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Therapeutic Writing - the Power of Writing in Personal Transformation: Self-awareness, #1
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Self-awareness Series

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About this series

Therapeutic Writing: The Power of Writing in Personal Transformation is a profound work that unveils the transformative capacity of writing. This book is not just a guide but a companion on the journey of introspection and emotional healing. The author shares valuable insights on how writing, such a simple practice, can be used as a form of therapy, helping individuals to confront, understand, and overcome their emotional challenges.

The work is filled with techniques and practical exercises, from journaling to composing letters and poetry, each designed to touch different aspects of the human psyche. Ana Mafalda Damião emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and authentic expression, encouraging readers to surrender to writing without judgment as a means to explore their deepest feelings.

One of the strengths of the book is its accessible approach, making therapeutic writing available to everyone, regardless of previous experience with writing. The author encourages readers to view the exercises not as a chore but as a haven, a space for internal dialogue and personal growth.

This book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in using writing as a tool for self-discovery and healing.

"Therapeutic Writing" is more than just a book; it is an invitation to transform life through words, offering a new perspective on how we face our internal challenges and reconnect with our essence.

Release dateMar 2, 2024
Therapeutic Writing - the Power of Writing in Personal Transformation: Self-awareness, #1

Titles in the series (1)

  • Therapeutic Writing - the Power of Writing in Personal Transformation: Self-awareness, #1


    Therapeutic Writing - the Power of Writing in Personal Transformation: Self-awareness, #1
    Therapeutic Writing - the Power of Writing in Personal Transformation: Self-awareness, #1

    Therapeutic Writing: The Power of Writing in Personal Transformation is a profound work that unveils the transformative capacity of writing. This book is not just a guide but a companion on the journey of introspection and emotional healing. The author shares valuable insights on how writing, such a simple practice, can be used as a form of therapy, helping individuals to confront, understand, and overcome their emotional challenges. The work is filled with techniques and practical exercises, from journaling to composing letters and poetry, each designed to touch different aspects of the human psyche. Ana Mafalda Damião emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and authentic expression, encouraging readers to surrender to writing without judgment as a means to explore their deepest feelings. One of the strengths of the book is its accessible approach, making therapeutic writing available to everyone, regardless of previous experience with writing. The author encourages readers to view the exercises not as a chore but as a haven, a space for internal dialogue and personal growth. This book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in using writing as a tool for self-discovery and healing. "Therapeutic Writing" is more than just a book; it is an invitation to transform life through words, offering a new perspective on how we face our internal challenges and reconnect with our essence.


Ana Mafalda Damião

Ana Mafalda Damião Nascida no Alentejo, na vastidão das planícies, onde por vezes só o canto das cigarras se ouve, cresceu no meio do silêncio, do cheiro da terra, dos animais… Sempre com a curiosidade de saber o que estaria para lá do horizonte, para lá de onde os seus olhos avistavam. Foi essa curiosidade que a levou ao Curso de História e lhe abriu as portas para o ensino. Mais tarde, e porque a paixão dos livros a acompanha desde que aprendeu a ler, especializou-se em Gestão de Bibliotecas Escolares.

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