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FromLearning Chinese through Stories


FromLearning Chinese through Stories

36 minutes
Aug 15, 2016
Podcast episode


墙 qiáng Noun, wall 墙上, on the wall. 墙上挂着一支笛子。 一支笛子挂在墙上。 挂 guà Verb, to hang something on 脖子上挂着一串项链。 把衣服挂在钩子上。 笛子 dízi Noun, flute 长笛,短笛,竖笛,牧笛 蒙 méng Verb,to cover 墙上的笛子上蒙了一层厚厚的灰。 孩子把衣服蒙在脸上。 来了一个蒙面人。 厚 hòu Adj, thick (only used on flat subjects, such as books, money, snow fallen on the ground, dirt, etc.) 厚厚的灰。 厚厚的一沓钱。 一本大厚书。 薄(báo),the antonym 灰(尘) Huī(chén) Noun, 1.dust 2. color grey(灰色) 也可以说“灰尘”。 久 jiǔ Adj, long time 很久很久以前,long long time ago 久而久之,gradually 吹 chuī Verb, to blow 吹笛子, to play a flute 吹口哨,to whistle 吹牛,to brag 老婆 lǎopó Noun, wife (colloquial) 老公,colloquial way to say “husband” 妻子,formal way to say “wife” 丈夫,formal way to say “husband” 吵 chǎo Adjective, noisy 吵死了!It’s too loud/noisy! 拭 shì Verb, to wipe(formal)擦(ca1) is the informal way 擦拭 拭去灰尘 靠近 kàojìn Verb, to get close to; to approach 靠近一点儿,再近一点儿,get closer 往左靠,lean to the left 最终 zuìzhōng Adv, eventually 拒绝 jùjué Verb, to reject 接受(jiē shòu), to accept 曲 qǔ Noun, song 一曲,one song 歌曲,song 愿望 yuànwàng Noun, wish 我从小就有个愿望。I have been wishing this since I was little. 希望,hope 或许 huòxǔ Adv, perhaps Synonyms, 也许,可能 永远 yǒngyuǎn Time noun, forever 一直,adv, all the time 侄 zhí Noun,niece 侄子,male niece 侄女,female niece 女婿 nǚxù Noun, son-in-law 称 chēng Verb, to call (a person) by a particular name or term 她称我为“老师”,称他为“叔叔”。 称呼,particular names or terms that one is being called by others 赚 zhuàn Verb, to earn(money) 赚钱 夫妇 fūfù Noun,a married couple 夫:丈夫(老公) 妇: 妻子(老婆) 加班 jiābān Verb phrase, to work overtime 加了两个小时的班 供 gōng Verb,to provide someone financial support for someone 供孩子读书 读书 dúshū Verb phrase, 1. to read books 2. to go to school 上学,学习:to go to school 养活 yǎnghuo Verb phrase, to feed, provide and support to keep someone alive 父母 fùmǔ Noun, parent 动力 dònglì Noun, motivation 春节 chūnjié Noun, Chinese Spring Festival 腊月 làyuè Noun, December on Chinese lunar calendar 火车票 huǒchē piào Noun, train ticket 汽车票 qìchē piào Noun, bus ticket 抬价 tái jià Verb phrase, to overcharge 抬高价 划算 huásuàn Verb phrase, to be worthy 不划算,it’s not worth it. 太划算了,it is a good deal. 趟 tàng Noun, measure word, time(s) for trips 去了一趟北京。 中考 zhōngkǎo Noun, high school entrance exam 高考,college entrance exam 县 xiàn Noun, administrative division word, small city 奖励 jiǎnglì Verb, to reward 奖:奖品,prize 励:鼓励,to encourage 暑假 shǔjià Noun, summer vacation 寒假,winter vacation 外公 wàigōng Noun, grandpa on mom’s side 北方:姥姥,姥爷 南方:外婆,外公 声音 shēngyīn Noun, voice This part explains vocabulary and grammar in the 4th to 6th paragraphs of the story. Repetitive responses to questions based on the story are also included in this part.
Aug 15, 2016
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Using more than 99% target language, 听故事学中文Learning Chinese through Stories(LCTS) creates authentic and immersive podcasts to help people around the world develop Chinese language skills and cultural competency. It covers a wide range of topics and proficiency levels(Novice, Intermediate, Advanced). Every story has two parts: story (A) and story explanation (B), accompanied by annotated vocabulary and transcript. For example, an episode titled "2.3.12 A" means this episode is at the level of Intermediate High (2.3), is the 12th episode created for this level, and is the story, not story explanation.