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No Word Unsaid
No Word Unsaid
No Word Unsaid
Ebook240 pages1 hour

No Word Unsaid

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About this ebook

In this collection, the pages come alive with the raw, unfiltered emotions of the poet's heart. It is an intimate journey through the labyrinth of human feelings, where every word is a revelation, every verse an invitation to explore the depths of the soul. With a candidness that leaves no sentiment unspoken, these poems explore love, loss, hope, and despair, offering solace and connection to all who dare to venture into the profound landscapes of the human experience.

'No Word Unsaid' is a poetic testament to the power of vulnerability and the beauty found in the most genuine and unreserved expressions of the heart.

PublisherFizza Younis
Release dateMay 17, 2024
No Word Unsaid

Fizza Younis

Dr. Fizza Younis resides in the vibrant city of Lahore, Pakistan, where her journey through life has been as diverse as the tapestry of her country. With a Ph.D. in economics, she has delved deep into the intricate webs of financial theory, but it's the enchanting realms of fiction and poetry that have captured her heart. As a dedicated indie author and ardent reader, she revels in the art of storytelling, crafting narratives that transcend the boundaries of her academic pursuits. Rooted in the principles of minimalism, equality, and harmony, her writing reflects her steadfast beliefs. Her stories are both mirrors of her philosophy and windows into the lives of intriguing characters navigating the labyrinth of existence. In her world, characters come alive, and their misadventures resonate with the shared joys and tribulations of humanity. With every word, she sprinkles love and encouragement, creating a cocoon of empathy and connection that envelops her readers. Though she might describe herself as an average person leading a mundane existence, in the world of fiction, Fizza is nothing short of spectacular. Join her on a journey through the written word, where ordinary lives take on extraordinary hues, and the essence of humanity is distilled into every sentence.

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    Book preview

    No Word Unsaid - Fizza Younis


    When I started writing poetry years ago, I didn’t think anyone else would read it. It was my way of keeping myself sane and dealing with intense emotions I knew not how else to deal with or even accept.

    I had a lot to say but no one to talk to. In fairness, I have always had a problem expressing myself. But if you have a creative mind, you cannot let it stay quiet. You would want to say what you have never said before. That’s how I picked up my pen and started writing down my thoughts and feelings. All I wanted was to play with words without any purpose or direction. And I haven’t stopped since then.

    Life is not all about difficult times, though. There are ups after the downs, and happy times are also meant to be shared. Writing doesn’t always come from a dark place. It also emerges from the brightest days. Whatever is left to be said, you must say it at once. Bottled-up feelings and unsaid words are the worst things in the world.

    I realized that writing makes everything better. Words became my best friends, and I found solace in them.

    Writing was personal, and I had no intention of sharing it with anyone. Yet, here we are, with my poetry collection out in the world. It feels like a dream come true. Of course, there is a story behind how I became a published author, but let’s not dwell on that.

    Let’s talk about this poetry collection. No Word Unsaid, includes poems from my previously published collections, Musings of an Untutored Pen and Wilted Flowers.

    Musings of an Untutored Pen was a personal project. It was written during the darkest times of my life. Wilted Flowers, however, was more about what mattered to me—things that I felt should matter to everyone if we wanted to live with purpose.

    No Word Unsaid combines them for people who seek to find meaning in life. Each verse has a message, and every poem is close to my heart. It’s for people on a quest for the truth. Those who want to unravel the mysteries of the soul and go beyond the obvious to find the right path that might lead them to their salvation. In short, it is for everyone trying to make sense of this insane world. It’s for anyone who finds beauty in words. It is for all of you.

    I hope these verses find a home in your hearts. These lines become a worthy companion during the long summer afternoons, and my words keep you warm when it’s dark and cold outside.

    Keep smiling, show your feelings, speak your truth, and face life with a strong heart and resilient mind. Remember, your words matter.

    All my love,

    Dr. Fizza Younis.

    To my parents for giving me wings,

    And to my readers for helping me fly higher.

    Restless Soul

    Like a restless soul,

    Searching for something it can’t name;

    I hope to find someone,

    Who can hear my lost cries;

    Spoken from the depths of despair,

    My words seek a home in your heart.

    Stood Divided

    The night was dark, and it was dreary,

    Walking through the mist

    The stranger was weary;

    He didn’t know what the next day might bring,

    He had witnessed something historic,

    Written in blood, a song his soul would sing.

    The day that left many in an utter mess,

    What future might hold

    Was anyone’s guess;

    But one thing was for sure, and then some,

    All the things that led them to this point

    Would be talked about for years to come.

    They were free, at last,

    The stranger mused, taking with him

    The wounds he endured in the past;

    There was hope for the story untold,

    But there was dread, too,

    For what might unfold.

    Between the pages of the history,

    The truth might be lost forever,

    Some things might always remain a mystery;

    A nation stood divided that day,

    It was true, the freedom was theirs,

    But a hefty price they had to pay.

    ‘One’ would now become a ‘two,’

    As he walked into the dark, towards the unknown

    Wondering about the past and the things he knew;

    To make his mark, with freedom gained;

    And it was what mattered the most-

    That both the nations remained.

    The Moon Knows

    There is a secret within your soul,

    Which only the moon knows;

    The moon has something to tell you,

    A story you might not be ready to hear,

    And a song you might even fear.

    Something about love, life, and happiness,

    It wants to show you the truth behind the lie;

    Before life ends and hopes die,

    You have to find your peace

    And learn what’s right before all things cease.

    Things that are obvious and those obscured,

    You must know them to find an answer

    To the question you couldn’t even ask,

    But it’s important to unfreeze the past,

    And the moon knows you’re ready for a new start.

    There are countless things in this world

    Only the moon has witnessed;

    There is a story within your story

    Only the moon can tell,

    But are you ready to listen to it well?

    Castle That Sleeps

    I live in a castle that is fast asleep,

    The world hears its walls as they weep;

    Everything here is stilted,

    Every breath you take is tainted.

    Sadness and despair walk unbidden,

    Here, smiles and laughter are forbidden;

    I stroll through the halls so grand,

    Time slipped through my hands like sand.

    It’s a place so majestic to behold,

    A story so eloquent when it is told,

    But all is not what it seems,

    There is a creature living in the beams.

    Soon, it will wake up and open its eyes,

    The whole world will see when it flies;

    It sleeps with the castle, unafraid and free,

    It knows all that mortals can never see.

    Sleeping castle slumbers in a time loop,

    There but not there, hiding behind a souls’ troop.

    If you walk by, don’t stop and don’t come near,

    It’s majestic, but it’s also something you should fear.

    It’s a home, my love, I live in this castle that sleeps,

    Along with its walls, my heart also weeps.

    Not for long; soon, the tears will be dry,

    Nothing again will ever make it cry.

    All Consuming

    A sadness that consumes your soul,

    And never lets you be whole,

    You can feel the despair but never the reason,

    It can happen any time, in any season.

    You wish to know why it happens to you,

    And want to unravel all that’s true,

    Your soul seeks something elusive,

    It wants to reject everything that feels intrusive.

    There’s a secret hidden somewhere within,

    A thirst that feels much like a sin;

    You try to get rid of it, to shake it away,

    But to no avail, it’s there to stay.

    It feasts on your heart, then your mind,

    There isn’t a hope that you can find

    Amidst the chaos that’s your fate,

    A hunger you can’t even dream to sate.

    Soon, it will eat you alive,

    Unless you can find a way to survive,

    Hold on to the hope, and keep it near,

    Remember the things you have always held dear.

    Mistake or Fate

    It was there, right in front of my eyes;

    Through the darkness, I saw the light -

    I stretched out my hand

    But it vanished the next moment.

    Maybe it was just an illusion,

    I was afraid from the start-

    If only I was sure…

    It’s a pain no one can cure.

    I’m surrounded by a fog of disappointment;

    I have felt the shackles of despair around my ankles -

    Amidst the chaos, I began to realize this:

    It’s all my fault, for my desire was insatiate.

    I shouldn’t have taken that which was never mine,

    Now, I must face this deadly fate;

    I shouldn’t have believed the lies,

    This time, no one will hear my cries.

    Dare I hope to change my destiny?

    When is it too late to turn back

    After taking a wrong turn?

    But still, there is someone -

    I don’t see a

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