

‘One of our friends once told us that he had a chat with a local taxi driver about Alvar Aalto for about 40 minutes when he visited Finland. We were envious. Could it be possible for us to experience something similar here someday, too?’ This is what Vince and Irene envision. As the co-directors of the publication studio erosis, they hope to see a dissolution of the boundaries between professionals and non-professionals in the fields of art and design. In 2019, they began publishing their Manuscripts series, which features the translations of unpublished writings by artists and designers. In 2020, they lunched an online subscription service called ‘The Generalist’. SPACE interviewed erosis, to explore the ways in which they are trying to expand this liminal space little by little, and how they view their subjects from both a broad perspective and with a more penetrating gaze.

Choi Eunhwa (Choi): I’m curious about your backgrounds. How did you come to open this studio together?

Vince Ahn (Ahn): I studied architecture at Cornell University and then worked in an architectural office. In the end, I got sidetracked. (laugh) I became interested in curation and so attended the relevant classes in my 4th and 5th years, and later I served as an assistant curator at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA).

Irene Yoo (Yoo): I traveled back and forth between Korea and the U.S. I studied visual design at the School of Art Institute of Chicago. I began my career as an intern in an art gallery and later worked at an

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