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The Sword & the slipper
The Sword & the slipper
The Sword & the slipper
Ebook162 pages2 hours

The Sword & the slipper

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A forbidden love, a dangerous secret, and a kingdom teetering on the edge of ruin.

As a celebrated dragon slayer, I've faced countless dangers to protect my kingdom.

Disguised as a noble, I infiltrate a royal ball to uncover the sinister forces behind recent dragon attacks.

What I didn't expect was to find my heart ensnared by a mysterious beauty.

Dreaming of freedom and love, she attends the royal ball with the help of a magical transformation, and our worlds collide in a dance of passion and intrigue.

As sparks fly between us, we must navigate dangerous secrets that threaten to tear us apart.

With the kingdom's future hanging in the balance, our love becomes the key to unraveling a deadly conspiracy.

In a land where love and magic intertwine, only our bond can save the kingdom from the shadows of the past.

Release dateMay 18, 2024
The Sword & the slipper

Luna Rains

I am Luna Rains, a romance author raised amid the enchanting allure of the southern landscape. My roots are deeply entwined in the mysteries of the South, and my novels exude an irresistible blend of paranormal fascination and scorching passion. Hailing from a small Georgia town, my upbringing amidst ancient oaks and whispered legends fueled my imagination. Savannah, my hometown, is known as the most haunted city in the country. Now in my thriving thirties, I channel my intrigue for the unknown into spellbinding tales of ethereal love. My novels entwine spectral beings with unbridled desire, painting a world where love defies both time and the supernatural. With a devoted following, I have mastered the art of kindling flames through my paranormal romance stories, etching my name as a maestro of the genre. My passion for crafting tales that blend the mystical with the sensual has become my signature, and I take pride in transporting my readers to realms where love knows no bounds.

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    Book preview

    The Sword & the slipper - Luna Rains

    Secrets and Suspicions


    I woke up at dawn, the cold seeping through the thin blanket that barely covered me. The attic room was dark, the only light coming from the faint glow of the early morning sun filtering through the small, grimy window. I shivered as I sat up, rubbing my hands together to warm them. Each morning felt like a battle against the chill, a reminder of the warmth and comfort that had vanished with my father’s passing. The attic, once a place of childhood adventures and secret hideaways, had become a prison of sorrow and icy drafts. But even in this bleakness, I clung to the memory of his laughter, a small flame of hope against the cold.  As I dressed in my tattered gown, my thoughts drifted to how different life had been before my father died. The house had been filled with laughter and love, and my father’s presence had made everything feel safe. But after he passed away, Lady Draconia, my stepmother, took over the household, and everything changed.

    Lady Draconia and her daughters, Anastasia and Drusilla, turned my life into one of servitude and misery. They saw me as nothing more than a servant, someone to do their bidding and bear the brunt of their cruelty. Each day was a relentless cycle of chores and mockery.

    I made my way down to the kitchen, the wooden stairs creaking under my weight. As soon as I stepped into the room, the familiar scent of freshly baked bread hit me. It was a comforting smell, one that reminded me of better times. But there was no time for nostalgia; I had work to do.

    I grabbed the bucket and scrub brush and knelt by the hearth to clean the fireplace. The soot clung to my hands and dress, but I kept scrubbing, trying to push away the memories of my father and focus on the task at hand.

    Hurry up, Cinderella! Anastasia’s shrill voice cut through the silence, making me flinch. We don’t have all day!

    Yes, Anastasia, I replied quietly, keeping my eyes down. It was better not to engage, not to give them any reason to be harsher than they already were.

    Drusilla sauntered into the kitchen, her eyes narrowing as she looked at me. Make sure you polish the silverware after you’re done with the floors. And don’t forget to prepare breakfast. We don’t want to starve because of your laziness.

    Yes, Drusilla, I said, my voice barely a whisper. I scrubbed harder, trying to finish quickly so I could move on to the next chore.

    Lady Draconia entered the kitchen, her stern gaze sweeping over the room before settling on me. Her presence was like a shadow falling over the sun, chilling and oppressive. I expect everything to be spotless, Cinderella. Do not disappoint me, she hissed, her voice dripping with malice. Her eyes, cold and calculating, bore into me as if she could see every flicker of defiance I tried to hide. There was no kindness in her, only a relentless drive for control. As she turned away, I could feel the weight of her threat lingering in the air, pressing down on me like an invisible chain.  Her words were like ice, freezing any hope I had of a kind word or a moment of respite. Yes, Stepmother, I murmured, my heart heavy with longing for my lost family.

    As I moved on to preparing breakfast, my stepsisters continued their barrage of insults and demands. They sat at the table, laughing and chatting as if I didn’t exist, their voices a constant reminder of my lowly status in the household.

    I couldn’t help but think about my father and how different things would be if he were still alive. He had always treated me with kindness and love, making me feel valued and cherished. But now, those feelings were distant memories, overshadowed by the cruelty I faced each day.

    I served breakfast to my stepmother and stepsisters, trying to ignore their snide remarks and sharp glances. My heart ached with the weight of my grief and the loneliness that filled my days. But I couldn’t let them see how much it hurt. I had to keep going, keep doing my chores, and hope that one day, things might change.

    As the morning wore on, I clung to the small hope that somewhere, somehow, there was a better life waiting for me. A life where I could be happy and free, away from the cruelty and the endless chores. It was a distant dream, but it was the only thing that kept me going.

    For now, all I could do was endure. With a heavy heart, I continued my work, knowing that tomorrow would bring more of the same. But deep down, I held onto the belief that one day, I would find a way to escape this life and reclaim the happiness I had lost.

    As I knelt by the hearth, scrubbing the soot from the bricks, the repetitive motion allowed my mind to wander. The warmth of the fire, a rare comfort, provided a brief respite from the chill that seemed to permanently inhabit the old house. I lost myself in the rhythm, almost forgetting where I was.

    Then, faintly, I heard voices drifting from the next room. My stepmother, Lady Draconia, was speaking in hushed tones to Anastasia and Drusilla. Curious, I inched closer to the door, careful to keep my movements silent.

    We must be cautious, Lady Draconia's voice was sharp, laced with urgency. The prince's patrols are increasing. We can't afford to be careless.

    Anastasia's reply was tinged with fear. But Mother, maintaining our dragon forms is becoming more difficult. What if we can't stay hidden?

    Dragon forms? I froze, my brush pausing mid-scrub. My heart pounded as I strained to hear more. Memories of strange, unexplained occurrences flooded back—the flashes of anger in their eyes, the uncanny strength they sometimes displayed, the mysterious burns and claw marks on furniture and walls. Could it all be connected?

    Drusilla added, We need to be more careful, especially around Cinderella. She mustn’t suspect anything.

    The shock of hearing my name nearly made me drop the brush. Dragon forms? Stay hidden? My mind raced to make sense of it. The rumors I had overheard in the village about dragon shifters, creatures who could transform into dragons at will, suddenly seemed all too real. Could my stepmother and stepsisters be such beings?

    Fear gripped me as I realized the danger I was in. Living with dragon shifters, unsuspecting, made me a potential threat to their secret. But curiosity and a need for answers battled the fear. I had to know more. What were they planning? How did this change things for me?

    As the gravity of their words sank in, I felt a mix of dread and determination. I had to tread carefully, pretend ignorance, and find a way to protect myself. The stakes were higher than I had ever imagined. This secret, if revealed, could change everything—for me and for the kingdom.

    I inched back to my chores, my mind buzzing with questions and plans. I needed to stay alert, gather more information, and find a way to turn this knowledge to my advantage. For now, I would play my part as the obedient servant, but I would not let this discovery go to waste. The future was uncertain, but one thing was clear: I was no longer just a helpless victim. I had a secret of my own, and I intended to use it.

    I leaned in closer, desperate to catch every word. But in my haste, I nudged the bucket of soapy water, sending it clattering against the hearth. The noise echoed loudly through the quiet house.

    The conversation abruptly stopped. Footsteps approached, and before I could retreat, Lady Draconia appeared in the doorway, her eyes narrowed and cold. What are you doing, Cinderella? she demanded, her voice like ice.

    My heart sank. I was just cleaning the hearth, Stepmother, I stammered, trying to steady my trembling hands.

    Her gaze bore into me, a mixture of suspicion and anger. You were eavesdropping, she accused. I warned you before, stay out of our business.

    I'm sorry, I whispered, my voice barely audible. I didn't mean to...

    Enough! she snapped. Get back to work and remember your place. If I catch you snooping again, there will be severe consequences.

    Yes, Stepmother, I replied, bowing my head in submission. As she turned and left, I felt a mix of fear and curiosity. What had I stumbled upon? What were they hiding?

    Returning to my chores, my mind buzzed with questions. Dragon forms? What could it mean? And why did they need to stay hidden? The revelation was both terrifying and intriguing. Memories of their strange behaviors resurfaced—Anastasia’s unexplainable bursts of strength, Drusilla’s eerie way of knowing things she shouldn’t, and the times Lady Draconia’s eyes seemed to glow with an unnatural light. These were not just coincidences; they were glimpses of the truth I had been blind to.

    As I scrubbed the hearth, I vowed to uncover the truth, no matter the cost. I had to know what they were hiding and why. The fear in Anastasia’s voice, the urgency in Drusilla’s words—they were scared of being discovered. What were they planning? And what did this mean for me, a mere servant in their eyes?

    The implications were staggering. If they were dragon shifters, it explained their cruelty and their need to control everything around them. But why maintain such a façade? What were they truly after? My thoughts turned to the prince and the upcoming ball. If they intended to attend, what were their motives? Could they be plotting something against the kingdom itself?

    My heart raced as the pieces of the puzzle began to fit together. I was living with creatures of immense power and unknown intentions. I needed to be cautious, but I also needed to be brave. My father had always taught me to stand up for what was right, and I felt his strength guiding me now. This was bigger than me, bigger than my suffering.

    I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was meant to play a part in this unfolding drama. The prince needed to know the danger that lurked within his own court. But how could I, a lowly servant, reach him? My mind churned with plans and possibilities. I would have to be clever, careful, and most of all, fearless.

    As I scrubbed the hearth, the soot clinging to my hands, I felt a new resolve harden within me. I vowed to uncover the truth and find a way to warn the prince. The stakes were higher than I had ever imagined. The future of the kingdom could very well depend on what I did next.

    Little did I know, this curiosity would lead me down a path fraught with danger and discovery, one that would change my life forever. But I was ready to face it. No longer just a victim of circumstance, I was now a seeker of truth, ready to confront the darkness with whatever light I could muster.

    After the harsh reprimand from my stepmother, I needed to escape, even if just for a little while. My heart still raced from the strange conversation I had overheard, and my mind was a whirlwind of confusion and fear. I tiptoed out of the house, careful not to draw any attention, and made my way to the garden, my secret haven.

    The garden was a small, secluded spot hidden behind the tall hedges at the back of the estate. It was overgrown and wild, a place that Lady Draconia and her daughters had long since abandoned. But to me, it was a sanctuary. Here, among the blooming flowers and the whispering trees, I could find a brief respite from the cruelty of my daily life.

    I walked along the narrow paths, brushing my fingers against the petals of the flowers. The vibrant colors and sweet scents were a balm to my weary soul. I sat down on an old stone bench beneath a sprawling oak tree, the branches creating a protective canopy above me.

    The birds, sensing my presence, fluttered down from the trees, chirping softly in greeting. The mice, my faithful little companions, scurried over, their tiny noses twitching with curiosity. I smiled, feeling a warmth in my heart that I hadn't felt in a

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