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Fated Mate For A Vampire : Rodney & Decardi: For a Vampire, #4
Fated Mate For A Vampire : Rodney & Decardi: For a Vampire, #4
Fated Mate For A Vampire : Rodney & Decardi: For a Vampire, #4
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Fated Mate For A Vampire : Rodney & Decardi: For a Vampire, #4

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The Vampire Queen is barren and without an heir she cannot remain on the throne. She marries and adopts a stepson, Rodney. If she produces no children, he will inherit the throne. She will mold him to be the leader she wants and though he may sit on the throne, she will be in the shadows with the power.

It's a fitting plan, until a soothsayer proclaims Rodney has a fated mate. The Queen's own brother, Decardi, the very vampire she's been trying to keep off the throne. Dubbed the Widow of Time, because of all the suitors he's murdered, Decardi has sworn never to take a mate and dethrone his sister.

When Rodney learns his Step Uncle is his fated mate, he sets off to find his banished uncle and claim what is his.

*Trigger warning of mentioned child abuse and associated trauma haunting the person in adulthood. Not graphic or sexual.

Release dateDec 26, 2023
Fated Mate For A Vampire : Rodney & Decardi: For a Vampire, #4

Nina R. Schluntz

Nina Schluntz is a native to rural Nebraska. In her youth, she often wrote short stories to entertain her friends. Those ideas evolved into the novels she creates today. Her husband continues to ensure her stories maintain a touch of realism as she delves into the science fiction and fantasy realm. Their three cats are always willing to stay up late to provide inspiration, whether it is a howl from the stray born in the backyard or an encouraging bite from the so called "calming kitten." You can find Nina on Goodreads, Facebook, Twitter and her blog

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    Book preview

    Fated Mate For A Vampire - Nina R. Schluntz

    Fated Mate

    for a


    Story 4




    Nina R Schluntz

    This is a work of fiction. The characters depicted in this story are completely fictitious, and any similarities to actual events, locations or people, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, in whole or in part, without written permission from the publisher, except for the brief quotations in reviews.

    Fates Mate for a Vampire: Rodney & Decardi (Story 4)

    Copyright © 2023 Nina R Schluntz

    All rights reserved

    Cover Artwork by John Molinero

    Fated Mate for a Vampire

    Story 4-Rodney & Decardi

    Prologue: Discovering Fated Mates










    CHAPTER 10

    CHAPTER 11

    CHAPTER 12

    CHAPTER 13

    CHAPTER 14

    CHAPTER 15

    CHAPTER 16

    CHAPTER 17

    CHAPTER 18

    CHAPTER 19

    CHAPTER 20

    CHAPTER 21

    CHAPTER 22

    CHAPTER 23

    CHAPTER 24

    CHAPTER 25

    CHAPTER 26

    Epilogue: Five Years Later



    Story 4-Rodney & Decardi

    Prologue: Discovering Fated Mates


    odney’s steps faltered as he walked down the alley. Vampires were supposed to be agile and sleuth, no, lith-luth-light?

    I’m so drunk I can’t… He stopped and put a hand to his forehead, the rest of the sentence escaping him. His companion stumbled into him, nearly toppling them both. Jodah was a turned vampire of someone low-blood, and he’d handled his alcohol even worse than Rodney had.

    You’re supposed to be my protector, and you’re drunker than me, Rodney said.

    You insisted upon it, my lord, Jodah managed to say, his words coming out with less of a slur than Rodney’s, though he now sat on the ground due to his stumble.

    Remind me why I thought this was a good idea? He pinched the bridge of his nose, a headache from the impending hangover already starting.

    Well, upon hearing your stepmother’s declaration of your forced marriage, it seemed prudent to go into the village and get smashed, Jodah said dutifully, bringing up the very topic Rodney wanted to forget.

    My stepmother’s declaration, Rodney corrected.

    The Queen’s declaration, Jodah said, wanting to have the last word. Rodney opted not to add more and instead inhaled the night air, smelling the other vampires and humans who were out at this hour. Somehow, they’d ended up in the more superstitious part of town. Shops filled with trinkets and wares to help with ailments that could never be cured. This was where the desperate citizens went, so Rodney figured it made sense they were here. He was desperate.

    Jodah struggled to get up. Not only was he drunk, but he was out of shape. When Rodney had taken him on as his personal guard, Jodah had happily indulged in the luxuries, including a diet that added to his girth.

    You know, if we knew who your fated mate is and you found them, you could get out of the marriage, Jodah said as if Rodney hadn’t thought of that a trillion times already.

    Vampires had once depended on suitable humans to be the bearer of their offspring. They were called Dairi and highly coveted. Now, vampires of pure blood, meaning they had been born and not turned, could get pregnant, but success rates were low unless it was with what people had come to call a fated mate.

    Rodney wasn’t a big fan of the idea of fated mates, any more than he was the arranged marriage his stepmother wanted. From what he understood of fated mates, a vampire didn’t get much choice in the matter. What if he hated his fated mate, but instinct made him desire them? The idea was enough to make him resent the idea of sex and mating completely.

    If the Queen would just get pregnant, he wouldn’t have to get married at all. But the kingdom needed an heir, and since she had yet to carry a child to term, it meant Rodney was the future ruler, and he needed to take a mate.

    Let’s just go in and ask. For the fun of it. Jodah pointed to a swinging sign near them that boasted of a fortuneteller who could help you find your fated mate.

    Nothing in this alley is real. It’s all tricks, Rodney said. Some vampires, again, the special-born ones, had supernatural abilities. But most were terrible at using them.

    Please, Jodah said, clinging to Rodney’s sleeve.

    Fine. They staggered together, both unable to walk a straight line, and honestly, leaning against each other only worsened the already spinning world. They burst through the entrance in a heap of drunken chuckles and curses.

    So sorry, Rodney said. He shoved Jodah away from him and stood straighter. Are you open? We’d like a reading.

    The store was exactly like Rodney would imagine a fortuneteller’s booth to be. He figured they all kept with the theme because it’s what the customers expected and wanted. The room was dark, with beads hung about, some incense burning in the corners, and a classic clear glass orb in the center of the table where the man sat. He had on bright colors and a completely smooth shaved head.

    Of course, Prince Rodney, please sit.

    He was recognized everywhere, which wasn’t a terrible thing. It meant all the beer they’d drank had been free. There were perks to being royalty. He plopped his lanky body on the chair across from the soothsayer, his knees bumping the table. He was still in that gangly stage of growing where he’d gotten tall but hadn’t filled in. Quite the opposite of Jodah, who was a full foot shorter than him but fifty pounds heavier.

    The soothsayer put his elbows on the table and held his hands palm up. Take my hands.

    Oh, this is exciting, Jodah said. I wish I could have a fated mate. But turned vampires didn’t have them, neither did humans.

    Rodney put his hands over the man’s, and the soothsayer rolled his eyes back in his head, turning them completely white. Rodney wondered if that was for show or if he truly needed to do that. The glass ball on the table was the same size as his bald head. Rodney watched swirls of sparkles dance in the hazy white fog inside the orb.

    Rodney stayed quiet as the soothsayer did his gambit.

    I see a man, he said. He is older than you.

    Jodah gave a whimper of excitement. Rodney was eighteen. Saying his fated mate was older than him wasn’t much of a stretch, more a given. The man part was unexpected. Wouldn’t his mate be more likely a woman? If he was making this up, saying a woman would be the safer response. But perhaps he’d heard that Rodney’s engagement was to a man, so he’d opted to keep with the theme. Rodney wasn’t just a born vampire. He’d had the rotten luck of being an omega, which meant he could get pregnant. There was no reason he couldn’t be with a woman and have her bear the children instead, but vampire omegas were rare, especially the male ones. So, the Queen had betrothed him to some high-ranking duke who wanted babies. Rodney didn’t prefer one gender over the other. He’d actually been attracted to no one, hence his contentment with a completely asexual life. The idea of being coveted for only his womb didn’t appeal to him. And omegas got pregnant easy, so he had good reason to avoid sexual encounters.

    The fortuneteller continued to rattle off vague details about Rodney’s fated mate that could have been any vampire on the street.

    I don’t suppose you could just tell us his name? Rodney said sarcastically.

    The Widow of Time, he said. Rodney ripped his hands from the soothsayer’s grasp as he spoke the name. His eyes rolled and returned to their normal state. He blinked a few times.

    The Widow of Time? Jodah repeated.

    Yes, he confirmed. I saw him very clearly. He looked at Rodney, his face completely serious. The Queen’s brother and your uncle is your fated mate.

    No. That isn’t-just-no. Rodney stood, toppling his chair as his mind swam with memories of his uncle. His currently banished uncle. This is all just for entertainment. It isn’t real.

    He left the store, knowing Jodah would toss a few coins at the soothsayer in the hopes he’d keep his prediction to himself.

    People said after you met your fated mate, no others appealed to you. Was that why Rodney didn’t care for anyone sexually? Because he’d already met his fated mate? He heard the crunch of steps as Jodah approached.

    You never speak of your uncle, Jodah said. But I’ve still heard of him. Everyone has.

    I haven’t seen him in six years, Rodney said. I was twelve when he was banished.

    Did you… like him?

    Rodney swiped a hand across his face. "I fucking adored him, but I was a kid, and he was the Widow of Time. Of course, I was fascinated with him. But I was a kid-a kid-it doesn’t mean anything."

    I don’t think anyone has ever described him as likeable, Jodah said. He’s known for destroying entire battlefields by himself. He was the Queen’s personal assassin. He’s why she sits on the throne. Do you think it could be true? Could he be your fated mate? I mean, he isn’t your blood relative. He’s your uncle by marriage, so it’s not incest or anything. Maybe, now that you’re an adult, if you saw him again, you’d be able to tell if he’s the one you’re meant to be with.

    You want to go and find my banished uncle? Tell him I’m about to get married, and I wanted to make sure he’s not my fated mate? That’s ludicrous.

    Well… it would be an adventure.

    My stepmother would never allow it.

    Guess we’ll have to run away then.

    You don’t understand my uncle. You’ve never met him.

    I understand he’s banished to a land that takes two weeks to reach by ship. So, you’ll have plenty of time to tell me all about him.

    We’re really doing this?

    I don’t see how we have a choice. I mean, if the rumors about him are even half true, imagine what he’ll do when he finds out his fated mate got married? It might start a war. We’re doing the kingdom a favor by seeking his blessing.

    Rodney couldn’t help but grin at Jodah’s chagrin.

    Before we fully commit, I should warn you I am slightly to blame for why he left. There was an incident a few days before he was banished, and despite what everyone says, I know it played a part.

    Oh, this tale sounds intriguing already.

    He’s likely to kill us when we arrive.

    It would be an honor to die by the Widow of Time’s hand.

    Rodney broke into laughter at this, perhaps still a bit drunk. They’d already started walking toward the harbor.

    Did you break his favorite sword?

    No. Rodney shook his head. I said unforgivable things to him as children often do. I was starting to… He paused as the realization struck him.

    What? Don’t leave me hanging like that.

    He is my fated mate, Rodney said. He remembered now what he’d felt. How confused he’d been when his first heat had come, another curse omegas suffered. He’d kept fantasizing about his uncle, and he’d been ashamed. He’d rejected the desires his body made him feel, because that man was his uncle and senior of many-many years. But when it came to fated mates, fate didn’t take into consideration age differences.

    I didn’t understand it, Rodney said, gritting his teeth. What I felt, it sickened me, so I screamed at him to never touch me again. I threatened to tell everyone he was a dirty child toucher if he ever came near me. That was the last time I saw him. My father said my uncle had been banished for disobeying the Queen. But I knew it was a lie. He left because of what I said.

    His stomach churned, and he sank to his knees, his bowels threatening to empty of the beer he’d consumed. Shortly after his uncle had left, Rodney’s heat cycles stopped. Like his body knew he’d fucked up. Even if he went through with the arranged marriage, he wasn’t sure he could get pregnant, despite what the doctors said. They’d assured him a dominant vampire could force him to go into heat, regardless of whether he had natural cycles.

    You were a kid, Jodah said. He had to know that and understand. I doubt he’ll hold it against you. Not after six years.

    You don’t know my uncle, Rodney repeated. He’s… not a forgiving type.


    Queen Myra


    ou look uncomfortable, bother," I said, glancing at Decardi as he entered. He wore more layers of robes than anyone else in the castle. And each one was black. They were so dense it hid his wings. I couldn’t recall the last time I’d seen his leathery wings, the physical symbol of our pure lineage to the original vampires. No turned vampire had wings, no matter how many generations of born vampire they might be. His face was solemn as always, and he gave me only the slightest of nods in recognition of my comment.

    My brother was the epitome of the brooding teenager, only he’d never grown out of it. I flared my own wings, using them as a cloak. As adults, we had lost the ability to use them for flight, but they were still nice to flash off for show. Having them was a sign of royalty, and I’d never understand why he hid his.

    We’re meeting my future husband and his son tonight. Do try to be nice to them, I said, wanting to reach out a reassuring hand to his shoulder but hesitating at the last moment. When we’d been children, we had been close, but now, I was starting to fear him as much as everyone else. I couldn’t recall the last time I’d seen someone touch him.

    The door to the room opened, and my suitor walked in, dressed in the finest robes his estate had, but they were nothing to the splendors of my empire. I was the ruler of all vampires, and I’d selected him out of a court of lords. Yes, he had a son, but that was a good insurance policy. I needed an heir, if I failed to produce one, I’d be overthrown. The royal bloodline had to continue, and vampires took it seriously. I had the throne instead of my brother, because though we were both dominant, he was an omega, and I was a dominant alpha. It put him a slight bit lower on the social pedestal. But, if he found a mate and had a child, especially a dominant vampire child that wasn’t an omega, my people would demand his offspring be their ruler.

    So, it was important my brother kept his place and did not take a mate or have a child. And if I wasn’t able to conceive, I’d give the throne to my stepson and make sure he married one of my cousins. The royal blood in their family would continue to rule, and my brother would stay off the throne.

    My brother was not suited to rule. I knew that and needed to avoid it all costs. He was a good dog that obeyed me, and he needed to keep his place.

    Lord Umbron, it’s great to see you again. I walked down the steps to meet him and saw the small child behind his legs. This must be the future Prince. I gave him a wave, and the boy moved to be completely out of my view.

    He’s never seen vampires with wings, Umbron said. He’ll get used to it. Rodney, say hello to your new mother. The man reached behind him and pulled the boy out. He was young, five, maybe, if I remembered correctly. He clung to his father possessively.

    It’s alright, I said, not wanting to upset the child. I needed to mold this kid to be the ruler I wanted. And one that would let me keep living in the castle. There’s a few things your father and I need to discuss before the royal wedding next week. How about you stay here and get to know your Uncle Decardi? With his wings hidden, he shouldn’t scare the kid, right?

    Lea, Umbron said. The woman next to him pulled the child away. Keep an eye on him. We’ll be back shortly. He turned to me. Lea is my Dairi wetnurse. She’s been feeding Rodney since he was born.

    And she’ll be welcome here, of course. I led him to the next room, glancing at my brother one last time and mouthing the word Behave.

    Widow of Time Decardi

    Behave. She spoke like I was a damn mutt. If she wanted a slave, she should just turn another human into a vampire, not strut me around like I was vampire she’d sired. I said nothing as she left. I was here, because it was proper for me to meet her future husband, regardless of how little time I’d actually spend with them.

    Something moved underfoot, and I looked down to see the short, black-haired boy standing only a few feet away. The Dairi human who cared for him hadn’t moved. She held one hand out and trembled a bit, too intimidated by my presence to move closer and snatch him back. Did Umbron actually think this Dairi could survive in the royal castle? Not a passive one like this, she’d spend half her time crying.

    What are you? the boy asked. He reached a hand out, and his grubby, probably filthy fingers, touched my cloak.

    He touched me. My own cousins couldn’t bear my dominance enough to come this close to me. Plus, when I paused myself in time, anyone within a three-foot radius had a headache afterward, not that he would know I could do that.

    You smell good, he said, and with that proclamation, he threw his arms wide and hugged me, burying his face into my robes. He nuzzled me like a puppy, and I nearly kicked him off like he was one.

    I-I’m so sorry, my lord, the Dairi said. He’s not usually like this with strangers.

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