch as the pressure of daily decision-making forces away the last of her granny's sanity. Meanwhile, the Lincoln speeds and careens wildly down the streets of Tina's hometown with Tina trapped in the backseat and her granny paralyzed behind the wheel.

Can Tina help her granny break free from her spiral in time to save both their lives? The decision is in her hands.

Release dateMar 6, 2017

Isaac Thorne

Isaac Thorne is a nice man who has, over the course of his life, developed a modest ability to spin a good yarn. Really. He promises. He also avoids public men's restrooms at all costs.

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