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The Unexpected Journey
The Unexpected Journey
The Unexpected Journey
Ebook191 pages2 hours

The Unexpected Journey

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Randolph Sterling is a dedicated, tough, police detective who got sidelined due to a permanent injury. To avoid a depressing desk job, he takes up an interesting offer from his best friend from college, William Thornton, who now works in Italy for the newly formed Vatican's Miraculous Claims Investigations program (V.M.C.I.). Now he can use his veteran detective skills to tackle the exposing of alleged religious miracles. After all, he had his doubts that any God actually exists because of all the evil he had witnessed on the streets, which he believed any true God would not have allowed. But this objective, logical, and doubting attitude is exactly what the VMCI team wants. Nevertheless, his talents and attitude are truly tested in this unexpected journey with numerous twists and turns as he encounters a whole new frontier of spiritual mysteries.

John Carpenter returns with his fifth book but very first novel. Using research and details of actual alleged miracles as published in his prior books, he weaves a magical blend of truth and fiction into a journey of transformation. Go on this fascinating journey with Randolph Sterling and face his mysterious challenges with him. See what surprising changes in your own mind and beliefs might develop. You too may have an unexpected journey!

"I couldn't stop once I started reading it. I loved it! I chuckled. I cried. I even caught myself holding my breath at times. It was incredible."

--Lorry Davis, RCIA Coordinator

Release dateMay 18, 2024
The Unexpected Journey

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    Book preview

    The Unexpected Journey - John S. Carpenter MSW LCSW


    The Unexpected Journey

    John S. Carpenter MSW, LCSW

    Copyright © 2024 John S. Carpenter MSW, LCSW

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    Conneaut Lake, PA

    First originally published by Page Publishing 2024

    ISBN 979-8-89157-368-0 (pbk)

    ISBN 979-8-89157-383-3 (digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    The New Adventure

    Another Bleeding Statue?

    Impossible Facts

    Art in the Dark

    The Divine Artist

    Talking with Heaven

    Spiritual Challenge

    Meeting with Jesus

    Behold Your Mother

    The Unexpected Journey

    Divine Persuasion


    Chapter 1

    Chapters 2–3

    Chapters 4–5

    Chapters 6–7

    Chapters 6–8, 11

    Chapters 6 and 8

    Chapter 8

    Chapters 8–9

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    About the Author

    The New Adventure

    The bustling streets of Singapore were stressful. This hectic place was not really where I had planned to be. Although I had been used to the fast pace in New York City, I could at least speak the language there. I had no clue how to speak Mandarin here in Singapore. That made even the simplest of questions very challenging. So you are probably wondering why the heck am I even here in this part of the world. What am I doing in this remote part of Asia?

    Okay, okay, I need to explain a few things. First, let me introduce myself to you and explain what has happened in my life. My name is Randolph John Sterling—but my closer friends just call me RJ. I had worked the tough streets of New York City as a tenacious police detective for over twenty long years. I was known as the Hellhound by the criminal world—because it was hell for you if you were being hunted down by me. Ha ha! Even though I was proud of that legendary nickname, it did put a target on my back. The gangs would love to get rid of me—and they almost did.

    One night in April of 1998, I thought I was responding to a call for help but was ambushed by a violent gang with unexpected gunfire from their car as they sped by. I was hit hard in my right leg with several bullets. My bones in that leg were shattered, and I lost a great deal of blood from the nicked artery. My partner saved my life by applying a tourniquet hastily made from rags in the trunk of our patrol car. But I lost consciousness from the loss of so much blood. The hospital was not even sure they could save me. They said that my heart stopped three times. I had no idea what was going on.

    All I remember was that an inky blackness was engulfing me. Somehow, it seemed alive, which still puzzles me to this day. It felt like an ominous, evil presence that thrived in every part of that suffocating darkness. I heard screams in the distance, but I figured later that they were probably from other patients in the emergency room. But I will never forget the awful stench that seemed to ooze from this blackness. It gagged me because it was so strong.

    In the distance, I could see a dark red glow—but had no idea what that was all about. If this was some kind of near-death experience, I can tell you right now that there was clearly no God around. I had doubted, anyway, that there could be a God or any kind of an afterlife. With all the violence, abuse, crime, hatred, and evil I witnessed in my years on the streets, it was very hard to believe that there could be a loving God overseeing humanity. And this noisy, stinking blackness was hard to explain, describe, or ever forget. Those eerie screams still haunt me.

    Sadly, these injuries took me off the streets and away from my challenging yet very rewarding detective work. My days then consisted of sitting at a desk, processing reports, and just talking with those headed out to work the streets. It was hardly enough. I felt depressed, lost, and without any drive to do my job. But there was no way I could protect myself or my fellow officers with my inability to run and keep up with everyone. I was told that I would always have this hobbling gait and perpetual limp. How could I ever protect my beloved brothers in uniform—or even myself? There was just no future for me, it seemed. My wife and three teenage kids were very happy that I was out of danger and sitting safely at a desk. Nobody seemed to understand what I was feeling or how useless my life seemed now. My depression was eating me alive. I felt like I didn't care about anything anymore.

    Then a phone call changed everything. It opened a door—an unexpected one for sure! My best friend, William Thornton, an old college buddy, had called. He had spent time overseas in Italy after graduation, fell in love with that beautiful country, and never returned home. His major had been in archaeology and forensics. He found such joy in examining the wonderful ruins around Rome. I had teased him about finding some hot Italian babe to fall in love with, but he seemed more passionate instead about his work. Recently, he had been working for the Vatican in their historical records and artifacts division.

    Due to numerous claims of miracles happening throughout the world, the Vatican has been very conservative and cautious in extending its approval and acceptance without extensive investigation and theological review. After all, just because the alleged miracle might contain a supernatural aspect does not mean that it comes from a heavenly source. What if demonic forces are trying to mislead or trick us? At least, that's what my friend William—I mean Bill, told me. I don't know about all that theology stuff. It might just be a bunch of baloney. Serious investigations ought to expose many hoaxes and clever deceptions. I don't know if I really believe in actual miracles anyway. I've seen many hurtful scams, lies, deceptive claims, and crazy crap in my years on the streets. Besides, if there is no God, there certainly would not be any miracles! But that's exactly why he called me.

    Hey, RJ, I thought of you when the Vatican formed their new investigations unit. We need a tough old bird like you who doesn't readily believe in such miracles. Your investigative skills and detective insight would be a real asset to this new team. With others hoping that these claims might be real, your cautious, skeptical, and critical investigative skills would be extremely valuable.

    Bill was talking about the new VMCI—the Vatican's Miraculous Claims Investigations program. Whether I believe in such things or not was irrelevant. I could be out in the field safely and using my detective skills again—and be working alongside my best friend. That certainly sparked my interest. But I would be away from my wife and kids—who just wanted me to stay safely at my desk every day. That was the hardest part of this. However, because my wife had been sensing my deepening depression, she wanted me to give this new adventure a try. Now that's true love, and I am so grateful for her caring and unselfish support. So I accepted Bill's invitation and retired from the NYC Police Department that had been my cherished home for so many years. Bittersweet, ya know. But a new chapter was in front of me. I was really ready for this new adventure…I think!

    So here I am…Singapore…Asia…and why? The VMCI needed us to check out the miraculous claim that a crucifix of Jesus was occasionally bleeding in one of the smaller churches here. I actually couldn't wait to dig into this claim to expose the trickery I was expecting. But finding this small church—and getting there—was becoming a bigger challenge than I had anticipated. Thank goodness that Bill was right next to me, fighting the same crowds and that same frustrating Mandarin language barrier.

    Are we getting any closer? I asked Bill.

    Bill smiled and replied, We meet Bishop Mateo at this coffee shop on the next street over.

    Good! I sighed. I haven't had enough coffee yet today to handle everything.

    Heck, you're tougher than that. Don't be such a wuss! Bill laughed.

    Yeah, whatever. Just give me my coffee, and I'll be tough again, I joked back.

    It was so great to be with Bill again after all these years. We had many stories from college that we probably should not share with you right now—or anyone…probably ever! I'll just leave it at that and let you imagine the rest.

    Here we are, said Bill. He pointed to a quaint little coffee shop on the corner and led the way inside. Bishop Mateo rose to his feet and bowed his head toward us. Obviously, he could recognize two fumbling Americans looking lost!

    Were we that easy to recognize? Bill mused.

    I had a picture of you, William Thornton, forwarded to me from the Vatican, he responded in a proper and polite manner.

    Why am I not surprised? They are so careful and thorough. Bill chuckled. This is my colleague, Randolph Sterling.

    Bishop Mateo bowed his head toward me politely. Nice to make your acquaintance.

    Nice to meet you too, I said. So tell us about this recent miracle.

    We all sat down together at an old wooden table in the corner where there was more privacy. Bishop Mateo began telling us what he had learned from Father Chang at Our Lady of Perpetual Health, a small Catholic church just a few blocks away.

    Bishop Mateo took a deep breath, looked down at the table, and reported, During the prayerful time of the local Mass, parishioners started witnessing blood dripping from the Crown of Thorns on the head of the crucifix of Jesus. The blood slowly flowed down his body and then dried on the statue.

    How large is this crucifix? Where is its location? asked Bill.

    The statue is about three feet in height and hangs on the wall behind the altar, said the bishop.

    What was Father Chang's reaction? I asked.

    He was stunned. He paused the Mass for a few minutes to take a closer look. Then extra prayers were led by Father Chang with deep gratitude for this unexpected but apparent miracle. The parishioners were speechless and inspired. Since that time, church attendance has greatly increased to standing room only. The bishop paused and smiled.

    Interesting, I replied. But I was not about to believe that this was a true miracle without sinking my teeth into it with an in-depth, careful investigation for answers. The bishop studied my face closely, probably trying to understand my unspoken thoughts.

    Let's go check it out, said Bill. Em and Kat are already there interviewing witnesses. They flew into Singapore yesterday.

    Oh yeah. I forgot to tell you about Em and Kat. Emily Flannigan and Katherine Nelson are two more members of our VMCI team. Emily is an expert in Catholic history and tradition from Ireland. Emily understands all that religious lingo and those Catholic beliefs that are like a whole other world to me. Katherine is a hematopathologist from London, England, who specializes in blood analysis. Kat is a nuts and bolts lab nerd who really knows her stuff. But I planned to figure out what is really going on in this little church.

    Bishop Mateo rose to his feet and gestured for us to follow him out of the coffee shop. He led us down an alley as a shortcut to Our Lady of Perpetual Health. The church appeared to be an older wooden building with a large statue of the Virgin Mary by the front door. It seemed rather dark and dingy inside as Bishop Mateo held the door for us to enter. The darker wood of the pews and walls added to that darkness. I saw Emily interviewing an older man at the end of one of the pews on the left. Katherine was quietly staring up at the bloody crucifix of Jesus hanging behind the altar. I tried to make my way quietly up the aisle to join Katherine, but the floor creaked and groaned as it does in an old building. Bill went over to the left side to check in with Emily.

    Hey, Kat, what do ya think? I said, breaking her intense gaze at the crucifix.

    Just looking at the alleged bloodstains. I want to find out if that is actually blood, she answered. We need to get a ladder so I can get some samples.

    Okay, okay, said a voice behind us. A quiet, courteous, and very short man approached us. Hello, I am Father Chang. Thank you for coming here. He bowed his head quickly and then turned to an older man in work clothes and said, Nando, get a ladder for them, please! The older man nodded and left the room.

    As Father Chang turned back toward us, I asked, How did you become aware of this event?

    He replied, "During Mass, a woman screamed out and

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