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The combination of reality and fiction expressed in this work is due to the creative mentality of Jose Rolando Varela. It does not only give his readers spark to their imagination, but they also become spectators of each of the beautiful, tender, dramatic and impressive stories. This is definitely an excellent book, recommended for children and adults and has a great message of sensitivity and awareness.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMay 20, 2024


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    Book preview

    FASCINATING STORIES - Jose Rolando Varela

    Copyright © 2024 by Jose Rolando Varela.

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    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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    Rev. date: 05/02/2024






    A Miracle at Christmas

    The Magic of Canito

    The Treasure of the Petrified Forest

    Unexpected reunion in the Last Frontier

    I found Happiness where Money does not exist

    The Gigantic Monster Thousand Heads

    My Constant Trips between Two worlds

    Our Great Love transcended to Eternity

    The Enchanted Stone that changed my life

    The Survivors of Blue Planet


    I offer this literary work to our Creator, because thanks to him, I had the imagination and capacity necessary to carry it out. I extend my dedication to all the people who strive every day to be better human beings and share the fruit of their achievements with the less fortunate.


    Every child loves when their parents or grandparents read to them or tell them pleasant stories, particularly before going to sleep. The fantasy of these stories finds in the tender child’s mind an ideal space for sensitivity, credibility and imagination. These three virtues allow human beings at the beginning of life to admit the existence of characters who fight for good and just, giving their best for the weak or helpless. Although the content of this work is for people of all ages, I believe that it will be adults who should read it more carefully, since here I focus on aspects and situations of our lives that can occur at a certain time and in any part of our world. . The mixture of fiction and reality expressed in this book results in interesting situations that induce us to reflect and recover lost sensitivity, due to the materialism that prevails in our time.

    A Miracle at Christmas

    The last days of autumn were passing in that Canadian mountain village, of singular beauty, framed by a high rocky mountain range, and permanently covered in snow at its summit, from where abundant waterfalls of crystalline water flowed, forming numerous small rivers. that flowed into a wide blue lake, which looked like a gigantic mirror in which such a beautiful landscape was reflected, which was complemented by an immense forest of leafy pines, redwoods, maples and other vegetation that served as home to the varied mammal fauna, such as bears, deer, elk, wolves, foxes, etc. Without missing birds such as eagles, ducks, a wide variety of birds and the fish found in the lakes and rivers of that area. The human population was scarce, it consisted of 10 families who lived in typical wooden cabins, built by themselves, and those villagers were dedicated to sawing wood.

    As winter approached, the days became shorter and the nights longer, darker and colder, the snowfalls were more frequent and its white blanket was transforming the landscape; the residents, aware of this change, prepared their sleighs pulled by horses and others by dogs, to travel to the different places. They paid special attention to their latest deliveries of their products that they should take to Red Rock, a small town located about 50 miles from their home village and from the fruit of their work, and they would achieve all the supplies necessary to face another harsh Canadian winter.

    Despite the remoteness and isolation of that village, called Graceland, the Christmas spirit was deeply rooted among its inhabitants, as they were of European descent, of Christian faith and tradition, so the Christmas spirit was they carried in their veins.

    Once the tasks of delivering their wood and the consequent purchase of provisions had been completed, they began the preparations for the new Christmas that was approaching, very much in their style, obviously, the multicolored lighting of the large metropolitan cities had no place there, due to lack of electricity.

    The Smith family, the pioneers and founders of that picturesque village, together with the other 9 families, always commemorated Christmas, preparing a special dinner with a varied menu, in which roasted venison, baked turkey and smoked salmon, were the main dishes, accompanied by bread and wine that they made themselves, for dessert they served local fruit cake decorated with walnuts and almonds.

    As can be seen for the residents of Graceland, Christmas was a unique holiday, in which they went all out. On this occasion, Graceland had the presence of foreign guests from the southern hemisphere, who had arrived there in the last days of summer, looking for the magic and beauty of a place like that place, to capture it on canvas, that is, it was a marriage of artists, naturist painters and parents of a cute 5-year-old girl named Cindy. The Orlandini, that is the family’s last name, came from El Porvenir, a small town located in Patagonia, Argentina. In the short time they lived with the residents of that village, they had come to cultivate a beautiful friendship, to such an extent that they considered them its members fees, not only for his great artistic talent, but for the grace of Cindy, who had become the inseparable friend of Max, a boy of the same age and who was the great-grandson of the patriarch of the town, both formed a beautiful couple of real little brothers, who played, ate and even slept together.

    One night the Orlandini and Smith families were chatting after dinner, the topic of conversation was neither more nor less than Christmas, which was just around the corner, Diego, Cindy’s father, commented to the Smith patriarch, the great difference that exists between the time that exists there in the northern hemisphere and that of the southern hemisphere where they came from, because when in one it is winter, in the other it is summer and vice versa, suddenly the boy Max upon hearing that statement, interrupts the conversation, asking, do you mean that at this time, there in your land there is no snow like here? That is how my little son is, Diego responds.

    Diego and Marcela Orlandini’s plans were to remain at Graceland until the spring of the following year, they wanted to enjoy a Christmas completely different from those they had experienced in their homeland and they also wanted to have enough time to complete the collection of natural paintings of those Canadian landscapes, which they planned to exhibit in a large and cosmopolitan city like Buenos Aires and some in Europe.

    Everything seemed to be geared toward waiting for Christmas Eve in that region that, although it was extremely cold, the human warmth and hospitality of its residents made it very welcoming, but one week before Christmas, when everyone was asleep, the cell phone rings. Marcela, this was the only means of communication between that secluded village and the rest of the world, surprised by the lateness of the hour, Marcela nervously answered the call, it was her sister Rosa, who with a broken voice, informed her that her mother was delicate health, this unexpected news completely changed all previous plans.

    The next day the Orlandini couple informed their friends of the sudden and unpleasant news they had received and of their unexpected and imminent return to their homeland. Everyone was saddened, but understood that the trip was unavoidable and imperative, in Max’s childish mind. And Cindy, everything was confusing, absolute sadness was visible on their tender faces and the crying was uncontrollable, since the trip would distance them precisely when they were just a few days away from Christmas. Diego and Marcela, seeing them in that state, desperately looked for an alternative to remedy the children’s situation. After many considerations, they came to the conclusion of asking Mr. Patriarca the request to allow David and Carolina, Max’s parents, to accompany them along with the child on their trip to the southern cone, in this way the 2 children They would not be separated during this special time and with God’s help, as soon as Cindy’s grandmother’s health improved, they would all return. Diego and Marcela’s proposal was submitted to the consideration of the Patriarch and the entire Graceland community, who in a short time unanimously approved the proposal, taking into account that Christmas is a holiday in which tribute is paid to the birth of the Child God. Therefore, all children in the world deserve to be happy.

    The news of approval of Max and his parents’ trip to Patagonia, together with the grieving Orlandini family, although it would leave a physical and spiritual void among the residents

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