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Educate from Home: Strategies for Successful Homeschooling
Educate from Home: Strategies for Successful Homeschooling
Educate from Home: Strategies for Successful Homeschooling
Ebook59 pages33 minutes

Educate from Home: Strategies for Successful Homeschooling

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In "Educate from Home: Strategies for Successful Homeschooling," Avery Nightingale navigates the complex terrain of remote learning with finesse and insight. As the COVID-19 pandemic upends traditional schooling, parents and educators alike seek solutions to ensure children's uninterrupted academic progress. Nightingale delves into the plethora

Release dateMay 15, 2024

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    Educate from Home - Avery Nightingale


    Setting Up Your Homeschooling Environment

    3. Create Different Stations. While variety and visual appeal are important, you might also want to simplify and partition the space to visually resemble a particularly comfortable classroom. Setting a table and perhaps a few bookshelves or storage containers could be a great strategy for this. Look at your environment and decide the best anchors for different tasks to start experimenting with what your kid – or kids – are most comfortable with.

    2. Use Color. Just as adults are inspired by vibrant colors like yellow, red, orange, deep blue, or purple to perform at work, so too can paint and decor ignite the excitement of your kids to study, read, and create.

    Keep Things Visually Appealing. For young children especially, choose a few posters, photographs, or comfortable seating choices that are designed to be especially attractive and welcoming. If you are short on space, consider rolling items like posters that are not particularly sensitive to folding. Do crafts or card projects, for example, that can be displayed or rearranged throughout the year.

    Before you can grab a book, read and discuss at the kitchen table, or go on a nature walk with your children, you first need to create an appropriate learning environment. Depending on your homeschooling goals, your environment might include areas for reading, art projects, construction projects, quiet reflection, learning practical life skills, and much more. Ideally, homeschooling parents who have space can dedicate and organize an entire room for their classroom. However, do not worry if you do not have a lot of space. It is important to keep in mind that even a small, cozy corner in a hallway, living room, or bedroom that you hang learning materials on the wall is still an enriched learning environment.

    Designing Your Environment


    Establishing a Daily Routine

    According to some studies, establishing a calm, fun, and positive routine makes everyone come together, facilitates the emotional control of both adults and children, promotes teamwork, and makes the day less transformative. Even if children doubt it or doubt the established routine, by following the same routine repeatedly, they will be more independent over time by performing expected activities without problems. When the routine is consistent, these skills are transformed into habits. Finally, establishing routine and rhythm also has beneficial effects on children's intellectual development and logical thinking. They develop self-awareness, help them build security and stability, increase attention span, adaptability, and stimulation, and in turn, favor the development of a child's positive self-image and self-esteem. In short, having a home schedule provides an organizational pattern and empowers human beings on all levels.

    Regardless of whether you feel more comfortable with one pedagogical method or another, establishing a routine is fundamental. In this case, having a visual calendar helps a lot to

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