

The exhibition, ‘Hermès’ Collections for the Home 2021 ‒ 2022’, which placed an emphasis on the furniture and objects that explore tactile sensations, was on show at Maison Hermès Dosan Park from Oct. 14 to. The furniture, which has a wooden structure and a Cellulose Microfiber finish, is completed with meticulous paint work, visibly applied stroke-by-stroke. The vertical line pattern added to this organic form not only presents a certain exoticism but also an undulating tactile sensation. is a stone table. It appears to be made of two stone pieces, but it is in fact cut from a single form. The countless lines on the surface were carved deliberately by a stonemason with a ruler. This delicate and masterful treatment, the aesthetic properties of the original material are heightened to new level. The neighbouring work is an enameled copper dish ; enameled copper is created by covering copper sheets in enamel via stencils, thus creating a subtle difference between the two materials. The cold metal and vibrant colouring also resembles a cloisonné. The remaining three rooms were occupied by original works such as Gianpaolo Pagni’s tableware and cashmere plaid. As we gradually move into a world of greater virtual interaction owing to continuing technological advancement, the tactile experience has taken on new value. In that sense, this Hermès Home Collection appears to revive that dulled sense of touch through showcasing various materials.

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